White-Robed Chief

Chapter 177: dowry


After Chu Li returned to the small courtyard, he began to test the power of the second floor of the Kurong Sutra.

He used his glory to move a small pine tree in the forest. After an hour, the small pine tree grew an annual ring and grew in size.

Chu Li was surprised. He didn't expect Rong Qi to be so powerful.

In this way, one hour is worth a year, ten hours is worth ten years, and a hundred hours is worth a hundred years. With such power to activate the precious spiritual grass, the harvest will be huge. It is indeed worthy of the Withering Sutra!

The medicinal power of spiritual grass is often related to time. The longer it grows, the stronger the medicinal power. For the same spiritual grass, there is no difference between ten years and a hundred years.

He decided to keep this secret and keep it secret from others.

After all, there are too many interests involved, and it is inevitable that there will be disturbances. The top priority is to learn medical skills and learn to make elixirs. I have powerful medicinal herbs, make precious elixirs, and use them quietly, without anyone noticing. Just thinking about it is amazing and exciting.

At noon, Xueling cooked more than a dozen dishes, and the stone table in the small pavilion was packed to the brim. Even if they were all delicious and delicious, it was impossible for the two of them to finish them.

Chu Li knew that she was happy, so he didn't talk too much to disappoint her. Instead, he praised her a few times and suggested having two glasses of wine together to calm her down.

Just after dinner, Xiao Qi, dressed in white, opened the door and walked in, followed by Suru, who was in a fluttering apricot yellow dress.

As soon as they entered the small pavilion, Suru pursed her lips and smiled and said: "Chu Li, congratulations to you, a second-grade guard!"

Chu Li looked at Xiao Qi.

Xiao Qi, dressed in flawless white clothes and with a face as white as jade, elegantly sat across from him and said with her head, "This time I saved the second sister and was promoted to the second rank."

Chu Li smiled and said: "Isn't this Jinpin too easy?"

To be promoted from the third grade to the second grade, one has to perform extraordinary feats to obtain it. Although he saved Xiao Shi's life, he still did not meet the qualifications of the second grade.

Xiao Qi said: "You took the initiative to save your life in this matter, so you can make an exception and be promoted... Xiaoru, you and Xueling go make some snacks."

"Yes." Suru pulled Xueling and left the pavilion.

Chu Li looked at Xiao Qi doubtfully.

Xiao Qi took out a piece of plain paper from her sleeves. Passed it to Chu Li: "This is the internal response to the Duke Ren's Mansion. Take a look."

Chu Li frowned: "Miss, do you want to join the faction immediately?"

Xiao Qi said: "Within a month."

"So urgent?" Chu Li took the plain paper and took a glance at it to imprint it into his mind.

Xiao Qi shook his head and said: "This opportunity is rare."

Chu Li nodded understandingly.

If she wanted to enter Xue Yuexuan without arousing suspicion, she really needed a unique opportunity. You can't get started step by step, starting from the beginning disciples, that would be too time-consuming.

Chu Li shook it gently, and the plain paper turned into powder, and a gust of wind blew. Float away.

Xiao Qi said: "As for the inside story, you will be responsible from now on. Just report it directly to the elder brother. You also have the right to do things expediently."

"I will do it with my heart." Chu Li said.

Xiao Qi sighed: "You know, the second sister is engaged to Prince An."

She was a little worried about Chu Li's reaction. If she was really infatuated with her second sister and her love was deep-rooted, she would probably feel resentful after hearing the news. It was too easy for love to turn into hatred.

Chu Li raised his eyebrows and nodded slightly.

He has great round mirror wisdom. When Xiao Tieying met them before, he had already seen Xiao Shi's thoughts.

Xiao Shi wanted to marry into Prince An's palace and become Princess An, so as to give the Duke of Guo's Palace a chance to breathe. It would no longer be suppressed by the royal family, and the Duke of Ren's Palace would not dare to attack so unscrupulously.

Chu Li was noncommittal about her thoughts.

Xiao Shi and Xiao Qi have completely different personalities. She may have been troubled by her illness. She is more indifferent to life and herself.

She knew that if she had not been born in the Duke's mansion, she might not have lived to be ten years old. The eldest brother, the third sister and the fourth brother spent a lot of effort to extend her life. Immortality grass was not that easy to find, and the Duke's government spent a huge amount of manpower and material resources.

