Who Let Him Cultivate Immortality

Chapter 120: Ancient Tales


To be fair, the Immortal Fairy's eyesight is indeed amazing. This time is just an exception. If it were any other treasure, it would have been a great adventure.

But the Immortal Fairy didn't think so. This was a shame for her. As an immortal, she had failed twice in front of the juniors.

Don’t I, Huang Doudou, have any dignity?!

"Fairy, if you're okay, go back and continue sleeping." Lu Yang advised.

"Boy, don't think that this is the only ability I have!" The immortal fairy refused to believe in evil and tried hard to prove that she was very useful.

"I was a top-notch warrior in ancient times, and I have collected countless treasures throughout my life. For example, I buried a large number of treasures on the North Star, including immortal treasures. I still remember the specific location. If you can find it, it will be easy for you to establish a sect and abuse your power!"

"But didn't the ancient nameless person refine all the stars in the sky? How can I find the North Star?"

The Immortal Fairy was silent for a moment, and then continued, "I can also guide you in your practice, so that you can achieve twice the result with half the effort, at a speed far exceeding that of your peers, and your foundation will be solid and flawless!"

"Thank you, Senior Sister, for guiding me."

"How can that little girl be as knowledgeable as me? My guidance is definitely more comprehensive. How can she be comprehensive? There are loopholes everywhere. Take your foundation building as an example. Your foundation building is... It's perfect."

"… "

The Immortal Fairy admitted that from her discerning eyes, Lu Yang's foundation was perfect and she could not find any problems.

"Also, as a woman, I am very considerate and can help you pursue the girl you like!"

Lu Yang saw that the immortal fairy had run out of tricks, so he simply gave up his immortal status.

"No need, my senior sister told me that it is best to keep the kidney water full when cultivating immortality."

"Superficial!" Immortal Fairy sneered at the eldest sister's point of view, "Haven't you heard that in ancient times there was a man who had sex with women every night and had a harem of hundreds of women? He practiced the method of sexual intercourse and his cultivation level improved by leaps and bounds!"

"Do you want this kind of technique? I have a few here. They are all suitable for you."

Lu Yang asked calmly: "Tell me first what the final result of opening a harem was."

"She was attacked by the concubines and dismembered to death... But that's not the point. The most important thing is that her cultivation level increased rapidly!"

"Life is lost quickly."

"I have seen many spells before and can teach you how to deal with them. For example, the Great Divine Power can make the words come true. Everything you say can come true. It is the pinnacle of cause and effect spells!"

"When I was still in the Tribulation Crossing Stage, I encountered an enemy who could make his words come true. He was my strongest enemy and was truly terrifying. He was simply the darling of heaven and earth. He could make anything he said come true. It is no exaggeration to say that he is omnipotent."

"But no matter how strong he is, he can't defeat me!"

Lu Yang was shocked. The words came true. This spell sounded extremely difficult to deal with. It was terrifying that the immortal fairy could defeat such an enemy.

Come to think of it, although the Immortal Fairy is not very reliable, the ancient times were very chaotic, with geniuses competing for survival and powerful people fighting to the death. In the end, only five people became immortals. The Immortal Fairy achieved the final victory under such circumstances, which shows how talented she is.

"How did you defeat him?"

"I attacked him by surprise. He probably protected himself too well with his words and didn't get hit. He just yelled, 'It hurts so much!' And then he died."

Lu Yang: “…”

What the fuck is this crap

"Unfortunately, with the death of that person, the tradition of speaking and obeying will be cut off."

Seeing Lu Yang in shock, the Immortal Fairy gained confidence: "In addition to counter spells, I can also teach you spells. Have you heard of a great god shrinking the earth to an inch? This is a rare space spell. In ancient times, only the Jindan stage could barely learn it, but you can learn it now under the guidance of this fairy."

"Shrinking the earth into an inch?" Lu Yang was secretly delighted. The senior sister reduced too many things in the teaching process. This time, there would be no problem with an immortal teaching him.

Seeing that Lu Yang was interested in this magical power, the Immortal Fairy taught him patiently, explaining every step of the spell in detail. Lu Yang took out a small notebook and took notes while nodding, looking like a good student.

After a while, the Immortal Fairy looked at Lu Yang with lifeless eyes, burrowing in the soil, shrinking in size, and falling into deep self-doubt about her teaching ability.

What kind of scene has I, the immortal fairy, not seen

I have never seen such a scene before.

The good news is that Lu Yang's attainments in the two spells of Shrinking the Earth and Inch have become more and more profound. He can now shrink the original three inches to one inch, and his casting speed has also increased significantly.

"I know more than just this one space spell!" The Immortal Fairy fully demonstrated the magical reserves that an immortal should have.

"What is it?"

"It is on par with the concept of shrinking the earth into an inch, which is as far as the eye can see!"

“If you practice until you reach the level of Chi Chi Tian Ya, no matter how far the distance is, it will be right in front of you. You can reach your destination by taking one step!” Chi Chi Tian Ya is a spell that is more difficult to master than Shrinking the Earth into an Inch. At the beginning, the Immortal Fairy was worried that Lu Yang would not be able to learn it and it would undermine his confidence, so she did not plan to teach him.

Now she is only worried that Lu Yang will not learn the wrong thing!

"Chi Chi Tian Ya is a spell that requires a high level of spatial comprehension. It is difficult to learn this spell without learning other spatial spells as a foundation. Do you have the confidence to learn it?"

Lu Yang thought about it and realized that he had learned the Cleansing Clothes Spell, which could summon clean clothes. It was a typical space spell.

So Lu Yang nodded, and the Immortal Fairy began to teach.

“The process of learning Chi Chi Tian Ya is basically the same as Shrinking the Earth into an Inch. First, you need to recite the spell. Listen carefully…” The Immortal Fairy recited a passage of obscure ancient words that was extremely difficult to recite.

But at this time Lu Yang had already opened up his spiritual space, and his spiritual awareness was strong. It took him only a short while to memorize the ancient words.

The Immortal Fairy could see that Lu Yang was very talented in learning magic.

"Next, you need to have a map in your mind. Imagine yourself at a certain location on the map, and recite the ancient spell while thinking."

“When your spirit, energy and soul are in perfect harmony, you can transport yourself to your destination with just a thought.”

The Immortal Fairy warned: "But you have to pay attention, the teleportation distance is related to your cultivation level. It is not advisable to choose a distance that is too far for your first attempt."

Lu Yang followed the Immortal Fairy's instructions and tried carefully. He silently recited the ancient spell and imagined Tianmen Peak in his mind, and shouted: "Chi Chi Tianya!"

Nothing happened.

The Immortal Fairy continued, "Take a step forward. 'Chi Chi Tian Ya' means that the destination is just a step away, so you need to take a step!"

Only by taking a step forward can you know whether you have succeeded.

Lu Yang took a step forward, and the scenery under his feet changed. He and the Immortal Fairy were delighted at the same time, they had succeeded!

"No, look at your feet!" the Immortal Fairy shouted.

Lu Yang lowered his head and broke out in a cold sweat. There was a bottomless abyss below him!

He turned his head and looked back, and found a cliff behind him.

So the purpose of Chi Chi Tian Ya is to let yourself stand on the edge of the world!

Lu Yang didn't have the mood to complain. There was nothing under his feet and he was suspended in mid-air.

He stumbled twice and fell into the abyss.

(End of this chapter)