White Moonlight Survival Record (Quick Transmigration)

Chapter 59: The senior at the end of the world15


In the past, Bai Yichen had never associated these two people together. After all, they were two completely different people with completely different appearances and personalities, and he had always avoided thinking about that person. However, after the unintentional association in the afternoon, Bai Yichen was surprised to find that although they were two completely different people, some of the things they did on a daily basis were highly similar. Even thinking about it carefully, their dietary preferences were somewhat similar, but because of the lack of supplies in this apocalyptic world, he did not realize this problem earlier.

However, Su Yuanhang is from another world, and this is a completely different world. Is it really possible that these two people are connected

Without giving it much thought, Bai Yichen knew how ridiculous this conjecture was, but he still couldn't help feeling a little uneasy.

In the past, Bai Yichen always felt that Lin Jiawen was very good to him, even too good, which made him feel a little unworthy. However, after associating Lin Jiawen with the person deep in his memory, Bai Yichen felt that something was wrong with him, because he found that many of the good things Lin Jiawen did to him were things that the person in the past would do to him if broken down carefully.

Including helping him take care of the flowers and plants, and doing everything to cater to his preferences.

Bai Yichen couldn't help but think of the crazy things that Su Yuanhang did to him in that world. He also thought about how he had been almost completely supported by Lin Jiawen in this house for the past five years and had never left once. Although he knew that if it weren't for Lin Jiawen, he would definitely not be alive today, but when he thought about what if Lin Jiawen was that person, he couldn't help but shudder.

In the end, Bai Yichen tossed and turned for a long time before falling asleep that night, and he seemed a little unrefreshed when he woke up the next day.

When Lin Jiawen saw Bai Yichen's listless look, he immediately became nervous. After repeatedly asking and confirming that Bai Yichen was not sick, Lin Jiawen breathed a sigh of relief and was completely relieved.

Medical resources in the apocalypse have always been scarce and contradictory. Although he is a supernatural being, he can only ensure that his special physique will not cause him to get sick. However, the physique of ordinary people in this apocalypse is as weak as before the apocalypse. They also have to deal with the more complex bacterial environment in the outside world, and there are no medical conditions at all. So every time Lin Jiawen saw Bai Yichen in a bad mood, he was particularly worried, because he knew that if Bai Yichen developed a serious illness, he would be unable to save him, and losing this person was something he could not bear.

At this time, Lin Jiawen couldn't help but recall what Gu Song said in front of the stronghold yesterday. The large survivor base is not only safe, but also has more abundant supplies.

Since supplies are more abundant, medical supplies and talents should also be more sufficient. After all, it is the gathering place of surviving humans. Once he gets there, he won’t have to worry so much about the slightest disturbance like he does now.

Lin Jiawen's heart, which had been struggling ever since he returned from the survivors' base, finally relaxed a little.

At the same time, the survivors' stronghold had just experienced the autumn harvest and was preparing to migrate before winter. Both the psychics and ordinary people in the stronghold had a rare moment of leisure.

Since there was no need to prepare for the next round of sowing, ordinary people in the base were either cooking food, doing their own chores, or thinking about what they could take away. The atmosphere was very relaxed.

This is a survivor base that is neither very small nor particularly large. There are only about 300 ordinary people including those with special powers. Except for a few people with special powers such as Gu Song, a small half of the ordinary people are related to these people with special powers. The rest are survivors who are there for rescue.

Maybe it's because of its small size, or maybe it's because so many ordinary people here are relatives or friends of people with special powers, so the atmosphere in this survivor base is also very harmonious. Although Gu Song and his companions enjoy all kinds of privileges of people with special powers, most of the time they don't act too high and mighty.

And now, Gu Song and a few others were sitting on the floor in the house, waiting for the food to be cooked and chatting about some topics.

Finally, the youngest Psychic couldn't help but speak up, "Brother Gu Song, do you think that guy will join us?"

Even though this young psychic only used that person's pseudonym, no one would mistake the person he was referring to. For a moment, everyone looked at Gu Song. Although they had all held back and not asked more questions before, this question was indeed what they were most concerned about. Would such a powerful psychic really join them

Gu Song received a look full of expectation, but did not answer immediately. Instead, he took a deep breath, pondered for a while, and then said in a deep voice: "It's possible, but the probability is no more than 50%."

