Who Is the Prey

Chapter 43


The finger was thrown out of the car window when the car was driving. No one paid attention to where it was thrown, and could only estimate a rough range. Xiao Wu and the bald head hurriedly led the people back to the old place, and the group allocated road sections. I searched carefully along the side of the road, but it was dark and dark, so I couldn't find it anywhere.

After a while, He Yan also drove over, started from the place where Baldhead and the others parked, and walked forward step by step with her waist bent. After walking not far, she met the bald head and the others head-on. The bald head scratched his head in embarrassment, and said heartlessly: "Miss He, I have looked for it before, no, maybe it was taken away by wild cats and dogs. .”

Xiao Wu didn't want him to say those words, and after a few steps away, it was too late to stop him, so he had no choice but to raise his hand to cover his eyes.

Everyone thought that He Yan would go crazy and rush to beat her bald head. Unexpectedly, she just glanced at the bald head coldly, without even straightening her waist, she walked around him again and continued to look for him.

Fu Shenxing was not far behind. He leaned against the car and watched her silently. Watching her looking forward step by step, watching her pick up all the suspicious things to look at, watching her figure getting farther and smaller, and suddenly stopped at a certain place. First he squatted down slowly, and then knelt down again, his thin body bent into a ball little by little.

She finally found Liang Yuanze's severed finger. It was not taken away by cats and dogs, but it was run over by a car and turned into a flat layer of flesh and blood sticking to the ground, which could not be picked up.

No wonder they say they can't find it.

He Yan bent down slowly, her forehead touched the cold ground, and curled herself into a small ball. She still remembers the first time she met Liang Yuanze. At that time, she had just entered university, beautiful and proud, because her high school classmates invited her to watch the welcome party of that famous polytechnic school. Then I saw Liang Yuanze playing and singing on the stage.

He was wearing a white shirt and simple jeans, sitting in front of the piano in the corner of the stage, singing an old English song. To be honest, he didn't sing very well, at least it wasn't amazing, but she was attracted by him, looked at him obsessively, watched his slender fingers dance smoothly on the keys, watched him lightly Swaying his body slowly, he sang calmly.

It wasn't until he stepped off the stage that the sudden applause brought her back to her senses. She ran over and stopped him who was about to leave under the stage, and introduced herself shamelessly: "Hello classmate, my name is He Yan, you can Make a friend?"

He was startled at first, then blushed.

He Yan's body trembled faintly, she didn't dare to recall any more, she bit her lip hard, so as not to cry out. Can't cry, can't cry anymore, what's the use of crying? Can crying get back Yuan Ze's fingers, and send Fu Shenxing and the others to hell? No, crying can only reveal her weakness and vent her resentment. She has hatred, full of hatred, but what her hatred needs is not venting, but revenge.

Yes, she wanted revenge, she wanted to send Fu Shenxing back to hell, she wanted him to lose everything, to suffer and despair, and life would be worse than death.

Fu Shenxing did not know when he came to He Yan's side, he looked down at her, and after a long while ordered coldly: "Get up."

She trembled slightly, straightened up slowly, turned her head to look at him, then turned her head back in silence, and stood up slowly with her hands supported. But after all, her body was weak, and she fell down again before she could stand up. Thanks to Fu Shenxing's quick eyesight and quick hands, she grabbed her, so she didn't fall to the ground.

He hesitated for a moment, then simply picked her up and strode towards the car.

She was very light, curled up in his arms lightly, as if she couldn't even compare with the weight of a cat. Xu Shi really had no strength, so she leaned her head gently on his shoulder, and asked slowly, "Fu Shenxing, do you know how much I hate you now?"

He hooked his lips and sneered indifferently, and asked her, "How much hate?"

She replied: "I can't wait to bite off your meat, chew it carefully, and swallow it slowly."

Hearing this, he stopped in his tracks, lowered his head and looked at her silently, but after a while he sneered and said, "Okay, as long as you have such hard teeth, as long as you have the means."

She said nothing, just stared at him, and actually opened her mouth and bit his shoulder hard. She had sharp teeth, and indeed she bit down hard, and although she was wearing a shirt and suit, blood was still seen almost immediately.

Soon the blood soaked out again, but he didn't look shocked, still looking down at her like this, watching her bite him fiercely, with a dull squeak of resentment coming out of his throat, biting but biting like Suddenly losing strength, his head fell on his shoulder, his arms wrapped around his neck, and he cried bitterly.

He stood quietly, but after a while he put her down, supported her waist with one hand, and raised her face with the other, and kissed her heavily regardless of the tears streaming down her face.

She struggled and shouted vaguely: "Fu Shenxing, I will kill you sooner or later!"

"Okay, I'll wait." He replied, holding her tightly, still refusing to let go of her lips. There was bloody sweetness in her mouth, it belonged to him, this breath made him feel excited, but he felt that it was not enough, so he forcibly hooked the tip of her tongue, and with a little force between his teeth, he bit it lightly, making the two of them blood mixed together.

At first she just struggled to avoid, but later she seemed to realize that there was no way to hide, no way to avoid, she fought back in anger, instead of avoiding, she hooked his neck and raised her head to meet him Biting his lips and tongue, tooth for tooth, blood for blood.

In the distance, Xiao Wu, the bald head and the others were all amazed, but the bald head turned around with a blushing heart, and when Xiao Wu also turned around to avoid suspicion, he couldn't help asking Xiao Wu: "Fifth brother, what are you doing?" What kind of routine are those two playing? Why am I so confused?"

Xiao Wu habitually slapped him on the head, cursing in a low voice: "You idiot, don't think about such profound questions, your brain is not enough!"

The bald head nodded convincingly, but he was a little shrewd, asking and answering: "Hey? Fifth brother, you think Miss He won't hate me for chopping off her ex-husband's fingers? If she hates me, she will brag to Mr. Fu from time to time. Light up the pillow, wouldn't it be bad luck for me to be bald?"

Xiao Wuyi was stunned for a moment, not knowing whether to say that this person was smart or stupid, and was about to teach him a few words, but the mobile phone in his pocket rang. The call was made by his younger brother who stayed in the hospital to secretly monitor Liang Yuanze. After only a few words, Xiao Wu's expression changed slightly. He turned around and glanced at Fu Shenxing who was pulling He Yan to the side of the car. He hesitated for a moment, and took a few steps. Walking over, he said in a low voice, "Brother Xing, Liang Yuanze has called the police."

There was a new wound on the corner of Fu Shenxing's mouth, and He Yan's wrist visibly trembled in his palm. He turned to look at her, and said with a half-smile: "It's not that I don't want to let him live, it's that he keeps To die. He Yan, what do you think I should do?"