White Moonlight Survival Record (Quick Transmigration)

Chapter 99: A 22 transformed into O


Colin happily put on the clothes Bai Yichen picked for him, and he just couldn't let them go. However, when Bai Yichen wanted to pick a few more for him, he decisively refused. After all, he had been here for too long, and he was very happy to receive this gift.

Just like that, after the two of them bought the pile of packed clothes, they walked out intimately.

What Colin and Bai Yichen didn't know was that the video of them buying clothes in this store that night was posted online anonymously, and the person who posted the video gave it a very sarcastic name - Omega said: Thank you for taking the trouble to accompany me shopping.

When the video was first posted, no one knew what the content was. However, the word "omega" naturally attracted a lot of attention, and with the name of the video, many people naturally thought that they would see an alpha taking the trouble to accompany an omega shopping, and then the omega felt guilty and said to the alpha, "Thank you for taking the trouble to accompany me shopping." What a considerate omega, what a healing scene, whether there are omegas or not, alphas naturally want to click in to see it. However, when they saw the content, many people were stunned.

Wait, what about the promise to accompany you shopping

Is this what you call hard work when shopping with someone? Are you kidding me

The alphas looked at the scene on the screen, trying to find out if there was anything they had overlooked. However, after watching it again, they only saw the beautiful omega circling around the alpha, being extremely gentle and considerate to him. In particular, the omega in the last video only received a set of clothes chosen by the alpha, and his face showed a look of joy and emotion, as if the alpha had done something earth-shattering. They felt like they were going blind. For a moment, the alphas, who were almost drowned in sourness, could no longer remain calm. Soon, the first wave of trolls below the video came.

—The guy who posted the video, come out and get beaten up. If you have the guts, don’t be anonymous.

—I just want to ask one question, tell me, what exactly is the hard work for this guy

—How can this be called an alpha accompanying an omega shopping? It should be an omega accompanying an alpha shopping!

—This video couldn’t have been shot and posted by the alpha in the video himself, right? If so, I will beat you up every time I see you on the street.

Maybe the alphas in the comment section were so angry that one was more emotional than the other. In the end, the anonymous id didn't dare to watch the show anymore, and appeared in the comment section to explain - this video was secretly shot by me, the alpha in the video was not aware of it, and it was not me. As for why the video was named this, it was because this sentence was said by the omega in the video to the alpha before the video was shot.

As the saying goes, some explanations are better left unexplained. When the anonymous ID who uploaded the video came up to explain that the video was named this way not to deliberately mislead people, but because the words were said by the omega in the video, but they didn't have time to record it. For a moment, all the alphas felt like they had a mouthful of blood stuck in their chests and couldn't get rid of it.

At this time, some people finally woke up from their initial anger and were in the mood to pay attention to other things. Because this video was secretly filmed, the angle was not very good and it was a little far away, but some shots still clearly captured the faces of the two protagonists. An alpha who signed up for marriage matching this year said, "Look at this omega, is he Colin?"

Someone was attracted by his words, and after a closer look, it was indeed Colin. As for the alpha next to Colin, someone found the dating video during the marriage matching, and after a careful comparison, it turned out to be the alpha who eventually married Colin.

All of a sudden, the alphas felt even more upset. This was Colin, one of the Omega Twins. He was the most beautiful omega. Why could this ordinary alpha get such a good omega? Why could he be treated like this by Colin? Especially when they thought of the things that had been exposed on the Starnet before, including the marriage guidance of the Omega Protection Association, the post Colin had posted some time ago, and the dating video that they had just reviewed again, all the new and old hatreds added together, and no one knew who started it. The wind direction under this video began to change, and began to turn into verbal attacks on the alpha in the video, that is, Bai Yichen.

In fact, they didn't attack the alpha in the video because he did something that angered everyone. Although everything in the video made them feel indignant, everything was done by Colin voluntarily, and they had no right to blame the alpha. Now they attacked the alpha purely out of their most primitive jealousy and a faint hope. The alpha didn't look that good, and maybe if they attacked him more and exposed his shortcomings in front of Colin, Colin would wake up, and finally Colin might leave the alpha, and then they would have another chance.

Why should Colin, such a good omega, belong to an ordinary alpha for the rest of his life!

In this way, the alphas with these secret thoughts started to blackmail the entire network at the same time, and even took out the past of the alpha named Bai Angus as a target, including some details of their relationship that Colin accidentally leaked in the post before, all of which became points to attack Bai Yichen on the Star Network. They said that he was a big alpha, ordering omegas to do housework, and accused Bai Yichen of being frigid and unable to satisfy his own omegas. They also said that Bai Angus would never get along with omegas normally, nor would he take care of omegas' ideas. He was always only concerned with his own enjoyment, and only omegas would take care of him. For a while, Bai Yichen was simply described as a big scumbag on the Star Network that was hated by both humans and gods.

