White-Robed Chief

Chapter 15: Tongjin


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The two of them left the city and rode quickly.

After driving for a long time, we came to a forest to rest at noon.

Chu Li's energy was calm and relaxed. He seemed to have no internal energy in his body, but the essence of plants and trees kept nourishing his body and eliminating fatigue. In addition, he had strong mental strength, so he didn't feel tired at all.

Zhao Ying had internal strength to protect her body and did not feel tired. The key was to rest her horse power. The two horses were sweating profusely after running for half a day.

Such a strong sun is not suitable for traveling.

The two of them were sitting in a small pavilion in a forest. This small pavilion was mottled with vicissitudes of life and had experienced a lot of wind and rain. It was built by the imperial court for pedestrians to rest.

"Senior Brother Chu, let me practice Feiyan Sword Technique again!" As soon as Zhao Ying entered the small pavilion, she couldn't wait to draw her sword out of its sheath: "Please give me some advice from Senior Brother Chu!"

Chu Li sat down and nodded: "Then let's take a look."

Zhao Ying rolled her eyes at him and walked to the center of the small pavilion. Her sword skills were brilliant and filled the small pavilion in the blink of an eye.

Chu Li nodded thoughtfully.

Zhao Ying sheathed her sword and looked over with bright eyes: "Senior Brother Chu?"

Chu Li seemed to be in a trance, but in fact he was replaying her previous movements in his mind, taking them apart one by one. After this time, he completely remembered it and could practice it skillfully.

"Senior Brother Chu?!" Zhao Ying said loudly.

Seeing Chu Li in a daze, she couldn't help but get angry. Could it be that her swordsmanship was so bad that it wasn't worth his attention, so she was distracted by other things

Chu Li came back to his senses and smiled.

"Senior Brother Chu, what's wrong with my training?" Zhao Ying snorted.

Chu Li stood up and stretched out his hand.

Zhao Ying handed the sword over, and Chu Li felt warmth and a faint fragrance.

He held a sword flower in his arm and said: "Junior Sister Zhao, I think you haven't found the door to Feiyan Sword Technique yet, and you are still lingering outside the door."

"Then please give me some advice from Senior Brother Chu!" Zhao Yingbai said with a glance, in a loud tone. He had been practicing Feiyan Sword Technique for a year, and he was very familiar with it.

Chu Li gently swung his sword, very fast, then slowed down, and swung again quickly, alternating between slow and fast, stretching naturally, like a light swallow skimming on the lake, sometimes passing over the lake, sometimes flying high into the sky, free and leisurely , fast and slow freely.

Zhao Yingming's eyes were fixed on the sword without blinking. She was very familiar with Feiyan's swordsmanship. When she saw Chu Li's swordsmanship, her eyes suddenly lit up, as if she suddenly had an enlightenment.

Chu Li put away his sword and said with a smile: "Do you understand?"

"Rhythm!" Zhao Ying muttered to herself.

Chu Li smiled and said: "The understanding is good. Rhythm is the essence of Feiyan swordsmanship. You can't just go fast. Swallows fly fast, but you can't just go fast. You need to slow down to be faster."

Zhao Ying frowned and looked at him: "Senior Brother Chu, have you also practiced Feiyan Sword Technique?"

Chu Li shook his head: "I practice the sword-breaking technique."

"That sword-breaking technique practiced by Senior Brother Zhuo?"

Chu Li smiled and said: "Well, I heard that he practiced this, so I went to practice it. It breaks all illusions and points directly to people's hearts. The state is extremely high."

"Senior Brother Chu, you are so bad!" Zhao Ying snorted.

Chu Li laughed and handed the sword to her.

Zhao Ying took it and practiced it twice. Her pretty face shone and she became more and more excited. She didn't expect that with Chu Li's slightest move, her swordsmanship suddenly reached a new level.

He was right, he had never touched the door of Feiyan Sword Technique before. This is the real Feiyan Sword Technique!

