White-Robed Chief

Chapter 125: Task


Xiao Qi was a little touched. For the sake of the second sister, the eldest brother could put aside his own feelings and swallow this breath. ︾,

Once Chu Li catches up with Jiang Huai, if he cannot show sincerity and only relies on force, he will only force Jiang Huai to die and break the net. He will never hand over the longevity grass. Only by giving him a chance can he get the longevity grass back.

This opportunity is very slim, but you have to fight for the slightest chance. It was with this mentality that I found the longevity grass.

"Second sister, since Chu Li can catch up with Jiang Huai, why didn't you tell him earlier!" Xiao Tieying complained angrily.

Xiao Qi shook his head and said: "Chu Li's Qing Gong is very good, but he is not a god, so he may not be able to do it."

"If you have a chance, you have to fight for it!" Xiao Tieying said: "Okay, let him go now and be promoted to the fourth rank. If he can really find the longevity grass, he will be promoted to the first rank!"

Xiao Qi said: "We need cooperation from the government. We must first find where Jiang Huai is!"

"Already looking for it." Xiao Tieying said, "There will be news soon."

"I'm going to find Chu Li." Xiao Qi said.

In her heart, she had no hope of recovering the Immortal Grass.

Jiang Huai is a flying thief with extensive knowledge. How could he not recognize the longevity grass? Even if he didn't pay attention to it at first, he could still guess that it was a valuable thing after knowing the identity of the Duke's mansion. He could find out after careful inspection.

Jiang Huai was afraid that he would swallow it directly if it could increase his life span by sixty years.

Xiao Tieying stared at her dissatisfied: "Hurry up and find her!"

"There is no rush at this moment." Xiao Qi said.

Xiao Tieying said angrily: "It's possible that just a few words later, Jiang Huai would have eaten the longevity grass!"

"Okay, I'll be there right away." Xiao Qi shook his head. He was now in a semi-crazy state and it was not appropriate to be reasonable.

Chu Li was taking care of the spiritual grass in the small courtyard. He had already harvested a crop and planted new seeds.

The Tianling Tree is showing its power for the first time, and the harvest time is shortened by two-thirds than normal. The annual spirit grass only takes four months.

Xueling was practicing Xuanyin Palm on the side. Xuanyin Palm not only has strange palm power, but also wonderful palm skills. It needs to be understood carefully. Practice makes perfect.

"Bop!" There was a knock on the door of the small courtyard.

Chu Li Dayuan Jingzhi took a look and found that it was Xiao Qi. He waved his hand to signal Xueling that he would open the door in person, patted the spiritual soil on his palm, opened the door of the small courtyard, clasped his fists in greeting: "Miss."

Xiao Qi is wearing a snow-white robe, looking like otherworldly fireworks, while Suru is wearing a lake-green robe, looking beautiful and pleasant.

"Go in and talk." Xiao Qi stepped into the small courtyard.

She looked at the Tianling Tree and the spiritual grass around it, and nodded with satisfaction. The spiritual grass grew extremely fast. Although it was only a small piece of spiritual soil, it was comparable to a spiritual medicine garden.

Moreover, it can grow living medicinal herbs and cultivate dissatisfied spiritual herbs. This small courtyard is of infinite value.

Xueling came over to see the gift.

The four of them entered the small pavilion. The green bamboos were swaying, and it was quiet and pleasant.

Xueling served the tea and gently withdrew.

Xiao Qi put down the white jade tea cup and looked at Chu Li with cold eyes: "Chu Li, you are now in the fourth grade."

Chu Li was startled, then smiled and said, "Thank you, Miss!"

The promotion from the fifth grade to the fourth grade was a natural chasm. He originally thought that it would take several years to accumulate merit. The fourth grade could not be achieved by accumulating time, and it all depended on merit.

Xiao Qi said: "You deserve this,... there is one more thing."

"Tianlingyuan?" Chu Li said with a smile: "The eldest son doesn't agree?"

"Eldest brother has agreed." Xiao Qi said lightly: "But something happened in the house."

Chu Li looked at her.

Xiao Qi said: "I originally found an immortal grass, but it was snatched away by the flying monkey on the way."

