Who Is the Prey

Chapter 86


The distance was too close, she couldn't even pretend not to hear him, so she could only look surprised and looked up at him.

The moment the two eyes met. Fu Shenxing's eyes flickered, and he subconsciously lowered his eyelids to avoid her gaze. He felt a little regretful that he shouldn't have answered the call in front of He Yan. At the same time, he hated Chen Heguo even more, thinking that her call came for no reason.

At this moment, he obviously couldn't pick up the phone and answer it elsewhere, so he turned his voice cold and asked Chen Heguo indifferently: "What's the matter?"

There was a moment of silence on the phone, and then Chen Heguo said: "It's nothing, I just want to say sorry to you. I shouldn't have such doubts about you because of some unproven words, and do those-- --"

"It's not necessary." Fu Shenxing didn't dare to ask Chen Heguo to continue, and immediately interrupted her. He wanted to see He Yan's expression, but he didn't have the courage. He only said to Chen Heguo in a cold voice: "I don't want to mention the past, goodbye."

"Wait a minute!" Chen Heguo hurriedly called again, and asked, "When will I return that fingerprint paper to you? Let me see when it's convenient for you. I'll send it to you."

The handset was too close, He Yan could hear every word of Chen Heguo clearly, she had almost sketched out the outline of the whole thing, she felt that she didn't need to listen any more, and she didn't want to witness Chen Heguo's stupidity like this, Then he took Fu Shenxing's hand and stuffed the phone into his hand. Smiling mockingly at him, he turned and left the kitchen.

He Yan went to the bedroom to change clothes, just after taking off her pajamas, the door was pushed open from the outside, she didn't look back, she just said coldly: "Trouble, please knock on the door first next time."

There was no response behind her, and she covered her chest with her clothes. Turn around and look at him. Fu Shenxing wore a small floral apron in front of him, and his shirt cuffs were rolled up high, looking like a housewife. She posed like a model in a cool pose. He leaned against the door with his arms in his arms and looked at her silently.

She didn't want to be troublesome at this juncture, so she glanced at him, then laughed, and asked him, "Can I take a picture of you?" He took pictures and joked: "Take it out and sell it to gossip magazines, maybe you can make a small profit."

Seeing her like this, Fu Shenxing felt relieved, and actually stood there and let her take a few pictures. Then he came forward with a smile, threw her on the bed, and said, "Such pictures are worthless. , it’s better to take some bed photos and sell them to the crisis public relations of Fu’s enterprise.”

She nodded cooperatively and said seriously, "Good idea."

Both of them couldn't help laughing again, he stood on top of her, looked at her for a moment, and then suddenly explained: "Ayan, I still have some unresolved matters with the Chen family, that's why I got in touch with that little girl, you Don't think about it, it has nothing to do with you."

He Yan was like a mirror in her heart, she just wanted to sneer when she heard the words, but she didn't dare to show it on her face, she just said: "Since it has nothing to do with me, don't talk to me about these things. I don't ask, so don't tell me, okay?" After finishing speaking, she was afraid that her indifference would arouse his suspicion, so she hesitated for a moment, and then said: "However, I still want to persuade you, you have to be forgiving and forgiving."

Fu Shenxing looked at her face carefully, and finally replied: "Okay."

She took a deep breath, put on a cheerful look again, and pushed him hard, "Get up quickly, didn't you say you want to go to the movies? Hurry up, don't be late."

Both of them seemed to want to forget about the incident as soon as possible. He smiled and stood up as he said, watched her dress and then took her out. The two of them went to the movies first, and then went to have a supper after the show. They tossed until one o'clock in the middle of the night, and then Fu Shenxing sent He Yan back.

Seeing that he didn't intend to leave, she didn't chase him away, she just took out the quilt for him to use, and said: "You can sleep in my room, I'll go to my parents' room to sleep."

Fu Shenxing was a little surprised, grabbed her and asked, "Why?"

She clearly didn't want to have a relationship with him at home, but she answered him solemnly: "Aren't you going to worship your ancestors during the Chinese New Year? This is a very delicate matter. Even if you don't need to fast and bathe in advance, you should still pay attention to it, which is right." The respect of your ancestors of the Fu family, do you understand?"

He really didn't understand these things, so he smiled unconsciously, still holding onto her and refusing to let go, saying: "I won't touch you, you sleep with me."

After hearing this, she couldn't help but rolled her eyes to him, "Who will believe you when you say that! Let go, and go to sleep by yourself, or I will drive you out."

He reluctantly let go.

He Yan walked to the door, but stopped again, turned around and told him, "Don't call me tomorrow morning, I'm about to have my menstrual period, and I'm very angry when I wake up. There's food in the refrigerator, you can warm it up in the microwave Enough."

With her words, Fu Shenxing did not go to wake her up the next morning. Hearing him go out, she just got up from the bed, went to the window and looked down secretly. There was already a car waiting downstairs, A Jiang didn't know when he came, so he stood outside the car, and when Fu Shenxing went out, he immediately stepped forward and opened the car door for him.

It wasn't until the car disappeared that He Yan breathed a sigh of relief. She went to her bedroom, opened the drawer by the side of the bed, carefully looked at where the mobile phone and documents were placed, and saw that no one had touched them, so she was completely relieved, turned on the mobile phone again, and checked the train time on the first night Keep in mind the trains that may be used, not even ignoring which cities these trains will pass through and which trains they can transfer to.

