White Olive Tree

Chapter 5


The encounter between people is one in seven billion chance.

In the past, Song Ran didn't take it seriously, thinking that this statement was hypocritical, but now he fully experienced the insignificance and helplessness of the number of one part in seven billion.

She didn't know the name of the man named Azan, and she didn't know what he looked like. She only saw his eyebrows and eyes in the black mask.

That's all.

With such a shallow fate, she might not be able to recognize him if he passed him on the street one day.

She hid her disappointment and used a set of rhetoric she had prepared before to interview Luo Zhan. She has a certain understanding of the background so as not to reveal herself.

At first she hesitated in her mind that maybe Azan was Luo Zhan. But hearing his voice, she was sure that it wasn't.

Luo Zhan misunderstood her inattention as nervousness and smiled: "You are a new reporter, right?"

"No." Song Ran covered up her panic and said, "... I have never interviewed a soldier before."

"Don't be nervous, I'm not a scary person either."

Song Ran smiled and asked: "I saw in Shen Bei's interview that you encountered an explosion during the evacuation and saved a female compatriot?"

"Yeah. She got into a car with a bomb by mistake..."

Song Ran didn't give up and asked if there were any similar thrilling incidents in their team related to explosions.

Luo Zhan said no more.

Azan is not from their team.

The drive back to Liangcheng takes more than four hours.

In the morning, there were cars coming and going on the highway. Song Ran drove quietly, occasionally giving way and overtaking, in an orderly manner.

On both sides of the road, green rice fields and blue rivers stretch out, and the summer sunshine is overwhelming.

She felt that she should never meet him again.

It was twelve o'clock when we returned to Liangcheng. Song Ran was hungry and tired, and the sun almost made her collapse. It was a rare weekend to have a good rest, but she drove for more than eight hours.

She leaned back in her chair in a daze, thinking about what she had done that night, which was ridiculous and futile.

Her brain was miswired.

Just as she was about to get off the car, her stepmother Yang Huilun called and asked her to go home for lunch.

Driving around the family courtyard of the Municipal Archives Bureau, the parasol trees blocked the sky and the sun. There was an olive plant in the middle, and Song Ran turned back to take a closer look. There has been enough rain recently, and the olive trees have grown lush and shiny. Unlike the olive groves in the East, which are dusty and listless.

She parked her car in the large open space in front of Tongzi Tower. She just went to the corridor on the third floor when she heard Yang Huilun scolding Song Yang:

"What time is it? It's the end of June. The graduation certificate has been issued, but you haven't found a job yet. I told you to pay more attention before, and you only know how to fall in love."

Song Yang retorted: "I didn't look for it anywhere. I didn't find anything good."

"Isn't the unit that Aunt Li introduced to you pretty good?"

Song Yang muttered: "What's the point? It's exhausting work, only two thousand and five thousand a month. I won't do it."

"I think you have high ambitions but low ambitions. You want to have some leisure time after studying three books? Your sister is from a prestigious university. She only had three thousand when she just graduated. She works overtime every day and travels on business. I don't see her being so squeamish like you. You are born to the same father. Why don’t you learn something better?”

Song Yang said: "I think there is something wrong with the mother's genes."


Yang Huilun hit Song Yang on the butt with a broom.

Song Ran walked into the house, and Song Yang ran up and hid behind her: "Sister! She abused children again!"

"Ran Ran is back?" Yang Huilun looked at Song Yang with a smile on her face, and her eyes suddenly turned fierce, "Hurry up and find a job for me and move out. You make me angry all day long. It makes me annoyed."

Song Yang said: "Where should I move? My sister's mother has a house for her, but my mother doesn't."

Song Ran turned around and glared at her. Father Song Zhicheng, who was sitting on the small sofa reading the newspaper, also looked over.

Song Yang knew the joke was over and quickly went up to hug Yang Huilun's arm and shake it. Yang Huilun ignored her and went to the kitchen to serve food. Song Yang followed her to beg for mercy.

Only the father and daughter were left in the small living room.

Song Zhicheng asked his eldest daughter to sit down and said that he had recently paid attention to "Before the War: Eastern Kingdom" and liked it very much. For Song Ran, this is a high praise. My father has always loved to collect newspapers and magazines, and specially selected the reports written by Song Ran, looking for flaws in each sentence, studying the grammar, and adding supporting materials.

But this time he didn't find anything wrong with his daughter. He just talked about some of the cultural background and historical issues of Dongguo based on a few short stories.

Yang Huilun was setting the table. She couldn't understand what the father and daughter were talking about, but she wanted Song Yang to follow suit. When she turned around, she saw Song Yang secretly eating chicken gizzards in front of the stove. Yang Huilun sighed and entered the kitchen.

Song Zhicheng glanced at the direction his current wife was leaving and asked in a low voice, "What did your mother say?"

He was asking about her biological mother.

Song Ran: "Tell me never to go to Dongguo again."

Song Zhicheng said nothing.

Song Ran knew that he regarded her as a pride, and he wanted to prove to his superior ex-wife that the daughter he raised by himself was excellent. But Song Ran felt that in the eyes of people like her mother who were used to the big world, her level in a small town was nothing.

"Are you going to the Imperial City this summer?"

"I'm going. I've asked for leave." When she was studying, Song Ran went to the Imperial City to accompany her mother every winter and summer vacation. You can also take annual leave after work as usual. But this time there was something else, she was going to meet a best-selling book planner.

Yang Huilun cooked a table of dishes, all of which were Song Ran's favorites. But she was tired from staying up late, had a bad appetite, and couldn't bear to let her good intentions go to waste, so she forced herself to eat some.

When she felt drowsy after eating a meal, Yang Huilun woke her up with one sentence:

"Is it time for Ran Ran to have a boyfriend?"

