White-Robed Chief

Chapter 268: Change again


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PS: Resurrect with full health, continue with six updates, and let your monthly tickets fly! !

Lu Yurong frowned lightly and swept her eyebrows.

The small pavilion was surrounded by hundreds of martial arts elites, armed with knives and swords. They crowded around tightly, glaring at Chu Li fiercely, and some stared at her lustfully.

Her expression remained unchanged, and after glancing at them, she continued to look at Chu Li.

Chu Li looked calm, smiled at Lu Yurong, raised his silver cup, and took a sip.

Lu Yurong sighed and said, "Mr. Du, it's a pity that I can't speak quietly."

Chu Li shook his head: "It doesn't matter, that's it. Let's say goodbye for now. I'll take the first step and see you again someday!"

He put down the silver cup, clasped his fists, floated onto the railing, then jumped past the martial arts masters, floated up a tree, and floated away on the treetops.

"Chase!" All the big men shouted hurriedly and chased after him like a swarm of bees.

"Miss, why didn't Mr. Du kill them directly and run away in such a mess?" Xi Wu glanced at the chasing people and asked in confusion.

Lu Yurong shook her head and smiled.

"Don't he want to kill someone in front of the lady?" Xi Wu said with a smile.

"He is too lazy to kill them." Lu Yurong rolled her eyes at him: "It's not worth taking action... These guys are just revenge, personal grudges, not those who are full of evil, and it is not appropriate to kill more."

"Then he will be in trouble." Xi Wu shook his head: "If we don't kill them to establish our authority, more people will want revenge."

"Presumably he doesn't care." Lu Yurong said, "So he can't stay in the city anymore, otherwise Qingshan City will be in chaos."

"But he is working hard." Xi Wu suddenly realized and said with a smile: "It seems that he is indeed attracted to the young lady."

"Mr. Xi, don't talk nonsense. [△网WwW.]" Lu Yurong smiled and said: "If he really meant it, he wouldn't leave so neatly. Du Xia from Xue Yuexuan must be very beautiful. I really want to see it. "

Xi Wu said: "No matter how beautiful Du Xia is, how can she compare to Miss!"

"Then Xiao Shi is more beautiful than me." Lu Yurong shook her head.

Xi Wu said: "I think Xiao Shi is not as good as Miss."

Lu Yurong rolled her eyes at him and said, "Mr. Xi, you keep pouring me the ecstasy soup!"

Xi Wu laughed.

"Let's go." Lu Yurong stood up gracefully and glanced at the direction where Chu Li disappeared: "There are things to do and things not to do. This Du Feng is really a real man."

Xi Wu smiled but shook his head secretly. He is asking for trouble, he is indecisive, and he is a womanly man, but I don't see anything about Du Feng being a man!

Chu Li floated away. Extremely fast.

All the big men lowered their heads and chased fiercely. They didn't care about shouting and scolding, and kept their mouths tightly closed as they chased desperately.

After chasing for a while, they unknowingly ran hundreds of miles in one breath, and they were all panting from exhaustion.

Chu Li laughed loudly. He suddenly accelerated and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Grandma, you are teasing us!"

"It's really hateful!"

"If you have the surname Du, don't run away!"

"We will definitely catch you, eggless man!"

"Let's kill Xue Yuexuan!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell silent and turned to look at the speaker. [△网WwW.]

This is a sturdy young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes. He is panting from running and his face is red.

Look at others and look at yourself. He was stunned, wondering what he said wrong.

"Sigh..., young man, it's impossible to kill Xue Yuexuan."

"Why?" The sturdy young man said unconvinced: "He must have gone to Xue Yuexuan. Xue Yuexuan and his mother-in-law should be killed together!"

"well… "

"You stupid boy."

"Young man, Xue Yuexuan cannot be offended." A middle-aged man with his bare chest shook his head and said, "We people are not enough to hold Xue Yuexuan between our teeth."

"Aren't there not many of them?"

"There aren't many people, but it's still a first-rate sect. Think about it."

"Is this the end of it?" The burly young man said unconvinced, "Aren't you going to avenge the blood feud?"