Thanks to her excellent memory, she had memorized all her possible escape routes before noon. What follows is an unbearable wait. For the whole day, there was no movement from Fu Shenxing's side. At night, he called and asked her, "What are you doing?"

She was obviously sitting on the sofa staring at the TV show in a daze, but she answered him with a smile: "Watching the party, how about you?"

"Looking at the children setting off firecrackers, it's very noisy, listen to it." He replied, as if taking the phone away, telling her to listen to the sounds. The noise came through the earpiece, and amidst the crackling explosions, there were children's cheers and laughter, which formed a sharp contrast with her loneliness and desolation at the moment.

The hatred in He Yan's heart suddenly rose, if it wasn't for the man on the other end of the phone, her family of four would be sitting in front of the TV, or, at this moment, she and Liang Yuanze were traveling with their parents. No matter what, she won't be sitting alone in front of the TV, watching the reunion and excitement that belong to others.

It is easier for people to lose control of their emotions under heavy pressure. She almost gritted her teeth and smashed the phone in her hand. When he asked her softly if she heard it, she answered him with a smile: "It's noisy enough!" Yes, thanks to the prohibition of setting off firecrackers in the urban area, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to watch TV.”

Fu Shenxing chuckled twice, someone seemed to be calling him over there, he didn't care to talk to her any more, and hung up the phone.

He could handle it here, but when the New Year's bell was about to ring on the TV, when He's mother called suddenly, He Yan couldn't control her emotions, her eye circles turned red all of a sudden, and she asked her mother with her nose: " Why are you calling so early, what time is it over there?"

"Six o'clock. I don't sleep so much when I'm old. Your father and I woke up early." Mother He replied, "It's twelve o'clock at home, right? I'm afraid I made a mistake, so I went to find someone yesterday I asked. Do you girl keep the year old? Come on, give me and your dad New Year's greetings."

He Yan didn't want the old lady to step on the phone to call because of this, she burst into tears and laughed, and hurriedly paid New Year's greetings to her parents on the phone, and asked, "Is it fun over there?"

"It's okay, that's all." Mother He replied, a little disapproving, she sighed again, and said: "Hey, since ancient times, there have only been those careless children, and no such cruel parents. If I want to throw you home by myself, your dad and I don't have any interest in playing. Don't look at your dad's mouth, but the face is almost two feet long, and no one dares to mess with it."

He Yan smiled, and made up a lie to lie to her mother, "I'm fine at home by myself. I went out with my friends for a day, and they just sent me back, and they made an appointment to go to incense tomorrow morning. You don't have to worry about it." Me, have fun over there, pay more attention to safety."

She spoke cheerfully, and Mother He believed it to be true, so she became a little happier. She told He Yan where they had been for the past two days, and where they were going next, and said: "The plane flies directly to New York at night. Two days and then go to Washington."

He Yan knew more about her parents' itinerary than they did, but she still listened patiently, interjecting a question from time to time. The mother and daughter chatted for half an hour, and Mother He brought her husband over to talk to her daughter. After saying a few words, He Yan's phone was heated up, and the call ended.

The mobile phone in her palm was a bit hot, but the temperature also drove away the coolness in her heart. She didn't spend any more time in front of the TV. She turned off the mobile phone and climbed to bed to sleep, trying to gather enough energy and energy to cope with the twenty-four escape after hours.

The first day of the Lunar New Year was very peaceful. Fu Shenxing was so busy there that he didn't even make a phone call. When it was dark, He Yan checked the items to be carried again, stuffed the packed backpack into the closet, and then quietly sat on the bedside, waiting for news from Liang Yuanze.

The new mobile phone has been turned on, and the old one is also at hand. She silently thinks about the unexpected situation that she may encounter, and has even made up her mind that once she receives a call from Liang Yuanze, she will put all the data on the old mobile phone before leaving the house. Delete the information, and then throw it in a place where people can pick it up, so as to disturb Fu Shenxing's sight.

The closer the time is, the more difficult it will be, and every second is suffering. At one o'clock in the night, the long-awaited call finally came. Although Liang Yuanze's voice was steady, the tension inside was obvious, "Yanyan, I have already picked up my parents, and the person following me is still in the hotel, so I haven't been found. "

She took a deep breath and replied, "Okay, I'll go to the station right away. You first stabilize your parents and tell them the truth after I get away." She took out her backpack from the closet while explaining. He carried it on his back, but unexpectedly another mobile phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

In the silent darkness, the sudden and loud voice made her tremble and almost dropped the phone in her hand. Liang Yuanze obviously also heard the ringtone of the mobile phone over there, restrained his urgency, and said in a deep voice: "Yanyan, don't panic, see whose call it is."

He Yan took out the phone with shaking hands, and seeing the words "Fu Shenxing" displayed on it, her heart sank to the bottom. The ringing kept ringing, and it was obvious that the man was not going to stop until she received the call. Her fingers trembled so much that she could hardly press the answer button, and finally got through the phone, and Fu Shenxing's voice came out of the receiver, "Ayan, get up and open the door, I'm outside."