White-Robed Chief

Chapter 237: Sleek


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Su Qingdie looked at him and nodded gently: "Brother Du, please sit down. [△网WwW.]"

She came to sit next to Chu Li and took Yang Lingfeng's seat.

Yang Lingfeng chuckled and waved his hand, motioning for everyone to turn a seat back, and he sat next to Su Qingdie.

A faint fragrance lingered in the tip of his nose, Chu Li secretly looked at Su Qingdie.

His slender arms and hands moved lightly, and every move had an inexplicable rhythm. He was obviously a swordsman with extraordinary talent.

He is extremely talented, but he is also arrogant, treating everyone as if they are nothing, and his arrogance is overwhelming.

"Are you really Junior Sister Du Xia's fiancé?" Su Qingdie stared at him with clear eyes.

Chu Li smiled and nodded.

Su Qingdie shook her head and sighed: "It's a pity, women have a hard life, and a clever woman often has a clumsy husband."

Chu Li laughed: "Miss Su, Du Xia is clever, but I am not too clumsy, right?"

"What a rude man!" Su Qingdie snorted and turned to glance at everyone: "Men often have no ability, but they are conceited. They feel that they are the rightful masters and women should listen to them."

Chu Li glanced at Zhao Feihu.

Zhao Feihu looked directly at Su Qingdie, and everyone could see his admiration for Su Qingdie.

"I heard that you want to kill Feng Shaohua?" Su Qingdie said.

Yang Lingfeng hurriedly dragged the silver basin to her and handed her a silver needle: "Come on, brother Du, eat snow snails. These are from our lake, they are very delicious!"

Chu Li smiled and took a needle: "I want to try it."

He picked up a snow snail, picked out the meat and brought it to his mouth. It was tender and smooth. After chewing it twice, it was very delicious. No wonder they ate it so happily. It was indeed delicious.

Su Qingdie glared at Yang Lingfeng.

Yang Lingfeng laughed and pretended not to see it.

Chu Li secretly smiled.

Da Yuanjing's wisdom flashed past, and his smile became even brighter.

Yang Lingfeng actually has a crush on Su Qingdie. Unfortunately, Su Qingdie doesn't like anyone, not even Yang Lingfeng. I also don’t like Zhao Feihu, the number one young master.

Her eyes are higher than her head, and she is arrogant about everything. She thinks that all men in the world are the same thing, and her legs feel weak when she sees a woman. It's not worth liking if you change your mind when you see something different.

Although Zhao Feihu is the top young master of Xue Yuexuan, he is only the top master of Xue Yuexuan. He is as different from himself as a man. Slightly stronger in physical strength, it takes a long time to fight before gaining the upper hand.

She disdains men who cannot conquer her.

Su Qingdie looked at Chu Li again: "Does Brother Du know the depth of Feng Shaohua?"

Chu Li nodded: "I heard he is the number one master among young people in Qingmang Mountain."

"He is not the number one expert among young people." Su Qingdie snorted: "His brother Feng Shaorong was born perfect and has been in seclusion. He is the real number one expert among young people, just like Junior Sister Du Xia."

She said and glanced at Zhao Feihu.

Zhao Feihu is known as the number one expert among young people, but Junior Sister Du Xia has a perfect innate talent and is truly the number one expert among young people.

Zhao Feihu looked at her quietly without saying a word.

Yang Lingfeng said unconvinced: "Sooner or later, Feng Shaorong will be a master of Tianwaitian and will not participate in disputes. He cannot be counted as a young master!... Senior Sister Su and Senior Brother Zhao are the number one master of our youth in Xue Yuexuan, and Junior Sister Du Xia cannot be counted."

"Hmph, your algorithm is really weird!" Su Qingdie said angrily: "Okay, let's not talk about this, what would Junior Sister Du Xia think if she came out of seclusion and saw you inciting Brother Du to deal with Feng Shaohua? ?”

"This is not something we instigated." Yang Lingfeng shouted, "Brother Du brought it up himself, right, Brother Du?"

Chu Li was eating snow snails. Smiling and nodding.

This kind of delicious food will be gone once you leave Xue Yuexuan. Eat more of it.

Su Qingdie snorted: "Brother Du doesn't know how powerful Feng Shaohua is, and you don't know either? What if something happens to Brother Du? How will you explain to Junior Sister Du Xia?"

