Who Is the Prey

Chapter 102


Chen Heguo was a little absent-minded in doing things all day long, and couldn't finish the self-study class in the evening, so he packed his schoolbag and went home early. As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the alley outside the family courtyard, he saw Fu Shenxing's car parked by the side of the road. She froze for a moment. There was a flash of surprise in my heart. Just about to run forward, but then remembered what happened last night, deliberately turned a blind eye to the car, and walked past the car with his chest raised.

She thought that the car would slowly catch up, or that Fu Shenxing would lower the window to stop her, but she didn't want the car to stop there without moving even after everyone had walked several meters. Chen Heguo was a little ashamed, and even a lot more upset. When he got angry, he turned around and walked back, raising his hand to knock on the car window.

The car window fell slowly, revealing Fu Shenxing's handsome and indifferent face. He pursed his lips slightly, did not speak, and only looked up at her. Chen Heguo was originally full of anger, but unknowingly it turned into grievance. She bit her lip and asked, "Didn't you come to find me?"

Fu Shenxing only turned his head to the inside of the car, and said calmly, "Get in the car."

Chen Heguo didn't want to just listen to him like this. But his legs and feet seemed to be disobedient, and he automatically walked around the front of the car, opened the door on the side of the co-pilot, and sat in. But he still couldn't get over his face, so he asked with a cold face: "What do you want from me?"

Fu Shenxing didn't explain what happened last night, but just handed her a mobile phone. That is the latest model that just went on the market, and many people want to buy it but haven't bought it yet. Before Chen Heguo could be surprised at the first sight, he heard him say again: "Everything has been copied, but the number has been changed. Tell your friends yourself."

She was taken aback for a moment, and asked in confusion, "Why do you want to change my phone number?"

Fu Shenxing replied: "Someone is chasing that number, and it will be troublesome for you to hold it."

Chen Heguo was not stupid, so he immediately understood. He Yan used her mobile phone to make such a call to that Miss Tian yesterday. Ms. Tian will definitely not let it go, and will naturally find her along the phone number. Maybe he didn't want to get himself involved in this matter, Chen Heguo subconsciously found an excuse for Fu Shenxing, but felt aggrieved, and said angrily: "It's not me who called, whoever called should go to whom, and What does it matter to me!"

Fu Shenxing didn't bother to pay attention to her petty temper, and only slightly pulled the corners of his lips. He explained: "If someone finds you and asks about your original number, just say that you haven't used that number."

Chen Heguo lowered his head and didn't speak. After a while, he suddenly asked, "Do you really want to get engaged to that Miss Tian?"

Fu Shenxing replied: "The arrangement at home, but now the engagement is cancelled."

"Cancelled?" Chen Heguo couldn't help being surprised. She seemed to have completely forgotten the sadness and anger she felt when she heard from Sister Hua that Fu Shenxing was going to get engaged. ?"

Fu Shenxing smiled lightly, and replied: "No, it's because I found He Yan."

Chen Heguo was taken aback by this answer. While feeling sad, he also felt inexplicably moved. He loves that woman so much, even though that woman has repeatedly lied to him and framed him, even now she still regards him as an enemy. She wanted to bless him with a smile, but the corners of her lips were a little heavy, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't lift them up. Chen Heguo lowered his head in a panic, sucked his nose twice, and then said: "Brother Fu, I wish you happiness."

Fu Shenxing was unconsciously silent, stretched out his hand to rub the top of Chen Heguo's hair, and said with a low smile, "Silly girl, we have already agreed, don't fall in love with me."

"I didn't fall in love with you!" Chen Heguo retorted with red eyes, but when she saw his half-smile eyes, she no longer wanted to deceive herself, she gritted her teeth, threw her arms around Fu Shenxing's neck, and muffled Sullenly asked him: "If I had met you earlier, would you have fallen in love with me?"

Fu Shenxing didn't answer, and after a while, he patted her on the back lightly, and said lightly, "Guoguo, let go, don't speak childishly."

"I won't let you go!" She was really going all out, and she didn't want to show any face anymore, she said hypocritically to wish you happiness, and she just shouted cheekily: "I'm not a child! Brother Fu, why can't you love me? Teacher He She doesn't cherish you at all, doesn't love you at all, she has always hated you. Why are you so stupid and insist on loving her? "

Why do you want to love He Yan? Fu Shenxing himself had no answer. But Chen Heguo accidentally told the truth, He Yan didn't love him, not at all. Even if she is willing to entangle with him on the bed, even if she agrees to marry him, it's just making false promises with him, with ulterior motives.

Fu Shenxing grimaced, pulled Chen Heguo off his body, and said coldly, "Get out of the car."

His complexion was so ugly that Chen Heguo couldn't help feeling afraid, and she felt ashamed of what she said in a hurry just now, she couldn't hold back her tears immediately, she turned around and opened the car door and ran away without saying a word out.

Fu Shenxing was not in the mood to coax her, and even felt a little bored with her.

