Who Let Him Cultivate Immortality

Chapter 116: We share the same difficulties


Lu Yang was roasting the Kui Niu with all his strength. This was a competition of wisdom, perseverance and luck, and there was no room for carelessness. For the time being, he did not notice Uncle Ba's gloating expression.

The roasted Kui Niu was finally done, and its aroma lingered in the kitchen for three days. The Sanwei True Fire was indeed Lu Yang's original creation, and it really had its merits.

There are a total of 108 kinds of true fire in the world. Lu Yang used his talent to add one more kind. This kind of fire is naturally extraordinary!

As long as Lu Yang wanted, he could open a chain of barbecue restaurants across the continent! It was also possible to open a barbecue sect!

This is an opportunity that no amount of barbarians would ask for!

But Lu Yang was indifferent to fame and fortune and had no such plans at all.

Lu Yang placed the roasted Kui Niu on a plate, and placed roasted potatoes, roasted carrots, roasted cauliflower and other ingredients on the side as garnish, and prepared to serve the dish on the table. The puppet looked at Lu Yang in surprise, not expecting that he was so thoughtful.

When Lu Yang was about to leave the kitchen, he noticed that a large piece of meat was missing from the Kuiniu, revealing its white bones.

Lu Yang remembered the White Bone and Flesh Pill he had just exchanged.

"What will happen if I give Kuiniu the White Bone and Growing Flesh Pill? Will a piece of meat grow out of it?" Lu Yang thought, if this succeeds, it will be a huge business opportunity!

Lu Yang did as he said. He pried open Kuiniu's mouth and forced it to take the pill.

A magical scene appeared. A faint golden light was emitted from the wound on the Kuiniu corpse. The roasted Kuiniu slowly floated, turned back into a raw meat state, floated to the wound, and closed the wound tightly.

Lu Yang: “…”

Is this scientific

I grilled the meat with great difficulty, but you changed it back?!

The puppet couldn't hold back his laughter and laughed secretly.

Lu Yang had no choice but to start over.

Fortunately, with the experience from the first time, the second time was much faster. At the same time, Lu Yang also found that his proficiency in "Zhan Zi Jue", sword energy, and Sanwei True Fire had also improved.

Lu Yang was thinking, could this be what the senior sister meant, to let him grow through cooking

Yes, there is a type of cultivator called Spiritual Chef. They practice through cooking, and their cultivation is similar to that of the Spiritual Chef.

"Senior sister, you have good intentions!" Lu Yang was very touched.

The eldest sister was practicing at the dining table with her five hearts facing the sky. Various strange phenomena appeared around her, such as the falling of a big star, the revival of all things, and the transformation of thunder tribulations... It was as if all the strange phenomena in the world were concentrated here.

She noticed Lu Yang's arrival and slowly opened her eyes. All kinds of strange visions instantly retracted into her body, as if nothing had happened.

"Roasted Kui Niu?" Yun Zhi glanced at the dinner that Lu Yang had carefully prepared. Without saying much, she motioned Lu Yang to eat with her.

Lu Yang sat upright at the dining table, nervously waiting for the senior sister to eat first.

He peeled off a piece of Yunzhi, opened his mouth slightly, and tasted it lightly: "Not bad."

Lu Yang finally felt relieved.

Yunzhi opened the storage space, took out a bottle of pills and handed it to Lu Yang. Lu Yang saw the words "Stomach-strengthening and Digestive Pills" on the bottle.

"This is a classic elixir from Danding Peak. It can promote your digestion and absorption of food. The spiritual energy contained in the roasted Kui Niu is far beyond your tolerance. You should eat slowly and use the elixir as an aid to slowly absorb it."

Facts have proved that Danding Peak was established at the beginning of the founding of the Wendao Sect and has stood firm to this day. The elixirs it refines are sometimes still very effective.

Lu Yang took a small piece and chewed it gently for a few times. The Kui beef slid into his stomach like a colloid. The abundant spiritual energy rose in his abdomen and rushed straight to the top of his head. The fatigue from roasting the Kui beef was swept away, and his whole body felt refreshed.