Chu Li sighed and put down the silver needle: "Thank you Miss Su, Feng almost killed Du Qiu, am I, the elder brother, just watching and not avenging her?"

"Revenge must be done according to one's ability." Su Qingdie said: "Feng is extremely cunning, so many of us couldn't kill him. He has great qinggong, treacherous and slippery, so don't fail to take revenge and end up taking advantage of yourself. !”

Chu Li smiled and said: "My Qinggong is not bad, I can escape."

He also knew that Su Qingdie meant well, but she really looked down on him.

Yang Lingfeng said: "How about we discuss it."

When Su Qingdie said that, he felt terrified. If Du Feng was really an embroidered pillow and was killed by Feng Shaohua, he wouldn't be able to explain it.

Chu Li waved his hand and said with a smile: "I won't be embarrassed."

Be humble first to avoid the suspicion of being overbearing and looking down on Xue Yuexuan.

It's easy to defeat them, but don't make Suru's situation worse just because of the momentary pleasure, that's what's really important.

When Suru first arrived, Master and Xiao Qi were in seclusion and were all alone. It would be really pitiful if they were isolated by their fellow disciples again.

As a man, it is nothing to receive a few looks, but being thick-skinned and shameless is not worth mentioning.

"Brother Du really has his shortcomings. We can't explain it to Junior Sister Du Xia, so let's discuss it!" Yang Lingfeng clasped his fists: "Otherwise, I wouldn't really dare to reveal Feng Shaohua's whereabouts."

"Alas..." Chu Li shook his head and smiled: "It seems that if you don't show up today, everyone will not obey."

"A man, please do it better and don't do it to your mother-in-law!" Someone couldn't stand it and said loudly.

Chu Li stood up with a smile: "Senior Brother Zhao, let's just make a few gestures?"

"Okay!" Zhao Feihu pushed his chair and stood up.

Yang Lingfeng said: "Everyone, stop here, I'll get the sword!"

He ran away in a flash and brought out a wooden sword and a wooden knife in the blink of an eye.

The wooden sword is heavy in the hand, just like a real sword. The sword is not sharp, and it will be injured if it is hit. If it is not a vital point, it will not kill anyone.

Everyone opened the tables to make room.

The two stood opposite each other, Chu Li clasped his fists: "Brother Zhao, let's limit it to ten moves and stop if we can't tell the winner. How about that?"

"Thirty moves," Zhao Feihu said.

"Okay!" Chu Li nodded and slashed out with a knife: "Look at the knife."

Zhao Feihu raised his wooden sword and came forward.

The two men went back and forth with swords and struck more than thirty moves at once, which made everyone fascinated.

Chu Li's sword was powerful and integrated, showing no flaws. Zhao Feihu's sword was exquisite, fast and cruel, but could not break through his sword. It was difficult to distinguish between the two.

After thirty moves, Chu Li took a step back and left the circle, clasped his fists and smiled: "Promise."

The way everyone looked at him changed.

No matter what, if he could fight Zhao Feihu without losing, his sword skills were already powerful enough, and they were far inferior.

Su Qingdie frowned and looked at Chu Li.

Chu Li smiled and said: "Can I kill Feng Shaohua with my sword skills?"

"Okay, then it depends on Brother Du's ability!" Yang Lingfeng said with a smile: "As soon as there is news about Feng Shaohua, I will tell Brother Du immediately!"

Chu Li nodded: "Thank you."

Zhao Feihu was thoughtful.

He vaguely felt that Chu Li didn't use all his strength to beat him.

Normally, he would point it out directly.

Now that Su Qingdie is in front of him, he can't say anything.

He was able to make Su Qingdie treat him differently because of his martial arts. If he failed, what would she think of him

Su Qingdie stood up and clasped her fists: "Brother Du, I will say goodbye first, welcome to Xue Yuexuan!"

Chu Li cupped his fists and smiled.

No matter what, she was Suru's savior and he was extremely grateful.

As soon as Su Qingdie left, everyone's pent-up interest rose again, and everyone started cheering: "Brother Du is awesome, we are just waiting for your good news, Brother Du!"

Chu Li's sword skills were good, but they didn't think he could kill Feng Shaohua. (To be continued.) Mobile phone users please visit w reading for a better reading experience.