He drove back directly to the villa where He Yan was staying, it was not too late, but He Yan had already gone to bed, she really didn't have the slightest sense of waiting for him to come back. He was not happy, so he thought about torturing her in the past, but he really suppressed her soft body, but he couldn't bear it anymore, so he just gritted his teeth and asked her: "You can really sleep! I don't wonder what will happen to me tomorrow?" Won't you be engaged to that sister of yours?"

He Yan smiled and answered him very firmly: "No engagement."

Fu Shenxing couldn't help sneering, and deliberately said angrily, "Is that so sure?"

"I wasn't so sure at first, but looking at you like this, I'm sure." She smiled, raised her hand to pat his cheek, leaned over to touch his lips, and coaxed him like a child: "Okay, Don't be arrogant. Come on, tell me, how did you fool that silly girl Tian Tian?"

He was a little annoyed, but there was nothing he could do with her, so he fell off her, leaned against the head of the bed, and asked, "How do you know that I fooled her?"

She also sat up halfway, and even leaned against him wrapped in a quilt, smiled triumphantly, and answered him: "Because that girl has a temper that is soft and not hard, and she will definitely not be able to do it hard, she can only rely on coaxing." .She didn't come here, so it can be seen that she doesn't know that I'm in your hands. I'm curious how you lied, so you gritted your teeth and said you didn't know me?"

She is so smart, she was locked up here, and she didn't get any information about the outside world, but she guessed things to be the same as the actual situation. Fu Shenxing really didn't know whether to be annoyed or proud of her. He turned his head to look at her bright eyes, and was speechless for a moment.

Just looking at his appearance, He Yan knew that she was right.

She seemed to be in a good mood, smiled and lay down, looked at him with her hands on her head, and said: "Let me continue to guess how this engagement was cancelled. By the way, is Chen Heguo's mobile phone still available?" In your hand?"

Fu Shenxing nodded with interest, and said, "That's right, it's in my hands, you continue."

"Well, that's right. Tian Tian couldn't make this call, and couldn't contact me. She was like a fly without a head, so she could only go to you again. But you insisted that you didn't know me. Uh, what then? You Such a shameless person will definitely take the opportunity to pretend to be wronged and beat him up. Since we can't trust each other, then we can't book this marriage!"

She guessed almost right, Fu Shenxing stared at her with burning eyes, lowered his head to touch her forehead, and sighed: "Ayan, you are such a fairy."

"Thank you, thank you." She just smiled, thought for a while, and then asked: "But what do you do with Chen Heguo? Sooner or later, Tian Tian will find her by following her phone number. Is the little girl killing people to silence her? That little girl also seems to have a soft temper, are you going to sell her looks to coax her?"

The words were ugly, Fu Shenxing couldn't help reaching out to pinch the itchy flesh under her ribs, and said bitterly: "Little bastard, you are trying to scold me in a different way?"

She wasn't really afraid of being tickled, but she still giggled and dodged, and then stretched out her hand to fight back. The two of them rubbed close to each other, but in the blink of an eye, Fu Shenxing's body changed. He raised his leg to hold her down, gasped slightly, and whispered, "Don't make trouble!"

He Yan deliberately raised her knees to rub against his sensitive parts, bit her lips lightly, and said, "Judging from this reaction, today you are only selling your art, not your body."

Fu Shenxing was really angry and annoyed. He stretched out his hand to press her troubled leg, and then slid his hand up her thigh. He gritted his teeth and said, "Did I not feed you in the morning?"

She struggled with a smile, turned over forcefully, straddled him, and looked down at him, "Shen Zhijie, as I said, as long as you make me happy, I will make you happy."

If He Yan wanted to make people happy, she would really be able to make people happy. It wasn't the first time he fell into madness on her, but it had never been like this time. She not only endured it, but also demanded it from him, and even squeezed it. She entangled him and twisted him, as if she wanted to smash him to the bone. And he was so happy, so wanton and happy.

The second day was the weekend, and it was originally the day when Fu Shenxing got engaged, but he indulged in sexual desire for two consecutive days, and very rarely slept until the sun was up. But He Yan was more awake than him, curled up in his arms like a cat, and when he moved, she frowned delicately, closed her eyes and muttered: "Don't move, sleep for a while."

Fu Shenxing really lay down again, letting her snooze in his arms.

The room was quiet, but his mobile phone by the bed suddenly rang. Afraid of disturbing her, Fu Shenxing hurriedly reached out, but when he saw the caller ID, he hesitated for a moment, and subconsciously lowered his head to look at He Yan in his arms. She was still lying in his arms, she didn't even open her eyes, but she seemed to see the number, and said lazily: "It must be Tian Tian's call, please answer it quickly. The life-threatening serial call is her A must-kill stunt."

Fu Shenxing was taken aback for a moment, but couldn't help laughing. He leaned down and pecked her heavily on the lips, and said with a low laugh, "You goblin!"