Who Is the Prey

Chapter 117


He Yan hurriedly put the porcelain doll back into the distance, touched the tears on her face carelessly, got up holding the photo album and went to open the door for A Jiang, asking him: "What's the matter?"

The tear stains on her face were too obvious, A Jiang looked at her carefully and asked, "Are you okay?"

She didn't plan to hide things that she couldn't hide. Hearing this, she just smiled and replied: "It's okay, I just couldn't help crying when I saw the old photos from before." She was somewhat embarrassed. Looking at A Jiang, he said again: "Don't tell him, so as not to cause trouble again."

Ah Jiang hesitated for a moment, then nodded. He couldn't help but secretly looked at He Yan, her complexion was still pale, and she was a little weak and haggard because of the traces of tears. But for some reason, he felt that she was a little different from before, but he couldn't tell what was the difference. After observing for a long time, he only guessed that it might be because her eyes had just been washed by tears, and they seemed much brighter than before.

He Yan noticed that A Jiang was looking at herself. Still calm on the face, she went to the bathroom to wash her face, then put the selected photos together, and said to A Jiang: "Let's go."

The porcelain doll was still on the bedside table, and she didn't move it, and she didn't even dare to look at it more. Now, she can't wait to call Tian Tian right away and ask her what's going on, whether Liang Yuanze contacted her secretly, what he and she said, and where is he at the moment!

But she can't make this call. It can't arouse Fu Shenxing's suspicion, otherwise, it will bring Liang Yuanze and Tian Tian a disaster. Humans are really the most wonderful creatures. It seems that in just a moment, the vitality returned to He Yan's body. It was just a flash of light in front of her eyes, which actually made her full of vitality.

When Fu Shenxing went back at night. He Yan is sitting cross-legged on the sofa and editing photos. Maybe it was the phone call in the afternoon that encouraged him and made him feel extravagant again. He didn't turn a blind eye to her like before. He hesitated for a while, walked over slowly, and stood behind the sofa to look at her. The photos are all photos of her and Tian Tian, either side by side or hugging, with an intimate look and a flowery smile. She cut it very carefully, and after the sharp blade passed, the two girls were completely separated, and there was no connection between them.

"Why do you want to cut it?" He couldn't help asking.

She paused for a while, as if she had just realized that he was behind her, but she didn't turn her head back, she just replied softly: "Break off friendship, of course we have to separate everything clearly."

Fu Shenxing picked up two photos at random to look at them, frowned, and asked, "Why did you cut off your own arm?"

He Yan was stunned when he asked this question, she couldn't laugh or cry, two people hugging each other, if they want to distinguish clearly, one of them must be cut, if they don't cut their own arms, why should they cut Tian Tian's? She couldn't help but look back at him, with a helpless expression on her face, and explained: "Tian Tian has to be strong-tempered, and if she cuts out her photo, she will be angry."

Unexpectedly, Fu Shenxing snorted softly, "Since we're about to break up our relationship, why do you care if she's angry or not?"

He Yan opened her mouth, but she didn't answer for a moment, and after a while she said blankly: "You are so reasonable, I can't refute it."

The two of them haven't talked so much for a long time. Fu Shenxing was secretly surprised but didn't dare to reveal it. He just continued to keep his face cold, but the man walked around calmly and sat beside her, slowly, one by one. Looking through the photos of her and Tian Tian. At that time, she was still very young, her face was full of childishness, and her smile was dazzling.

"You are much prettier than Tian Tian," he said suddenly and without thinking.

"Thank you." She replied without looking up.

I don't know what kind of evil he was caught by, but by some strange coincidence, he actually hid a photo of her with the best smile when she was not paying attention, and kept it in the palm of his hand, then stood up as if nothing had happened, pretending to be Go to the side to pour water to drink, and then secretly stuff the photo into the inner pocket of the suit.

He has such a good psychological quality, he can kill without blinking an eye, but he couldn't help but blush and heartbeat after doing such a trivial matter, because of his guilty conscience, he didn't dare to go over for a while, and just stood not far away with a water glass , looking at her quietly.

She didn't pay attention to him again, and she didn't put down the scissors until all the photos were cut. She looked up and saw that he was still standing beside her. She seemed a little surprised and asked him, "Is there anything else?"

"No." He shook his head, took another deep look at her, and then turned to leave. But I don't want to be stopped by her from behind before I go out. He turned back almost immediately, forced himself to suppress the joy in his heart, and asked her expressionlessly: "What's the matter?"

She seemed to hesitate for a moment, and then asked: "Can you lend me some money first? I still owe Tian Tian some money, and she wants me to pay her back. All my savings have been used up, and I don't have that much at hand."

"How much do you want?" Fu Shenxing asked, but he wanted to slap himself when the words came out, he hurriedly took out a black gold card from his wallet, walked over and handed it to her, "You can use the card and pay her the interest. "

He Yan refused to accept the card, pursed her lips, and only said: "If you don't need this, you can lend me one hundred thousand first, and I will return it to you later."

Hearing this made him a little unhappy, he couldn't help but sullen, and said in a cold voice: "I don't lend money. If you want it, just take the card and use it. If you don't want it, forget it."

But she smiled lightly, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "Thank you then, I will think of another way."

Fu Shenxing also stepped up, took a look at her, and simply sat down on the side again, crossed his legs, played with the black card between his fingers, and asked her lightly: "Tell me, what else can you think of?" any solution?"

Her own savings had been transferred before she fled last time, and she still had a set of real estate under her name, but she couldn't cash it out for a while. Her parents are not around, they don't even know she is alive now, and her relatives and friends can't give her any help. He knew very well that she had no one to turn to except him now.

She gritted her teeth and said in a low voice, "I'll take care of Xiao Wu or A Jiang to borrow money."

He slightly raised his eyebrows, with a rascal face, and said: "If you don't tell me, as long as you open your mouth, they will definitely lend you. But now that I know, you can't borrow from them."

He Yan choked for a moment, and glared at him rather angrily.

He didn't care, and even smiled at her, "Think of another way."

How could she be so stupid to think of ways that would be destroyed by him if she said it out. She looked at him hatefully, then stretched out her hand and pulled the black gold card from his hand, and said in a cold voice, "Thank you."

Instead of being annoyed, he smiled. Today, she was so lifeless as before, and she was so lively that he was reluctant to leave, but there was no reason to sit down again, so she randomly found a reason, and asked out of words: "What's wrong with Tian Tian? Suddenly They want photos and money.”

He Yan's heart tightened, she was really in a good mood today, and by the way, she saw that Fu Shenxing was not as annoying as before, so she talked too much with him unknowingly. She didn't dare to answer his words, lowered her eyes, and said in a cold voice: "Don't trouble Tian Tian."

Fu Shenxing really didn't want to trouble Tian Tian. A phone call from Tian Tian brought He Yan back to life, and made her talk to him so much today. He wished he could confess Tian Tian as a living bodhisattva. , where would she go to trouble her. He raised the corners of his lips and smiled at her, and replied: "No, what should I do with the matter between you women!"