White Moonlight Survival Record (Quick Transmigration)

Chapter 88: A 11 transformed into O


Bai Yichen didn't know when Colin got so close, so he subconsciously took a half step back, his back pressed against the door. Then he realized that an alpha shouldn't treat an omega like this, so he stood up straight, nodded to Colin, and said, "Thank you for just now."

But in action, Bai Yichen calmly distanced himself from Colin and walked back to the hall.

Colin watched the alpha who was so close to him just now walk away. He couldn't help but feel a little lost, but he immediately followed him and said with a smile on his face: "It's nothing. After all, I also think that they are a bit too much."

Bai Yichen was silent for a while, because he really didn't know what to say to Colin. Finally, he stood up and said, "I'll go arrange a room for you."

When Colin heard Bai Yichen was going to arrange a separate room for him, he subconsciously wanted to say that there was no need to make special arrangements, and he was willing to live in the same room with him. However, seeing Bai Yichen walking upstairs without looking back, Colin opened his mouth in a tangled way, but in the end he didn't say anything, because he also noticed that the alpha he liked was a little cold to him, and he didn't want to be too clingy and annoying.

In this way, Bai Yichen arranged a room for Colin that was farthest from his bedroom. However, even so, Bai Yichen was still a little worried when he thought of the testing instruments in his room. He decided to move those things to the basement when Colin was not around.

However, apart from arranging the room far away, Bai Yichen was very conscientious in other aspects. This room not only had good lighting, but also many of the furnishings he felt were missing were immediately ordered. The living environment provided to the omega must be comfortable, which was what the people from the Omega Protection Association had repeatedly stated. Although Bai Yichen didn't know what this omega saw in him and why he chose him, since they had already registered their marriage, he was not the kind of scum who would deliberately abuse his legal partner. Even if he did have the idea of making this omega give up and file for divorce in the future, it would definitely not be achieved through this means.

Colin watched his beloved alpha busying around for him, and his heart was filled with a sweet feeling of happiness. He stared at the busy figure in front of him and thought to himself, I'm married, and from now on this alpha will really belong to me forever.

Because of this thought, Colin looked at Bai Yichen with affectionate eyes again, and then he became a little bolder. He took the initiative to step forward, took up the quilt that Bai Yichen was tidying up, and said, "Let's do it together."

Bai Yichen paused for a moment, because he thought that after being rejected, this omega would have nothing to do in an unfamiliar environment and might become even more uncomfortable, so he nodded slightly, "Yeah."

However, Bai Yichen obviously misjudged Colin's feelings. Did Colin feel uncomfortable? Not at all. On the contrary, when he heard the alpha in front of him say "hmm" with a little ending, his fingertips felt numb. In the bedroom, watching the abstinent alpha lowering his eyes and tidying up the snow-white sheets, his throat tightened inexplicably, and he almost wanted to push him down on the bed. At this moment, Colin suddenly regretted that he had been reserved at the time and did not insist on living in the same room.

The day passed just like that, and the most hotly discussed topic on the Star Internet today was how the Omega Protection Association tortured those lucky newlywed alphas.

It's not only the spectators who want to enjoy this excitement, but also the alphas who are being tormented have a practical need for it. After all, they have been facing the disdainful and critical gazes of the Omega Protection Association for a whole day and have been tormented enough. But they can't tell the people around them about this grievance, and they can't even mention it to their newlywed omega. If they tell other people about it, others will think you are showing off. Naturally, they can only go to Star Network to vent their grievances.

So at night, all kinds of posts appeared on the Star Internet complaining about the Omega Protection Association's cruelty. Some enthusiastic netizens counted and found that the total number of alphas who posted was more than half of the newly married alphas. This shows that the Omega Protection Association is indeed powerful and has caused deep psychological trauma to these alphas.

Netizens were discussing this and no one knew who started it, but they were saying that the Omega Protection Association was going too far. After all, it was the first day of their marriage, and putting too much pressure on the alpha, which would make the alpha feel resentful. In fact, to some extent, it was not a good thing for omegas and might affect the relationship between the newlyweds.

As soon as this topic came up, it sparked widespread discussion, and many people even cited today's post as an example. For example, some alphas' residences were judged to be unqualified, and they had to run back and forth to change their residences again and again, which made them exhausted. Some alphas had to drive their aircraft to a nearby city to buy back a certain limited edition omega product because it was sold out that day. Some particularly unlucky alphas were even worse off, as they had not seen their omega for a whole day, and had to continue to be tormented by the protection association the next day until they were qualified and could be taken to see the omega they had been thinking about.

Unconsciously, the topic became more and more intense, and many people really began to consider whether the Omega Protection Association was going a bit too far. Just when the spearhead began to be directed at the Omega Protection Association, some of the babies in the Omega Protection Association who had been wronged today could not stand it anymore.

These people were the ones who went to Bai Yichen's house today. They were already feeling aggrieved during the day and came back dejected without having done anything. But in the evening, they saw people criticizing them on Starnet, saying that they were brutal and that they were deliberately making trouble.

