White-Robed Chief

Chapter 116: Stalemate


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"Amitabha!" Fa Yuan stood ten steps away from him, his gray monk's robes fluttering and his handsome face full of solemnity.

Chu Li said with a smile: "Monk Fa Yuan, you are still evil!"

Fa Yuan solemnly said, "It's great to congratulate Patron Chu for his great progress in martial arts!"

Chu Li waved his hand: "Hypocrisy! Do you really like my great improvement in martial arts? You, the Great Leiyin Temple, wish that my martial arts were completely useless and you would destroy me directly!"

"Donor Chu's words are wrong." Fa Yuan shook his head and said seriously: "The young monk followed the abbot's decree to surrender to Donor Chu. If Donor Chu converts to our temple, everyone in our temple will be happy!"

Chu Li waved his hand: "Monk, please, we are not together. I haven't enjoyed enough glory and wealth, and I haven't seen through the world of mortals!"

When he left the monastery and entered the Duke's palace, he just wanted to travel through the world of mortals and enjoy the glory and wealth of this world. The Buddha's teachings are exquisite and profound. No matter how smart a person is, he will not be able to understand the wonderful meaning of the Buddha's teachings unless he has experienced the world of mortals.

It's like telling a person who has never eaten meat that if you eat too much meat, you will feel tired, and there is nothing to eat. If you don't eat enough meat, no matter how much you talk about it, no matter how good your understanding is, you will never feel tired.

"Amitabha..." Fa Yuan sighed: "What a pity!"

Chu Li smiled and said: "The monk insists on killing me!"

"It is our duty to subjugate demons!" Fa Yuan shook his head and said, "Almsgiver Chu, why is this necessary!"

Chu Li said: "Monk, I'm not welcome!"

The Dharma Circle pointed out, silently.

Chu Li took a step to avoid it: "Monk, you are so insidious, what kind of finger power is this!"

"Wuxianzhi." Fa Yuan said gently: "Donor Chu, please!"

Chu Li suddenly disappeared in a flash.

Fa Yuan's figure also moved, wispy like a wisp of smoke, suddenly in front and sometimes behind, to prevent Chu Li from ducking behind him. Approaching silently.

Chu Li appeared ten feet away and laughed: "Monk is so afraid of death. Monks can't understand life and death. They don't have enough realm!"

Fa Yuan's face did not change color. He Shi shouted the Buddha's name and sighed: "Almsgiver Chu is so good at Qinggong!"

Chu Li said: "Fa Yuan, there is no way for you to follow me like this. You can't break my Qing Gong, and you can't threaten other people's lives. Why don't we stop."

Fa Yuan said calmly: "I will always follow Benefactor Chu to look for flaws."

"How long do you want to follow?"

"If it doesn't happen in one month, it will take one year. If it doesn't happen in one year, it will take ten years." Fa Yuan said: "Almsgiver Chu is the inner demon of the young monk and must be eliminated!"

Chu Li laughed: "I have become your inner demon. It's interesting. I can only destroy you!"

He disappeared in a flash.

Fa Yuan's figure followed, as misty as smoke, but Chu Li never appeared.

Fa Yuan did not dare to stop for a moment, and after a quarter of an hour, there was still no movement.

His sword eyebrows moved slightly, then suddenly stopped, and he concentrated on his back. His finger strength had been gathered, ready to strike at any time, and he was also ready to dodge the opponent's sneak attack at any time.

The breeze slowly passed through the treetops, blowing warmly on the face. The forest was empty and there was no movement.

He didn't dare to relax and was cautious.

Chu Li suddenly flashed and appeared in front of Fa Yuan. Fa Yuan had been focusing his attention behind him, but he did not expect Chu Li to appear in front of him.

"Hi!" A cold light hit Fa Yuan's throat.

Fa Yuan moved sideways desperately, relying on last-minute warning signs and intuition, and managed to avoid it, but the left side of his neck was scratched by the blade. If it were not for the Vajra Duhe magic, he would have been injured this time.

Chu Li shook his head. With the Vajra Due magic power protecting his body, it would not be easy to kill Fa Yuan.

"Monk, come again!" Chu Li chuckled and disappeared again.

Fa Yuan suddenly sat down cross-legged, lowered the curtains and closed his eyes. He closed his eyes and chanted red. He activated the Vajra Du E magic power to the extreme. His whole body was shrouded in golden light, and his appearance was solemn.