This incident fermented so much that it even alarmed the Omega Protection Association. When Colin received the communication application from the Omega Protection Association, he was still at a loss as to what had happened. After he learned the situation from the Omega Protection Association and checked the Star Network himself, he was so angry that he was about to deform. "Nonsense, slander, they are slandering!"

When the people from the Omega Protection Association heard Colin's tone, they knew that there were exaggerations on Starnet, and no matter what, Colin had no dissatisfaction with his alpha. As an organization guided by the wishes of omegas, the Omega Protection Association would naturally not get involved in this matter anymore. They comforted Colin for a while, expressed that they would monitor the excessive words on Starnet, and then ended the call.

After the call ended, Colin went to StarNet again. When he saw the screen full of words attacking Bai again, he was still shaking with anger. These people knew nothing and were just making random comments about Bai.

Colin couldn't accept seeing his beloved alpha being spoken of so badly on Starnet and being wantonly attacked by so many people. He simply took the most direct approach and went directly to Starnet to refute those who were slandering Bai. However, he was alone and powerless, and the power of one person was too small. His rebuttal did not even have much chance of being seen amidst the countless slanders.

Finally, Colin gritted his teeth and displayed his Omega identity authentication on his account. Although his words were much more conspicuous with the Omega identity authentication, he found that no one listened to him at all. No matter what he said or how he explained, those people still kept telling him the "truth" and said that he was "deceived."

Finally, Colin calmed down. He also realized that these people on Starnet didn't care about his explanation at all, and didn't want to know the facts at all. They just wanted to publicize what they thought of White Angus on Starnet. Even these alphas actively responded to him for ulterior motives.

After realizing this, Colin withdrew from StarNet and no longer paid attention to those comments.

In the next two days, apart from frequently checking the Star Network to see how things were developing, Colin did not show any sign of this in front of Bai Yichen. In order to divert Bai Yichen's attention, he even found many other things to do, just to prevent his alpha from suddenly wanting to check the Star Network.

After two days, Colin's plan went smoothly. Under his careful protection, Bai Yichen did not discover the secret on the Star Network.

Colin looked at himself, who was still as white as ever, and felt relieved and pity in his heart. His whiteness was so beautiful, but it was said to be so bad on the Star Network. Whenever he thought of this, Colin felt so angry that his teeth itched.

But what to do now? Does he have to keep hiding this from Bai so carefully

The key question is, how long can he keep it secret

It was obvious that the comments of those people on Starnet would not subside anytime soon, and before that, he could not guarantee that Bai would never go on Starnet. Colin could not help but feel distressed when he thought about the unwarranted slander of Bai by those people on Starnet and the harm that Bai might suffer from those offensive words. Colin knew too well how Starnet could destroy a person.

With this anxiety and worry, Colin stayed awake almost all night, and when he woke up the next day, he had already made a decision in his heart.

"Taking a video?" Bai Yichen looked at Colin in surprise.

"Yeah." Colin nodded affirmatively, then propped up his chin and looked at Bai Yichen and said, "It's just to take pictures of our daily interactions. I want to post them on my personal homepage. My omega friends all take pictures like this, so I want to take some too."

After listening to Colin's words, Bai Yichen felt that what Colin described was more like the circle of friends on Earth, so he agreed. After all, if Colin's friends were all making such videos, but Colin wasn't, it would indeed be easy for people to feel a sense of gap, even if it was a very small matter. Bai Yichen had reflected on whether he seldom took Colin out before, so he would naturally not care about such a small matter.

After getting permission, Colin happily hugged Bai Yichen, and then took a video and uploaded it to his homepage that day. Colin even added Bai Yichen as a homepage friend, letting Bai Yichen see his personal homepage. There was very little clean content on it, and the most conspicuous one was the video that was uploaded today. There were few views and no comments, and it seemed that no one was watching it.

Of course, in order to prevent Bai Yichen from staying on the Star Network for too long, Colin quickly diverted his attention with other things.

Just like that, Bai Yichen no longer had any curiosity about Colin's video shooting. Of course, what he didn't know was that the appearance of Colin's homepage he saw on his terminal was specially set up. All he could see was that there were no views and no comments. In fact, Colin's personal homepage was very popular, especially under the video uploaded by Colin today. The number of comments had exceeded tens of thousands, because Colin had placed advertisements in various gathering places on the Star Network that attacked Bai Yichen, saying that seeing is believing and let them see how good his alpha is.

All of a sudden, whether it was the alphas who were jealous of Bai Yichen, or the betas who simply wanted to see Colin's beauty, even the omegas who always paid the most attention to their own kind, all came in. They also wanted to see what proof Colin could come up with.

This video Colin shot shows the two of them sitting together and relaxing in the afternoon. There was not much interaction between the two of them, as they were each doing their own things, but the atmosphere was very warm, and it was also the time Colin enjoyed most every day.

