Who Let Him Cultivate Immortality

Chapter 18: Monster bird


Lu Yang's knowledge of the world of cultivation was not comprehensive. Before he entered the Dao Sect, all his knowledge came from storytellers. After one year in the Dao Sect, his knowledge reserves on cultivation increased at an astonishing rate, but no one in the books he read wrote about how to get off a flying boat.

Whose book writes about this kind of thing

In terms of common sense of life in the world of immortals, he is still not as good as Tao Yaoye, who grew up in a cultivator family.

As for the flying boat, he only knew that it belonged to the Landing Money Chamber of Commerce, and the way to get off the boat was to jump off the boat, but the specific method of jumping off the boat was unknown.

Every year, the flying boats can bring in huge amounts of wealth, but this is just a tiny industry for the Landing Money Chamber of Commerce.

The Landed Money Chamber of Commerce is the largest chamber of commerce in the Central Continent. The power behind it is mysterious, and there are countless rare treasures. As long as you have enough spirit stones, you can buy even the Buddha's relics, the demon's holy bones, the immortal fruits, and other immortal treasures that only exist in legends and have never been seen by anyone.

If anyone dares to owe a debt to the Landed Money Chamber of Commerce, or if anyone is tempted to steal the Chamber of Commerce's things, then the disappearance of several immortal cultivators without a trace will serve as a warning to the world.

Legend has it that there was a great cultivator known as the King of Thieves. He was proficient in the way of space and could take away other people's storage space as easily as taking something from a bag. Distance was just a string of meaningless numbers to him. With just one step, he could cross thousands of mountains and rivers and come from the westernmost part of the central continent to the land of extreme winter.

He even stole things belonging to powerful people in the Tribulation Crossing Stage.

There is one unbreakable rule in the art of theft, and that is that you cannot steal things that fall from the ground.

Originally, the King of Thieves abided by the ancestral precepts of thieves and had no contact with the Money Merchants. As his fame grew, countless well-known masters joined forces to hunt him down, but could not find a single piece of his clothes. He gradually felt that these immortal masters were nothing special, and that he had surpassed the ancestor of thieves, so there was no need for him to abide by the rigid ancestral precepts.

He arrogantly declared that he would steal the treasure of the Landed Money Chamber of Commerce tonight.

Everyone thought that either the King of Thieves had mysterious spatial skills and stole the treasures silently, or a major battle broke out inside the Chamber of Commerce, with the King of Thieves fighting against the powerful person behind the Chamber of Commerce.

No one expected that nothing happened that night, and the King of Thieves never appeared again from then on, disappearing without a trace.

Lu Yang's embarrassment only lasted for a short while. When it was time to jump off the boat, the stranger had no time to continue looking at Lu Yang.

Everyone held up paper umbrellas, jumped down, and got off the boat one after another.

Lu Yang and Tao Yaoye also moved.

High in the sky, several strangers opened their parachutes. From a distance, they looked as small as sesame seeds. However, Lu Yang was different. He pulled the rope behind him and the parachute opened with a "bang", making it particularly conspicuous in the sky.

Normally, Lu Yang would be very nervous at such a high place.

But Lu Yang didn’t have the heart to think about these things now.

It's so embarrassing.

Fortunately, everyone had different destinations, and only Lu Yang and Tao Yaoye were going to Taiping Township.

As soon as they arrived at Taiping Township, the two received a warm welcome from the township chief, who seemed to have known they would be coming.

"Two immortals, you are finally here. The way you jumped off the flying boat was truly extraordinary."

Lu Yang opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't ask how he knew when they would arrive.

"My name is Lu Yang, her name is Tao Yao Ye, we are both disciples of the Daoist Sect. The description of the demon bird in the mission is not very detailed, please tell me in detail, Township Chief."

Originally, the village chief had prepared a welcoming banquet. We would have a few rounds of drinks first, and give some local specialties to those who were drunk. Then he would talk in detail about the matter of the demon bird and ask people to help. This is how it works when people from higher-ups come to do errands.

I didn't expect the two of them to be so swift and decisive. I couldn't help but feel happy and secretly praised them, saying that they were worthy of being disciples of the Immortal Sect.

Tao Yaoye took a look at the village chief, who was in the late stage of Qi training. He did not lay a good foundation in his early years, and there were many impurities in his spiritual power. It was hopeless for him to build a foundation. He was an ordinary cultivator with nothing outstanding about him.

Speaking of the monster bird, the village chief has a depressed look on his face. Taiping Village has few outsiders and is relatively isolated. Now that the news of the monster bird has spread around, even traveling merchants are unwilling to get close to here.

He reported this to Quhe County, but the county was short of manpower, and seeing that the monster bird would not hurt anyone, he said to wait and send people to Taiping Township when he had more manpower.

This process lasted for twenty days.

“It happened about twenty days ago. Tailor Feng ran to the street yelling and saying that a huge monster that only ate people had come to their house. It was very powerful.”

“When the neighbors heard this, they were horrified. A man-eating monster is no small matter. There are only about thirty cultivators in Taiping Township, and I have the highest level of cultivation among them. I am also the township chief, so Tailor Feng brought the neighbors to find me.”

“Before getting rid of the monster, find out the situation first. I’ll ask Tailor Feng, you said the big monster ate people, who did it eat?”

There is a big difference in the danger level of monsters that have eaten humans and those that have not. Humans are the most intelligent creatures in the world and are born with open minds. Monsters will become attached to the taste after eating a human once and will eat a second or third person... causing trouble for the people.

“Tailor Feng said I don’t know who the big monster ate, but the monster can speak, it must be because it ate people that it can speak.”

There are indeed rumors among the people that monsters can speak human language and transform into human form after eating humans, but these are all false rumors.

It is not that easy for the demon race to practice. To be able to speak human words, one needs to refine the transverse bone in the throat, which requires at least the late stage of Qi training.

"Tailor Feng said that the monster was colorful, and he initially thought it was a bird that had lost its way in the forest. The monster bird sat behind him and watched him sew clothes. It was motionless, but suddenly it started talking, and Tailor Feng was so scared that he ran out of the shop."

“I saw that Tailor Feng couldn’t tell me any useful information, so I asked them to wait in the distance, and I sneaked closer by myself and saw the demon bird.”

"The feathers of that demon bird are bright and shiny, and there is a bright red color around its eyes. It is obvious that it is not an ordinary bird. How can an ordinary bird dare to grow so ostentatious?"

"The demon bird spoke and asked me, 'Who are you and where is Zhang Guanjia?' Its tone was quite urgent."

"I don't understand why Zhang Guanjia is a cultivator from our village, who is at the third level of Qi training and has average cultivation. How could he have a connection with the monster?"

"At the time, I tried to relax myself and look non-threatening, and asked politely, 'Why did the demon king want to see Zhang Guanjia?'"

"The bird didn't answer and flapped its wings to leave the tailor shop."

"Since then, the demon bird has been flying around Taiping Township, eating the food in the fields and speaking human language. Although it doesn't eat humans, it's inevitable that mortals will be afraid of a demon. So everyone has been living in fear these days, fearing that the demon bird will become ferocious and eat everyone in one bite."

"Have you ever fought with the demon bird? How strong is it?" Lu Yang asked.

Xiang Zheng shook his head: "That evil bird is in the sky all day long, appearing and disappearing mysteriously, and it is difficult to find its trace."

"And I can't tell the demon bird's cultivation level, which means it is at least at the seventh level of Qi training, like me. I'm worried that the demon bird has no intention of hurting anyone, and if I fight rashly, I might end up making things worse and angering it."

Lu Yang nodded, thinking that the village chief's action was reasonable.