Who Is the Prey

Chapter 9


He Yan went home directly, went to the bathroom to put a large vat of hot water, and soaked herself in it. In fact, she had already taken a bath in the villa before, but she just felt that her body was not clean, so she rubbed it vigorously with a bath towel, and she was about to peel off a layer of skin, and she still felt sick in her heart.

She has also brushed her teeth countless times, and she has carefully brushed every place that the toothbrush can reach. In the end, she didn't know where it was broken, and the water she spit out was red.

Just a little bit, just a little bit closer to her killing him.

Kill him, and then be directly killed by his men, and that's it. Or with luck, have the opportunity to confront the police and tell them all the truth. If she was luckier and the police could find out the details of Fu Shenxing, then she would be innocent. If you are not so lucky, then just treat her as a schizophrenic. Anyway, Fu Shenxing and Shen Zhijie look so similar, her spirit is greatly stimulated, and it is normal to kill the wrong one.

It's a pity that it's a little bit worse.

She looked at herself in the mirror, her complexion was as pale as a ghost, her eyes were sunken and darkened, and her pupils seemed to be on fire, radiating madness and hatred. This is not a good sign, she slowly closed her eyes, and silently told herself that she can't be crazy, at least not now, she needs to be calm and rational.

She resolutely threw away the toothbrush in her hand, quickly left the bathroom, and went to the bedroom to sort things out. Liang Yuanze will come back today. The husband and wife have been separated for more than 20 days. After meeting, she has no reason to refuse his intimacy, but she can't face her husband with such a body full of other men's marks. She had to leave temporarily for a few days, waiting for the traces on her body to disappear.

The reason is easy to make up, the school is on a temporary business trip, or something happened suddenly to a student in another place, and she needs to rush there to deal with it. Liang Yuanze trusts her, she can just make up an emergency, and he won't doubt it.

She packed up the things she wanted to carry with her, including two changes of clothes, wallet and identity documents, as well as the smartphone she just bought online that was exactly the same as her mobile phone and a mobile phone card with a foreign number. The process of online shopping was very tortuous. She lied to her colleagues, borrowed their computers and accounts, and even the recipients were all in the names of her colleagues, leaving no trace of herself.

She was cautious and didn't want to leave any openings for Fu Shenxing.

He Yan packed everything up quickly, and before leaving the house, she looked back at the house. Liang Yuanze will come back in another four or five hours. If she chooses to stay here, then she can cry happily in his arms, seek his help, and let him share her pain and despair with him.

He will, he will be her most solid support and the most stable harbor, she firmly believes. However, he will also be dragged into this disaster by her and face endless dangers.

What is love? Is it unreserved dedication, or wholehearted trust? Should I take everything alone and only hope for his happiness and well-being, or should I share weal and woe with him? For the first time, He Yan didn't know how to make a choice. She stood silently at the door of the house, holding the small bag in her hand. After a long time, she gritted her teeth and left the house resolutely.

The car was still at school, so she took a taxi to the other side of the city, and found a humble fast hotel to live in. She first sent a message to Liang Yuanze to explain the situation, and then called the school to ask for a three-day vacation. After finishing these two things, she stuffed the old mobile phone under the pillow and took out the newly bought one. .

He Yan has never been a woman who just sits and waits to die.

Nowadays, the functions of smartphones are almost the same as those of computers, and the development of the Internet has brought more unimaginable convenience to people. She began to investigate everything about Fu Shenxing, his identity, his growth experience, and all his companies. , and all possible connections between him and the death row prisoner Shen Zhijie.

At noon, Liang Yuanze sent her a text message back. He just got off the plane and told her a few words about his lovesickness, but he didn't forget to ask her to take care of her body outside. She wanted to call him back, but she was afraid that she would lose control of her emotions when she heard his voice, so she only said a few words through text messages, and finally said that she would call him sometime at night.

All these communications were intercepted by Fu Shenxing one by one.

