White Moonlight Survival Record (Quick Transmigration)

Chapter 97: A 20 transformed into O


Aaron followed his team members and went around the base from beginning to end. All he saw along the way were his team members who were working hard to search for clues.

This experimental base has been closed down by the authorities since it was reported anonymously. The death of the notorious Ambora Cole is naturally a good thing, but the problem is that they don't know how Ambora Cole died. Even the location of this well-hidden base was told to them by an unknown person using Ambora Cole's communicator. When they arrived here, they only saw Ambora Cole's body and the dead alphas in the freezer.

Although the information released by the Empire on the Star Network was a happy one, Ambora Cole was dead, and the Empire was contacting the families of the victims to compensate them, as if the matter had completely passed, but in fact, the Empire did very little inside, and knew even less about the inside story. What made them even more uneasy was that when they thoroughly checked the base afterwards, they found that some experimental materials and experimental data were missing, and the base had been deliberately cleaned up, and even fingerprints were not left. This situation was obviously abnormal. After all, Ambora Cole was dead, so who did these things

Combined with the anonymous informant using Ambra Cole's communicator, can they boldly speculate that Ambra Cole actually has an accomplice? After all, when Ambra Cole died, she was obviously not prepared at all, and she was killed without much struggle, and the one who used the medicine in the base showed that the person who killed Ambra Cole was originally in the base, and it was very likely that he knew Ambra Cole, so that Ambra Cole was completely defenseless.

In this case, what would have caused Ambra Cole's accomplices to choose to kill Ambra Cole? Judging from the missing experimental materials and experimental data in the base, the personnel sent by the Empire to investigate speculated that the most likely possibility was that Ambra Cole's experiment had actually produced significant results, or had already succeeded. The accomplices who were originally with Ambra Cole became greedy and chose to kill Ambra Cole when she was not prepared, and then fled here with the successful experimental data.

As for why the other party chose to anonymously reveal the base a few days after Ambora Cole's death, it may be that the other party wanted to divert the attention of the Imperial officials, or simply let the Empire believe that the experiment had been completely terminated.

After a lot of conspiracy theories, the people sent by the Empire to investigate found that there was a big problem, because although Ambora Cole was dead, those illegal experiments might not have ended, but were taken to other places to start again. What made them feel even more difficult was that this time they didn't even have any clues about the suspect, so how could they investigate? In the end, the local police had no choice but to ask the Imperial military for help, and then sent an elite military team led by Aaron to thoroughly investigate and track this matter.

However, their progress is not very smooth at the moment.

Aaron looked at his teammates' helpless progress and frowned deeply.

Since Bai agreed to take him out, Colin has been busy preparing. He dares to swear that he has never been so positive about going out. Colin not only checked the favorite places for couples on the Star Network, but also did a lot of homework to make sure that his first date with Bai would be a perfect experience.

Looking at Colin's unusually excited expression, Bai Yichen couldn't help but wonder if he had made Colin's married life too boring.

Colin naturally didn't know that his unusually excited appearance aroused a trace of guilt in his alpha, but because it was a little late today, there would not be enough time after finishing all the homework before going out, so the two agreed to go out the next day.

The next morning, when Bai Yichen got up, he saw Colin, who had dressed up carefully, waiting for him in the living room. After they had breakfast together, they prepared to go out. However, before leaving, Colin suddenly remembered something and said, "Ah, wait."

Bai Yichen turned back in confusion, and saw Colin nervously searching his body until he found a small medicine box. He then showed a relaxed look on his face and said with a smile, "It's ok now, let's go."

Bai Yichen withdrew his gaze from the familiar little medicine box, with a complicated look in his eyes, and finally whispered: "Let's go."

Bai Yichen came out that day to accompany Colin, so he naturally had no objection to where they should go. He just followed Colin's wishes all the way. For a moment, he actually walked the perfect date route that Colin had planned.

They went to see the latest popular holographic movie, had lunch at the most prestigious couples restaurant, and then in the afternoon, Colin chose to take Bai Yichen to the largest shopping mall.

Because Colin had done his homework, they had a very good experience no matter the movies they chose or the restaurants they visited. Bai Yichen, who had hardly ever experienced the entertainment life in this world, also had a good experience of it. Naturally, he had no objection to the afternoon arrangements.

Colin was also very happy that day, not only because Bai had no objection to the places he chose, and accompanied him patiently, but also because he noticed that today, whether he took Bai's arm or hugged Bai when he was happy, Bai did not resist. Was it because he was used to being intimate with Aaron in front of him recently? But for some reason, with Colin's keen omega intuition, he felt that things might not be just that, and this was what made him happiest.