A sneer appeared in the corners of these people's mouths. Forget about the alpha today, he has an omega to protect him and they can't do anything. But why are you alphas who have no omega to protect you so rampant!

At that moment, these people were sending out multiple posts in quick succession. The content was so sharp and the attitude so contemptuous that it seemed to penetrate the screen through the text. The general content was to tell these alphas not to get too high, saying that the Omega Protection Association was cruel and deliberately tormented the alphas. Did they know that today there was an alpha who they only went to his house for two hours and then left. Do you not believe it? Do you want to say that this is fake? Haha, let me tell you that this is absolutely true, and it happened today! They can even tell you that today at that alpha's house, in addition to explaining various omega protection regulations, the alpha did not move from his seat. As for why that alpha could do that, it was because he had an omega who liked him! The omega who married that alpha contacted them early this morning, and then followed them to the alpha's house. The omega said that he liked all the decorations in the alpha's house, and said that he brought his own omega supplies, so he was able to complete the marriage guidance after listening to them for two hours! As for you bunch of losers, poor alphas without omegas to protect you, instead of imagining that you are being targeted by the Omega Protection Association, shouldn’t you look for the reasons in yourselves? !

In order to prove the credibility of what they said, these people from the Omega Protection Association were not green, and they even deliberately displayed the certification icon of the Omega Protection Association. In today's Star Network accounts, the degree of freedom is extremely high. You can choose to be completely anonymous, or you can choose to display various certifications according to the situation. The Star Network account is bound to your personal identity, and there is no possibility of fraud at all. So after these posts came out, the Star Network was almost silent, and then all kinds of replies erupted like a volcano!

—I don’t believe it! I don’t admit it! How could it be as comfortable as the alpha’s marriage coaching! Ah!

—As an alpha with high moral character, I have never been jealous of others before, but this time I admit that I was jealous!

—Who is that alpha! Please expose me! I won’t leave... I’m begging you to become my disciple. Big brother, this is too strong. Please teach me your special moves!

—I am more curious about who that omega is. Oh my God, how could there be such a gentle, cute and considerate omega in this world

—I thought today’s marriage counseling had exhausted me, but I admit that now I’ve been hit even harder!!

—Jealousy is tearing me apart!

The Star Internet was bustling with all kinds of replies flying around. At this time, no one paid attention to whether the Omega Protection Association was going too far. Compared to that little thing, the big news that broke out later was a refreshing news for their worldview. It was the first time they knew that there was such a thing in the world, and that omegas could protect alphas in this way. The most important thing was that this thing that they had never dared to think about before was actually enjoyed by alphas.

In short, if I were to use one sentence to describe the feelings of all alphas, whether married or not, at this moment, it would be that I felt the malice coming from the universe.

At the same time, when this matter was being discussed heatedly on the Starnet, on a military spaceship with relatively lagging information, a group of military alphas who were out on a mission were discussing this year's imperial marriage matching with relish. They were in a closed military before, and although they could connect to the Starnet after coming out, the Starnet was always unstable during the voyage, so they did not pay attention to this year's marriage matching throughout the process. However, although they did not pay attention to it at the beginning, they could not avoid discussing it together when the final result really came out.

It’s a pity for an alpha, “Oh, I didn’t expect that both omega stars would be matched with alphas this year, it’s a pity that I didn’t participate this year.”

"Go away, you sound like you'll be selected just by participating." The others made fun of him.

"Huh, who said it's impossible? Didn't you see that one of the alphas who matched with the omega binary this year is also from our military? Why is it impossible for me? I don't care. When I save up enough annual leave next year, I will sign up too." The alpha who was ridiculed said indignantly.

At this time, one of the alphas looked at the list of paired avatars and said hesitantly, "Do you think this military alpha matched with Colin looks familiar?"

"What? Let me see!"

A group of people immediately looked over, and after a careful look this time, they quickly figured out the result. Someone said, "It really looks familiar, as if I've seen it somewhere before."

"Oh, do you all have amnesia? Isn't this our captain's friend? I saw him come to see the captain."

"Yes, I remember what you said. I saw a photo of them in the military academy in the captain's dormitory."

Just as a group of people were discussing heatedly, a low and cold voice came from behind and asked: "What are you looking at?"

Captain! A group of people were startled, but then someone thought of something and pointed at the light screen and said, "Captain, look, this alpha who matched with an omega this year, is he your friend?"

Aaron didn't take it seriously at first, but when he moved his eyes to the light screen and saw the small portrait clearly, his pupils suddenly contracted.

The author has something to say: There will be an update tomorrow~~

Thank you little angels for voting for me~

Thanks to the little angels who cast [mines]: Qingyue 1, Miaomiao 1

Thank you little angels for irrigating me with nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: Ping Niao is not cute 60 bottles, landing to catch the small light skill 60 bottles, Cong Mei 18 bottles, Shi Momo mo 15 bottles, allthat 10 bottles, hahaha 10 bottles, please update 10 bottles, Xiangegege 5 bottles, Xiaoye 1 bottle, Miaomiao 1 bottle, the melon-eating crowd 1 bottle, Xiaoxiao~is a playful 1 bottle

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! ^_^