White Moonlight Survival Record (Quick Transmigration)

Chapter 82: A 05 transformed into O


"Yeah, you also think he is too much, right? He actually took a video like this and uploaded it casually. He has no sincerity at all. I really don't understand this alpha. If he doesn't want to participate in the match, he shouldn't sign up. If he participates, he should take it seriously. This is really disrespectful. No omega will choose him!" Neil's little mouth continued to talk, not noticing that his good friend didn't agree with him at all.

However, although Colin did not agree with Neil's words in his heart, and even wanted to refute him, he did not say those words out of some intuition. It was as if it was an innate instinct. He did not want this alpha to attract the attention of any omega, not even Neil.

After that, Colin pretended to distract Neil with other topics unintentionally and chatted with Neil for a while until Neil skipped away.

That night, after Neil left, Colin almost didn't sleep all night. He found the alpha's video on Starnet, and then turned on the video projection all night, playing the five-minute self-introduction video over and over again. In the stereo surround sound in the room, Colin let himself immerse in the man's slightly cool and low voice, and his eyes never left the man without blinking, as if he could see the end of the world as long as he looked at this person.

Colin unconsciously put his hand on his heart. Boom, boom, boom, it was still beating. Every beat seemed to be shouting, want, want him!

He looked at the man in the projection and thought, it turns out that love at first sight really does exist in this world.

It seemed as if in just a moment, Colin's original resistance to the Empire's marriage matching system and his dissatisfaction with the fact that omegas must be forced into marriage after they reach adulthood, all disappeared. If it was this alpha... Colin's eyes were misty, and even his breathing seemed to become a little deeper.

In the blink of an eye, two days had passed. This day was also a big day in the Empire that was open to the whole network. Because on this day, all the omegas of marriageable age who participated in the marriage matching would choose five alphas they liked and go on a formal date with them. The alpha who was finally chosen by the omega after the date could become a legal partner with the omega and become an alpha that everyone envied, with his own omega partner.

The process of all eligible omegas choosing alphas will be completed today, and the dating process between omegas and alphas will be spread over three days due to time constraints. During this time of year, the focus of the Star Network is almost always here. After all, who wouldn't want to see the beautiful and lovely omegas dating the outstanding alphas? It's like a perfect idol drama scene, and it's real without a script. In addition, due to the rarity and uniqueness of omegas, people rarely see omegas in public on weekdays. Therefore, this is almost a once-a-year opportunity to see the most omegas, and few people will let it go.

Of course, for many alphas who didn’t make it into the top 1,000, it would be too cruel to watch those winners dating the cute omegas. However, every year’s Star Network live broadcast does not miss any alpha, because making it into the top 1,000 does not mean the final victory. Every year, the marriage matching system selects 1,000 alphas based on merit, but there are only about 200 omegas of marriageable age every year on average. Therefore, even if you make it into the top 1,000, there are still too many people and too little meat. There are only about 200 final winners at most, and others will still be squeezed out if they are not careful.

So the reason why these alphas came to be tortured so seriously was actually to learn from experience. They wanted to know what made those two hundred people stand out among the thousand alphas and finally be chosen by the omegas. Of course, it would be even better if they could learn a trick. After all, although they failed this year, they can sign up for marriage matching every three years. Maybe after a few years of hard work and with strong capital, they will squeeze into the top thousand. At that time, the tricks and skills accumulated every year can come in handy to defeat the competitors around them and become the final winner.

Just like that, as everyone was looking forward to it, the time to announce the alpha chosen by the omegas finally arrived. In order to ensure fairness and justice, as well as the consistent transparency of the marriage matching system, the entire process of all omegas choosing alphas was broadcast live.

In a beautifully decorated hall, all the omegas participating in this marriage matching gathered here, and in front of them were many operating tables. Eventually, these omegas would step forward one by one, and under the attention of the entire star network, they would select five alphas of their choice from among a thousand alphas.

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Compared to those nervous alphas, the omegas present were much more relaxed. After all, they were the ones who chose the people to date, not the ones who were chosen. And it was okay if they didn’t pick the one they liked. After all, they had three chances to reject everyone. At worst, they could just pick again next year. So instead of focusing on those a’s, more omegas actually focused on their peers around them. After all, today was a special day, and many omegas came in their best clothes. They didn’t want to be outdone by the omegas around them.

