White-Robed Chief

Chapter 231: track


Lu Yurong is sitting at the stone table in the small courtyard.

She took off the white gauze, revealing her unparalleled beauty. Her charming eyebrows were lightly frowned, and she looked thoughtfully at the food on the table.

As a distinguished guest, her meals are exquisite and delicious.

She looked even more stunningly beautiful under the light, as if her body was glowing, making people afraid to look directly at her.

The maid holding the white cat next to her whispered: "Miss"

"I am so restless that something is going to happen," Lu Yurong frowned and said, "Xiaohuan, please come over, Aunt Shao."

"Yes." Xiaohuan responded in a low voice.

She walked out of the small courtyard with the white cat in her arms, and gave a few instructions at the entrance of the courtyard, and her own guards would go to summon the person.

Lu Yurong put down the silver chopsticks, stood up and moved her lotus steps lightly, as curling as a willow.

Xiao Huan hugged the white cat and looked at her.

Lu Yurong took a few deep breaths and tried to calm down the surging heart.

After a while, Shao Rou came floating over, with a gloomy face.

"Aunt Shao, what's going on?" Lu Yurong knew something was wrong as soon as he saw her face.

Shao Ju said: "Miss Song is missing"

"Yes." Lu Yurong's expression changed, and she turned around and walked out. Even so, she still kept her cool and put on the white gauze.

Shao Rou led the way, and Lu Yurong and others arrived at Song Yuning's boudoir.

Several guards were already standing downstairs with serious faces.

She went upstairs and entered the boudoir, and Song Shilin was also there.

"Brother Song," Lu Yurong said in a deep voice.

Song Shilin handed a letter to Lu Yurong: "Let's take a look. Shimei is knowledgeable. Do you know what a sacred place this Golden Summit Palace is?"

Lu Yurong opened the letter and took a look, her eyebrows furrowed slightly: "I've never heard of Jinding Palace."

"That's so overbearing. He took people away without saying a word and treated our Duke's palace as if it were nothing." Song Shilin grimaced and gritted his teeth: "I must ask for an explanation."

"Aunt Shao" Lu Yurong turned to look at Shao Rou.

Shao Ju said: "We are also baffled. Ever since Miss Song entered the house, there has been nothing strange. If the young master hadn't come, we wouldn't have noticed it."

Song Shilin spread his hands and said: "I felt something bad as soon as I entered the door. There is no Lu Shimei in the house, could it be someone named Chu?"

"No matter how good he is at Qinggong, he can lead two people away from the eyes of six Tianwaitian masters without making a sound," Lu Yurong hummed.

Song Shilin sighed: "It's impossible."

Lu Yurong walked around the room and saw the scabbard on the dressing table: "Where's the sword?"

"Did my little sister take action against them?" Song Shilin asked hurriedly.

Lu Yurong shook his head.

If they really take action, how can Shao Rou and the others not hear it

The swords Chu Li had inserted earlier had disintegrated into powder, making them inconspicuous.

It can turn long swords into powder, and the power of the void controlled by the formation is extremely powerful.

Lu Yurong turned around and found nothing, so she turned around and left.

She returned to the small courtyard, and Shao Rou and Xi Wu followed.

"Golden Dome Palace" Xi Wu was thinking all the way.

Lu Yurong sat at the stone table. He snorted coldly: "My surname is Chu."

"It's really him" Shao Rou was surprised.

Lu Yurong sneered: "He can hide it from others, but he can't hide it from me, Xiaohuan. Let Xiaobai lead the way and let's pursue him."

"Yes." Xiaohuan agreed softly, put the white cat on the ground and rubbed its chin.

The white cat meows "moo" twice, which is not like a cat's meow. It is a strange beast.

It turned into a white light and jumped forward, and the four people hurriedly followed it.

They left the Duke's Mansion and chased Chu Li to the shop where he bought wine. I saw Song Yuning and Xiaoyi taking off their clothes.

There was no expression on Lu Yurong's face covered by white gauze, but Shao Rou and the others breathed lightly, feeling her anger.

"Miss. Otherwise, go and block him outside Chongming City," Xi Wu whispered.

Lu Yurong said coldly: "It's useless."

She turned to look at the two of them: "How did he get away with the two of them?"

Xi Wu and Shao Rou both frowned.

