Who Is the Prey

Chapter 2


Liang Yuanze came very fast, even faster than the police. He carried He Yan out of the car, wrapped it in his suit jacket, and carefully carried him to his car. He Yan was trembling all the time, Liang Yuanze could only hug her tightly, put his lips on her ear to comfort her: It's okay, Yanyan, it's okay, I'm here, the police will be here soon, when they come I will I will take you to the hospital.

The police car arrived soon, with flashing lights flashing non-stop, and then they took the skinny man's body out of He Yan's car, wrapped it in a body bag, and transported it away. A policewoman came to see He Yan's situation and tried to inquire further about the case. Liang Yuanze suppressed his anger and said restrainedly: "My girlfriend has suffered serious injuries. She needs to go to the hospital for treatment."

The female police officer was very reasonable, and immediately called someone to take He Yan to the hospital, and allowed Liang Yuanze to stay by her side. He Yan's body gradually calmed down, but her voice was extremely hoarse. She kept telling Liang Yuanze nervously: Don't let my parents know, don't let them know.

Liang Yuanze's eye circles were even more red than He Yan's, he held her hand tightly, and responded to her in a warm voice: Don't worry, I won't let them know, Yanyan, don't be afraid, I'm here.

He Yan's soul and energy seemed to have been exhausted in the life-and-death struggle just now, leaving only a body obediently obeying their arrangements, to go for physical examination, for injury examination, for treatment, and even to receive medical treatment. Questioning by a female police officer. Only when she faced Liang Yuanze, her eyes became a little bit lively, and she murmured to him: Yuanze, did I have a nightmare

Liang Yuanze hugged her tightly and told her firmly: It was just a nightmare and it would pass soon.

He never lied to her, and things got better day by day. Every time he came to see her, he would bring good news. On the fifteenth day, he came back and told her: the one who ran away was called 'Brother Jie' They were caught, and the three of them are all criminals on the run. They all have lives on their bodies, and it is not too much to cut them into pieces. You are fine, Yanyan, you will be fine.

She was stunned at first, and then burst into tears. The invisible fear in her heart finally found an outlet to vent. I'm afraid, Yuan Ze, I'm really scared, I'm afraid that person will come back for revenge, you didn't see The way he looked at me at that time, he would definitely kill me.

Liang Yuanze still hugged her tightly, and told her in a slow and firm voice: No, he will never come out to hurt you again, he will be sentenced to death, and the lawyer said that he will never escape the death penalty. Don't be afraid, Yanyan, I will always be with you. When this matter is over, we will get married, we will change to a big house, have two children, raise a dog and a cat, and keep the house lively of!

He Yan's eyes fell to the empty space, she was in a daze, and the scene he had described to her gradually appeared in front of her eyes.

Don't be afraid, Yanyan, time will smooth everything out, slowly, you will forget about that nightmare. Liang Yuanze said softly.

Four years later, in Nanzhao City.

Nanzhao City is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and it has been famous for its beautiful scenery since ancient times. He Yan's parents didn't intend to leave their hometown before they were old, but they really liked the environment here. In addition, He Yan settled here with her husband. Gritting his teeth, he sold the house in his hometown and moved to Nanzhao with his daughter.

The house was bought opposite He Yan's current residential area, across a narrow road, and it took less than ten minutes to walk there. Even Liang Yuanze couldn't help making fun of her: This natal home is close, so it's convenient to run, but I'm just afraid that if you get impatient and your parents take care of you, you will complain to me in a few days.

He Yan squinted at him, curled her feet into the sofa, flipped through the magazines in her hands unhurriedly, and deliberately stretched her voice coquettishly: Husband, this month's salary has been spent again, and there is no money for the beauty card.

Liang Yuanze smiled helplessly: My wife, you have all the salary cards for your husband, so you still need to ask me for the money

You still have to say hello. She smiled with her mouth curled up, then straightened her legs and kicked Liang Yuanze with her toes: Huh? Yuan Ze, when shall we go to the hospital for a physical examination? People say that the man should also be checked, the baby will be healthy only if both parties are in good condition!

