Who Is the Prey

Chapter 77


He Yan stared blankly, looking at him like a monster.

This expression made Fu Shenxing more firm in the idea that just popped up, even thinking that the seeds he poured into her body would take root, germinate and grow, and that her belly would grow bigger day by day before his eyes. Thinking of her giving birth to him, he felt inexplicable excitement. Unknowingly, the corners of his lips curled up, and he said slowly, "If you have a child, it will be fine if you give birth to it."

His words made He Yan feel angry, and at the same time faint panic rose in her heart, his expression told her that he was not joking, he was serious. She secretly told herself to be calm, direct resistance would only irritate him, and if she wanted to solve the problem, she had to choose an appropriate method.

He Yan bit her lower lip unconsciously, showed him her left wrist covered in gauze, and said with red eyes: "Fu Shenxing, look at this, you should know how much medicine I have taken this month, you can ask yourself I asked the doctor. Can I have a baby this month? It’s so simple, if I have a baby, I will give birth. What kind of baby will I have? Deformed, or mentally retarded? child?"

As she spoke, she couldn't make a sound. Xu felt that it was too embarrassing, so she covered her mouth with her hand, and turned her head to look out of the car window.

Fu Shenxing's face was gloomy and ugly, he pursed his lips and said nothing, but he stopped the car when he passed the next pharmacy. He got out of the car without saying a word, walked out of the pharmacy after a while, got in the car and threw a box of emergency contraceptive pills to He Yan.

He Yan was a little uncertain about his temper today, and was afraid that it would change if he was too late, so she quickly took the pill and swallowed it dryly, but she didn't want the pill to get stuck in her throat, unable to go up or down, which made her extremely uncomfortable. A bottle of opened water was suddenly handed over from the side. She didn't care too much, so she quickly took it and took a few sips of water before sending the pill down, but she couldn't get over the uncomfortable feeling for a while, and she looked very embarrassed.

Fu Shenxing had been watching her silently, until now he smiled mockingly, but didn't say anything. He drove back to the apartment, stopped the car, ignored He Yan, got out of the car, walked in front of him alone, turned back after walking a dozen steps. Without saying a word, he directly picked her up from the ground.

He was really strange today. She felt that something should have happened, but she couldn't guess it for a while, so she honestly shut up and let him carry her all the way upstairs.

A Jiang came back earlier than them, and sat in the living room downstairs. Seeing the two of them enter the door, he simply greeted them, not only did not move forward, but also avoided his room with a wink. Fu Shenxing carried He Yan straight into the living room on the second floor, and went through the medicine box first to change the medicine on her wrist. He carried her into the bathroom to take a bath.

Both of them were silent, neither of them was willing to speak, until he carried her out of the bathroom and put her on the bed, stretched out his hand to spread her legs, she raised her body in panic and pushed his hand, trembling. He pleaded softly: "Fu Shenxing, please be a little humane, don't touch me again tonight, okay? I really hurt."

He looked at her twice and said lightly, "Lie down, I'll give you medicine."

She froze for a moment, then looked at him suspiciously. He had no choice but to lift up the medicine box in his other hand, and motioned for her to see, "It's just medicine."

She didn't know when he bought this medicine, presumably it was taken together with the contraceptive pill in the pharmacy just now. Unconsciously, she was slightly startled, seeing him coming to spread her legs again, she said in a panic: "I'll just do it myself."

But he didn't pay any attention to her, he propped her legs up gently but firmly, bent down, and silently applied the ointment to her. She lay there on her back and couldn't break free. Out of resentment and helplessness, she could only grab the pillow beside her and press her head and face hard, her body trembling faintly, letting him do whatever he wanted.

This situation was too embarrassing, her body was uncontrollably tense, invaded by foreign objects, and the red and swollen flower stems shrank instinctively, pushing out the suppository he had carefully pushed in. He was stunned for a moment, then couldn't help but burst out laughing, and seeing her tense body, he couldn't help hooking her heart lightly with his fingers, and said with a low voice, "No wonder I'm so crushed by you every time. There is such a skill."