Chu Li stood twenty meters away and looked at him.

Fa Yuan is already at the fourth level of the Vajra Due Divine Skill, which shows that he is a genius and is even better than himself. Such a young monk from Daleiyin Temple can reach the realm of Heaven and Earth. There are many masters of Heaven and Earth hidden in it, which is terrifying.

Time passed slowly, Fa Yuan took out a porcelain bottle from the monk, took a pill, and continued chanting.

The Vajra Due magic power consumes a lot of internal energy. Every time it reaches a level, the power loss doubles. Chu Li estimates that no matter how deep the internal power of the magic circle is, the internal power cannot be consumed for too long. After all, it cannot be used to transport the spiritual energy of the surrounding vegetation for his own use like the Kurong Sutra.

Chu Li disappeared in a flash and returned to the carriage.

Xiao Qi was talking next to Xiao Shi's carriage. She felt his presence and glanced over, her eyes as clear as a spring.

Chu Li nodded with a smile, picked up his riding whip and waved it lightly.

Along the way, Chu Li appeared in front of Fa Yuan from time to time to make sneak attacks. Although Fa Yuan dealt with it in a panic, he was never injured. The Vajra Du'e magical power made him invincible. He had nothing to do with Chu Li, and Chu Li had nothing to do with him. .

Jinghaicheng Kangfu

Chu Li changed into a scholar's green shirt, took a folding fan, and immediately concealed his majestic heroic spirit. He looked like a scholar. He followed Xiao Shi and Xiao Qi side by side with Guo Mulin and entered the lively Kang Mansion.

Scholars from Kang University are high-ranking officials in the imperial court. Although they have become official, they have students all over the world, many of whom are in high positions.

Most of the people who came to celebrate his birthday were court officials, rarely martial arts figures.

Everyone knows that the Kang University scholar hates people in the martial arts world. He feels that he violates the prohibition with force and regards the laws of the court as nothing. He is unscrupulous and should be severely punished. It is best to destroy them all, then the world will be peaceful.

Since he came to power, he has suppressed many martial arts sects and even destroyed two sects. The disciples of these two sects were unfaithful and committed adultery, but the two sects blindly protected them. He eradicated both sects with thunderbolt methods, which shocked the world at that time. Big case.

Chu Li had already gotten to know this Kang University scholar before he came. He was considered a good-natured and gentle person in the court, but he immediately changed his face when facing people in the martial arts world. However, his articles and poems were world-famous and he was highly supported by scholars.

A great figure in the literary world and a public enemy in the martial arts world.

The door led the four of them into the front yard of the Bachelor's Mansion. Xiao Shi and Xiao Qi were led into the main hall, and Chu Li and Guo Mulin were led into the side hall. The two of them were not qualified to see the Bachelor of Kangxi University.

The side hall was also very lively, with many staff members and guards with shining eyes. The two people came in without attracting any attention.

Chu Li and Guo Mulin sat in the Grand Master's chair. The two of them discussed medical skills along the way. Chu Li asked for advice on the problems encountered in the medical books one by one. Guo Mulin patiently explained from the shallower to the deeper, which made Chu Li gain a lot and he was thoroughly familiar with it. Enter the door of medicine.

He had a photographic memory, memorized all the classic ancient prescriptions and medicinal herbs, and was very familiar with them. This made Guo Mulin envious, but also had great hopes, thinking that he was a miracle medical seed, and with a little training, he could run rampant in the apricot forest.

They talked for a while and were led out again. They walked through several moon gates and came to a quiet courtyard. There was a green bamboo forest in the courtyard. Xiao Qi and Xiao Shi were already sitting in the small pavilion in the courtyard admiring the bamboos. There was a delicate girl beside them. Maid.

"Thanks to my second sister, I'm staying here these two days." Xiao Qi said, "Mr. Guo and Chu Li are also staying together."

Chu Li smiled and said: "This scholar from Kang University hates people in the martial arts world so much, how can he still be protected by the masters of Tianwaitian?"

Along the way, he used the big round mirror to look around Kang Mansion and discovered two masters from the outer world.

I have some doubts, when did the masters of Tianwaitian become so worthless? Mobile phone users please visit w reading for a better reading experience.