White Moonlight Survival Record (Quick Transmigration)

Chapter 87: A 10 transformed into O


What? He's getting married already?!

It would not be an exaggeration to say that this news was a bolt from the blue for Bai Yichen. The word marriage had never been considered in his life. However, such an unfamiliar word suddenly hit him on the head without any warning, and he was forced to get married.

Bai Yichen read the message over and over again in disbelief, and then checked the final result of this marriage match on Starnet. When he saw that he was indeed on the list of the final result of this marriage match, he sat down on the chair with weakness. But why did they register for marriage directly after the marriage match result came out? How could marriage be treated so lightly? Didn't he need to sign and agree to register for marriage? Didn't the imperial officials consider that there would be alphas who disagreed with marrying the omega who chose him

Bai Yichen did not give up and searched the Star Network again. When he found all the results, he was completely discouraged. It turned out that this was already noted on the application form that the alpha applied for marriage matching. It can be said that the application form is both an application form for marriage matching and an authorization for marriage registration. As for what Bai Yichen was considering, whether there would be alphas who did not like the omegas who chose him, for this kind of thing, the search results showed that with omegas becoming increasingly scarce today, it is good to have the opportunity to marry an omega. If you still want to choose the omega you like, you are simply daydreaming, and if the omega you like really likes you, then he will naturally choose you. As for being chosen by an omega in the end and you don’t want to get married, then why did you apply for marriage matching before? This is simply disrupting social order and undermining social fairness. It is a morally corrupt and bad behavior. You can easily be sentenced to decades of imprisonment.

In short, after seeing this series of extremely severe punishments, Bai Yichen completely gave up the idea of protesting.

So, what about divorce

With this thought in mind, Bai Yichen checked again, but the result still made him despair. In the AO marriage in this world, only the omega can file for divorce, and the alpha cannot abandon the omega. Wanting to casually abandon the weak omega who is married to you is a criminal act!

That night, Bai Yichen felt extremely confused and could only reach out and grab his hair in pain. If he had known this would happen, he should have applied to withdraw from the marriage match at the very beginning. Although the consequences of being included in the credit blacklist are also very serious, they are nothing compared to this!

At this time, Bai Yichen deeply regretted not stopping the loss in time.

That night, Bai Yichen almost stayed awake all night because of this incident. He did not expect that so many difficult things would happen in this world. They happened one after another without leaving him any room to breathe. His own physical problems had not been solved yet, and now he had a legal partner.

Just like that, Bai Yichen tossed and turned until dawn. Thinking about the message yesterday that people from the Omega Protection Association would come today, Bai Yichen got up early and tried to get himself tidy. However, after a sleepless night and the big trouble he was about to face, Bai Yichen looked even more haggard.

Just like that, after Bai Yichen had finished his breakfast and waited for a while, the doorbell rang as expected. Bai Yichen went straight to open the door and saw several people in Omega Protection Association uniforms outside the door. However, what he didn't expect was that behind these people from the Omega Protection Association, he saw an unexpected figure.

The black-haired and black-eyed omega looked at him and a beautiful smile appeared on his face.

Facing the omega's gaze, Bai Yichen subconsciously frowned and avoided it. He took two steps back to let the group of people outside the door come in.

It was indeed routine for this group of people from the Omega Protection Association to come to Bai Yichen's place, but Colin's arrival was not a routine. Instead, he took the initiative to ask to come along. The normal procedure should be that the people from the Omega Protection Association come to the alpha first, and explain various things and assessment requirements like a mother-in-law, and after confirming that the alpha understands and is qualified, they will take the alpha to the omega's residence to meet their future omega.

So this time when Colin took the initiative to ask to come along, not only Bai Yichen felt surprised, but even the people from the Omega Protection Association felt uncomfortable.

The Omega Protection Association is an official organization that takes protecting the rights of omegas as its own responsibility. They are friendly to omegas and will rush forward without hesitation when seeing any incident that may endanger omegas. They are a group of people with super combat effectiveness. There has been a saying on the Starnet that it is better to offend the Imperial Army than to offend the Omega Protection Association. This shows the combat effectiveness of this group of people.

