Who Is the Prey

Chapter 37


He Yan's figure appeared inside the glass door. A Jiang glanced at Fu Shenxing, and hurried forward to hold the door for He Yan. After she passed by, she took this opportunity to leave the terrace quietly. Xiao Wu still stayed in the house, looked on the balcony, and asked A Jiang: Who is this woman from? Why do I see Brother Xing treating her differently

Ah Jiang dared not talk too much, he just shook his head when he heard the words, and refused to answer.

However, I think Brother Xing has really become more and more popular in the past two years. He looks a lot colder than before, but I think he is warmer than before. Xiao Wu stared at the balcony again, but laughed, hey? Don't tell me, Brother Xing has really good eyesight, the more you look at this little girl, the more interesting she becomes. Look at that upturned butt, tsk tsk.

Ah Jiang glanced at him coolly, and said coldly: I think you need to clean up.

After hearing this, Xiao Wu felt something in his heart. But he just smiled on his face, stopped looking at the terrace, turned around and reached out to pat A Jiang on the shoulder, before leaving, he smiled and said: It's all a mouthful. Who am I, Xiao Wu? I will never touch a brother's woman.

Ah Jiang didn't speak, but leaned against the glass door and stood there quietly.

On the terrace, He Yan stood a few steps away from Fu Shenxing, lowering her eyes slightly, but Fu Shenxing didn't speak, but turned around and looked at her quietly. She still had the red rose on her temples, maybe she had forgotten about it, the makeup on her face was slightly thicker, and she matched with her long black curly hair. Abnormally gorgeous.

She must have cried, although there were no tears left on her face, but her eyes could be seen, the black eyeliner was soaked with tears, a little smudged, making her eyes even bigger.

What did you talk to Liang Yuanze just now? he asked in a deep voice.

Only then did she raise her eyes to look at him, those eyes were obviously cold, but there were strong emotions inside. . It was hatred, a hatred that she couldn't suppress even with her rationality. He said he would tell him everything when he went back tonight.

He slightly raised his eyebrows, as if a little surprised, and asked: Tell him everything? tell him what

She replied: Tell him what you have done to me, tell him what I am going through now.

He looked at her silently, and then chuckled again after a while, and then

Then, divorce him. She raised her face, as if she was trying to control the tears from staying, her throat was choked, and it took a while to speak, begging him to leave, for a three-year period, if I can survive, if he can accept it by then Me, we are together again.

Three years?? He whispered, lowered his eyes, and asked her: This is the time you set for our game, isn't it

yes. She answered simply, her body trembling. Three years is the time I can hold on to my parents. If my parents are killed, my nine clans will still be destroyed.

She stared at him, and said every word very clearly: I have already entered hell, why do I care about this human matter

He looked at her, suddenly laughed, stretched out his hand to her, and said: "Come here."

She clenched her teeth tightly, and then put on her hand, and was pulled by him. He pulled her to the fence, hugged her from behind, told her to watch the crowded street by the river with him, and then whispered in her ear: Three years. After three years, either I will let you go, or I will kill you.

This is also the time limit he set for this game, three years, just three years.

good. She replied, leaning on the fence seemingly obediently, looking quietly at the street. He couldn't see her eyes, he could only feel her instinctive resistance from her body, this discovery made him feel displeased, so he pressed closer to her, clinging to her closely.

She felt it, and struggled uncomfortably, then turned her head and asked him indifferently: Do you want to do it here? Tuanchaya carry.

His body already felt impulsive, but when he heard this, he moved his body back slightly, avoiding it a bit, only his upper body was still hugging her, holding her in his hand, he forcibly clasped his fingers with her, and asked in a low voice Her: Do you want to

She raised her eyebrows in surprise, and her eyes couldn't help showing mockery, are you asking me

Her kind of provocation finally brought his good temper to an end, he sneered slightly, and replied: It seems that I was unnecessary.

As he spoke, he held her two hands with one hand and clamped them in front of him, but the other hand slid down, and he violently removed those obstacles, and submerged forcefully from behind. The clothes on both of them are still intact, looking up from the street, even if someone can find them, they just think they are a couple embracing and watching the street scene.

No one knew that just above these ten thousand people, the bodies of the two had been intimately combined.

Fu Shenxing also seemed to be covering it up intentionally, with a very small swing, hugged He Yan tightly, panting slightly, and whispered in her ear: It's exciting, isn't it? Your body is tight, very tight.

She didn't say a word, just bit her lip in embarrassment, broke free from his palm with both hands, and clasped the stone railing tightly.

He smiled lowly, wrapped his arms around her waist, moved, and gently touched the back of her neck with his lips. She raised her head slightly, staring at the water curtain of colored glass on the opposite side of the river, and behind it, in the center of the square, the big clock was also dazzlingly decorated. The second hand was jumping one by one, and the sound of the countdown was heard from the crowd. The sound gradually became louder, and finally converged and exploded in the crowd.

Ten, nine, eight, seven. . .

The people behind him were also speeding up and sprinting, he panted, and commanded in a dumb voice, call me, call me by name.

Amidst the din, she spit out his name word by word, Fu Shenxing.

No, not this.

Shen Zhijie.

Call again!

Shen Zhijie, Shen Zhijie, Shen Zhijie. She repeated the name over and over again, relentlessly.

At the moment when the loud and vigorous bell rang, he let out a low growl uncontrollably, turned his palm over her head forcefully, and kissed her deeply. The flowers on her temples fell off at some point, and they might hit someone on the street on the head, and then they would be trampled under their feet, just like her at this time.

In the night sky in the distance, bright fireworks bloom, dazzling, but fleeting.

Life is nothing more than that. If you can be dazzling at the highest point, what's the point of being smashed to pieces

After a long time, his tense body slowly relaxed, but he refused to withdraw. He still hugged her from behind, holding her cheek in his hands, forcing her to turn around, biting her lips lightly, and said in a hoarse voice: Our first year, Ah Yeon, our first year is here.

Yes, first year. She replied coldly.

He didn't care about her indifference, he only enjoyed the pleasure that her warm and soft body brought him, raised his eyebrows and chuckled, raised the corners of his lips mockingly, and said: Remember, go back and divorce Liang Yuanze.

The game changed unconsciously, even though he didn't want to admit it, his words and deeds had exposed his thoughts, he didn't want another man to touch her, and he didn't want her to bloom in another man's arms. In the past, he didn't care, but from now on, no one can do it.