Thinking of where he was going in the afternoon, Colin looked up at Bai Yichen expectantly and said, "Bai, can I buy you some clothes this afternoon?"

Bai Yichen glanced at Colin's dark eyes, which were blinking as he looked at him, and quickly looked away, but he replied softly, "Yes, use my card."

"Bai, you're so nice." Colin couldn't help but hug his A again, feeling that although the other party's body was a little stiff, he never rejected him, and even occasionally tried to reach out and support him. He just felt that he heard the footsteps of happiness approaching.

After being happy, Colin couldn't help but start thinking again. Well, every month, the Empire's special omega subsidy will be deposited into his account. It seems that this subsidy can also be bound to his partner card. Okay, let's do it. Later, he will bind the subsidy to Bai's card. Although he was very happy that Bai was willing to spend money on him, he also felt very distressed. I heard that the income of the military was not high. Fortunately, the Empire had a lot of omega subsidies every month. Colin once again sincerely thanked the Empire for its various preferential policies for omegas. At this time, Colin had completely forgotten that the so-called distress in his heart for spending Bai's money was actually to buy clothes for Bai Yichen.

Bai Yichen naturally didn't know that Colin had easily made a decision in just a moment, a decision that few omegas would make. After the self-driving aircraft arrived at their destination, he was pulled into the huge shopping mall by Colin.

Colin had done his homework on this shopping mall long ago, especially after his boyfriend Bai agreed to let him buy clothes for him, Colin was eager to go and headed straight for the destination.

Colin brought Bai to the gathering place of light luxury brands. The clothes here are very expensive, but correspondingly, both the style and design are worthy of their prices. However, because the consumption here is relatively high, most of the people who come here are alphas and omegas, and there are very few betas.

After Colin scanned a circle of brands, he finally fixed his sight on one with a very outstanding design, and then pulled Bai Yichen in.

Maybe the design of this shop is really good-looking. Compared with this area with few people on weekdays, there are actually a few customers looking at clothes. A closer look shows that they are also two pairs of alpha couples. However, the protagonists who are selecting and trying on clothes are obviously omegas, and the two omegas seem to be a little bit competitive. They always glance at the other omega casually after coming out of the fitting room, and then come to their own alpha, as if inadvertently asking their own alpha how this dress is? Then the two alphas have to search their brains for words to praise them as soon as possible. The key point is that the level of praise cannot be worse than that of the other alpha. At the same time, they are sweating in their hearts and calculating how many star coins are needed for the shopping bags piled up at their feet. Although they are high-income people, the consumption here is higher.

However, the two alphas knew better that they must not show any embarrassment at this time, otherwise they would be treated coldly by their omegas for two months. After all, showing weakness at this time and letting their omega lose the upper hand in front of another omega was the biggest taboo in the rules of serving omegas. Even if this happened twice, the omega might ask for divorce.

By that time, they would really become a huge laughing stock, and most importantly, they would never be able to have their own omega in this life. After all, in this world where there are more alphas than omegas, no omega would accept second-hand goods from other omegas, especially an alpha who was kicked out by an omega for stingy reasons.

So no matter how difficult or unbearable it is, the alphas still have to swallow their anger and pretend to be calm. After all, they know that this is how the alphas in this world live. Haven't you seen that there are still many alphas who have tried every means to get their own omega all their lives but still don't have one? Generally speaking, raising an omega is a sweet and painful thing.

Just as they were sighing in their hearts, they also saw two people walking in from the door. From a distance they felt that they were an alpha and an omega. They subconsciously sighed that they had one more brother in distress. Maybe after their omegas went into the fitting room, they could try to communicate and vent their troubles to each other.

The two alphas who were thinking this in their hearts finally saw the appearance of the alpha and omega who walked in. Their first reaction was amazement, what a beautiful omega. Then, they felt that the omega with black hair and black eyes, whose every frown and smile made people want to explore, seemed somewhat familiar. And it seemed that not only the omega looked familiar, but even the alpha looked familiar to them.

The author has something to say: The two alphas who thought they had a new brother in distress had no idea what kind of hell was waiting for them hhhh.

Thank you to the little angels who cast their votes for me or irrigated me with nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who threw the [hand grenade]: 1 from Children's Palace;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Duanjia 30 bottles; Xiaosuox, Susi, allthat 10 bottles; shencha1230, 噺 5 bottles; Xiaoye, 20387342, ahdaidaidaidai 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!