One of the major tasks of the Omega Protection Association every year is to organize and coordinate various matters related to marriage matching. From the initial stage of matching to the final life arrangement of the alpha and omega after marriage, their shadows can be seen everywhere. This group of people treats omegas kindly, but it does not mean that they are also kind to alphas. Especially when they provide marriage guidance to those alphas who are lucky enough to get the opportunity to register for marriage with omegas every year, it is simply the peak of their harshness.

After all, they were about to hand over a beautiful and delicate omega to this alpha, so how could they not give him some training? So every year when they took the alphas who had received marriage guidance to the omega, these alphas were carefully trained.

But this time, because the rare omega took the initiative to ask to go with them to the alpha, the people from the Omega Protection Association were completely at a loss, because in front of Colin, they didn't know whether they should continue to make things difficult for them. Although they said that this was for the good of the omegas, this alpha was the person Colin was registering to marry, and Colin seemed to like him very much, otherwise he would not have directly asked to come with them. You know, this process is considered a semi-open secret, but most of the omegas are in a state of acquiescence and rarely intervene. After all, this kind of thing is also good for the omegas themselves.

Because of their inner struggles, the people from the Omega Protection Association seemed a little silent. However, after sitting in the living room for a while, they decided to get down to business.

In fact, their task is simple, which is to reiterate to the alpha the weakness of the omega. The alpha must not do anything to harm the omega, otherwise he will face serious accusations. They will also regularly visit the omega's life after marriage, as well as the quality of life and security that the alpha should provide for the omega. They even include inspecting whether the alpha's living place is qualified and whether it can provide a comfortable environment for the omega.

Of course, alphas are almost all elites, and those alphas who can stand out from the elites and gain the favor of omegas every year are the best among them. Their living conditions and material security are not bad. The focus of the Omega Protection Association is not on anything else, but on the word "making things difficult".

In general, in this marriage guidance, their attitude towards Bai Yichen was already many times gentler than when they were dealing with other people without omegas, but due to procedures and habits, they could still find various unqualified things in this alpha's residence. But it was obvious that the tricks they used in the past were not very effective today.

For example, when someone from the Omega Protection Association looked around with a frown on his face, he said, "Mr. Bai Angus, the color scheme of your house is a bit too cold and hard. Such a dark and dull color can easily make an omega feel depressed."

A soft voice came from the side, "I like this simple design very much. It doesn't make me feel depressed."

"… "

The people from the Omega Protection Association looked at Colin who had spoken and fell silent.

For example, "Mr. Bai Angus, you don't have many omega supplies here. How can this be allowed? It will be inconvenient for the omegas."

"It's okay. I've packed up all the things I'm used to, and someone will deliver them today."

"… "

Just like that, every time the people from the Omega Protection Association found a breakthrough and made a move, the people they wanted to make things difficult for were perfectly blocked by Colin before they even opened their mouths. After several times, the people from the Omega Protection Association were almost crying.

They said that they had never suffered such grievances in marriage guidance, but every time the Omega Protection Association wanted to make things difficult for the alpha, the omega would not like it and would be dissatisfied. But when the omega sat in front of them and said personally that there was no problem, they naturally had no room to maneuver.

Finally, realizing that with Colin's protection, they were doomed to fail the alpha, so they accepted their fate, and after explaining everything that needed to be explained, they all said goodbye.

Naturally, no one would try to stop the Omega Protection Association from leaving. Although Bai Yichen was able to fend off all their questions because of Colin's presence, he was still relieved that this group of people who had always looked at him with a critical eye were finally leaving.

Bai Yichen stood up and personally escorted the people from the Omega Protection Association out the door. After closing the door, Bai Yichen finally relaxed a little. Unexpectedly, when he turned around, he met a pair of clear black eyes looking at him. The omega asked with concern, "They didn't scare you just now, did they?"

The author has something to say: The first day of crazy paying, hhh

Thank you little angels for irrigating me with nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: Desperate Dog 43 bottles, Yingyingying 10 bottles, allthat 10 bottles, 20387342 5 bottles, Moer 5 bottles, Yeyu Shengge 5 bottles, Shengsheng 4 bottles, Suye Nan'an 2 bottles, Shanmu Nanfeng 2 bottles, Xiaoke'er 1 bottle, Xiaoye 1 bottle

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! ^_^