White-Robed Chief

Chapter 8: means


But the third lady didn't greet them again, and drifted away at noon, leaving only the lingering fragrance, and Chu Li felt inexplicably lost.

Li Yue was also wilting and drooping, unable to cheer up.

The quality of the Cold Star Grass is average, not considered a spiritual grass, and its spiritual energy is about the same as that of a willow tree. He is doing two things, touching the Moonlight Orchid with one hand and lightly touching the Cold Star Grass with the other.

Moonlight Orchid's spiritual energy is running the Small Pulse Cleansing Technique, spreading out a trace of Cold Star Grass.

The cold star grass acquires the aura of moonlight orchid, and becomes full of vitality and greenery overnight, just like the freshness and exuberance after a light rain.

The next morning, Suru appeared in a fluttering apricot-yellow shirt, accompanied by a faint fragrance.

Chu Li was sitting and practicing in the moonlight orchid garden, but Li Yue had been waiting under the willow tree by the lake, looking eagerly, and finally waited for Suru.

He greeted him enthusiastically, and the two came to Chu Li.

Suru waved her hand, indicating that Chu Li didn't need to be polite. She stared at the Hanxingcao for a long time, then raised her head and asked Chu Li: "Chu Li, is this really that basin?"

Chu Li nodded.

"It's simply..." Suru couldn't believe it, stretched out her hand to stir the cold star grass, and then she believed it: "It's true!"

She made a small mark on this pot of flowers so that no one else could notice it.

Chu Li also secretly sighed that Suru had such a thoughtful mind at such a young age and should not be underestimated. He could not be arrogant and thought that he could act unscrupulously with his great wisdom.

Suru looked at Chu Li and suddenly chuckled: "Chu Li, it seems you are quite capable."

Fang Han smiled and said nothing.

Suru took out a silk handkerchief from Luo Xiu, with a seed wrapped in it, and handed it to Chu Li: "This is the seed given to you by the lady. You can find a way to plant it."

"What seed?"

"Ephemeral Night Flower, have you heard of it?"

Chu Li pondered for a moment, and his mind searched the memory palace like lightning: "The immortal night-dream flower?"

"Sure enough, he is knowledgeable!" Suru nodded appreciatively: "That's the one!"

The young lady might reuse this Chu Li, so she went back to investigate thoroughly and found out everything about Chu Li after he entered the house.

He likes to read and is erudite and knowledgeable. He is the only one among the guards in the Duke's Mansion. Almost everyone focuses on practicing martial arts and has no time to study. He feels that knowing more is not as good as martial arts. Chu Li's ideas are very different from ordinary people.

Chu Li frowned and said: "The Night Dream Flower is said to grow on the top of the clouds. The environment is probably..."

"It's up to you." Suru pointed at the seed with a smile: "You have to be really capable if you can really make it sprout and grow!"

"Okay, I'll give it a try."

"If it doesn't grow, then just serve the flowers honestly!"

"Yes." Chu Li said solemnly.

Li Yue showed his courtesy and wanted to help send the Hanxingcao back, but Suru simply refused and walked away. Li Yue stood under the willow tree and looked at it for a long time. He couldn't bear to look away when the boat disappeared.

Chu Li smiled and said: "Brother Li, is your soul gone?"

Li Yue blushed and said loudly: "Don't talk nonsense!"

"Wake up!" Chu Li shook his head: "That is not the woman we can think of!"

"Alas..." Li Yue squatted down lazily and scratched the ground with a straw stick: "Sometimes I am very unwilling and wish I could be a guard!"

"Even if you practice peerless martial arts, you won't be able to get a beauty like Manager Su."

"There is always a glimmer of hope!"

"Even Zhuo Feiyang, Manager Su doesn't pay attention to him. Are you more handsome than him and better at martial arts?"

"What a mouthful you are!" Li Yue pointed at him and said angrily: "I can't even have a sweet dream without you pouring cold water on me!"

"I'm afraid that you will do something stupid. Once you are carried away by your emotions, you can do anything!"

"Sigh... I really don't know which man is worthy of Manager Su!"

"That's not what we should care about, let's get to work!" Chu Li sighed.