After she gets better. What he thinks about is not enjoying his own life and enjoying his youth, but the fate of the Duke's Mansion. He wants to use his own body to help the Duke's Mansion.

Xiao Qi frowned and shook her head: "Second sister wants to marry into Prince An's palace."

She knows the second sister's personality. True to his word, the eldest brother can't defeat her at all, and he will get his wish in the end.

Chu Li said: "Second Miss will get married eventually, so marrying Prince An is not a bad idea."

He felt a little uncomfortable.

Nowadays, he has some knowledge of several princes in the royal family. King An has always had a good reputation and is highly praised by Qingliu. He is talented in poetry and calligraphy. He is a good reader. He has presided over the revision of several dictionaries. It is said that he has a gentle personality and an excellent temper.

Although he is already forty years old, he is not old and can be regarded as a normal man. Moreover, as he is older, he can also cherish others, so he can be considered a good match.

Chu Li liked Xiao Shi's beauty very much, and he could only admire her. It was only because of his love for the house and the bird, relying on the Ku Rong Sutra, and being driven by utilitarianism that he would do what outsiders saw as sacrificing his own life to save others. Without the Ku Rong Sutra, He would never do this.

Although Xiao Shi's beauty was better than Xiao Qi's, he liked Xiao Qi.

But Xiao Shi, such a beautiful woman, the most beautiful woman in the season, was going to marry someone else. He was still a little melancholy and uncomfortable. This is a man's nature.

Xiao Qijing looked at his face, trying to see through his subtle expressions: "What do you mean to the second sister..."

Chu Li said: "I don't have any bad thoughts about the second lady!"

"Really?" Xiao Qin stared at him.

Chu Li smiled and said: "Second Miss's eyes are higher than her head. Even if I have intentions, it's useless!"

Xiao Qi said calmly: "It seems that she still has intentions."

Chu Li spread his hands and said with a smile: "It's not bad for the second young lady to marry Prince An."

"The grievances between the Duke's Mansion and the royal family are so entangled that it's hard to put it into words," Xiao Qi shook her head and said, "Other mansions will not be as peaceful as ours. It is inevitable that they will fight openly and secretly, and she will not be happy with the concubine here."

Chu Li said: "The key is to see what the second lady thinks."

"Second sister is stubborn and will marry her eventually." Xiao Qi frowned and sighed: "I'm really worried."

Chu Li smiled and looked at her cold face quietly.

Xiao Qiming's eyes flashed: "Chu Li, if the second sister really enters Prince An's Mansion, you can follow her."

Chu Li was startled, then laughed: "Miss, I am a man!"

"It doesn't matter." Xiao Qi said: "The palace is not a royal palace, and personal guards can follow you into the palace... I can only rest assured if you are by my second sister's side."

"Then Miss, you..." Chu Li frowned.

Xiao Qi said: "I will stay in Xue Yuexuan for several years, even more than ten years. Even if you are in the house, it will be difficult for us to meet."

Chu Li was silent.

Xiao Qi said: "It really doesn't work. You go in with the second sister first, and then come back after she has established her footing... She is alone and has no scheming skills. She will be bullied when she first enters the palace. I'm really worried! "

Chu Li frowned and said nothing, somewhat reluctantly.

Xiao Qi said lightly: "Do you want me to beg you?"

"Alas..." Chu Li shook his head and sighed: "Okay, since the lady has asked me, I can only do it."

Xiao Qi smiled, and the whole pavilion suddenly became bright like the snow falling on the clear sky.

Chu Li reluctantly turned his eyes away to prevent himself from losing his composure: "When will the second lady marry into Prince An's palace?"

"She has made up her mind. Big brother can't stop her. It is estimated that Prince An's palace will receive news of her recovery soon." Xiao Qi said: "It won't take long, and she may come to welcome the bride."

"I just don't know if the second lady will agree."

"I will convince the second sister."

"Miss, do you need any help?" Chu Li said, "It's not easy to just enter Xue Yuexuan."

"Xue Yuexuan's direct disciples are all women." Xiao Qi said: "You can't help me... Xiaoru will go with me. If anything happens, let her find you."

"If you two are together..."

"It doesn't matter, no one will recognize it."

Chu Li nodded and said no more. (To be continued.)