They've been married for two years and are expecting a baby after a bridal period of wanting to be together all day.

Is there any problem with my body? Liang Yuanze grabbed her restless feet and rubbed them lightly, but his body leaned over and said passionately: Don't you know yet

He Yan giggled, kicked him lightly, and went, if you don't go to the hospital, I won't either!

Liang Yuanze had always been obedient to her, and within two days he followed her to the hospital for a checkup. Both husband and wife were in good condition, and the doctor only prescribed some vitamin tablets for He Yan to take during pregnancy. It was almost noon when the two came out of the hospital. After a simple lunch outside, Liang Yuanze drove directly to the company, but He Yan walked around the shopping center before driving back to school in a leisurely manner.

The school she works for is not big, it has just been upgraded to a university, and she has worked hard to form a few more colleges, but there are not so many office buildings at the moment, so she packed all the teaching staff of several colleges into one building . He Yan parked her car in the shade behind the hospital building as usual. When she got out of the car, a black off-road vehicle happened to drive in from outside and parked next to her car.

This car was very strange, it didn't look like it belonged to a school teacher, He Yan couldn't help but slow down a bit, and took a second look.

The car door was opened, and a man wearing sunglasses stepped out of the car. He was dressed in a shirt and jeans. He was slender and tall, and looked very thin. However, He Yan is a person who often goes to the gym, so she knows that this body type is a typical dress. He looks thin and has flesh in his clothes. Although this man looks thin, there is a strong possibility that there are strong muscles hidden under his clothes.

But she is not interested in this, she loves Liang Yuanze so much that she has almost turned a blind eye to men other than him, most of them are blurred in her eyes, and it doesn't matter what beauty or ugliness is.

The man was leaning on the car door to look at her, and asked unhurriedly: Miss, is the office of the School of Foreign Languages located in this building

His voice is very distinctive, deep and pleasant, but also indescribably cool. It should be extremely comfortable to hear in summer, but when it fell into He Yan's ears, she was startled. The long-ago nightmare that had been pressed into the depths of her memory and was about to be wiped out seemed to reappear in an instant.

Under the moonlight, the man's blade-like gaze swept across her face, his expression indifferent, and he said: Be clean, don't leave any trouble.

That voice, she will never forget in her whole life.

He Yan seemed to have seen a ghost, the word help was stuck in her throat and she couldn't yell out, she could only stare at the man in front of her in fear, and backed away in panic. In a panic, the heel of her high-heeled shoes stepped into the gap between the floor tiles, her body lost her balance, and she fell heavily to the ground.

The man reached out and took off his sunglasses, walked towards her, and asked: Miss, are you okay

She kept moving her body backwards and yelled in horror: Don't come here, don't come here, there are many people here, they will rush over immediately!

The man had no choice but to stop, smiled helplessly, and explained to her: Miss, I don't know what caused you to react like this, but I didn't mean any harm. If it was me who made you feel scared, then I'm sorry, and I will now leave.

As he spoke, he stepped back slowly step by step, then leaned down kindly, and asked her: Is it okay for you to be alone? Do I need to call someone else over

He Yan didn't speak, but shrank her body and looked at him with frightened and guarded eyes.

OK! OK! I will leave immediately. The man comforted her softly, raised his wrist to look at his watch, pointed to his car, and added: Miss, I will be back and drive in about half an hour.

He didn't say anything more, and strode away.

The sun was shining brightly in the sky, but He Yan's whole body shivered as if she had just come out of an ice cave. She was still sitting on the ground, her skirt was covered with dust, and her scratched palms were aching, but He Yan didn't care about it, she took out her cell phone from her purse with shaking hands, and dialed Liang Yuanze's number.

He's here! He's here! She was like a frightened bird, only knowing to repeat a sentence.

who? Liang Yuanze asked.

She replied in a panic: It's him, I saw him! He's back for me!