"Why..." After hearing Gu Song's words, a group of people sighed in disappointment. Not more than 50%, isn't this a disguised way of saying that the other party has only a small chance of joining them? For those who are worried that they are too few in number and weak, and are afraid of being bullied when entering a large survivor base, it is understandable how disappointed they are.

Finally, the youngest and most eccentric mutant jumped out and said, "Why? He doesn't follow us. No one in City Z provides him with food. Is it interesting to live here alone?"

Although Gu Song knew everyone's expectations, he didn't want to give them unnecessary hope. After all, the greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment. It would be better to analyze the situation clearly for them now and let them look at this matter rationally. So he sighed, "Do you really think that a powerful psychic who can live alone in the depths of Z City and come and go freely by himself can't get food?"

Gu Song's words silenced everyone for a moment.

Gu Song continued, "That's right. After we left, City Z had no more food to produce. However, City Z had abundant supplies needed by other survivor bases. For a powerful psychic who could come and go freely in City Z, it would be easy for him to get those supplies. For a powerful psychic like Mr. Lin, it would only take about two days to go back and forth with these supplies to the nearest survivor base. So after we left, it would only be a little troublesome for him to exchange food."

Taking a deep breath, Gu Song continued, "And the reason why I judged that the probability of him joining the survivor base is less than 50% is because of Mr. Lin's solitary personality. Do you remember what happened to Mr. Lin in the past?"

The people who were listening attentively recalled the rumors about Mr. Lin as soon as Gu Song mentioned it. Although Mr. Lin had only come into contact with their base in recent years, they had heard about his deeds a long time ago. Strictly speaking, Mr. Lin was not a cold-blooded and ruthless supernatural person. He had saved many ordinary people besieged by zombies over the years, but his personality was very independent. Although he saved those ordinary people, he never took them in and protected them. The most he did was to take them to the vicinity of the survivors' base in City Z and then let them fend for themselves.

Like the survivor base, not all survivor strongholds are as peaceful as theirs. Some of the strongholds' superpower builders are not good people at all. They exploit ordinary people in the stronghold. Some of the people rescued by Mr. Lin originally escaped from the stronghold. Such people naturally would not be willing to return to the stronghold. Not to mention that the stronghold is not absolutely safe. Some weak survivor strongholds can't escape the fate of being wiped out by zombies if they are not careful. Therefore, in the end times, the most practical rule of survival is to follow a powerful superpower. The more powerful the superpower you follow, the safer you will be.

With such a consensus, naturally many of the rescued people begged Mr. Lin to take them in, and most of the psychics would not refuse such things, because the relationship between psychics and ordinary people is mutually beneficial. They provide protection to ordinary people and also receive rewards from ordinary people. Some psychics who are not strong enough will even exaggerate their own strength and then recruit more ordinary people. Relying on the hard work of these ordinary people, they live a life like an emperor. Or, putting it another way, when the zombies really break through the defense line, with these ordinary people acting as meat shields, the psychics will have a better chance of escaping, right

However, faced with these followers who came to him on their own initiative, Mr. Lin remained unmoved from beginning to end and rejected them all. What was even more unexpected was that some people who were unwilling to give up secretly followed Mr. Lin after being rejected, but what was the result? Such courage and persistence did not move Mr. Lin. Even when the ordinary people who insisted on following encountered zombies again and were in danger and called for help, Mr. Lin did not help them at all. Instead, he stood aside and watched coldly, watching the people who were following being torn to pieces by zombies. After this incident spread, everyone knew that Mr. Lin was really hard-hearted and lonely, and no one dared to have any ideas anymore.

Since then, Mr. Lin's solitary nature has become a symbol of the other party.

Precisely because he knew these things and knew that the mark of a loner was engraved in the other party's bones, Gu Song had such low expectations that Mr. Lin would join the survivor base. After all, he was such a loner. Although he would have to spend a lot of time every month going to the survivor base to exchange food after they left, compared with this little trouble, perhaps letting him live with so many people would be a bigger trouble.

While Gu Song's analysis was unanimously recognized by the people in the survivors' base, on the other side, Lin Jiawen was still in deep struggle.

