White-Robed Chief

Chapter 260: return


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Li Hanyan was puzzled and asked Chu Li why.

Chu Li explained to her that her murderous intention was too strong now, but she only knew how to let it out and could not restrain it. This was not helpful for her practice, and the murderous intention would in turn affect her state of mind.

When one day, she can completely restrain her murderous intent, without showing any trace of murderous intent, and the clouds are calm and the wind is gentle, making people feel friendly and close, then that will be the time when she steps into the innate realm.

Li Hanyan seems to have realized something.

Brother Du didn't have a trace of murderous aura in his body. He was like a spring breeze. When he killed people, it didn't look like he was killing people. It was more like waving to say hello to them. With a gentle greeting, he beheaded them.

Li Hanyan obeyed without any violation.

After two days of lectures, Li Hanyan was able to recite a Buddhist sutra skillfully. The two set off again. The journey was smooth and no one encountered anyone who deserved to be killed.

There were several evil cottages. When they arrived, they saw only empty cottages. When they heard the news, they ran away in advance and disappeared.

As the sun set in the west and the sky was filled with red clouds, the two of them arrived at the foot of the mountain where Xue Yuexuan was located.

Chu Li quietly looked at the steep mountain peaks reaching into the clouds, thinking silently.

Li Hanyan stood aside silently and looked at the mountain peak.

This is the sect that I will join in the future. I don’t know what it will be like and whether I will get used to it. It’s a pity that I can’t follow Brother Du all the time.

After a long time, the dusk fell heavily, Chu Li came back to his senses and sighed: "Let's go up the mountain."

When the two came to the valley, the lanterns were already on, the towers and pavilions were brightly lit, and it was as prosperous and bright as a palace in the sky.

"It's so beautiful!" Li Hanyan praised.

Chu Li smiled and said: "You will live here from now on. Have you seen the lake? You will live on it."

"It's like a fairyland." Li Hanyan said with a smile.

Chu Li smiled.

"Brother Du!" Two disciples in Tsing Yi from the small pavilion outside the valley rushed to greet him, overjoyed: "It's really Brother Du!"

Chu Li cupped his fists and smiled.

A disciple in Tsing Yi has already turned around and rushed into the valley, while another disciple in Tsing Yi shouted happily: "Brother Du, you are finally back. Everyone misses you so much!"

Chu Li said: "How are you doing in the valley recently?"

"They are all pretty good." The disciple in Tsing Yi smiled and said, "Qingmang Mountain is much more honest, let's all feel proud outside."

"Haha..." Yang Lingfeng and Zhao Feihu came galloping over, laughing first, followed by a group of people behind them.

Yang Lingfeng came closer and complained: "Brother Du, you are finally back!"

Zhao Feihu cupped his fists and said with a smile: "Brother Du!"

The crowd gathered Chu Li and Li Hanyan into the valley. They originally wanted to go upstairs to drink, but were chased away by Su Qingdie who rushed over and asked him to go back to Suru's waterside pavilion to rest. Let’s talk tomorrow.

The three of them returned to Shuixie.

Chu Li introduced Li Hanyan.

Li Hanyan has a quiet temperament and doesn't talk much. She just looks at him curiously, listens, and is careful.

Let Suru take care of Li Hanyan. He came to the waterside pavilion of Chenying Lake.

Every waterside pavilion is brightly lit, except the waterside pavilion in Shenying Lake that has no lights.

She was still sitting in the pavilion, looking lazily at the lake. There were only two palace lanterns in the pavilion, and the lights were dim and cold.

"Senior Shen." Chu Li sat opposite her.

He used the Great Circle Mirror Wisdom to see the loneliness, loneliness and desolation in her heart.

Under the dim light, Shen Yinghu became whiter and more beautiful, with bright eyes like water. She looked at him with her chin propped up: "Repent?"

Chu Li said: "Can't I go back to Xue Yuexuan?"

