Who Let Him Cultivate Immortality

Chapter 129: The silent Taoist escapes from trouble


Luo Hongxia left in a hurry.

Originally, Luo Hongxia planned to take advantage of the meeting to ask for an explanation from Wendao Sect, or at least get a promise from Wendao Sect that he would not approach Lanting.

Now it seems that, let alone making a promise, if he takes a step later, his little disciple will suffer the consequences.

In a cloud of smoke, Lan Ting complained: "Master, I told you I'm fine, but you insisted on dragging me to the Dao Sect. What would Lu Yang think of me if he knew about this!"

"As soon as you came back, you focused on developing the automatic skewer formation and tried to transform into someone else's appearance by performing the pictographic fist. And you still say you're fine?"

"Master has long told you to stay away from people from the Daoist Sect. This is based on experience and lessons!"

"When I went down the mountain to train, I met a disciple of the Wending Sect. The two of us worked together to exorcise a ghost. After arriving at our destination, we stayed in an inn for a few days. The ghost was so bold that it hid under the bed of the disciple of the Wending Sect for three days."

"Finally, the man discovered the problem, pulled the ghost out from under the bed, and asked the ghost to share the three-day rent equally."

“Is this the way most people think?”

"Who is this person?" Lan Ting asked.

"The leader of the Tao Sect is silent about Taoism."

Luo Hongxia sneered and continued, "Another time, the two of us encountered a dismemberment case. More than a dozen children died tragically, their bodies were mutilated, and their limbs and arms were scattered all over the ground. Only a little girl with a dull expression survived. The two of us stayed by the little girl's side to protect her safety."

"After a while, people from the government came over and said that after they pieced the bodies together, they found that each body was missing a part, and the missing parts were just enough to form a little girl."

"At that time, I felt a chill rushing to my head. The little girl smiled and laughed strangely, which was extremely creepy. The Taoist Master Bu Yu knocked on her head and said, "What are you laughing at? Can't you see that we are discussing something?"

"The little girl was stunned."

Lanting: “…”

Out of concern for his master, Lu Yang came to the pine forest of Tianmen Peak again, and then saw the distinctive Bu Yu Taoist who was tied up.

"We asked if performance art is popular in the Taoist sect?" Lu Yang wondered.

The silent Taoist twisted his body with great force, and murmured something in his mouth, as if he was asking for help.

Lu Yang peeled off the yellow paper on his forehead, and the silent Taoist recovered his magic power, untied the rope, spit out the socks, and successfully escaped.

Taoist Bu Yu's eyes filled with tears: "Good brother, from now on we will talk about our own things. You call me Master and I call you Master!"

Lu Yang thought it would be better to tie up his master.

Taoist Bu Yu walked out of the cave, opened his arms, faced the sun, and embraced nature: "After ten years, I finally got out!"

Then he thought about it and felt that the atmosphere was not good enough, so he made the clouds and rain fall in a small area above his head.

The rain was pouring down, and the Taoist Bu Yu was soon soaked to the skin. He opened his arms again and embraced freedom: "Ah! After ten years, I'm finally out!"


After achieving the desired effect, Taoist Bu Yu dispersed the rain clouds, turned his head and said to Lu Yang: "I am going to go down the mountain to give a storytelling lecture. Do you want to come with me?"

Taoist Buyu has not forgotten his mission.

Lu Yang was somewhat tempted, but still shook his head and said, "No, my identity is very sensitive. It would be bad if I was recognized by the Immortal Cult."

Taoist Bu Yu laughed loudly: "How difficult is this?"

Taoist Buyu touched Lu Yang's face, and Lu Yang's facial features changed slightly, becoming completely different from before.

"Isn't it just that I was recognized by my enemies after doing something bad? I understand. I am very experienced in this area. Don't worry, no one can see through my disguise during the fusion period!"

Lu Yang didn’t really want to know where Taoist Buyu got his experience from, but this way, he could indeed leave with peace of mind.

"Can I call a friend over?"


Lu Yang called Meng Jingzhou, who was boxing and exercising.

"Going out to play?"

"Is it safe?"

"With the elder leading us, we can ensure safety."


After a brief question and answer session, Meng Jingzhou prepared to go out with Lu Yang without even asking where to go or what to do.

How could there be no fun following Lu Yang

"Who is this person?" Meng Jingzhou asked quietly. He didn't know Buyu Taoist.

"My master is Taoist Buyu." Lu Yang introduced proudly.

Taoist Buyu recognized Meng Jingzhou and stroked his white beard kindly: "Meng family boy, I heard your old man talk about you. I even went to drink at the full moon banquet."

"Do you know my grandfather?" Meng Jingzhou was a little surprised. He had never heard his grandfather talk about this.

Taoist Buyu was amused by this question: "Your grandfather and I have known each other for more than a thousand years."

After Meng Jingzhou's appearance was changed by Buyu Taoist in the same way, he asked, "How do we set off? I have a carriage."

Lu Yang waved his hand: "No need, I just learned a new flying sword technique, which can fly with the sword."

"But only one person can stand on a sword, what should we do with the two of us?" Meng Jingzhou raised his eyebrows.

Lu Yang took out a strange-looking flying car from his identity jade card and said, "You can use this as a scabbard, but it's a little too big."

"I use the flying sword technique and the flying car can fly into the sky. It can carry five people in total!"

Meng Jingzhou circled the flying car twice, knocked on the shell, and heard a textured echo. His eyes lit up and said, "What a great thing! Did you invent this?"

“It’s natural.”

Taoist Buyu also nodded frequently. His little disciple was indeed extraordinary in swordsmanship and would surely be no less capable than him in the future!

Lu Yang drove the car with excitement. Meng Jingzhou sat in the co-pilot seat and Buyu Daoren sat in the back seat. The three of them fastened their seat belts and felt very novel.

"take off!"

The Qingfeng Sword made a sound, and the flying car took off into the air and flew into the clouds.

"Master, where are you going?"

The silent Taoist pointed forward and said, "Let's go to the south. The south is prosperous and has many transportation routes. It's suitable for me to give a storytelling lecture!"

The flying car was heading south and when it encountered a flying boat, the passengers on the boat were all surprised by the existence of the flying car.

Taoist Buyu knocked on the back seat, and an invisible shuttle-shaped barrier opened up to reduce air resistance. At the same time, he also used his flying sword technique to help the car fly.

Lu Yang realized that his master was helping him, and his confidence increased, and his car speed increased to a higher level.

With Master in charge, it must be very safe!

When Yunzhi checked on her master, the cave was empty. Only a golden rope, yellow talisman paper, and a pair of socks that belonged to someone unknown were left.

When she returned to her cave, there was a small note left by Lu Yang at the entrance:

My master and I are going out traveling for a while, so don't worry about me.

Yunzhi became even more worried.

Master... can't tell the difference between east, west, south and north.

Over a small town somewhere in the west, a flying car broke down and plummeted.

(End of this chapter)