Thinking about the survivors' base, Lin Jiawen couldn't help but look up at the man in front of him. He was still so handsome and charming. For five years, he was like a treasure that he had secretly hidden, covered tightly with a cloth, and only watched him carefully and greedily every day. If possible, he wanted to hide this person for a lifetime and not let anyone see his light.

It would be even better if all the survivors' strongholds in City Z moved away, so that everyone would be far away from the treasure that belonged to him alone. Although it would be much more troublesome for him to exchange for food, he was not afraid of hard work. He did not care about the extra distance he had to run every month. As long as he could enjoy the treasure that belonged to him alone, he would be happy to do it no matter how much hard work it took.

However, every time these extreme thoughts popped up in his mind, a voice deep in his consciousness told him that he couldn't do this, and if he did, he would regret it...

Although Lin Jiawen himself didn't know why he had such concerns, he firmly believed in the voice that contained a warning. It was precisely because of this that he never implemented the truest thoughts in his heart.

After forcibly suppressing his inner possessiveness, he regained his rationality and found that forcibly staying in City Z was indeed a very irrational idea. Whether to go to the survivor base or not, he could not just consider himself.

For him, not going to the survivor base would just mean more hard work and more walking, but for the people he loved, doing so would undoubtedly put them in danger.

Not to mention other things, just say that the physique of ordinary people is so fragile that any accident may happen. When there was a survivor base in City Z before, although there were not many people, there were still one or two people who were originally doctors. If something really happened, they could still find people to help. But now everyone has gone to the survivor base. Think about the distance to the nearest base from here. Even at his speed, it will take nearly two days to go back and forth. And now it has been five years since the beginning of the end of the world, and there is no way to find any means of transportation with fuel.

With two days to spare, would he let the person he loved stay here alone with her sick body waiting for him to come back, or would he carry the sick and weak person and expose them to the harsh environment of the outside world, and travel all the way to the survivor base thousands of miles away

Or maybe he could prepare in advance, just like those psychics who have gathered countless followers, and hire someone to take over his duties when needed, take care of his loved ones for him, and invade this space that belongs to them alone.

No matter which option it was, Lin Jiawen felt unacceptable after thinking about it carefully.

So in the end, after much thought, Lin Jiawen found that no matter from which perspective, his choice to move to the survivor base together with the survivor stronghold seemed to be the best option.

Because moving to the survivor base solves more than just this one problem. Being in a resource concentration area can bring convenience and enjoyment in all aspects. This is why everyone gathered in big cities before the end of the world.

And he wants to give the best to the one he loves.

Thinking of this, Lin Jiawen finally made up his mind.

Bai Yichen was also surprised after hearing what Lin Jiawen said to him. He didn't expect the outside world to change so much. Now even the last survivor base in his city had to move away.

Lin Jiawen not only told Bai Yichen about this matter, but also analyzed the various reasons for wanting to move to the survivor base. After hearing the reasons, Bai Yichen naturally had no objection. Although he had always been resistant to the survivor base where ordinary people were treated extremely poorly, Bai Yichen had already made this mental preparation a long time ago after discovering that the food began to deteriorate. Not to mention that most of the reasons why Lin Jiawen decided to go to the survivor base were for his own consideration.

After the two decided to leave, because the stronghold said they had to leave before winter, and it was already late autumn and getting colder day by day, they began to pack up the things they wanted to take away little by little.

As Bai Yichen was tidying up, he suddenly thought of something and couldn't help but smile with relief. He thought to himself that he had overthought before and actually suspected that Lin Jiawen was similar to that man.

It should be said that once bitten by a snake, one will be afraid of ropes for ten years. However, although these two people have some habits and coincidences, it now seems that it is absolutely impossible that they are the same person. Because with that person's paranoid personality, if he encounters such a situation, he will definitely not take the initiative to propose to move to the survivor base. What he is more likely to do is to imprison himself here forever.

Lin Jiawen would never know that his efforts to restrain the strongest thoughts deep in his heart actually allowed him to escape a disaster by accident.

After deciding to leave, Bai Yichen packed his things quickly and finished in just a few days. Although this was originally Ling Mengchen's home and they had lived here for five years, there were indeed a lot of things here. However, thinking of the inconvenience of traveling and the lack of transportation, Bai Yichen finally made a choice and only picked up the things he really needed and packed them in a suitcase.