It's a pity that after sparring with Senior Brother Zhuo for so long, Senior Brother Zhuo didn't see this, and he didn't realize it either. Otherwise, it would be possible to break through to the eighth level. After practicing Feiyan Sword Technique to this level, there is hope to break through to the eighth level. !

Chu Li looked around to see if there was any elixir. The spiritual energy of every tree blended with him. No one was missed within a hundred meters. Suddenly, he raised his brows, stood up, walked out of the pavilion, and came to a small grass. in front of.

The grass is in a tuft of grass. It is no different from ordinary weeds. It is inconspicuous. If you look carefully, you will find that it is greener and more symmetrical. It seems to have a unique beauty. Chu Li sighed and said to himself Luck is coming!

"What is this?" A faint fragrance wafted over, and Zhao Ying looked closer curiously.

"Tongjincao." Chu Li said, stretching out his hand: "I'll lend you your sword."

Zhao Ying handed over the sword.

With a flash of sword light, the grass was picked out, and its long roots fell into Chu Li's hand.

He looked at it carefully, smiled, and handed the sword back.

Zhao Ying took out the white silk handkerchief and wiped the sword: "What's the use of this?"

"It can strengthen the meridians!" Chu Li shook his head and sighed: "It is a good thing that can only be found but cannot be found. With this, the time for foundation building is greatly shortened!"

"Really?" Zhao Ying wiped her sword for a moment and said in surprise: "Can it really assist in foundation building?"

If this is the case, then the value of this Tongli grass is too high. [△网WwW.]

Chu Li said: "It needs to be mixed with another medicine."

"Then after eating this, can you build a foundation, Senior Brother Chu?"

Chu Li smiled and said nothing.

"I didn't expect this little thing to be so magical..." Zhao Ying looked at the grass curiously. The grass was slender, but the roots were thick and long.

Chu Li smiled and said: "I will give you half when we meet, and I will give you one when I make the medicine."

"I don't want it." Zhao Ying hurriedly waved her jade hands.

"It can strengthen the meridians and speed up cultivation."

"Is it really that magical?"

"If your meridians are strengthened, will your cultivation be faster?"

"Of course." Zhao Ying nodded, her internal energy was overbearing, and her meridians had their limits. Often, when the exercise reaches a certain number of times, she had to stop and give her meridians a rest, otherwise they would collapse and get injured.

If the meridians are strong, the training time can be extended, and progress will of course be faster.

Chu Li said with a smile: "Then you don't want it?"

Zhao Ying hesitated, glanced at him and said, "No!"

Chu Li laughed and said nothing more. He wrapped it up and put it in his arms. He moistened it with spiritual energy so that the vitality would not be lost and the medicine would be more effective.

"When we encounter a city again, we'll go in and have a look. There should be earth dragon grass."


The two quickly got up again, and in the evening, they rode into a small city - Baiyun City.

First, he found a "Youlai Inn" and asked for a small courtyard. Then Chu Li let Zhao Ying rest while he went to the medicine shop in the city to see if he could find Dilongcao. Zhao Ying was curious and insisted on following him.

So the two of them changed their clothes, refreshed and strolled out of Youlai Inn.

As the sun sets, the small town is covered with a layer of glow.

Walking among the bustling crowd, the two of them felt relaxed and at ease.

Zhao Ying looked around curiously. No mission was so easy and comfortable. She stopped from time to time to look at the items on the stall.

Seeing that she liked it, Chu Li bought it directly. In a short time, he bought two large packages of things.

"Senior Brother Chu, don't buy it, your little wages..."

"You don't know what grade I am, do you?"

"Not the ninth grade?" Zhao Ying asked curiously.

Chu Li made a "six" gesture with his fingers and smiled.

"No way?" Zhao Yingming's eyes widened.

Chu Li smiled and said, "You will know when you return home."

"How could...?" Zhao Ying was in disbelief, her eyes darting around on his face.