But they are completely different in their hearts. Their ambitions are raging and getting more intense. Xiao Qi, Suru, and Zhao Ying all want to get what they want in order to live up to their time in this world!

For the next month, Chu could not leave the East Garden.

That evening, the setting sun shone slantingly, making the east garden even more gorgeous. Li Yue sent a pot of moonlight orchid to the west garden and came back with an angry look on his face.

Chu Li was sitting in the moonlight orchid garden. A green bud emerged from the soil beside him, and the Night Dream Flower had grown.

Li Yue sat down on the ground and cursed bitterly: "This Gu Litong is such a villain!"

Chu Li looked up at him.

Li Yue said: "Have you not seen that his nose is not a nose or a face? It seems that he owes him ten thousand taels!"

Chu Li smiled.

"Just admit it if you are not as good as others. Why are you showing off? You are not asking him for Moonlight Orchid!" Li Yue became angrier as he spoke, his voice rising.

Chu Li said: "Did he say anything else?"

"...Nothing." Li Yue snorted.

Chu Li smiled: "Isn't it enough to say that I am lucky?"

"Hmph, almost." Li Yue curled his lips.

He knew that now was the critical moment. If the Night Dream Flower really grew, Chu Li would be able to be reused by the young lady, and there would be no need to get entangled with Gu Litong.

Chu Li said: "Jealousy is inevitable. Will others see you sending flowers?"

"Everyone from the West Garden is here, but we met two on the way. Are you afraid that they won't admit it?" Li Yue's face turned serious: "Are you greedy for your own gain?"

The new moonlight orchid has adapted to the soil here. Gu Litong used it to cultivate a few plants. He claimed that it was for his own research. That was really troublesome!

Chu Li said: "We have to be on guard."

"I'm going to find Mr. Meng!" Li Yue couldn't sit still anymore, stood up, and strode away.

Chu Li shook his head and smiled. These are just trivial matters. As long as he hugs Miss Third's thick legs, his future will be good.

Meng Qinglin soon followed Li Yue over, his face glowing red, and Chu Li stood up to greet him.

"Haha, Xiao Chu, I'm here to announce the good news!" He patted Chu Li on the shoulder and laughed, "I'm really proud of myself this time. You didn't see Gu Litong's face!"

Chu Li smiled and said, "Brother Li just sent a moonlight orchid, and Gu Litong didn't look good."

Meng Qinglin was overjoyed: "Xiao Li went there at the right time, and Gu Litong was returning from Baicao Courtyard in disgrace, and we bumped into him!"

Li Yue shook his head and said: "This Gu Litong is really too much!"

"That's understandable." Meng Qinglin chuckled and said, "Xiao Chu, you have been promoted to the eighth rank again!"

"Thank you, Mr. Meng!" Chu Li clasped his fists.

Meng Qinglin waved his hand: "Xiao Chu, I'm sorry, you have to wait a while before entering the medicine garden."

Chu Li looked at him.

Meng Qinglin sighed: "The guys in the West Garden are blocking us like crazy. It will take some time for the results to come out. Don't worry."

"In this way..." Chu Li nodded.

Naturally, he would not tell Xiao Qi's decision, as it would do no harm to him.

Meng Qinglin said: "You have to be careful about Gu Litong. He is bent on finding fault with you. He will definitely not be convinced!"

Chu Li smiled: "Actually, it's nothing to compete. Only by comparing each other can we make progress."

"I just like your courage!" Meng Qinglin laughed and patted him on the shoulder: "Come on if you are not convinced, until you are convinced!"

Li Yue shook his head: "Gu Litong is still very powerful."

"Then you can show your ability only if you win!" Meng Qinglin said with a smile: "If you are too weak, winning will be boring!"

Chu Li smiled and said nothing.

He understood that Meng Qinglin was so encouraging because he wanted to defeat Gu Litong again and eliminate the obstacles to entering the medicine garden.

At the beginning of the lanterns, Chu Li was pulled out of the East Garden by Li Yue and went to the Yingxian Tower to advance to the eighth rank. How could he not celebrate

Yingxian Tower is located in the south of Chongming City, not far from the South Gate. The tall buildings are towering and the signboards are fluttering in the wind, which can be seen throughout Chongming City.

