Who Is the Prey

Chapter 28


He didn't know what kind of Gu was caught, but he actually took a step back and let her go, and said in a hoarse voice: I don't feel well. What are you hooking me on

She couldn't answer, and looked at him blankly, with a tongue-tied look of embarrassment. He snorted softly again, turned around to brush his teeth and wash his hands, and after a while, he thought of something, his mouth was still full of toothpaste foam, so he pulled the corners of his lips, and reminded her with a light smile: If you call the room service now , maybe you can get a dry suit before nine o'clock.

She froze for a moment, jumped down from the sink, grabbed the bath towel on her chest with her hands, and ran out tight.

By the time he came out after washing, she had finished making calls. The short bath towel on his body was also replaced with a large thin quilt, which was tightly wrapped, and he knelt on the side of the bed like a cat, looking up at him. After hesitating for a while, he asked him: The room service said he would be here soon, can you please tell her for me, and ask her to dry the clothes and send them back to me as soon as possible

The voice just fell. They heard the doorbell outside, and after a while, Ah Jiang came to knock on the door of the bedroom here, Mr. Fu, the room service is here.

Fu Shenxing turned to look at He Yan, she was also looking at him, with a pitiful look, he somehow softened his heart, turned around and opened the door. Besides Ah Jiang, there was indeed a waiter outside the door, who said very respectfully: "Sir, I'm here to pick up the clothes."

He nodded slightly. He signaled the waiter to go to the bathroom inside to pick up the clothes, and said: I am in a hurry, please send them over in the shortest possible time.

The waiter hurriedly responded, took the clothes from the laundry basket and left, but Ah Jiang was still standing at the door without looking sideways, as if he didn't know that He Yan was in the room, and only reminded Fu Shenxing: Yan Zhu has arrived at the hotel. Asked when he could come up, he said that some things need to be finalized with you. The group lives together.

The forum was going to open in the afternoon. Before that, Fu Shenxing had to meet several business partners. The schedule of the day was tight. He pondered for a while and told him to come up now. If there was something to talk about at breakfast.

Ah Jiang nodded and went to make arrangements.

Only then did Fu Shenxing turn around to look at He Yan, and saw that she had shifted to the inner side of the bed at some point, sitting on the ground with her back to the door, covering herself tightly with a thin quilt, and she was completely covered by a thin quilt. It didn't show up, but it was a good trick to cover one's ears and steal one's bell.

He couldn't help but be a bit dumbfounded, walked over and kicked her lightly with his toes, and asked: Hey, you call it deception, right? Why didn't you get into the bed

She poked her head up and looked up at him, ignoring his sarcasm, so she said nicely: "I'm running out of time, and the conference affairs group has a rule that the roll call must be done before 8:30. Can you call A Jiang?" Go downstairs to see if the store is open and buy me some clothes? I promised my colleague to ask for leave for her.

This woman is really aggressive, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows in surprise, and asked her with a half-smile: He Yan, you don't think I'm your husband, do you? Or do you want to hit a snake with a stick

She looked extremely embarrassed, bit her lip subconsciously, and remained silent, but stood up resolutely after a while, dragged the bloated quilt, and walked out directly. While wearing his shirt, he looked at her and asked with a chuckle: "Is that why you plan to go back like this?" The quilt is in this room, I guess the waiter will not ask you to wrap it up like this.

It was he who forbade her to wear that wet dress, coaxed her to call room service to take it away, and now told her that she was not even allowed to take the quilt out of the house. She was so angry that her body trembled faintly, she turned to look at him, her voice was tense like a thread, and said slowly: Fu Shenxing, don't you just want to humiliate me? It doesn't matter, I'm not afraid, I sent it to my door to be humiliated by you!

She curled up the corners of her mouth stiffly, showing a smile that was uglier than crying, and then let go of the hand that had been holding on to the quilt, allowing the quilt to fall from her body, and walked outside naked. Perhaps because of her long-term fitness, her figure is really good, slender and slender, but she is not as thin as a firewood stick. The thin parts are absolutely thin, and the places that should be raised are attractive, which is rare in oriental people. Waist-to-hip ratio available.

His eyes darkened unconsciously, but not because of desire, but because of anger. stop. He ordered her in a cold voice, seeing that she turned a deaf ear, he took two steps forward and grabbed her wrist, angrily said: I told you to stand—

The voice stopped abruptly, and he saw her tears rolling in her eyes, but her expression was still so stubborn, and asked him coldly: Mr. Fu, what else do you want

He didn't know what he was thinking for a moment, he looked at her coldly, then let go of her wrist, took off his half-dressed shirt without saying a word, and threw his pocket on her. body, said coldly: Put it on!

She froze for a moment, as if she couldn't react.

how? Don't want to wear it? He looked at her coldly, and smiled mockingly: If you despise her, then go naked!

I have to eat, so I don't think I have a black face! She muttered in a low voice, hurriedly put on his shirt, and unexpectedly demanded again: "Pants as well!"

Fu Shenxing got angry and gave her a cold look. Although he didn't take off his trousers, he took another trousers from the closet and handed them to her. He couldn't help but sneered and asked her: "Just your short legs , can it hold up

In fact, her legs are not short at all, even very slender, but they are naturally incomparable with his. There were still tears in the corners of her eyes, but the corners of her lips curled up involuntarily, and she wiped away the tears with the sleeve of her shirt indiscriminately, as if she was afraid that he would regret it again, so she didn't even bother to fasten the buttons of her shirt, and hurriedly put on her pants.

With his upper body bare, he leaned on the closet with his hands folded and looked at her. Looking at her, the anger in his belly didn't know when it dissipated, and the corners of his lips curled up involuntarily. She is a very smart woman, and she can wear a large shirt and long and fat trousers in a decent way. Her slender white ankles, and even the waist of her trousers were carefully tied up. All she needed was a wide belt to tie her waist, and this outfit was unexpectedly charming.

However, she didn't dare to reach out to ask him for the belt again, she pinched the folds of her trousers with one hand in front of her body, found her shoes and put them on, and then went to look for her purse.

There was a smile on the corner of his lips, he just watched her busy quietly, and waited until she was about to go out before he called out to her, his eyes swept across her chest maliciously, and said with a chuckle: "It's dew!" .

She looked down at his line of sight, and she was startled. Under the white shirt, there were two red fruits, which could be seen clearly with a little attention. She hurriedly covered her chest with her arms, glared at him with some resentment, and hurried out the door without saying a word.

He Yan walked calmly along the way, met several residents, and even walked across two students when she got out of the elevator, but she was not flustered, calm and calm, and even nodded slightly to greet her. They say hello. This kind of composure was maintained until she entered her room, and after making sure that she was the only one in the room, she slowly sat on the ground with her back against the door.

This was the first time she had escaped from Fu Shenxing completely. She abandoned her self-esteem, lost her pride, lowered her figure to show weakness to him, but provoked him at the right time to provoke him, pretended to be stupid, acted like a good boy, and played tricks on every word and every action. retreat.

She clearly wanted to laugh, but when the corners of her lips curled up, tears rolled down her cheeks.