White-Robed Chief

Chapter 220: Leave


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Chaoyang Mountain is five thousand miles away from Chongming City, and it takes several days to get there. I'm afraid Xiao Qisuru will have left the Duke's Mansion when he comes back.

Chaoyang Mountain is involved with the Hundred-Change Demon King. Is there really a legacy from him

He didn't know the other abilities of the Variety Demon Lord, but his ability to change faces was strange. If he could master it, he could transform into thousands of people, and with his great round mirror wisdom, he could do even more things!

He stood up from the small pavilion and walked around with his hands behind his hands. His usually calm heart was turbulent, with reluctance, complaints, melancholy, etc. mixed together like a mess, making him inexplicably irritable.

"Bop!" The courtyard door was pushed open after knocking, and Xiao Qi fluttered in in white clothes.

She slowly came to Chu Li, her white jade face was very close, and her faint fragrance reached his nose.

Seeing his serious face and cold eyes, Xiao Qi felt inexplicably guilty and explained: "The master from Xue Yuexuan sent a letter saying that she is injured and needs to be in seclusion. She asked us to rush there as soon as possible... Once she is in seclusion, she doesn't know when she will be able to come out. "

Chu Li stretched out his hand, asked her to sit down, frowned and said, "Is it seriously injured?"

Xiao Qi nodded slightly.

"Everything in the world is difficult." Chu Li sighed longly: "When will we leave?"

"I've written to ask if there is a way to postpone it." Xiao Qi frowned and said, "If it doesn't work, I estimate that I will have to leave in six days."

"Six days..." Chu Li seemed to have eaten coptis, and his mouth was full of bitterness.

Xiao Qi said: "I don't want to say it in advance, so as not to affect everyone's mood. There is a banquet in the world, and we must part ways one day."

Chu Li pondered: "Six days..."

Xiao Qi looked at him.

Chu Li said: "That's almost enough!... I am gradually understanding the formation. While you are still there, I will set up a formation to hide Yuqi Island so that no one else can enter. You can open it again in the future when you come back."

He had already prepared for this day. Previously, he just blamed her for hiding it from him. Now that he really wanted to leave, he would not stop her.

"What formation?"

"The Lost Formation and the Five Elements Reversal Formation." Chu Li wanted to copy the formation from Taihua Valley and complete it within six days. If it were any other formation, there would be too little time and the power would be unknown.

"...Okay." Xiao Qi couldn't refuse.

Chu Li fell silent.

Xiao Qi opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say.

The pavilion was quiet. The breeze blew slowly, and the green bamboo forest rustled softly. Time seemed to have frozen at this moment, and the two of them sat facing each other in silence.

"Pa" Xueling suddenly opened the door and came in, seeing the two people in the pavilion. He hurriedly came in to see the emperor.

Xiao Qi waved her hand and stood up quickly: "Chu Li, don't force me to do this with Lao Quan. If it really doesn't work, just send the second sister away."

Chu Li nodded.

"Let's go." Xiao Qi hurriedly left the courtyard.

Xueling blinked her bright eyes in confusion, feeling that the third lady was behaving a little strangely, but she didn't know what the blame was. Anyway, it was different from usual.

"Stop thinking blindly, how about Bi Liu?"

"Sister Bi Liu has agreed."

"That's good, let's move on to the next step!" Chu Li muttered.

Xueling said excitedly: "Okay!"

"Take your time. Don't rush." Chu Li said.

"Yes, young master!" Xueling was still excited.

The two formations overlapped, which was not difficult for Chu Li, especially after he had thoroughly understood the formations in Taihua Valley. Five days later, he arranged the formations, and Yuqi Island suddenly disappeared from people's sight.

The original location of Yuqi Island has turned into a calm and clear lake, no different from anywhere else.

Even if a boat passes by, Yuqi Island cannot be found, and the boat will slide away automatically. People sailing on the boat cannot detect anything strange.

After personally learning Chu Li's formation, Xiao Tieying was amazed. It was indeed a long-famous formation and its power was truly astonishing. In terms of defense, it is worthy of a master from Heaven and Earth.

Xiao Tieying asked Zhao Qingshan and the others to try to break into the island, but they were unable to get in.

As far as Xiao Tieying knows, there are almost no people who know the formation in the world today, and even if there are, they are only in the forbidden palace of the royal family. Or among the four major sects, there will never be too many, just a few people.