Before Song Ran could say anything, Song Yang blocked it for her: "Oh my god, how old is my sister?"

"You girl has been in love since junior high school and you still have the nerve to talk!" Yang Huilun glared at her and softened her tone, "I'll remind you again, lest Ran Ran just focus on work and forget about it year after year. By the way, Ran Ran, you What kind of thing do you like?”

Song Ran was stunned by the question and she couldn't answer.

In all her life, she has never been in love once. Emotional experience is a pale piece of paper.

She is not ugly, but rather pretty and delicate, with a bookish temperament. I like to write articles when I am reading. The school newspaper and radio stations all have her signature. She is especially good at handwriting, and her writing on the blackboard newspaper in the class and the school bulletin wall is pleasing to the eye. A boy had a crush on her when she was studying, but she was unaware of it and was relatively quiet and silent on weekdays. She probably gave people a distant and cold temperament.

At a class reunion, everyone said she was a talented girl. Song Ran was extremely surprised. Firstly, she didn't realize that she was cold, and secondly, she didn't realize that she was talented. She is just an ordinary person who couldn't be more ordinary.

As for the love that is delayed...

She suddenly thought of that person and felt a prick in her heart: she didn't even know what he looked like.

Yang Huilun sighed: "You two, one is too pure, the other is too troublesome, you don't have to worry about it." She just hoped that Yangyang could break up with her useless boyfriend.

Song Ran took a nap in Song Yang's room after eating. Her family knew she was tired, so they were gentle and didn't disturb her. The only sounds were the cicadas chirping outside the window and the nearby children playing marbles.

She slept until eight o'clock in the evening, and her parents went out to cool off. The food is covered with a net. Song Yang went out on a date and threw the leftover dishes and chopsticks on the table.

Song Ran finished her meal alone, cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks left by Song Yang, and sent a text message to her biological mother Ran Yuwei, saying that she would leave at the end of the month.

On June 30th, Song Ran left for the Imperial City.

Another heavy rain fell in Liangcheng, and the water level of the Yangtze River outside the city continued to rise. Waterlogging occurred in many places in the city, and traffic was almost paralyzed. When she arrived at the airport, she was covered in rain and was an hour late. But she didn't miss the plane, it was delayed.

The airport was packed with stranded passengers and water stains were everywhere on the floor. The supply of chairs exceeded the demand, and a large number of passengers sat on the ground dragging their luggage. The level of chaos was comparable to that of a train station during the Spring Festival.

It was raining heavily outside the dome glass window.

Some people cursed and left, but most people were still waiting for a miracle. Until a certain moment, there was lightning and thunder over the airport, and the flight status on the flight information board turned red one after another, from "flight delayed" to "flight cancelled".

The huge airport was suddenly filled with people and resentment.

Song Ran stood in the outer circle, taking pictures with her mobile phone in an occupational manner. After hurriedly recording, she sighed. I definitely won’t be able to get a taxi now if I go back, and I don’t know if the subway is still running.

She dragged her small suitcase and tried to get through the crowd. Suddenly there was a lot of noise, and a passenger had a conflict with the ground service staff, and a small-scale fight broke out. For a moment, all the anger was ignited, and the passengers huddled together, pushing, shouting, cursing, and confronting the ground service, crew, and security personnel.

Song Ran tried her best to raise her mobile phone to take pictures, but she was caught in the crowd and drifted with the crowd, unable to regain her focus.

Both sides were extremely angry, and more and more people participated in the fights and troubles. Song Ran was wrapped in the crowd and couldn't stand. The boarding box she was clinging to was kicked and squeezed around. Her hands were almost torn off and her body couldn't maintain balance at all.

When the situation worsened, a shout suddenly came from nowhere: "The police are coming! The police are coming!"

The frantic crowd suddenly calmed down for a moment, but the troublemakers at the center of the storm did not stop, dragging several flight attendants and stewardesses and continuing to beat them.

I saw a team of special police piercing the crowd like sharp knives. They reached the center in a few seconds and subdued the group of people who were fighting and causing trouble and pinned them to the ground.

Some of the people around who were eager to try didn't dare to step forward when they saw this. They were all bullies and afraid of the strong.

But people from the outside are still crowding in.

Several special police officers in black formed a line to separate the crowd. They used their bodies to resist the ever-crowding crowd, shouting: "Back up! Don't crowd! Back up!" While resisting the crowd, they left a channel to evacuate the crowd one by one.

"Stop pushing! Back away!"

Someone yelled at a few foreigners in the crowd: "stay put!"

Song Ran was startled and immediately followed the sound. She suddenly saw him through the crowds of people.

On top of the black mask, he frowned and his eyes were bright, blocking the crowd: "Back off!"

That vague memory became clear in an instant.

Song Ran suddenly pushed towards him with all his strength, involuntarily using all his strength to push through the crowded crowd. She saw that he was planning to give up his position to his companions. He left the dividing line of the human wall and wanted to take away the troublemakers behind the human wall first.

Song Ran's heart was beating wildly, and she was so anxious that she didn't even care about the obstructive boarding suitcase. She let go of the suitcase and squeezed towards him with all her strength.

There were too many people, so she squeezed to the edge with all her strength, reaching out to grab him from a distance of two or three people, but he just turned around and left.

Song Ran's hand was empty. She was confused for a moment, and all the blood in her body rushed to her head. She suddenly shouted: "A-Zan!"

People all around were shouting and boiling.


He paused for a moment and turned back; his eyebrows were furrowed and his eyes were puzzled.

She pushed forward suddenly, almost pounced on him, reached over the wall of SWAT officers, and pulled off his mask in one fell swoop.

Facing him was a handsome and young face.