However, in the eyes of most people who were looking for trouble, this video naturally had a lot of problems. After watching the first video uploaded by Colin, the alphas started to mock him, "Didn't you say look at how good this guy is? I don't see anything special about him. He's always busy doing his own things and doesn't care about the feelings of the omegas around him. Colin, you said it's not that this guy brought you juice once, right? If I remember correctly, the juice seemed to be squeezed by you, and you definitely brought it to this guy more than three times."

"Yes, yes! Colin, your standards for being good to you are too low."

A group of alphas in the comment section were heartbroken and spoke as if they were considering Colin very much, while Bai Yichen in the video was naturally criticized for all kinds of faults without exception.

Because this video really has very little interaction, it is hard to see anything. Plus, there are too many alphas who swear to find faults, so it is hard not to influence the judgment of some onlookers.

Even Muir, who had heard about Colin's situation and came to watch, couldn't help but sneer and shook his head when he saw Colin desperately hugging his alpha and praising his alpha amid a bunch of people's disapproval.

Suddenly, Muir's heart moved, and he walked downstairs and said to the alpha in the living room: "I want to drink juice."

The alpha, who was originally in the living room browsing the terminal, was flattered to see his omega coming over to talk to him. He immediately stood up and said, "I'll get it for you."

"I want freshly squeezed fruit juice." Muir said to his alpha.

The alpha who was about to take the finished product understood immediately. After a slight hesitation, he thought about how the juicers were very smart and required almost no operation, so he said, "I'll go and squeeze it for you now."

A few minutes later, Muir had a glass of freshly made juice in his hand. Muir held the juice gracefully, raised his head and took a sip, feeling the sweet and sour taste spreading in his mouth and sliding down his throat, and a smile slowly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Colin, what's the point of you being better than me in everything? No matter how much you praise the alpha you chose, no one will be blinded. Facts always speak louder than words. One day, you will recognize the truth, and by then, it will be time for you to taste the taste of failure.

After handing over the juice, the alpha who had been carefully observing Muir breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the smile on Muir's face. He felt that the crisis that had been ignored since he made a mistake last time was finally over.

On the other hand, Colin saw that the comments below his uploaded videos were all attacking Bai as usual, and his face was very ugly, but he said nothing, and continued to silently carry out his daily task of posting videos. But he knew that some people's gentleness needs to be carefully explored before it can be seen, and once seen, people will fall into that incredible softness. His Bai is obviously such a person.

In fact, if it wasn't for the accident on Starnet, and if he wasn't worried that Bai would be hurt by the comments on Starnet, he would have wanted to hide Bai's gentleness. After all, it was best if only he saw and felt those things. If too many people saw them, he was afraid that someone would come and argue with him.

Danger should always be nipped in the bud.

But compared to being afraid that someone would come to compete with him for Bai, it was obvious that he wanted to protect Bai more.

Just like that, Colin silently uploaded every bit of his time with Bai day after day. Those alphas who attacked Bai Yichen obviously would not give up easily before their plans were successful. Coupled with the onlookers who continued to pay attention to Colin, the popularity of Colin's personal homepage did not decrease at all.

But the good thing is that the alphas who were originally scattered all over the Star Network to attack Bai Yichen now obviously regard Colin's personal homepage as a gathering place. Over time, no one goes to other places. For a while, there are fewer traces of attacks on Bai Yichen on the Star Network, which makes Colin very relieved. In this way, even if Bai goes to the Star Network, it should be difficult for him to discover this matter.

After all, all the people who are now attacking Bai are concentrated on Colin's personal homepage and are talking about it in full swing. However, Colin's personal homepage is specially set up for Bai Yichen, so that he has no chance of seeing the comments of these people at all.

Presumably, those alphas who were finding faults on Colin's personal homepage had never thought that they would actually cause such a situation by accident. After all, how could they have thought that Colin would make special settings for Bai Yichen on his personal homepage? They thought that Colin's alpha had already known about this matter, and they were finding faults with that guy on Colin's personal homepage and attacking him in various ways. Obviously, they were the closest to that guy. That guy must have suffered a mental breakdown due to them, and was full of self-doubt and fell into deep pain.

They would never know that Bai Yichen actually knew nothing about the countless tasks they had done.

As time goes by, those alphas who are looking forward to Colin's divorce are still very excited. They are extremely dedicated and come to Colin's videos every day to find fault with him countless times.

However, these alphas with ulterior motives did not realize that changes had actually occurred quietly.

What was even more surprising to no one was that the first group to show changes were among the omegas who were generally recognized as the most difficult to serve.

The author has something to say: Well, do you think this plot is boring? But it is a plot that I have thought of a long time ago, and I can't bear to write it. Then the next chapter will end this plot, and Aaron will appear later. Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who cast [mines]: pre, Lingling Bayi, Baimuzhou 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Ping Niao is not cute 30 bottles; allthat, Xiaosuox, Yeyu Shengge, Ayunyun 10 bottles; Moer 2 bottles; Xiaoye, hahaha 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!