Who Let Him Cultivate Immortality

Chapter 130: [rule]


"What happened?" Meng Jingzhou was very surprised by the rapid fall of the car.

Cold sweat broke out on Lu Yang's forehead. He tried his best to practice the flying sword technique, but the flying car was still falling. He lost control of the Qingfeng Sword and could not sense its existence.

Taoist Bu Yu said in a deep voice: "It is impossible to circulate spiritual energy here, and all spells are ineffective!"


Taoist Buyu was knowledgeable and had a rough idea of what had happened. If this had really happened to them, then the three of them would be extremely unlucky.

But now is not the time to talk about this. The most urgent task is to rescue Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou first.

He stood up, opened the roof of the car, put his arm around Lu Yang with one hand and Meng Jingzhou with the other, held them around his waist, and jumped down.

Although spiritual power cannot be used here, there are no restrictions on the physical body. As a powerful person in the fusion stage, Taoist Buyu will be fine if he jumps directly from a high altitude.

Lu Yang opened his eyes several times to check the situation, but the strong wind during the fall made it impossible for him and Meng Jingzhou to open their eyes.

When the three were about to land, Taoist Buyu let go, gently dragged the two of them, and landed first, leaving a big hole on the ground. Then Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou landed and were caught by Taoist Buyu, in less than a second.

If Buyu Taoist hugged the two of them and fell to the ground, he would be fine, but Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou would not be able to withstand such an impact and would either die or be injured!

"Hoo, hoo, hoo!" Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou were still in shock. This long journey was really unique as they fell out of the car just after leaving the house.

"Where is this?" Lu Yang frowned and found that this was just an ordinary small town. He couldn't understand why spiritual power could not flow here.

"Why is no one coming out?" Lu Yang discovered a new problem. It was just the hour of Hai and the sound of the car landing was very loud. Why didn't anyone come out to check the situation

Is it possible that there are no living people in the town and it is a dead town

No, there were candles lit in the hut and the inn, and I could see human figures passing by through the paper windows. There must be people there.

What's going on

Lu Yang felt that there was something strange and weird about this place.

He looked at Meng Jingzhou, who shook his head. He didn't know what was going on either.

Taoist Buyu walked to the wreckage of the flying car and pulled out the Qingfeng Sword from under the car. The Qingfeng Sword was a gift from Yunzhi to Lu Yang. It was of extremely high quality and this level of force could not cause any damage to it.

"Take it, use it for self-defense." Taoist Buyu handed the Qingfeng sword to Lu Yang. He no longer had the cheerful look on his face as before, but looked solemn.

Taoist Buyu discovered that the suppression of spiritual power in this place was extremely severe, and even he was unable to mobilize spiritual power.

Suddenly, a piece of paper appeared in the hands of the three people, with densely written words on both sides.

Commoner Town Rules

Article 1: There is no spiritual energy in the town, and spiritual power cannot be used

Article 2: From the hour of Hai to the hour of Chen, closed thatched huts and closed rooms in inns are absolutely safe, and other places are dangerous

Rule 3: You must leave the thatched hut and the inn at Ji time, and cannot return to the thatched hut or the inn before Xu time.

Rule 4: Go to bed before midnight

Article 5: You cannot enter the No. 1 room

Article 6: If you hear someone knocking on the door or window in a thatched cottage or inn, you must not open the door or window no matter what the other person says.

Article 7: There are only spotted dogs and white dogs in the town, no black dogs. If you see a black dog, run away immediately.

Article 8: The private school has been abandoned for many years. There is no private school teacher in the town. The only sound heard in the private school is the barking of dogs, not the sound of reading.

Article 9: Those wearing grey clothes are private school teachers. If you meet a private school teacher, you need to pretend you didn’t hear anything he says.

Article 10: You cannot look your teacher in the eye. If you do, you will turn into a black dog.

Article 11: All food in the town is free and you can take it yourself, but you cannot eat meat buns.

Article 12: Be wary of government officials. People wearing black clothes are government officials. If you encounter government officials, run away immediately. Do not look back no matter what they call you.

Article 13: If you feel someone is following you, believe that it is an illusion and avoid showing any signs of anxiety or irritability.

Article 14: The body of a person after death is called a corpse. The movement of a corpse is normal.

Article 15: If you have any questions inside the inn, ask the innkeeper. If you have any questions outside the inn, ask the owner of the medicine shop, but you cannot talk to them.

Article 16: After entering the black door, do not speak or eat anything inside

Article 17: Don’t trust strangers easily, but people wearing white clothes always tell the truth

Article 18: There is a man-eating monster in the ancestral temple

Article 19: Ancestral temples are safe

Article 20: The people of this town cannot disclose matters about this town to outsiders.