"Immortality grass?" Chu Li was startled and said in surprise: "The legendary immortality grass?"


"Is there really a longevity grass in the world?" Chu Li sighed with emotion: "I never expected it. It is said that it can add a lifetime of longevity. It is indeed a good thing... How could it be robbed?"

Being able to find the Immortal Grass shows that the power of the Duke's Palace is huge. It should not be taken away. No matter how much it is taken, it must be escorted by experts from the outer world, so it should be foolproof.

Xiao Qi said lightly: "You know the Flying Monkey, right?"

Chu Li pondered for a moment and nodded.

He found the information about the Flying Monkey in his mind. He was an innate master with unparalleled light skills. Even if he faced the masters from the outer world, he could escape unscathed.

Chu Li believed that this was not a false rumor. His Qinggong was extremely good and he would be able to escape unscathed from the masters of Tianwaitian.

"The Flying Divine Monkey suddenly took advantage of the Iron Demon Ridge to ambush the guards in the mansion and snatched away the Immortality Grass." Xiao Qi said lightly: "Now that he has disappeared, he may have recognized the Immortality Grass."

Chu Li sighed: "Maybe I've already eaten it!"

"If he eats it, then kill him. If he doesn't eat it, then take it back. If he hands over the longevity grass, he can forget about it." Xiao Qi said: "You can do this!"

Chu Li was startled and pointed at himself in surprise.

Xiao Qi said: "You are the best in Qinggong. There is a glimmer of hope that you can catch him. If you can get the Immortality Grass back, you can advance to the next level."

Chu Li smiled bitterly and said, "Miss, I don't have that much ability."

Suru glanced at him and hummed: "Chu Li, how will you know if you don't try?"

Chu Li sighed: "I guess the guards in the mansion have already tried it, right?"

"Big Brother has sent two groups of men. There is no news yet, so there is probably no hope." Xiao Qi shook his head and said: "The Flying Monkey is really so easy to catch. He has died countless times. I still have to rely on you."

Chu Li picked up the white jade tea cup, took a sip, and sighed: "Finding the Flying Monkey is harder than finding a needle in a haystack."

The Flying God Monkey is a famous flying thief in the world. He has offended countless people. He is still at ease and no one can do anything to him. This means that no one knows where he is hiding. He is also proficient in concealment. The world is huge and anyone who wants to find him can The hideout is completely whimsical.

After grabbing the longevity grass, it didn't take much to think that Jiang Huai must have been hiding for a while.

If you want to find him in this situation, unless a miracle happens, you have the Ku Rong Sutra and the Great Circle Mirror Wisdom, but you are not a god and cannot do anything.

"The government will mobilize people to help you." Xiao Qi said.

Chu Li sighed: "Miss, you know, it's useless."

The Flying Monkey not only offended their family, but also everyone in the Twelve-Road Duke's Palace, especially Ren Guo Duke's Palace, who hated him for entering the government and wanted to get rid of him quickly. Ren Guo's Palace was so powerful that they couldn't find him. To him, let alone Duke Yi's Mansion.

Xiao Qi said lightly: "So you don't want to go?"

Chu Li looked at her cold and expressionless look, and sighed: "Since the young lady has a destiny, of course I will obey it!"

"That's good." Xiao Qi's expression softened.

Suru said: "Why are you so long-winded? Just hurry up and seize the time. Jiang Huai may swallow the longevity grass in just a short while!"

Xiao Qi asked: "Is there anything else you need?"

"Who is the longevity grass for?" Chu Li asked.

Xiao Qi was startled. She didn't expect him to ask this at this time: "It's for the second sister."

Chu Li nodded thoughtfully.

It seems that the eldest son is indeed very emotional. He has a life span of sixty years. This temptation is too great. He can resist it. Giving the longevity grass to Xiao Shi is worthy of his efforts.

Suru said: "Do you want me to help you?"

Chu Li shook his head: "The fewer people, the better. It's not easy to catch up with the Flying Monkey."

"Where to start?" Xiao Qi asked.

Chu Li pondered for a moment, then raised his head and said, "Are those guards back?"

"Do you suspect there is an insider?" Xiao Qi immediately understood what he meant.

Chu Li said: "**Buli Shi!"