"He will come out eventually. As soon as we hear news about him, we will come over again!" The middle-aged man chuckled and said, "He can't just be a coward for the rest of his life, right?"

"That's right!" Everyone nodded.

The sturdy young man looked at everyone and fell silent.

He understood immediately that this gang of people said they wanted revenge, but in fact they were also afraid.

They saw that Du Feng would not take action. That's why they are so bold and powerful. If Du Feng really wants to take action, they may run faster than a dog.

Chu Li didn't go too far, so he found a forest and stopped, burying his long knife under a big tree.

Sitting cross-legged on thick soft withered leaves. My mind came to the giant in the void of my mind.

This giant is the demon and himself. Everyone has demonic nature and can turn into a demon.

The face of this demon is exactly what he looks like now.

With a thought in his mind, the demon's face changed into another person, handsome and attractive.

The aura of the heavenly demon that has been lingering in his heart, vague and absent, quickly circulates throughout his body.

After the demon's aura circulated in a circle, his body slowly grew taller, becoming slender and thin, as if it could be blown away by a gust of wind.

He has handsome features and a face like a crown jewel.

Wearing a white robe, he really looks as elegant as a handsome young man in troubled times.

He is still very weak in Demonic Skills now and doesn't practice much. He can only transform into two people, which is far from being ever-changing.

If you want to change more, you need to have a deeper demonic energy in your heart. Now this second transformation has almost exhausted the demonic energy and needs to be practiced again.

Although he received the inheritance from the Heavenly Demon, he didn't know the details and only dared to practice after finding out. He had always restrained himself.

However, he vaguely felt that if he wanted to break through to the realm of gods, he might have to rely on this magic skill.

But we still need to figure out the origin of the Heavenly Demon Kung Fu first. From the name, I'm afraid it's not that simple. If I really practice it hastily, I'm afraid it will leave some troubles.

Among the books he had seen, he had only seen one mentioning the Heavenly Demon Kung Fu.

But he only mentioned it once and never wrote more about it. He only mentioned it once for such a wonderful achievement, as if he was afraid, and there was a strange smell that made him more cautious.

The name Tianmo is a bit scary. If he didn't think it was mysterious and unpredictable, he wouldn't dare to practice it.

If you can go to Prince An's Mansion and read through the collection of books in the Prince's Mansion, you might be able to find out the origin and roots of the Heavenly Demon, and know its details.

He suddenly disappeared from the woods, flickered a few times, and then returned to the city gate.

His white clothes were fluttering, and he was pacing with his hands behind his hands, looking around as if he were playing. He could tell at a glance which young master was out for a study tour.

The two city guards swept past him and ignored him.

After Chu Li entered the city, he bought a white jade folding fan. When he shook it, he looked more like a scholar from a wealthy family.

Waving the folding fan, I entered Renxin Building and found a seat on the second floor. I had a drink and listened to the discussions of the people around me.

"Alas..., what a pity, what a pity!"

"Haha, it's a pity that the third lady finally left the house and you didn't see her!"

"But don't be complacent. The third lady is wearing a veil, and you can't even see her!"

"That's different!" Someone hurriedly retorted and said with a smile: "You don't need to look at the face to be beautiful. The figure and the demeanor make me dizzy at just one glance. You are so lucky!"

"If you only look at his body shape and it looks like this, wouldn't Du Feng be dizzy?"

"This magic sword in white is really powerful. It even withstood the Third Young Lady's solicitation." Someone slapped the table and praised: "If it were me, I wouldn't be able to stand it for a long time. Isn't it a good thing to join the Duke's Mansion?"

"If you were Du Feng, I would still be the Duke of the country!"

"Sigh... Miss Third's magnanimity and heart really make us ashamed..."

Chu Li shook his head and laughed. It seemed that Lu Yurong was also mysterious in their eyes.

He went and came back again and again to see clearly what Lu Yurong's secrets were and what kind of mental methods she cultivated.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle. He couldn't kill Lu Yurong, but he had to know her details. (To be continued.) Mobile phone users please visit w reading for a better reading experience.