Who Let Him Cultivate Immortality

Chapter 34: Little Medicine Kings (thanks to book friend Thoridal for the reward)


"When I was traveling around the Central Continent, I made a great name for myself. If someone hadn't spread the word about my aphrodisiac properties, forcing me to seek refuge in the Dao Sect, I would still be traveling now."

"The person who traveled with me was also a well-known and powerful person in your human race. His name was Gu Yue Jushi. When he sent me to the Daoist Sect, he also said that he would write about me in his book so that everyone in the world would remember me."

Gu Yue Jushi is a famous traveler in the Central Continent. He likes to travel and explore. The Central Continent, the Demon Realm, the Buddhist Kingdom... all have his footprints, and there are legends about him in various places.

Legend has it that he served as a historian in the Great Xia Dynasty, and recorded in detail the Xia Emperor's affairs among the people and how many illegitimate children he had.

He was abducted by a dragon princess in the demon realm, escaped from the forced marriage, and was hunted down to the Buddhist kingdom.

In the Buddhist country, he pretended to be a monk to commit fraud. Whenever someone found a logical loophole or he encountered a problem that he could not answer, he would say "Buddha says it cannot be said". Later, this sentence became widely circulated in the Buddhist country.

Mr. Gu Yue wrote down what he saw and heard in books, which are quite popular in the world of immortal cultivation.

Although there is no clear record of Gu Yue Jushi's cultivation level in the classics, Lu Yang thought it should be quite high - if his cultivation level was a little lower, he would have been beaten to death long ago.

The ginseng doll was a very good teacher. Many of the things it told were its own past experiences. Even several of the herbs in the medicine garden were discovered by it and Shuiyue Jushi during their travels. Lu Yang listened with great interest, nodding his head.

One man and one ginseng came to a small hut built with flowers and plants. The closer they got to the hut, the more they could feel the almost material life force contained in it, which made Lu Yang tremble with fear.

"No!" Lu Yang covered his chest, his body shaking uncontrollably.

Boom, boom, boom... Lu Yang's heartbeat was getting faster and faster, as if countless little bugs were flying around his ears, buzzing non-stop.

Listening carefully, Lu Yang felt a chill in his heart and a chill on his back. That was not the sound of insects at all, but the sound of countless people talking inside his body!

The voices said they were trapped inside and needed to leave, needed to leave…

The ginseng doll was the first to notice that something was wrong with Lu Yang, and shouted loudly: "Hey, hey, hey, there are outsiders coming, you guys pay attention, gather your vitality, hurry up!"

Lu Yang practiced his skills to calm his boiling blood, and the sound gradually disappeared.

Lu Yang knelt on the ground, breathing heavily. Everything that happened just now was not an illusion. There was really something inside his body. What was it? !

The ginseng doll put down the empty stone and ran to Lu Yang, sounding apologetic.

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect you haven't reached the Nascent Soul stage yet."

Unlike humans, Medicine King’s cultivation does not depend on his cultivation level, but only on his age. The Ginseng Doll could not tell Lu Yang’s cultivation level, but just thought he was pleasing to the eye.

"What was that just now?" Lu Yang was still in shock, as if he had walked through the Nine Netherworlds of Hell.

"Xiaoba and the female devil are both too powerful in your human race, so I neglected the impact of our vitality on you."

"Our vitality is too strong, strong enough to make every organ of yours develop its own will and become a brand new individual. When you cultivate to the Nascent Soul stage, your acupoints are perfect, and your golden body is leak-proof, you will no longer be affected by our vitality."

Hearing the movement of the ginseng doll, countless three-inch-tall herbs jumped to Lu Yang's side.

"King Shen, is this a human? Why is he so small?"

"What do you mean so small? He is obviously the same height as us. Are you small too?"

"It must be magic. Human magic is very magical. What's so strange about becoming bigger or smaller? I've even seen magic that can change a man into a woman, or a human into a monster."

"This person's cultivation doesn't seem to be very high. Is she not pregnant yet?"

"What's the pregnancy period? Your memory is getting worse and worse, King Lin. That's called the Nascent Soul Stage."

"He seems unable to even stand. Let's carry him into the house."

The little medicine kings were talking in low voices at the same time, and there was an uncomfortable buzzing sound in their ears.

They lifted Lu Yang above their heads and carried him into a hut built with flowers and plants.

The King of Enlightenment Trees stood outside and scratched its trunk, causing the leaves to rustle. It was too big to fit into the hut.

When Lu Yang arrived at the hut, he discovered that this was not a hut built with flowers and plants, but with ancient trees. Under the influence of the vitality of the Little Medicine King, the ancient trees came into spring, grew new leaves and flowers, and covered the original appearance of the ancient trees.

Lu Yang felt much better. He slowly stood up and identified these medicinal kings.

Coincidentally, I don’t know any of them.

"Human, what's your name?" asked a small grass with three tender leaves. It was silver all over with dots of starlight on the leaves, like a microcosm of the universe.

“Junior Lu Yang, may I know who your seniors are…” Lu Yang asked politely. According to their age, the young medicine kings were not only his seniors, but also the seniors of everyone in the Tao Sect.

"It is a three-leaf star medicine. We all call it the Star King." Another little medicine king spoke quickly. It is a colorful flower. The petals correspond to the five colors of the five elements. The center of the flower is divided into black and white. There is a little white in the black, and a little black in the white. It is in the shape of Tai Chi, like an ink painting, so beautiful that people can't help but immerse themselves in it.

"I am the Flower of the End of Years, you can just call me the King of End. Everyone says that I am the most beautiful flower. I think some people are jealous of my charm and want to praise me to death. As a humble King of Medicine, I think I am only the second most beautiful flower in the world..." The Flower of the End of Years chattered non-stop.

Lu Yang stared at the End of Time Flower for two seconds, his pupils gradually dilated, a little bit unbelievable. Although he didn't know what the End of Time Flower looked like, he had heard of its name.

"The End of Time Flower is the flower that is said to bloom in its most beautiful form only when the world ends and all living things are devastated, and even time will freeze?!"

It's no wonder that Lu Yang lost his composure. According to ancient books, the blooming of the End of Time Flower is equivalent to the end of the world, which is equivalent to a major reshuffle of the entire world.

But according to historical records, such a major event has never happened in the world!

The End of Time flower was distressed and scratched its nectar: "Some people say so, but I remember that I bloomed in a very peaceful time. Everyone was happy and there was no disaster. Maybe the story about my blooming is just a rumor."

Just as Lu Yang was about to ask something else, he heard another little medicinal king talking.

"Lu Yang, what are you doing in the medicine garden? Did Xiaoba ask you to pick herbs?" asked a small emerald green Qilin, which looked like a jade carving, extremely delicate and not like a thing from this world.

Lu Yang was shocked again: "Qilin?!"

What is Qilin? It is the most mysterious monster. There may not be even one or two in the whole world. It is much rarer than the ones in the Tribulation Crossing Period. Its traces can only be found in a few fragments of records in ancient books. How could the Dao Sect actually have one

The depth of the Dao Sect was so terrifying that it was beyond Lu Yang's imagination.

The ginseng doll explained: "It is the Qilin Immortal Elixir. Its current appearance is its Dharma image. Your cultivation is not good enough. When you reach the Spiritual Transformation Stage and cultivate the Heavenly Eye, you will be able to see its true form."