Lu Yang's eyes lit up, and he quickly took the pill, meditated and practiced, feeling the waves of spiritual energy in his body.

The monsters that are qualified for Yunzhi to kill must naturally have extremely high cultivation levels.

Yunzhi ate the barbecue elegantly, chewing slowly and savoring the flavor. Now there were few things that could improve her cultivation.

The seven elders gathered in the pine forest of Tianmen Peak. Except for the chief elder and Yunzhi, all the top leaders of the Dao Sect were present.

Even the elusive sect leader was there.

"You said Lao Jiu was a good person, how come he got into trouble?"

"Life is unpredictable, and who can predict what will happen in the future?"

The seven elders were discussing at once, and the silent one who was meditating wanted to draw his sword for a duel.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry. I have to meditate quietly for three days. During this period, I cannot leave the state of meditation." The Taoist Buyu repeatedly told himself not to get angry.

The seven elders were gloating over Old Nine's misfortune. Old Nine had been teasing them all day long. Now that they had a chance to laugh at him, they would naturally come and laugh at him. This kind of opportunity would never come again in their lifetime!

"If you ask me, Lao Jiu is still too petty. It's a good thing to have a very talented apprentice. Why did he get so angry that he had a cerebral thrombosis?"

"Nonsense, can this be called a cerebral thrombosis? This person is clearly a vegetable!"

Taoist Bu Yu could no longer bear it and shouted angrily: "Don't go too far!"

Who leaked his secrets

Xiaoyun? No, I can't beat her.

That must be Lu Yang!

"Old Nine, you have finally met your fate!" Uncle Ba said with a gloating smile.

When Uncle Ba was young, he liked flowers and plants. At that time, Taoist Buyu told him that there was a way of cultivating the cultivation of plants. In so doing, one had to bury oneself in the soil, leaving one's head exposed, and use one's body to feel the spiritual energy of the earth, and one's cultivation would increase.

Uncle Ba still doesn't want to recall how stupid he was back then!

A lifetime of shame!

"Hey! Take my sword!" Taoist Buyu used the Four Absolute Sword Formation to attack everyone. The seven elders instantly prepared for defense. Thunder suddenly appeared at the entrance of the cave, blocking the sword attack.

The seven elders breathed a sigh of relief, Yunzhi's defense was still reliable.

"Haha, Laojiu, your swordsmanship has regressed. Your sword moves can't even make a small hole. If it were me, I would have come out long ago!" Uncle Ba laughed unscrupulously.

Taoist Bu Yu sneered: "If you have the ability, blast the cave entrance open."

“Haha, it’s just a cave entrance, how difficult is it to blast it open!” Uncle Ba blasted out with his palm with great force, hitting the entrance of the cave, which was also shattered by thunder.

"Unexpected, try again!" Uncle Ba didn't believe it and tried again, but his attack was still resolved by thunder.

A drop of cold sweat dripped from his forehead: "I have calculated the position of the center of the formation, but my attacking methods are limited. I hope you can lend me a hand!"

The six elders readily agreed.

The seven elders attacked the center of the formation at the same time. There was a flash of lightning and thunder, and the whole pine forest was filled with chaos and rosy clouds, which was very terrifying.

The seal of the cave seemed to be enraged, and a suction force rose up, as if it could suck in everything in the world. Seeing that the situation was not good, the seven elders used various means to escape, but they were no match for the suction force and were sucked into the cave.

Seven elders: “…”

Taoist Bu Yu was deeply moved. Is this the true friendship between master and disciple? They share happiness and hardship together.

Yunzhi, who was eating, suddenly paused. She realized that the seal she left for her master had been triggered.

The people of the Daoist Sect have all kinds of strange ideas. Yunzhi is worried that someone will break the seal forcibly, so she sets a setting on the seal. If someone breaks it forcibly, the seal will suck that person into the cave and be sealed together.

"There shouldn't be such a person, right?" she murmured to herself, not quite sure.

(End of this chapter)