The monitoring software was installed on a laptop, so Fu Shenxing naturally didn't have time to stare at it all the time, so he handed over the matter to A Jiang. He is not only Fu Shenxing's bodyguard, but also more than half of his assistant. He sorts out and filters these secret information every day. Pick out the useful ones and report them to Fu Shenxing.

Looking at the contents of the text message, Ah Jiang couldn't help sighing: Mr. Fu, how can this woman make up such a smooth lie? It's like telling the truth!

That woman is the best at lying, and she doesn't change her face when she tells lies. Fu Shenxing twitched the corners of his lips mockingly, ignored A Jiang's emotion, and just asked him calmly: She hasn't left the hotel all this time

Ajiang looked at the computer records, and replied: No, the location of the mobile phone has always been at that hotel, and I didn't see it at lunch, but I can really hold back.

Fu Shenxing nodded slowly, guessing that she was afraid of being seen by acquaintances when she came out, so she kept hiding in the hotel. But that woman is also very cunning, not to be taken lightly. But, what else could she do to die? Fu Shenxing was a little puzzled for a moment. He opened the drawer habitually, and took out a cigarette from it. He didn't smoke it, but just played it between his fingers.

Ah Jiang knew that he was actually very addicted to smoking, but he never wanted to smoke. Looking at him, he couldn't help talking: Mr. Fu, this thing is not a drug, and it doesn't hurt to take a few puffs. Mr. Fu didn't touch it before because his body didn't allow it, and you are fine.

Fu Shenxing was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, then smiled lightly, then threw the cigarettes into the drawer casually, and said with a smile: You must never touch anything you shouldn't touch.

A Jiang sneaked a glance at the very obvious tooth marks on his lips, and couldn't help but secretly slandered, secretly thinking, boss, you said before that woman can't be touched, but you haven't touched it

It's just that he didn't dare to say that, even if he had some courage.

He Yan was bored in the hotel for a whole day, but she didn't find many things, even less than the answers that police officer Chen had given her. All she knew was that Fu Shenxing really existed, and his company was called Fu's Enterprise. It involves a lot of industry fields, but it is very low-key, and there are very few news on the Internet.

In the evening, she called Liang Yuanze as scheduled, and then went out to buy something to eat. Downstairs in the hotel is a fast food restaurant. She chose take-out, and when she was waiting to get her meal, she suddenly heard someone called Teacher He. She turned around and saw the boy she rescued from Fu Shenxing. His name was Xu Chengbo. .

Xu Chengbo seemed to have just returned from delivering meals. He was wearing a thick coat and was carrying a huge delivery box in his hand. He seemed very surprised to see her, and asked her with a smile: Teacher He. why are you here

He Yan was also a little surprised. When she came to live here, she wanted to stay away from home and school so as not to meet acquaintances, but she didn't expect to meet her student here, and it was Xu Chengbo. When she bumped into an acquaintance suddenly, she felt a little nervous for a moment, but she soon calmed down again, pointed to the food outlet to indicate that she was waiting for food, and then asked him with some surprise: Do you work here

The fast food restaurant he worked part-time before should be in the area of Fu Shenxing's company, not here.

The one who just transferred here turned out to be the main store over there, and this is the branch store. Xu Chengbo explained, and smirked again: Teacher He doesn't have to run away to order food in the future, call me, and I will send it to you.

He Yan smiled and said nothing, subconsciously put her hand into her coat pocket, and tightly clutched the phone. She was a little afraid of the phone, afraid that it had the function of monitoring, but she didn't dare to throw it away, for fear of being noticed by Fu Shenxing. The pick-up place was already calling her number, she went over to pick up the lunch box and was about to leave, seeing that Xu Chengbo was about to send her out, she hurriedly said: You are busy with your work, don't worry about me.

Xu Chengbo agreed, but still enthusiastically sent her outside the door.

Seeing him standing there looking like he was about to watch her go, He Yan couldn't help asking some questions, she didn't want him to know that she lived upstairs, so she had no choice but to continue walking while he was watching , took the box of fast food for a walk along the block, and then returned to the hotel.

