White-Robed Chief

Chapter 141: The crime occurred


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Jiang Huai and Hu Zhiwen were in a group, and they were responsible for one street.

The east end of this street is a quiet residential area, and the west end is a lively street. There is also a two-story restaurant on the street - Fengxian Tower.

Strings of lanterns are hung in the residential area, which is brightly lit but very quiet.

There are more lanterns on the street, and it is very lively with people coming and going.

Jiang Huai was filled with emotion. As expected of Chongming City, it was even more lively than during the day. But thinking about it, everyone was busy during the day and went out to join in the fun at night.

The Fengxian Tower is two stories high, and its signboard hangs high in the air, fluttering in the night wind.

In front of Fengxian Tower, the one-story flower bridge is hung with lanterns. The lights make the restaurant look like a fairy palace in heaven, and the sound of silk and bamboo floating from the building is like the ethereal sound of fairy music.

The two of them strolled down the street, joining the endless flow of people.

Hu Zhiwen was casual and lazy: "It's quite boring to patrol the city. Just walking around like this. It was lively and fun at first, but after watching it a dozen or twenty times, I got tired of it."

"It's quite lively." Jiang Huai looked around.

Hu Zhiwen said: "People in the city know the rules and won't mess around, so we just walk around and don't have to worry about anything."

The two of them just walked under the flower bridge of Fengxian Tower. As soon as he finished speaking, a loud roar came from above.

Jiang Huai hurriedly said: "There's a fight from above!"

Fighting is prohibited in Chongming City. If you are a martial arts figure, your martial arts will be abolished and expelled from the city. If you are not a martial arts figure, you will be punished with twenty sticks and fined ten taels of silver. The rules are very strict and are implemented thoroughly.

Hu Zhiwen waved his hand: "No need to worry."

He took Jiang Huai to the Fengxian Building and went directly to the second floor. He saw two people standing with their faces almost touching each other, shouting and cursing. The drinkers around them looked like they were watching a good show.

Jiang Huai glanced at the two adjacent tables and saw that the number of people at the two adjacent tables varied. One table had four people, and the one standing cursing was a strong man, and the other one had two people. The person standing cursing was a thin middle-aged man.

"With the surname Sun, you are just a grandson. You have no seed and are not a man!"

"Your mother knows best whether I have planted my seed or not. Go home and ask!"

"Sun Desheng, **** your ancestor!"

"You have what it takes!"

"Sun Desheng, if you have the courage, hit me!"

"Hitting you made my hands dirty!"

"Bang!" The sturdy man slapped his palm on the table, leaving a palm print. Roared: "Coward!"

The skinny middle-aged man sneered: "You're not a coward. Why don't you do it? Move my finger and see!"

"Bah!" The sturdy man suddenly shot spit at the skinny middle-aged man's face.

The thin middle-aged man was very clever and dodged sideways. He spat back, "Ah!"

"Bah!" The strong man was not convinced and spit out again.

The thin middle-aged man avoided it again and took a sip.

The two of them were spitting like hidden weapons, causing pain to the people behind them. They also dodged left and right, and were extremely busy.

Jiang Huai couldn't help but want to laugh and looked at Hu Zhiwen: "Brother Hu...?"

Hu Zhiwen shook his head: "Just watch the show!"

Jiang Huai said: "Is this considered a fight?"

"I didn't take action. If I didn't use a weapon, it doesn't count as a fight." Hu Zhiwen said: "If we really have to take action, it won't be too late for us to take action again."

Jiang Huai understood that even though these two people were scolding each other fiercely, they didn't dare to take action. A gentleman speaks but doesn't take action. His spit is flying everywhere. It just looks disgusting, but looking at the expressions of the drinkers around him, he doesn't feel disgusted at all. . Just find it interesting.

The amount of spit was limited, so the two of them stopped spitting at each other a few times, and cursed again. Cursing became boring. After being persuaded by their respective people, they sat down to eat angrily.