"You..." Shen Yinghu sighed: "You're asking for trouble!... Xiaoqi has stepped into the outer world. She is in retreat and wants to directly step into the realm of gods!"

Chu Li said: "It is indeed the Taishang Sword Sutra."

"I have to thank you for this." Shen Yinghu said: "Help her to make rapid progress... Is there anything going on when you come back?"

"I would like to ask Senior Shen to recruit a disciple." Chu Li said.

He told Li Hanyan's life experience.

"No trouble for me."

"I can only leave it to my seniors."

"...Okay, I'll accept her."

"Thank you, senior!"

"You know, Xue Yuexuan's disciple has a feud with Qingmang Mountain. He will kill her whenever he meets her. She may not be in danger."

"It's just as dangerous to join other sects... but try to keep her from going out as much as possible!"

"Okay. Bring her here tomorrow!"

Chu Li clasped his fists and left.

Watching his figure gradually disappear, Shen Yinghu sighed quietly, shook his head, stood up and returned to the dark waterside pavilion.

Chu Li left Xue Yuexuan the next night.

Li Hanyan officially became the disciple of Shen Yinghu. Become a disciple of Xue Yuexuan.

Xue Yuexuan's disciples were all curious and asked her about Chu Li.

The name of Du Feng, the magic sword in white, is now spreading all over the world. He shocked the world with his heroic feats of challenging all the martial arts forces. When he used the sword, people's heads fell to the ground. The cruelty of his methods was also shocking.

Li Hanyan and Suru never left each other and rarely talked to others.

Because of Chu Li. Xue Yuexuan's disciples were all friendly to her, although she exuded a strong evil aura, which made people feel chilling and uncomfortable when she was close to them. They were most curious about how many people she had killed.

In the past three days, Li Hanyan chanted sutras for an hour every morning and for an hour in the evening.

Everyone was surprised and asked why. Li Hanyan smiled and said that she followed Brother Du's instructions, but she didn't know why.

Everyone speculated that this was because her murderous nature was too strong and she wanted Buddhism to dispel the murderous intention.

Li Hanyan's waterside pavilion was not built for a while, so he lived with Suru.

That night, she practiced her sword skills. When she returned to Shuixie, she saw Suru looking at a blue shirt in a daze.

"Hey, Sister Du, does this belong to Brother Du?" Li Hanyan asked curiously.

Suru nodded: "Yes."

"Brother Du likes people wearing white shirts," Li Hanyan said.

Suru smiled: "These are his old clothes."

"Why did it suddenly change?"

Suru sighed and shook her head.

"I heard that Brother Du has a fiancée, right?"

She had already found out about Chu Li.

Brother Du's fiancée is Du Xia, Du Qiu's sister. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see Brother Du's fiancée. I don't know who she is.

"Yeah." Suru nodded lightly.

"Brother Du seems to be very sad all the time. Is it because of Sister Du Xia?" Li Hanyan asked softly.

Suru glanced at her.

Li Hanyan said: "I think Brother Du misses Sister Du Xia very much."

Suru suddenly felt a little upset, shook her head and said, "Who knows, this is a matter between the two of them, no one knows!"

Li Hanyan said: "Sister Du Xia must be beautiful!"

"It's beautiful." Suru hummed.

Li Hanyan sighed: "Sister Du Xia is so lucky to be able to miss Brother Du so much."

Suru didn't know what to say, so she sighed: "Don't talk to me about Duxia in the future!"

"Why?" Li Hanyan asked.

"The matter between the two of them is very troublesome. I can't explain it. Anyway, just don't mention it!" Suru snorted, "So as not to upset him."

"Okay." Li Hanyan said, "I don't know when Brother Du will come over."

"He's very busy and won't be able to get through for a while. Practice hard and don't let him down!"

"Yes." Li Hanyan nodded quickly and smiled. (To be continued.) Mobile phone users please visit w reading for a better reading experience.