Who Let Him Cultivate Immortality

Chapter 121: grave


Chi Chi Tian Ya, a kind of space magic that is widely circulated but no one can learn it. It is almost the essence of space magic and can only be learned by those with great enlightenment and great opportunity.

After completing your studies, you will be free and at ease, and you can travel freely across the vast world.

"So the place you thought of just now was the edge of the cliff, what a unique place." The Immortal Fairy was amazed and thought that the young man who possessed her was really amazing. He learned such a difficult spell as Chi Chi Tian Ya in an instant.

"What the hell is unique? I was just thinking about Tianmen Peak. What kind of place is this!" Lu Yang shouted. No one would remain calm if they suddenly appeared above the cliff.

Most importantly, he is falling!

If it falls hard to the ground, the best outcome would be a pile of meat paste.

Upon hearing this, the Immortal Fairy's expression suddenly changed. If something happened to Lu Yang, that little girl would probably beat her to death!

"Hurry, hurry, let me control your body and rescue you!"

At this critical moment, Lu Yang could not place his hopes on the immortal fairy who had never been reliable. He was falling faster and faster and had to find a way to land smoothly.

Lu Yang took two deep breaths and tried to calm himself. It was pitch black under his feet and he couldn't see anything, so he was not afraid of heights.

"It's a long way to go!"

Lu Yang prayed that the newly learned spell could teleport him back, which would be the best outcome.

Lu Yang, who was falling, disappeared in an instant and appeared above the cliff.

Lu Yang: “…”

It seems that he can't go back for the time being, but it doesn't matter, he still has a second plan.


Lu Yang only shrunk his body, his clothes remained the same size. He tried hard to grab the four corners of his clothes to form a crude parachute, and only then did he slow down.

"Huh—" Lu Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

There were steep cliffs on both sides. Lu Yang was swaying in the middle, feeling a little nervous, not knowing what was waiting for him.

"Look, there is a bulge on the cliff over there, like a platform, you land there!" shouted the Immortal Fairy.

"Where is it? Why can't I see it?" Lu Yang frowned.

"Left, right on the left. Your spiritual sense can project farther than mine, so I saw it before you!"

Lu Yang stopped in the direction instructed by the Immortal Fairy and really landed on a platform.

Only after he stepped on something did Lu Yang finally relax. He was really scared just now.

"What you just performed was really Chi Chi Tian Ya?" The Immortal Fairy looked at Lu Yang suspiciously. She had performed this technique many times, but had never encountered a similar situation.

“It should be… right.” Lu Yang was not very sure. He now had some idea of his talent in magic and knew that he could not blame it all on the senior sister if he had learned something wrong.

I also bear part of the responsibility.

"At least it's a proper space spell, and it's a space spell that teleports myself away." Lu Yang comforted himself.

Moreover, there is another benefit of Lu Yang's practice of Chi Chi Tian Ya.

The monks who practice space magic are most afraid of encountering other enemies who practice space magic. The opponent will calculate the location where you want to teleport and chase you relentlessly, which is very difficult to deal with.

Lu Yang didn't have to worry about this situation at all. After all, he himself didn't know where he would be teleported to.

"Speaking of which, where is this place?" Lu Yang looked up at the sky. The cliff was so steep that he could only see a strip of blue sky and couldn't tell the location at all.

I don’t know how far it is from the Daodao Sect, or is this still the Central Continent

"I'm not afraid of anything." The Immortal Fairy encouraged Lu Yang, "I'll be there to protect you, nothing will happen!"

Lu Yang felt that it was better to rely on himself than on the gods. At least he knew his own abilities, but the gods didn't.

"Let's go inside and take a look. This looks like a cave." The Immortal Fairy encouraged.


As Lu Yang walked into the cave, he heard a "bang" behind him, and it turned out that the two stone doors closed.

No one knew what material the stone gate was made of. Lu Yang gritted his teeth and tried his best, but he failed to move it at all.

The Immortal Fairy said solemnly: "Don't waste your energy. This door was made by a powerful person. It is not something you, a Foundation Establishment Stage cultivator, can shake."

As the stone door closed, the originally pitch-black cave became completely dark and nothing could be seen.

Just as Lu Yang was about to use the Three Flames True Fire to illuminate the surroundings, he saw a faint light suddenly appear on both sides.

"Night-shining pearls?" The long cave passage was filled with luminous stones on both sides.

Lu Yang always felt that he had heard someone talk about this way of displaying night pearls.

Where have you heard it

"We can only go deeper."

In the empty passage, only the sound of Lu Yang's footsteps could be heard, which seemed eerie and strange.

Lu Yang walked to the end of the passage, where there stood two rows of mighty terracotta warriors, holding various magical instruments, as if guarding something. The terracotta warriors were supporting a stone tablet with the words "The dead live forever" written on it.

Lu Yang finally understood where this familiar feeling came from. Isn’t this a tomb

"The dead live forever" is a common tombstone inscription in human tombs.

Lu Yang was horrified. He never expected to walk into a grave.

"This, this is a tomb?!" The Immortal Fairy pretended to be calm, but Lu Yang still heard a hint of trembling and uneasiness in her voice.

"It should be." Lu Yang nodded seriously, feeling that he was involved in a big event.

"Gu." The Immortal Fairy nervously made a swallowing motion.

Seeing this, Lu Yang had a slightly funny guess in his mind: "Fairy, you are not afraid of ghosts, right?"

"Who, who would be afraid of this kind of thing? I am an immortal." The Immortal Fairy's voice was trembling.

"But you're shaking."


"Do you remember your name?"

"Immortal Fairy."

"With a name like yours, you would be a big shot like the Grandmaster of Zombies in the tomb-robbing world. What are you afraid of?"

Thinking of the fairy who had promised to protect him, Lu Yang felt that not believing the fairy's lies was the best thing he had done.

"Don't be afraid. I have some books about tombs here."

Lu Yang took out a book called "Tomb Raiders' Experience" from his identity jade token. It was the thank-you gift given by Shang Zhongtian, the head of the Shang family, when he killed the Painted Skin Ghost.

“I didn’t expect it would be useful here.”

"Oh, there is such a good thing." The immortal fairy's eyes lit up. The reason why graves and ghosts make people scared is naturally due to the word "unknown".

With this book, the fear will be greatly reduced.

"Open it and see what is written on it. Does it introduce what type of tomb this is?" Fairy Buxi urged.

Lu Yang has not read the book since he got it, but it is not too late to read it now.

He turned to the first page and read the contents softly:

"Article 532 of the Daxia Criminal Code stipulates that if a mortal or a Qi training cultivator steals and digs up an ancient tomb with historical, artistic, or spiritual value, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years and shall also be fined. If the circumstances are relatively minor, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years and shall also be fined."

"If a Foundation Establishment cultivator commits this crime, the sentence will be doubled compared to a Qi Condensation cultivator."

Lu Yang felt that this book was not very reliable.

(End of this chapter)