Jiang Huai and Hu Zhiwen left Fengxian Tower.

"It seems that no one dares to offend against the majesty of the Duke's Mansion." Jiang Huai sighed.

The two walked towards the residential area and entered a quiet alley.

"Part of it is the rules of the Duke's government, and part of it is everyone's voluntary compliance," Hu Zhiwen said with a smile: "Even if you encounter sworn enemies, you can't do anything in the city. It's the safest in town and it's good for everyone to be able to completely relax and take a break. "

"That's true." Jiang Huai nodded and smiled: "There must be a lot of thieves in the city?"

"If we really do, the guards will be rich." Hu Zhiwen said with a smile: "Didn't you go to the Martial Arts Hall to check the wanted list before coming here? If we really encounter him and catch him, the reward will be very generous!"

"I really didn't pay attention." Jiang Huai smiled.

It seems that I have to do the tasks slowly and understand the rules.

Hu Zhiwen said: "This is my favorite thing when patrolling the city. This year I ran into a gangster, caught him, and got ten thousand taels of silver."

"Let's take a look when we get back." Jiang Huai said.

Hu Zhiwen said: "But don't have too high expectations. Anyone who is not stupid will change his appearance and be unrecognizable for a while."

Jiang Huai nodded.

Just like him, when he goes out, he uses the bone shrinking technique, and usually recovers. Others will not know that he is the Flying Monkey. If he acts like this, others may not be the same. No one in this world is stupider than anyone else.

"Ah!" Suddenly a slight scream sounded.

Both of them are innate masters with sharp facial features. When they heard the voice, they looked at each other and Hu Zhiwen shouted: "No!"

Jiang Huai used Qing Kung Fu, and it was like a gust of wind rushing towards the place where the screams were heard.

Hu Zhiwen ran two steps and fell behind, staring in surprise. He didn't expect Jiang Huai to have such extraordinary light skills.

When Hu Zhiwen rushed into the house where the screams were coming, the smell of blood hit his nose.

In the open hall, a man and a woman lay motionless in a pool of blood, with a baby next to them.

Hu Zhiwen rushed into the hall and tested their breathing and pulse. They both had heartbeats. The sword in their hearts caused a lot of blood.

Hu Zhiwen looked extremely ugly and quickly pointed at the two of them to stop the bleeding.

Then his expression became distorted, and he slowly took out a porcelain bottle, poured out two pills, and put them in their mouths respectively. Then he pressed his palms on their chests and used his internal force to activate the medicine.

"Damn, damn, damn!" Hu Zhiwen kept mumbling. These were two Qiyuan Pills. He had only earned them with two years of hard work!

After the Qi Yuan Dan went down, the two of them breathed calmly, and their lives were saved.

He went to see the baby again, and he was fast asleep.

Hu Zhiwen glanced around but didn't see Jiang Huai. He knew that he should have seen the murderer and chased him out. He just didn't know if he could chase him, and he couldn't go, lest the other party kill another one.

He felt that the days were like years. After a while, Jiang Huai came floating in, holding a man in black in his hand. His acupuncture points were sealed and motionless.

Hu Zhiwen breathed a long sigh of relief. Thank God, he finally saved his Qiyuan Pill!

"Brother Hu..." Jiang Huai threw the man in black to the ground and said helplessly: "One of them escaped!"

"Two guys?"

"Well, two. The other one is more powerful in martial arts."

Hu Zhiwen shook his head and sighed: "Oh... Xiao Jiang, you have done this the wrong way. You must save people first, and then go after the murderer."

Jiang Huai was startled: "Can they still be saved?"

"The Prayer for Yuan Dan is here, and any injury can be saved!" Hu Zhiwen said, and immediately patted his head again: "I forgot that you just came in, so you probably haven't prayed for the Yuan Dan yet." (To be continued.) Mobile phone users please visit w to read, A better reading experience.