Article 21: If you leave the town or kill the mayor, you no longer need to follow the rules of Buyi Town

The white paper was filled with rules on both sides. After Lu Yang finished reading it, the white paper disappeared out of thin air.

"What is this?" Lu Yang felt absurd, as if the rules were ominous.

"A trick played by a cultivator in the fusion stage!" Taoist Buyu said in a deep voice. After seeing these twenty-one rules, he finally confirmed his guess.

There are powerful people in the fusion stage, and judging from the suppression on himself, there is more than one in the fusion stage!

"Disciple, Xiao Meng, have you two ever heard of 'The Great Era is Coming'?"

The two nodded, but still didn't quite understand. The concept of "the great era is coming" was too general, and they didn't know what it specifically referred to.

"There are many ways to show that a great era is coming. One of them is that powerful people from other eras will awaken from their slumber!"

"Now that my mind is clear and my Dao rhyme is active, it is easier to practice and attain enlightenment. Some people even say that I can become an immortal!"

"In the Daqian era and the Dayu era, many powerful people emerged, but they were limited by their own understanding and could not make further breakthroughs. For this reason, they came up with a method of sleeping, using the spirit stone marrow as a carrier to seal themselves and enter a state of suspended animation. When the Dao Yun became active, they would wake up from their sleep."

"After they regain consciousness, their bodies have not yet fully awakened. They need to wait for some time. For this reason, they will use all means to protect themselves and not expose their whereabouts."

"Demarcating areas, setting rules, and imprisoning those who come is one of the means."

"Do you know the difference between the Void Refining Stage and the Fusion Stage?"

The two shook their heads; these were still very far away for them.

"The difference between the Void Refining Stage and the Fusion Stage lies in whether one has mastered the rules."

"Rules?" Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou repeated subconsciously.

"In the Fusion Stage, I can modify the rules of reality within a certain range based on my own will, but the modified rules cannot be too contrary to common sense. For example, I cannot set it to be invincible or immortal in this area."

"The River Spirit Test and the Heart-Searching Mountain Test you encountered when you joined the sect were both manifestations of the rules."

"During the fusion period, the control over the rules is relatively weak, and multiple rules need to be set to restrict the activities of people within the rules."

"The control of rules by people in the Tribulation Crossing Stage and Immortals is different. Immortals have the most exaggerated control. When they become immortals, they condense Dao Fruits. Dao Fruits are the symbol of rules, and their power covers the entire world."

Lu Yang thought of the immortal fairy's fruit - as long as someone recites her honorific title and fairy name, she can be resurrected.

Judging from the results, the Immortal Fairy as an individual is immortal.

But from a global perspective, this means that the immortal fairies can transcend the limitations of time, space, soul, and body and be directly resurrected, which violates common sense and is terrifying!

Lu Yang told the Immortal Fairy his guess, and the Immortal Fairy nodded, confirming Lu Yang's idea: "You are not very old, but your mind works very quickly."

Lu Yang was not in the mood to pay attention to the Immortal Fairy's ridicule for the time being. He listened to the silent Taoist continue to say: "From the perspective of the rules, only this town is under the control of the other party. The scope of the rules mastered by the fusion stage is not so small. The other party is afraid of being discovered by the immortals of the Great Xia Dynasty!"

"The rules that even restrict me mean that the other party has more than one fusion stage."

Taoist Bu Yu showed a fierce look, his eyes were like swords: "The five major immortal sects and the Great Xia Dynasty have joined forces to eliminate many awakening fusion stages. It seems that I need to eliminate a few more people today!"

He swung his whisk, the whisk tassel was as thin as an ox hair, and it swung out thousands of sword energies.

The way of the sword is the fundamental principle of the Silent Taoist. He has been comprehending it all his life. He can still activate the sword energy without using spiritual power!

The sword energy bombarded the town's barrier, but the barrier was no match for the sword energy and a gap was created.

At the gap, four figures were waiting for the Silent Taoist, and there was indeed more than one person in the Fusion Stage!

They have to abide by the rules they set themselves. They cannot use spiritual power in the town and have to deal with the silent Taoist outside the town.

"Kill him!"

Taoist Buyu laughed loudly, strode out of the town, released the pressure of the peak of the fusion stage, and fought against the four people in the fusion stage!

"You guys are a bunch of rubbish and you want to kill me?"

Before leaving, he left a message to Lu Yang and the others: "This battle may last for several days, so you two should stay alive in this small town!"

The gap healed and the Taoist Master Bu Yu disappeared outside the town.

There's one more today

(End of this chapter)