Her body froze, unable to bear the humiliation any longer, she got up angrily, kicked him without thinking. He knelt down at the end of the bed, received such a kick from her on the shoulder, and fell off the bed all at once. He felt a little annoyed, and was about to get angry when he got up, but saw her sitting on the bed trembling, opening her mouth several times with trembling lips, but closing them again, and finally turned around and fell down on the bed, crying loudly.

He stared blankly for a moment, then walked to the edge of the bed and sat down, stretching out his hand to pull her shoulder. But she just cried and refused to pay attention to him, so he could only forcefully pull her around, but when he didn't want her, she threw herself into his arms and bit him hard on the shoulder. She bit it so hard that blood was seen under her teeth almost immediately, but even so she still felt puzzled and bit hard, whining.

Fu Shenxing didn't push her away, but reached out to hug her, put his lips close to her ear, and said in a low voice: "Put harder, Ayan, at least at this time, your hatred is real."

He Yan froze for a while, and then slowly let go of her mouth after a while. He smiled sarcastically, got up and left, and never came back that night.

They seemed to be in a cold war all of a sudden. When she went downstairs to eat in the morning, he had already finished eating, and without even looking at her, he took A Jiang out the door. At night, when she fell asleep, she could hear his return, but she would not come upstairs.

He Yan tried to go out, but she was stopped when she walked out of the apartment. Someone was guarding the small hall outside. When she saw her, she came forward to stop her, and said politely: "Miss He, Mr. Fu, please Have a good rest at home." He was already prepared, but he didn't realize how angry he was, so he turned back and called Fu Shenxing, and asked him calmly, "Fu Shenxing, you haven't finished yet? What exactly do you want?"

Fu Shenxing was being interviewed by a financial magazine. He smiled apologetically at the reporter, got up and walked to the balcony, and said lightly, "I want to know where the fingerprints you gave to the Chen family went."

He Yan was startled, and only then did she understand where his abnormality of the past few days came from. She covered the microphone with her hands, took a deep breath carefully, and tried her best to remain calm, and said, "I thought we had reached a consensus in the hospital that day, and we don't care about the past, besides, haven't you already destroyed all the original documents? You What are you afraid of?"

He had indeed destroyed the original, but since someone could compare the fingerprints of the Chen family, it meant that there might still be fish that slipped through the net, whether it was a copy or a photocopy, it would always be a disaster if it was left behind. He smiled softly, and replied: "It's true that I don't care about it, but I always want to know who is helping the Chen family, so I can take precautions in the future."

He Yan didn't know which step he had found, so she could only answer him truthfully: "I don't know, whether you believe it or not, I really don't know, I did steal your fingerprint, but I haven't waited for the result yet. , the matter was revealed."

Fu Shenxing was silent for a while, as if trying to discern the truth of her words, and finally said: "Then you can only wait patiently for a while, and wait for me to find this person myself."

In fact, he already had countermeasures, but he was just waiting for the result, even if he told her these words, he had some other purpose. Unexpectedly, He Yan didn't make any movement, except for a phone call with her mother, she never made any outside calls. Fu Shenxing didn't know whether he was relieved or disappointed, he was conflicted, but he didn't want to have news from A Jiang first.

"Chen Heguo called a police officer surnamed Zhang and mentioned the fingerprints." A Jiang said, and reported the content of the wiretapped call to Fu Shenxing, and said: "The man surnamed Zhang asked Chen Heguo to give him the fingerprints." Send it over, so it seems that he does have the original fingerprints on his hand."

Fu Shenxing nodded slightly, thought for a while, and said in a deep voice: "Find a way to get back the fingerprint on that little girl's hand, and don't fall into the hands of that police officer. As for the police officer, don't touch him yet, just send him Follow carefully, and wait until everything is clear."