"It's just a promotion based on super merit. Isn't that weird?" Chu Li smiled and said, "Watch the road!"

He suddenly tugged on her left arm and dodged the collision between two children. They were laughing and running without caring about whether they could hit anyone.

Zhao Ying's delicate body stiffened, she hurriedly retracted her arms and left his big hand, and glared at him with a blushing face.

Chu Li retracted his hand: "Let's go, let's go to the drug store first."

"Yeah." Zhao Ying nodded lightly.

The two of them went straight to a big drug store, and Chu Li asked for some earth dragon grass.

This medicine shop really had Dilongca, which was very expensive. Chu Li bought one without hesitation, and returned to the small courtyard of the inn with Zhao Ying.

Zhao Ying lives in the west wing, and Chu Li lives in the master bedroom.

Zhao Ying was playing with the small items she bought in the west wing, smiling from time to time.

Chu Li pounded two medicinal herbs in the main hall, mixed them together, added another spiritual herb, boiled it into juice, mixed it with honey, and made four honey pills.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhao Ying was practicing swordplay. Feiyan's sword technique was light and graceful, and the sword's light was brilliant. Chu Li opened the door and stretched out, breathing in the fresh air and stretching his lungs.

Zhao Ying wore a lake green outfit, which highlighted her graceful figure and her heroic appearance.

Chu Li sat down at the stone table.

A quarter of an hour later, Zhao Ying sheathed her sword, her cheeks rosy and charming.

"Senior Brother Chu, did you sleep well?" She sheathed her sword.

"It's okay." Chu Li took out a porcelain bottle from his arms and threw it to Zhao Ying.

Zhao Ying hurriedly took it and said in surprise: "Did you refine it?"

Chu Li nodded: "There are four pills in total, half for you and half for me. Take them as soon as possible to avoid losing the effectiveness of the medicine!"

"I don't want it!" Zhao Ying shook her head hurriedly and handed over the porcelain bottle.

Chu Li didn't stretch out his hand: "Take it as long as you are told!"

"I don't want it!" Zhao Ying said firmly: "You need this most."

Being unable to practice internal strength has always been the source of his pain. If this medicine can help him, how can he be greedy

Chu Li sighed helplessly, took it, opened the stopper, and poured out two dark green pills, the size of the cap of a little finger. Then when he reached for his hand, Zhao Ying froze instantly, her acupuncture points were sealed, her bright eyes widened in surprise, and she opened her cherry Small mouth.

Chu Li put two pills into her mouth, then patted the back of her neck, and then backed away.

Zhao Ying resumed her activities and coughed hard several times to try and cough it out, but to no avail. The pill melted into her mouth and turned into two aromas flowing through her body. In the blink of an eye, it turned around and turned into medicinal power.

"Senior Brother Chu!" Zhao Ying was angry and stared at him with bright eyes.

Chu Li clapped his hands and smiled: "Okay, solved!"

Zhao Ying stared at him dissatisfied.

Chu Li said: "If you stare any longer, your eyes will fall out!"

"You're really going too far!" Zhao Ying said bitterly.

Chu Li smiled and said: "Okay, hurry up and do your exercises, don't waste the medicine."

Zhao Ying glared at him bitterly, turned around and went into the house. Chu Li smiled and went back to the house to practice his medicine.

This is an ancient prescription - Que Ti Powder, which was later lost because Tongjincao was difficult to find.

Tongli grass is a mutation of a weed, which is what later generations call a genetic mutation. It cannot be planted and reproduced, and it is no different from a weed. Almost no one can recognize it.

Chu Li found this Tongjincao because he had the Ku Rong Sutra and the spiritual energy was connected. He believed that there were many Tongjincao in the world that had not been found.

After taking two pills, I immediately felt a strange feeling, my meridians were stable, and my internal energy flowed faster. It was indeed a magical prescription. Mobile phone users please visit w reading for a better reading experience.