Like A, the popularity of omega also varies. Omega with good looks and good appearance will naturally get more attention. Among this group of omegas competing for beauty, there is an omega with the aura that is undoubtedly the best. He is a male omega wearing gorgeous clothes, with long brown curly hair combed behind his back, delicate and cold eyebrows, and a hint of arrogance. He is one of the most handsome omegas of this session, Muir, who is known as the Omega Twin Stars.

Since they are called binary stars, there must be another star that runs parallel to them. Now Muir looked around among the omegas around him, but couldn't find the one he was looking for. He couldn't help but frowned slightly, "Where's Colin?"

Another omega nearby immediately replied, "He hasn't come in yet. I guess he doesn't care. Didn't I hear someone say that he made a statement at the Omega Leisure Club before? This time he is going to reject all A's. I really don't know what he is thinking. If this is the case, this is the second time he has done this this year."

When Muir heard this, he couldn't help but snorted, "Humph, just pretending."

Just as they were talking, there was a sudden commotion at the entrance of the hall. The two subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound, and then they were stunned the next moment. Was that... Colin

It’s not that they haven’t seen Colin before. In fact, as both are omega twins, Muir has always regarded Colin as his biggest competitor, but he has never seen Colin dressed so... well.

The elegantly tailored little dress she wore perfectly brought out her slender figure. A few strands of soft and shiny black hair gently hung down in front of her forehead, vaguely covering her delicate eyebrows and smooth forehead. Below were the rare pure black eyes among omegas, and raven-feather-like eyelashes. As they trembled slightly, an ethereal and quiet breath came over her, which could make all alphas' hearts beat.

After Muir saw Colin's outfit, his face turned a little ugly. He always knew that Colin was very good-looking and had a special temperament that made it impossible for others to ignore him. However, he never thought that Colin would look like this when he dressed up seriously. He simply interpreted the word beauty to the extreme.

But what does this matter? He had clearly said before that he didn't care about this match at all and didn't want to choose Alpha in this match. But today he dressed up like this to show off. Should we say that he has always hated this guy and is not wrong at all

Under the gazes of the omegas, Colin walked in from the entrance. Then, without any intention of talking to anyone, he found a corner with few people and stood there, just as he had done before.

But this time, the omegas could no longer ignore him as they did before because of his completely different dressing style. Although they seemed to be talking to each other, their eyes would always glance at the person in the corner.

Muir looked away and said with disdain, "Humph, I said he was just pretending. Two days ago he said he wasn't going to choose Alpha in this match, but today he dressed up like this to show off."

"Yes, yes, you are right, Muir. I didn't expect Colin to be such a double-faced person." The omegas around him couldn't help but echo Muir because they thought of what Colin had said in the club before.

Although Muir showed a somewhat arrogant smile because everyone around him agreed with him that Colin was a scheming bitch, he didn't know why he always felt like he had overlooked something.

But that neglected point is like ethereal smoke that cannot be grasped.

Just as Muir frowned slightly because of this feeling, the process of omega choosing alpha officially began.

The process of omega selecting alpha is carried out on the operating table in front. The order is randomly selected by the system. The omega whose name is called must walk to the operating table and select the five alphas chosen by him. The final result of the omega's selection will be displayed on the big screen in the hall and made public on the entire network.

The imperial authorities chose this method in order to expose the entire process of omega selection of alpha to the public, showing that there is no shady dealings involved and that all alphas are selected by the omegas themselves.

One by one, the omegas walked forward as the system called out their names, and then selected their five favorite alphas on the operating table. In addition to the prominent display of the five alphas' portraits on the large screen in the hall, the right side of the screen also focused on interactively scrolling through the real-time comments on the Star Network. Even though the screen was large enough and could accommodate a large number of comments, the comments were still scrolling down so quickly that it was dazzling.

Just as Muir was distracted by the rapidly scrolling comments because he seemed to have overlooked something, he suddenly heard a familiar name - Colin.