Time seemed to go back to a long time ago. She woke up crying countless times and told him in a panic that they had found him. Liang Yuanze was silent for a while, and then comforted her softly again: Yanyan, it's okay, they are all dead, those three are dead, don't be afraid, tell me, where are you now

I don't know if it was her husband's calm voice that comforted her, or the strong summer sun finally drove away the coldness in her body, He Yan slowly calmed down and replied: I am at school, just behind the hospital office building.

Is there anyone around? Liang Yuanze asked again.

She looked around, and there were people passing by the intersection in the distance, and some students saw her, and walked over here after a moment of hesitation.

There are students coming. she answered.

Liang Yuanze let out a gentle laugh, teasing her: Wipe your face quickly, beware of students laughing at you. The weather is so hot, do you have a bit of heat stroke, are you blinded by the wrong person

This reason is indeed convincing, He Yan hummed in a low voice, before hanging up the phone, the boy who came to check asked her: Teacher He, are you okay

He Yan knew this boy. He was a third-year student in the English Department and a member of the student union. He often came to the hospital to help. I'm fine. I'm fine. She responded, said goodbye to Liang Yuanze in a hurry, and after hanging up the phone, she explained to the boy: I just walked carelessly and sprained my ankle.

She smiled awkwardly, trying to stand up by herself.

The boy hurried forward to help her, and asked again: Can you still walk? Do you need to go to the hospital to have a look.

He Yan's heel was not high, so the sprain was not severe. She stood there and moved her ankle, and then tried to step on the ground. Although it hurt a little, it was not serious. She waved her hand, declined the boy's support, and walked slowly into the courtyard office building. As soon as she entered the office, a colleague called her: Teacher He, you came just in time, and parents of students are looking for you.

She looked up and saw the man standing leaning against the window with his pocket in his pocket. He turned his head to look at the door, and his eyes fell on her. Her first reaction was to run away from the door, but her body was like The prey is stared at by natural enemies, and it freezes there and cannot move.

But he nodded slightly to her, and greeted her politely: Teacher He, hello.

The colleague didn't pay attention to He Yan's strangeness, and briefly introduced the situation to her: This is the brother of a classmate in your class, and he came to handle the suspension procedures for his sister.

He Yan didn't speak, just stared at the man blankly.

There were two voices arguing fiercely in my mind, one voice crazily called it was him, that murderer, they had the same voice and the same face!

Another rational voice told her: He Yan, please calm down, the murderer has been executed, this is what Yuan Ze has already confirmed. It is impossible for a dead person to come back from the dead. This is another person, an irrelevant person who just happens to resemble the murderer.

The man chuckled, a little helpless, Mr. He, I'm not a tiger, I don't eat people. I'm Yu Jia's cousin, my name is Fu Shenxing, look, this is my ID card. As he said that, he actually took out his ID card from his wallet, walked towards He Yan, and wanted to show her the ID card.

He Yan shrank back subconsciously, he saw it, stopped halfway, leaned over and put the ID card on the table between the two of them, and stretched out her hand to signal to her, you can check it.

Colleagues were confused, looked at He Yan suspiciously, and asked: Teacher He, what's wrong

He Yan didn't answer, she actually picked up the ID card on the table, stared at the man warily, and lowered her head to look at the ID card carefully: name Fu Shenxing, male, 28 years old, address is written as Nan Zhao Locally, the man in the photo is very young, he seems to be in his early twenties, with well-regulated short hair, handsome face and gentle temperament.

She looked at the back very carefully. The date of issuance of the ID card was marked on it, and it happened to be his ID photo taken when he was twenty years old.

Such a young man with a gentle temperament really doesn't look like a murderer who came from the underworld.

He Yan silently breathed a sigh of relief, stabilized her mood, returned the ID card, and said apologetically: I'm sorry, Mr. Fu, it was my fault, and it may have caused a little misunderstanding. I'm sorry.

Fu Shenxing smiled lightly, did not ask what the misunderstanding was, and said simply and clearly: Teacher He, Yu Jia had been on sick leave before due to physical reasons, and the family discussed giving her a one-year leave of school to go abroad for recuperation. Her family is out of town, and it is not convenient for her parents to come here, so she entrusts me to come over and go through the formalities for her suspension of school.