Who Let Him Cultivate Immortality

Chapter 124: The Great Elder


Lu Yang was shocked, his heart was pounding. The coffin in the main room was a stone coffin, engraved with complex and ancient patterns of the sun, moon and stars. It was unknown when it was cast, but its specifications were so high that it must be the burial place of a big man!

The Grand Elder of the Dao Sect definitely meets the criteria of being a “big shot”.

"Could it be that the Grand Elder of the Dao Sect is really buried in there?!" Lu Yang felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy. Did he trigger some mechanism that brought the other party back to life, or was it the Dao Fruit of the Immortal Fairy that resurrected the corpse, or was there some other unknown reason

The lid of the coffin slowly floated up, and an old man with a long beard sat up from the coffin. Lu Yang saw that Tong Kong's eyes had shrunk slightly, and the other party was really the great elder of the Dao Sect!

The Great Elder happened to go to Tianmen Peak to ask the Senior Sister some questions, and Lu Yang had seen what the Great Elder looked like.

Lu Yang was considering whether to perform a set of Senior Sister's Pictographic Fist, summon Senior Sister, or use Chi Chi Tian Ya to teleport himself to the top of the cliff again.

The elder's voice was vicissitudes, his eyes were full of confusion, he looked at Lu Yang: "Lu Yang? Why are you here?"

Lu Yang was shocked. According to his guess, there was a fake grand elder in the Dao Sect, and the one in the coffin in front of him was the real grand elder. He had only seen the fake grand elder, so how could the other party recognize him

"Great Elder, do you know me?" Lu Yang asked cautiously.

In the spiritual space, the immortal fairy was pouting. Lu Yang had never been so respectful to her before.

I am an immortal, but this kid Lu Yang has no respect for me at all!

Lu Yang's question made the elder even more puzzled: "Of course I know you. Aren't you Lao Jiu's disciple, the sword spirit Lu Yang? I saw you through the water mirror when you took the entrance test to the Daodao Sect."

"I want to ask you, why did you come to my place and disturb my sleep?"

"Sleep, sleep?" Lu Yang was confused. Who would sleep in a coffin for no reason

The great elder yawned loudly, tears welling up in the corners of his eyes. He looked like he had just woken up. "I was so tired from building the tomb just now that I closed my eyes for a while. I'm old, really old. I didn't feel so tired before. I can't help but admit my age. I'm already three thousand years old."

"Build a tomb?" Lu Yang's eyes widened. He heard that monks could sense when their death was approaching, so they would make a will in advance, arrange their funeral arrangements, and build a tomb.

Lu Yang thought about the great elder's contribution to the Daoist Sect and felt very uncomfortable: "Are you going to...are you going to..."

Lu Yang couldn't say the following words no matter what.

The elder nodded. "Yes, I should think about what to do after retirement. Dai Bufan said that I can live for another 5,000 years after retirement, so I should find some hobbies for myself. I thought about it and felt that building a tomb is a good choice. It will be used sooner or later anyway."

Lu Yang: “…”

Just now, he was infected by the atmosphere and his brain short-circuited temporarily. He just remembered now that a cultivator in the fusion stage can live for at least 8,000 years. Someone with a high level of cultivation like the Great Elder can definitely live longer.

Give me back the feeling I just had!

"You're building a tomb so early?" Lu Yang thought to himself that this hobby of yours is really unique.

"Why not? I've heard that in some places, ordinary people would borrow a large sum of money from a bank to buy a house, and then spend their entire lives working to repay the debt."

"If a mortal can work hard for a house all his life, it's no problem for me to work hard for a tomb for the rest of my life."

Lu Yang was left speechless by the Great Elder's theory.

"I didn't just build this tomb. I've already built other tombs. This is just a prototype. We haven't even prepared zombies yet. We just threw in some white-haired zombies to maintain the atmosphere."

"By the way, I specially chose to build this tomb on a cliff in our Dao Sect. How did you find it?"

Lu Yang was silent. He didn’t really want to recall the whole process.

It turns out that this is still the Daoist Sect. It seems that the distance I teleported to is not very far.

The Immortal Fairy said lazily: "You definitely can't teleport far. The teleportation distance is closely related to the realm. You are only in the foundation-building stage, how far can you run? Do you really think you can go to heaven?"

The Great Elder had no way of knowing the existence of the Immortal Fairy.

"So the reason why you are often not in the mission hall is..."

"Leave everything to Xiao Dai and retire early."

Very reasonable.

Seeing that Lu Yang was unwilling to elaborate on how he came to the tomb, the elder asked, "Do you need me to take you back?"

Lu Yang nodded quickly, this was what he wanted.

The Great Elder came out of the coffin and tapped Lu Yang, who was then wrapped in a huge bubble. The Great Elder flew out of the tomb with his hands behind his back, and Lu Yang in the bubble followed behind him.

The Great Elder was as fast as a thunderbolt and left the cliff in the blink of an eye. Only then did Lu Yang understand why he was covered with bubbles. His body could not withstand the Great Elder's speed.

Leaving the cliff, what came into view was a boundless grassland with green grass. On the grassland there were sheep grazing on the tender grass and various wild monsters. The terrifying fluctuations emitted by the monsters made Lu Yang's heart tremble.

I think this is what the eldest senior sister said when she entered the sect: "There are some dangerous places where if your cultivation is not enough, you will die."

With his level of cultivation, there is no way he could fall off the cliff safely... Why is this so awkward

The Great Elder took Lu Yang flying. Since the flying speed was too fast, they could not see the scene below clearly, so there was no problem of fear of heights.

Lu Yang was a little frightened during the flight. With the Great Elder's flying speed, he had been flying for so long but still hadn't reached Tianmen Peak. How far away had he been teleported

Just as Lu Yang was daydreaming, the Great Elder stopped and Lu Yang found that they had reached Tianmen Peak.

The Great Elder put Lu Yang down and left.

The Great Elder encountered a difficulty in his practice while sleeping in the coffin and wanted to ask his fellow disciples for their opinions.

He came to the medicine garden, the second elder was not there, he came to the Body Refining Peak, the third elder was not there, he came to the Gentleman Peak, the fourth elder was not there either.

"Where are the people?" The eldest elder was very confused. He didn't remember that the second, third, and fourth elders were the ones who liked to run around. Usually, they could always find someone, but how come he couldn't find anyone today

When the fourth elder's eldest disciple Ji Hongwen saw the first elder looking for his master, he said, "It seems that the master has found the whereabouts of the sect master and went to Tianmen Peak with the second elder."

"The whereabouts of Lao Jiu? Tianmen Peak?" The Great Elder didn't expect to return to Tianmen Peak again.

He came to Tianmen Peak and asked Lu Yang if he knew the whereabouts of the Buyu Taoist. Lu Yang pointed him in the direction, and he successfully came to the pine forest and found six junior brothers, one junior sister, and the Buyu Taoist who were eating hot pot.

Taoist Buyu saw the Great Elder standing outside the cave and waved enthusiastically: "It's been a long time since we brothers got together. We were just about to eat hot pot together, and here you are, Big Brother."

"Big Brother, please come in quickly. You are the only one missing."

The Great Elder looked at the enthusiastic Taoist priest with suspicion.

(End of this chapter)