The two of them were sitting by the window on the second floor, looking down at the bustling traffic and bustle on the street, feeling so relaxed and content that everyone was drunk and I was alone.

Four jars of biye wine were opened, and the aroma of the wine was fragrant. Ten dishes of delicious food were placed on the table. The two of them drank and chatted.

Li Yueyi was very excited and said with a smile: "Brother, this is right. This is how life should be. We get such high wages, why don't we come out and enjoy it?"

Chu Li smiled: "Isn't it worth ten taels of silver from this meal?"

"Six taels is enough!" Li Yue said with a smile: "Meals are not valuable, wine is expensive, only one tael per jar!"

Chu Li really didn't know the price.

"We get fifty taels a month, and there are rewards!"

"That's true."

Chu Li is also a person who likes to enjoy, good wine, delicious food, beautiful women, drinking the best wine, and sleeping with the most beautiful women. He has a high vision. If he wants to enjoy, he enjoys the best. He must first have status, power and martial arts before he can talk about enjoyment.

"Hey -, isn't this the famous Mr. Chu!" Suddenly a shout sounded, and the two of them stood in front of their table.

Chu Li glanced at two young men. One was tall and thin, with narrow eyes, squinting at the two of them with arrogance. Next to him was a fat young man with a tight, white face.

"Gu Litong!" Li Yue shouted.

The tall and thin man said coldly: "Li Yue!"

"Gu Litong, are you following me?!" Li Yue's face darkened.

"Joke!" Gu Litong sneered: "You are not a great beauty, why should I follow you!... Chu Li, right?"

His narrow eyes were bright and compelling, as if he wanted to see through Chu Li.

"I am Chu Li, brother Gu, I have long admired you!" Chu Li looked at Gu Litong. This was the first time the two met. Gu Litong had excellent martial arts and could be a ninth-level guard.

Gu Litong sat down unceremoniously and stretched out his hand: "Waiter, please add two pairs of bowls and chopsticks!"

"Here we go..."

Chu Li frowned. His behavior showed that he didn't take him seriously and that he was not a good person.

"Are you Chu Li?" The chubby young man looked Chu Li up and down: "You are so famous!"

Chu Li looked at him: "This brother is...?"

"Zhou Yuting!" The fat young man said proudly.

Chu Li suddenly realized: "It turns out to be Brother Zhou."

Zhou Yuting, an eighth-grade bodyguard, is the son of Zhou Chongfeng in the Yanwu Palace, and has extensive connections.

Zhou Yuting picked up the wine jar, filled it for himself and Gu Litong, put it down, and the two drank a glass together, obviously treating themselves as the masters.

Li Yue looked angry, but Chu Li stopped him with a look.

Zhou Yuting put down his wine glass and looked at him with a playful expression: "Chu Li, tell the truth, did you really grow the Moonlight Orchid?"

Chu Li smiled: "Brother Zhou, what do you mean?"

"Moonlight Orchid was planted by Brother Gu!" Zhou Yuting put down the wine glass and said loudly.

Chu Li was surprised, looked at Zhou Yuting and Gu Litong, and laughed.

"Zhou Yuting, what nonsense are you talking about!" Li Yueteng stood up and opened his eyes angrily: "Did Moonlight Orchid come from the same species as Gu Li?"

"Yes, it was planted by Brother Gu!" Zhou Yuting took a sip of wine and the old man nodded: "Chu Li stole Brother Gu's technology. This kind of person is not worthy of staying in the Duke's Mansion!"

Chu Li shook his head.

"Nonsense!" Li Yue's face turned red with anger: "Zhou Yuting, you are so shameless. I sent your Moonlight Orchid to you. Many people saw it, so don't deny it!"

"Who saw it?" Zhou Yuting waved his hand disapprovingly: "They are so brave to tell lies for you!"

"Fang..." Just as Li Yue was about to say his name, Chu Li interrupted him: "Brother Li, forget it!"

Li Yue looked at him.

Chu Li filled the wine glass for him and picked it up: "Here, after hearing such a funny joke, you should have a drink!"

Li Yue was startled, then realized it immediately and laughed: "Yes, yes, but this joke is not funny!"