This is also what troubles them. No matter how much they think about it, it is impossible. They are not the only ones, but there are also the other four. It is definitely not due to carelessness.

"What a man named Chu," Lu Yurong snorted, "Let's just say that the Golden Summit Palace took the person away. This debt will be settled secretly. You guys should keep your mouth shut and don't tell anyone. Especially, don't spread it to your eldest brother."

"You have to hide it from the eldest son," Xi Wu said.

Lu Yurong said: "If outsiders find out, the Renguo Palace will become a joke. Big brother, if you know it, you must fight hard with the Yiguo Palace. Everyone can guess the truth."

"Yes." Xiaohuan and the other three nodded vigorously.

This is truly a shame and a shame. The eldest son must know that no matter how wise and powerful he is, no matter how concerned he is with the overall situation, he cannot bear it and insists on an all-out war with Duke Yi.

Duke Yi's Mansion is weak, but if a full-scale war breaks out, both sides will lose in the end, and no one can get away with it, not to mention that Duke Yi's Mansion is about to get married to Prince An's Mansion.

"Miss, if we can ruin Prince An's wedding, it will be considered revenge." Xi Wu said.

"Xiao Tieying robbed Song Shijie, my eldest brother will snatch Xiao Shi back," Lu Yurong said coldly.

Xi Wu smiled and said: "This is a good idea. Miss Xiao Er is the most beautiful woman in Daji. If the eldest son wins her, he will take advantage of her."

Shao Ju said: "Miss, what should we do over there at Duke Huaiguo's Mansion?"

"Postpone the wedding first, and then we'll have a showdown with them after we rob Xiao Shi. They probably know what they're doing." Lu Yurong snorted coldly: "Let's go."

Chu Li took the two girls on a journey day and night, entered Duke Yiguo's mansion late at night, and went directly to his island.

The island has been built and the formations set up. He didn't want to leave Yuqi Island, so he delayed moving there. This time, it was just right to place Song Yuning and Xiaoyi here.

The formation is shrouded and no one can come in.

He put the two girls in the main hall and said with a smile: "This was originally an island given to me. I have never lived here before. You guys stay here for a while and have a rest."

"I want to see Brother Xiao." Song Yuning said, "Chu Li, thank you for your hard work."

Chu Li smiled and said: "I will inform the eldest son immediately."

"I will repay you for your great kindness later," Song Yuning said with a sweet smile.

Chu Li hugged his fists and walked out, arriving at Iron Eagle Island.

Xiao Tieying was reading documents in the hall. When he heard the announcement, he hurriedly put down the documents and walked to Chu Li in three steps at a time.

Chu Li said: "My eldest son, please come with me."

"It's done." Xiao Tieying looked at him nervously.

Chu Li smiled and nodded.

Xiao Tieying was trembling with excitement: "Okay."

Chu Li led the way, Xiao Tieying followed closely behind, and the two of them stepped on the boat and floated away, but Lin Quan did not follow.

"Young master, please let Miss Song live with me first. When you are bored and want to go out for a walk, just put on a veil. No one will recognize you." Chu Li stood in the wind, his green shirt fluttering: "If you leave the house, I will come Be a guard."

Xiao Tieying nodded hurriedly: "I really need to trouble you to be a guard."

He knew Chu Li's ability to see through people's hearts and was most sensitive to hostility and danger.

When Song Yuning left the house, he had to be on guard against the Renguo Duke's mansion robbing people, and he had to guard against the Huaiguo Duke's palace robbing people. Only with Chu Li could he rest assured.

"This is my duty." Chu Li smiled.

When the boat docked at the island, Xiao Tieying was tense all over and his steps were stiff, looking particularly weird.

Chu Li secretly smiled, the eldest son had a deep affection for Song Yuning.

"Young Master, I want to return to Duke Huaiguo's Mansion immediately." Chu Li stepped ashore and said, "Let's see Lu Yurong's reaction and take precautions in advance."

"Okay." Xiao Tieying tried to calm down and not to be carried away by excitement and excitement.

"This is how to enter the island." Chu Li took out a piece of paper from his sleeve, handed it to Xiao Tieying, stepped on the boat again and floated away.

ps: The monthly ticket price has increased a lot. Thank you very much. The list is very fierce and one vote can determine the position. We urgently need your votes. To be continued.