Who Let Him Cultivate Immortality

Chapter 20: Shang family


Reality has proven that things that can talk are not necessarily monsters, they could also be parrots.

"What kind of demon bird is this!"

Lu Yang was furious. Suction force appeared in his palm and he pulled the parrot over. The parrot was captured before it even had a chance to react.

Xiang Zheng could also do this, but he thought it was some kind of Qi training or foundation building monster and did not dare to do so.

"Monster! There is a monster!" The parrot kept chirping.

Tao Yaoye heard the noise in the room and hurried over to check. Her mood was similar to Lu Yang's.

Mission accomplished is a good thing, and not having to fight is also a good thing, but the problem is that we came all the way from the Taoist Sect and took a flying boat for three days just to catch a parrot

How should I write this task report? People will laugh at me if I tell others about it.

The people of Taiping Township had little knowledge and did not recognize this bird from the depths of the rainforest, but Lu Yang and Tao Yaoye knew it. This was the most basic knowledge in the Wendao Sect.

"As expected of a Taoist priest, he captured the evil bird so easily!" After the village chief and others learned that the parrot was caught, they all praised Lu Yang, saying that he had a high level of cultivation.

The two were helpless and patiently explained to everyone that this was a very common bird, but it was not common in the northern part of the mainland.

"This parrot... what you call a demon bird, is best at imitating human speech."

"Imitate people's speech, imitate people's speech." The parrot kept chirping beside him. Lu Yang pinched the parrot's beak and continued to explain to everyone.

“It called Zhang Guanjia a monster, not because it wanted to, but because it heard Tailor Feng calling it a ‘monster’ before, so it followed suit, and when it met Zhang Guanjia, it happened to repeat it.”

Zhang Guanjia breathed a sigh of relief. He was indeed a disciple of the Wendao Sect. He had cleared his grievances as soon as he arrived.

"Similarly, when it shouted 'Who are you? Where is Zhang Guanjia?', it did not understand the meaning of the sentence. It just heard it somewhere and repeated it meaninglessly."

"Damn this broken bird, watch me kill it." Zhang Guanjia was furious when he saw the parrot.

Lu Yang raised his hand to stop Zhang Guanjia: "This place is half a continent away from the rain forest. This bird must not have flown here by itself, but was brought here by someone."

"Except for someone who was bored enough to travel across half the continent to bring this parrot, which is of no use other than being a rarity, only the Landing Money Merchants Guild would do such a thing on purpose."

"Is there a Landed Money Chamber of Commerce here?"

The township chief shook his head and said, "The Chamber of Commerce would not open in a small place like ours. There is one in Quhe County, located in the most prosperous area, with a constant stream of customers. It is possible that someone bought the parrot from the Chamber of Commerce and it accidentally escaped."

As for the parrot escaping directly from the Landing Money Chamber of Commerce, that is absolutely impossible.

Lu Yang asked again, "This bird has been circling Taiping Township for the past 20 days and has not gone anywhere else. Perhaps its owner is here. I wonder if the township chief has any ideas?"

Xiang Zheng thought for a long time before saying, "Everyone in this village knows about the monster bird. If there is anyone who might not know, it's the Shang family in the east."

"The Shang family rarely go out and are unwilling to talk to others. I heard that it is because the head of the Shang family is also a cultivator. He suffered setbacks when he was young and his cultivation level plummeted. Since then, he lost the desire to practice and lived in seclusion here."

"The Shang family is also very wealthy and is the richest family in the area. If they bought the demon bird from the Landing Money Merchants Association, it would make sense."

"In that case, let's go ask the Shang family."

Taiping Township is not big, and the three people and the bird soon arrived at the door of the Shang family.

After a knock on the door, someone soon opened it. It was a middle-aged man with a mustache, dressed in a Confucian robe, looking gentle and refined.

"So it's the village chief. I wonder who these two are so I can inform the master." said the man with a moustache.

Lu Yang pinched the parrot's wings, like he was carrying a rooster to be slaughtered during the New Year visit: "We found this parrot by chance, and after asking around, we thought it might belong to the Shang family, so we came here to ask."

The man with a mustache was surprised when he first saw Tao Yaoye. He had never seen a woman as beautiful as Tao Yaoye.

He looked at the green parrot and smiled happily: "So that's how it is. Thank you, two young men. This should be my young lady's parrot. Since the parrot was lost, it has been depressed all day long, which makes us servants very embarrassed."

"I wonder how happy the young lady will be when she knows the parrot has been found."

Xiang Zheng tilted his head and whispered, "He is the butler of the Shang family. His surname is Zhang. He is the one who opens the door every time I come to the Shang family."

Butler Zhang hurried over to report and soon received a reply.

"Master, please come in."

After passing through the screen door, passing the outer courtyard, from the second gate to the corridor and then to the main house, I saw the head of the Shang family.

The head of the Shang family is a wealthy man with a gloomy look on his face that makes people feel distant. He is unwilling to talk too much with others, but it can be seen that he is quite happy to see the village chief.

"Brother Huang, it's been a long time since we last met."

The village chief’s surname is Huang.

The two men bowed.

The head of the Shang family looked at the parrot for a moment and nodded, "Yes, it is correct. This is what my daughter bought from the Landed Money Chamber of Commerce in the county. At that time, I thought this broken bird was not worth much money. The Chamber of Commerce asked for a sky-high price, but my daughter refused and insisted on buying it, so I had to follow her wish."

"Butler Zhang, take the two young men to see Xiao Yuan."

"Yes, sir."

Steward Zhang made a gesture of invitation, then waved to the maid to serve tea and water to the head of the Shang family and Huang Xiangzheng.

On the way, Tao Yaoye casually asked, "How long has Steward Zhang been at the Shang family?"

Butler Zhang said respectfully, "The master saved me on his way to seclusion, and I have been serving him ever since. Counting the time, it has been twenty years, and the young lady was not even born at that time."

"So, Miss Shang should have a very good relationship with you."

"To be honest with you two, I watched the young lady grow up. I have no children, so I treat her as my own daughter. She is depressed all the time, and as a housekeeper, I feel bad for her."

Lu Yang suddenly asked: "Were you there when the parrot was lost?"

Butler Zhang sighed, and he could sense the self-blame in his tone: "I was distracted at the time and didn't notice the parrot flew away. If I had paid more attention at the time, I would definitely not have made the young lady so sad. This is my dereliction of duty."

Lu Yang said "oh" and said nothing more.

Butler Zhang knocked three times and said calmly, "Miss, your escaped parrot has been found. It was two wandering young knights who brought the parrot with them."

A voice came from the room: "Then let them in."


Lu Yang and Tao Yaoye opened the door and saw Miss Shang leaning against the window, reading quietly. The evening sun shone on the tips of her hair, as if time had stopped. There was a kind of static beauty.

There are countless young men in Taiping Township who are infatuated with Miss Shang.

Lu Yang kindly reminded: "It's not good for your eyes to read in the sunlight, especially in the sunset. Light a lamp. Your father is not short of money."