However, when Lin Jiawen saw that Bai Yichen only brought so few things in the end, he directly said that he could pick out whatever he liked, and he could come back to get them later if he couldn't take them all at once.

Bai Yichen knew that Lin Jiawen's words about coming back to get it later would also require manpower to carry it. Although he knew that the psychics were physically strong, he didn't want to go through so much trouble. In the end, he just shook his head and said, "No need. These are enough."

When Lin Jiawen heard this rejection, he couldn't help but feel warm and sweet in his heart. He knew that the other party was worried about him, and couldn't help but secretly think that after he settled down in the survivor base, he would find time to come back a few times and move all the books over there.

So the two of them packed their luggage, picked a sunny day, and set off.

At the same time, over at the survivors' stronghold, both ordinary people and those with special abilities had almost finished cleaning up. After all, after the autumn harvest, they had nothing else to do except this.

In fact, they could have left after packing up, but for some reason, all of them waited until winter to set off.

However, although they always held on to a glimmer of hope in their hearts, after Gu Song's analysis that day, everyone knew that the hope of waiting for that powerful psychic to join was very slim, so their expressions were not as excited and eager.

As time went by, their originally slim hope became smaller and smaller. After so many days, there was still no sound. It seemed that things were just as Gu Song had analyzed. That powerful psychic might not come at all. Well, there was no such thing as a pie in the sky in the world.

Because of this incident, everyone in the survivor base has been in a low mood for a while. After all, in this apocalypse, strength is everything. It doesn't mean that you can live a good life just by going to the survivor base. If you don't have strength, you will only be bullied if you go to the survivor base. Obviously, before they decided to merge into the survivor base, they also went to find out the situation inside.

Just when almost everyone had become discouraged about the powerful psychic joining them, and just because they were unwilling to give up, they still had to wait until winter. One day, a guard who was originally listless around the observation point on the high-rise building suddenly raised his head and said, "Something's going on!"

The people in the stronghold were immediately alarmed, and several psychics including Gu Song rushed over as soon as possible. Gu Song and his psychics could see more clearly than the guards due to their excellent eyesight. Almost at the first glance, they showed disbelief and ecstasy in their eyes. Wasn't that Mr. Lin!

What made their hearts pound even more was that Mr. Lin did not come empty-handed. He was holding a suitcase in one hand. What did the fact that he came with a suitcase indicate? It was self-evident.

But, has Mr. Lin gained a lot of weight? He didn’t seem to be in this shape before

When the other party arrived in front of the base at a much slower speed than usual, several psychics found that the other party was not fat, but was holding something in his arms. However, that thing was wrapped in black from top to bottom and half-hidden by Mr. Lin's black windbreaker. From a distance, it looked like he had gained weight.

However, what they had been thinking about day and night finally came true. Gu Song and his companions were so ecstatic that they did not bother to think carefully and instead went to greet him enthusiastically. However, what they did not expect was that Mr. Lin, who entered the stronghold, did not respond to their enthusiasm but first gently put the thing in his arms on the ground. It was not until this time that they realized that the thing that Mr. Lin had been carrying all the way and half-covered by his windbreaker was not a thing but a person.

This fact was undoubtedly more shocking than seeing Mr. Lin willing to join them. After all, everyone knew how solitary Mr. Lin was. He was even so annoying that he would watch his followers who wanted to harass him die.

But Mr. Lin, such a lonely person, actually brought someone here today. Did they see it right

But the facts told him that they were not wrong. Mr. Lin, who was always aloof in their impression, seemed to have become a different person. He looked at the person he put down with a gentle expression, and said in a soft voice as if he was afraid of scaring something, "Meng Chen, we are here. Are you cold?"

The man wrapped in a black hooded cloak shook his head.

Everyone in the stronghold looked at the scene in front of them in a daze. Just as they were wondering in their minds, who am I? Where am I? This must be a fake Mr. Lin.

The man in the black hooded cape, probably because of the shaking of his head, the hood on his head slipped down, revealing his smooth and refreshing black hair. Then, he turned around and greeted them with a smile: "Hello."

There was silence at the scene and no one responded because everyone was stunned by that handsome and charming face.

The author has something to say: This is the longest break in this book, I'm covering my face, but fortunately this chapter is long enough~