On A Jiang's monitor, the small green dot representing He Yan's position also circled a rather square circle. He was confused and went to find Fu Shenxing with his notebook. Mr. Fu, look at this, I I was confused by this woman, could it be that she is still in the mood to go for a walk right now

Fu Shenxing had just finished a meeting. Because of some profit distribution matters, he had quarreled with several veteran shareholders who had been his father for a long time, which made him feel his brain hurt. Hearing A Jiang say this, he was taken aback for a moment, and asked: What

A Jiang put the notebook in front of him and opened it, and showed him the record. It was a leisurely walk, right

Fu Shenxing looked at it for a while, gently pinched his temples with his hands, and said lightly: Find someone to go to where she lives and see what she is doing.

A Jiang responded and wanted to leave, but Fu Shenxing stopped him again, kept silent, and said: Forget it, let me go and see.

A Jiang was taken aback, looked at him carefully, seemed to hesitate for a moment, and persuaded: Mr. Fu, I want to say why bother to spend so much energy on this woman, just kill her. If you feel uncomfortable, then put her at home. Everyone cooks in one pot.

Fu Shenxing looked up at him, his expression a little indifferent, and asked: A Jiang, what do you want to say

Ah Jiang was a little afraid of him, but he also felt that as a brother, he must not just watch his boss go the wrong way. He scratched his head nervously, and said cautiously: Mr. Fu, you said that woman is unlucky, untouchable...

Fu Shenxing didn't speak for a long time, and A Jiang waited until his heart grew hairy, and then he heard him say lightly: A Jiang, I am the lone star of the devil, and my life is very hard. Moreover, he paused for a moment, raised the corners of his lips and smiled coldly, and killed her directly. How could there be such torture

After he finished speaking, he stood up and walked out first. A Jiang was taken aback for a moment, and then hurriedly followed him, and drove him to the express hotel. He parked the car downstairs of the hotel, and asked Fu Shenxing: Mr. Fu, should I follow

With a calm face, Fu Shenxing replied: No need.

A Jiang glanced at him, hesitated for a moment, and asked tentatively: Then I wait here

Fu Shenxing was about to get out of the car, but when he heard the words, he paused unconsciously, looked back at A Jiang, and said in a cold voice: Wait!

He went upstairs to knock on the door of He Yan's room, only to hear the faint sound of the TV from inside, she answered inside, after a while, the footsteps approached the door, but she didn't open the door immediately, she just raised her voice and asked: Who is it

It's me, Fu Shenxing. He answered lightly.

There was a sudden silence inside the door, he unconsciously raised the corners of his lips slightly, and stood outside the door quietly waiting for the door to open. Unexpectedly, after a while, the footsteps behind the door disappeared step by step, and she seemed to have walked back into the room again. middle. He couldn't help sneering, took out his mobile phone and dialed her, and the phone rang in the room, but she didn't dare to refuse and answered the call.

He stabbed her with a sneer: He Yan, you don't think I'll be soft on you because I fucked you

She was not in a hurry or angry, and answered him lightly: Mr. Fu, you misunderstood me, I just thought that even if you fucked me, we didn't know each other well enough to ask me to meet you in pajamas, please wait patiently, let me Change clothes.

He didn't want her to answer like this, so he choked for a moment, closed the phone and waited silently outside the door.

In the room, He Yan was not changing clothes, she was hiding the newly bought mobile phone. Although she answered calmly, she was actually nervous in her heart. She first stuffed the phone under the pillow, but felt that the place was really unsafe, so she found it out and hid it under the mattress. She got up to open the door, but Suddenly feeling uneasy, he simply kicked the phone under the bed again.

This kind of tossing inevitably took some time. When she calmed down her heartbeat and opened the door for Fu Shenxing, his eyes were clearly showing impatience, but the corners of his lips were still slightly raised, mockingly said: No way, Mr. He seized the last few minutes and deliberately put on light makeup