Nowadays, the Duke's Mansion is protected by formations, which means that it stands above other Duke's Mansions. The formation alone is enough to protect the Duke's Mansion.

Xiao Tieying, wearing a white robe, turned around and asked with a smile: "Chu Li, can you cover our Duke's palace under the formation?"

The group of them stood on the shore of Yuqi Island. They could see the outside clearly, and it was no different from before setting up the formation.

Chu Li said: "It's okay, but I want to wait a moment and allow my formation to be a little deeper together to set up a powerful enough formation."

"Step by step, just arrange something like Yuqi Island first." Xiao Tieying couldn't wait.

If there is a formation to protect the palace, the Duke's Mansion does not need to be guarded by masters from Heaven and Earth at all times. The original three masters from Heaven and Earth can be dispatched. The strength of Duke's Palace will increase dramatically, and it will be able to feel proud.

"... That's fine." Chu Li said: "It's fine to arrange them on important islands. It would be inconvenient to arrange them all."

"It's better to be inconvenient than dangerous. All formations are deployed!" Xiao Tieying said with a smile: "Thanks to you, Chu Li!"

Chu Li nodded helplessly, thinking about how to do it faster and more safely.

"Sir, I want to go outside first and think about it carefully before starting to arrange the arrangements." Chu Li said.

"No problem." Xiao Tieying said: "But this matter must be done as soon as possible."

"Okay." Chu Li nodded.

He wanted to understand the formations in Taihua Valley. The three formations were stacked on top of each other and were even more powerful. If he could understand them, copying their formations would be enough.

The moon is like an ice wheel, and the sky is clear.

The outline of the room was dimly visible in the moonlight. Chu Li sat cross-legged on the couch, breathing vaguely, and the room was quiet.

He suddenly opened his eyes.

I saw Xiao Qi and Suru in my mind. They were dressed in simple clothes and their faces were sallow, like a night pearl covered with sand, and their radiance disappeared immediately.

In addition, their clothes were loose and covered their graceful figures, making them inconspicuous in the crowd.

They quietly left the Star Observation Tower without disturbing the maid below, and silently arrived on a small boat. The boat gently swung away and drifted away from the shore.

Xiao Qi stood on the bow of the boat, staring in the direction of Tianlingyuan with watery eyes, motionless.

Chu Li sighed secretly, walked lightly to the shore, and stood on a treetop.

The moonlight was like water, shining on his green shirt. Xiao Qi could see it clearly. A smile broke out on his cold face and he waved.

Chu Li also waved his hand.

Suru also saw him, and only waved her hand without moving.

Looking at Xiao Qi and Suru who gradually disappeared into the night, Chu Li felt empty and uncomfortable, and melancholy kept eroding his soul.

He suddenly had a strong impulse to catch up with them and go with them, but his reason suppressed the impulse and watched them leave.

The evening wind blew slowly from the lake, blowing a bit of chill on my face.

Chu Li stood motionless on the treetop, swaying up and down with the treetops.

It wasn't until dawn that the maids on the island made some noise, and then he floated down from the tree and returned to the small courtyard.

Xueling was already practicing. When she saw him coming back from outside, she was about to speak when Chu Li waved his hand and went directly into the house.

Xueling saw something wrong with his expression and thought hard, but couldn't figure out why he was unhappy.

Chu Li lay on the bed for a while, quickly controlled his emotions, returned to reason, and returned to normal.

While eating, Chu Li said, "I'm going out tomorrow. Miss and Manager Su have left the island. You have to keep it a secret."

Xueling suddenly realized it and quietly looked at Chu Li's face.

Chu Li pretended not to know. He wanted to visit Chaoyang Mountain first to see if he could gain anything.

Others go to Chaoyang Mountain and find nothing, but he may not.

When the Great Round Mirror Wisdom is activated, he can see five miles in a radius, and even five miles up and down. The vision of the Great Round Mirror Wisdom is like a round ball.

The rocks and woods could not block his gaze. With the wisdom of the Great Round Mirror, he could clearly see every inch inside and outside Chaoyang Mountain. If there were any secrets hidden there, he would not be able to escape the observation of the Wisdom of the Great Round Mirror. (To be continued.) Mobile phone users please visit w reading for a better reading experience.