Muir immediately raised his head and looked over there. In Muir's sight, Colin walked forward with a calm and indifferent expression as usual, and then selected five alphas on the operating table without haste. Everything seemed to be normal. Even those five alphas, just as Colin had said before, were obviously randomly selected without any care at all. Not only was the overall level very average, but there was also an alpha that was severely criticized this year.

When Muir was staring at Colin, Colin, who had walked back to his seat, seemed to sense something and looked up in Muir's direction. Their eyes met for a brief second, and then Colin continued to stand safely in his corner, as if the gaze just now was just an unintentional glance.

But Muir trembled all over because of that moment just now, as if he had broken through some fog and finally found the loophole he had forgotten. He thought of it, he finally thought of the thing he had overlooked!

Colin didn't take this match as lightly as he acted!

Yes, how could he forget? Although he hated Colin's attitude the most, he always seemed to be indifferent to everything and never fought for anything, but others would still give him the best. However, he had to admit that Colin was indeed a very low-key person who seldom showed off. But why would such a low-key Colin, break his usual habit and dress up so elaborately today

Before, he was also confused by Colin's indifferent look, but when he thought about it carefully, he found that there were many things wrong.

The most strange thing was that Colin actually looked up at him!

You know, over the years, no matter how fierce the open and secret struggles among these omegas were, Colin seemed to be aloof and never noticed it. But this time, Colin actually noticed his gaze and even raised his head to look at him. What does this mean

Muir almost couldn't help wanting to laugh out loud, which showed that he was paying attention to the people around him, which showed that he was nervous!

So why should he pay attention to the people around him and why should he be nervous

Muir couldn't help but make a bold guess. Is it possible that in this match, there is actually an alpha that Colin cares about

In this way, everything can be explained, why Colin dressed so carefully this time, contrary to his usual behavior, and why Colin was alert and cared about the gazes of other omegas.

If you think about it this way, Colin really cares about that alpha. Not only does he dress up specially for him, but he also tries hard to hide it from others. This is really a rare thing for Colin, who has always cared about nothing and never fought for anything.

But what if the alpha that Colin cared so much about was snatched away by other omegas? Thinking of this possibility, Muir couldn't help but narrow his eyes and felt a little interested.

He really wanted to see this kind of result. If that was the case, Colin would be completely defeated by him this time. He didn't know if Colin could still put on the same expression as before, not fighting for anything and not caring about anything.

With all kinds of thoughts running through his mind, Muir quickly made a decision. At this time, the system just called out his name. Muir took a deep breath, walked to the operating table, and looked thoughtful. So, who is that alpha? When Colin chose the alpha before, he checked the five alphas carefully again. He knew in his heart that only one of the five was the alpha that Colin cared about, and the other four were just a decoy. So what he had to do now was to pick out the most likely alpha.

Muir was deep in thought, and first entered the name of the alpha with the best comprehensive conditions among the five alphas selected by Colin on the operating table. In his mind, this was the most likely one, but he still felt a little unsafe after thinking about it. Muir then entered an alpha who worked at the Imperial Research Institute, and another alpha who was a senior physician. One of these alphas was gentle and knowledgeable, while the other was very caring and graceful. In Muir's speculation, there was a possibility that Colin would like this kind of alpha.

As for the last two alphas, Muir looked at them and still felt that they were most likely to cause confusion. One of these two alphas was ordinary in every aspect and looked unremarkable. He was probably ranked last among a thousand alphas. The other one was even more so. He was an alpha that had been attacked over and over again recently, both on the Star Network and in the mouths of their omegas. No matter how good Colin was, he should not be able to fall in love with this kind of alpha. This alpha must have been deliberately put in by Colin to confuse people, wanting them to think that he really did not take this marriage match seriously. He was really cunning.

After determining that these two alphas could not be the real ones, Muir did not waste his quota to select them. Instead, he picked two with the best comprehensive conditions from the five alphas he had already prepared to choose. After all, he could not let his previous homework go to waste.

Looking at the final list, Muir, who thought he had it all figured out, reached out and pressed the upload button, a smug look in his eyes.

The author has something to say: The next chapter will be a date~~rubbing hands~~