Who Let Him Cultivate Immortality

Chapter 44: A gentleman keeps his abilities to himself


Qi Wu and others looked at the scene in disbelief: the clay sculpture of the mountain god actually came to life, wielding a sword to eliminate demons!

"The mountain god has appeared!" A Yue said blankly.

Qi Wu reacted the fastest: "No, someone is hiding in the mountain god statue!"

Indeed, during the fight between the sword-wielding mountain god and the tiger demon, mud fell to the ground, revealing the true appearance of the hidden person.

It was Lu Yang.

"Damn it, I waited for five days and finally you came! It's worth it that I pretended to be a statue for five days, just take my sword!" Lu Yang said viciously and kicked out.

A man with such a quick mind as him likes to walk around and cannot sit still. This time, in order to avoid being discovered by the tiger demon, he hid in the statue for five days without moving. It was really uncomfortable.

Before everyone could react, the statue of Wenwu Mountain also came to life: "Lu Yang, the two of us will lend you a hand!"

Meng Jingzhou and Man Gu broke free from the clay sculpture and used their magical powers to eliminate the tiger monster.

Five days ago, the mountain god temple welcomed three uninvited guests. They took the fasting pills, hollowed out the mountain god statue, and crawled inside.

The statue of the mountain god is several times larger than an average person and is more than enough to hold a person.

"Are you sure this method will work?" Meng Jingzhou and Man Gu looked at Lu Yang suspiciously.

"Combined with the information provided by Brother Man Gu, we can only wait and see for the tiger monster to come and eat... Let's go in first."

What Man Gu was thinking was, could this be what the book said about a gentleman hiding his talent

"That's right, that's right. That must be what you mean. It's true that reading ten thousand books is not as good as traveling ten thousand miles." Man Gu was overjoyed. He couldn't understand the meaning of this sentence when he read it before. Now, he had just come out with Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou to complete a mission, and he had gained such a lot.

Master is right. If you want to study well, you must first find a good study partner!

The three of them chose their own statues, and after entering, they maintained the same posture as the statues, revealing a pair of eyes.

"Hello, hello, can you hear me?" Lu Yang used his telepathy to speak in his heart.

Telepathy is a magic spell that the three of them had just learned on the road. It allows communication at very close range, without the need for spiritual power, relying on thoughts. It is easy to learn and can be used after a little training of the mind.

"We can hear you." Meng Jingzhou and Man Gu replied.

"Is the carriage okay?" Meng Jingzhou was worried about his own carriage and old horse.

In order to avoid being noticed by the tiger demon, they handed the carriage over to an inn in Yanjiang County.

"We know too little about the tiger monster. What we can be sure of is that this tiger monster is between the early stage of foundation building and the early stage of golden elixir. It is cunning and cautious by nature. It is worried that hurting cultivators will cause trouble, so it only eats mortals and not cultivators. If cultivators search the mountain, it will hide somewhere and no one can find it."

"In other words, it will never conflict with the monks. It will avoid them if it can and hide from them if it can."

The reason why the tiger demon was able to stay in Songshan for so long without being discovered by the cultivators was that it did not fight or contend.

"So we need to hide in advance and wait for the tiger monster to come over so that we can destroy it in one fell swoop!"

"Tiger monsters are very sensitive to spiritual power. We must not use spiritual power while we are waiting."

It was for this reason that they chose the mind technique that did not require spiritual energy to activate.

Five days later.

"Good guy, after waiting for so many days, someone finally came."

"Looks like a traveling merchant?"

"Wait, why is there an old hunter here? Didn't they say that all the hunters left Songshan because of the tiger monster?"

They conducted a thorough investigation of Songshan, and the locals said that all the hunters on the mountain had left, and it had been a long time since they had heard of any hunters coming down the mountain to sell leather.

Evil ghost!

The three of them communicated with each other through their minds and instantly came to the same conclusion that this was not an old hunter who led the way at all, but a ghost who lured people here!

I was originally skeptical about the tiger monster, but now that I see its minions, there must be a tiger monster on this mountain!

"Did you hear what the old hunter said? He lived with several other hunters. The merchant leader found the old hunter there. It shouldn't be a lie."

"It is very likely that those hunters are also ghosts, pretending to be normal people, and deceiving passers-by together. This makes it more convincing and avoids people suspecting that they are ghosts!"

"Should we take action now to get rid of these accomplices?" Meng Jingzhou was eager to try.

Lu Yang asked Meng Jingzhou to hold back and analyzed: "Don't alert the enemy. Did you hear that Qi Wu said he wanted to seek help from the five major immortal sects? With the cautious nature of the tiger monster, he will definitely come to deal with them. Let's wait quietly. Once the tiger monster appears, I will take action and you will cover me. At the same time, keep these merchants away from here."


"Well, did you hear the footsteps outside the temple? It shouldn't be the tiger demon."

Hearing that Qi Wu and the old hunter were going to drive away the green-clothed girl, Man Gu couldn't help but mutter, "How stupid! With this female cultivator here, the tiger demon won't come to kill people. The tiger demon is worried that its existence will be known. If it kills her, the sect behind the female cultivator will come looking for it. If it doesn't kill her, the female cultivator will come looking for it with her sect. It's a dead end either way. The only way is to get rid of the female cultivator."

"See, I was right. The accomplices sent her away."

Lu Yang was relatively calm: "On the other hand, if the female cultivator is in the tiger monster, she won't appear. How long do we have to wait?"

Meng Jingzhou exclaimed: "Did you notice the jade pendant on the waist of the girl in green?"

"What's the problem with the jade pendant?" Lu Yang and Man Gu knew that many jade pendants were symbols of status, but they didn't know much about the specific symbolism.

"That is the jade token of the Laurel Fairy Palace."

Laurel Fairy Palace, one of the five major fairy gates.

There is a continuous snow-capped mountain range that stretches from east to west between the Central Continent and the Far North. It snows all year round and sunny days are rare. The snow-capped mountain is known as the highest mountain in the Central Continent and is closest to the moon.

In the snow-capped mountains, there is a magnificent fairy palace, which is the Laurel Fairy Palace.

"She should be in the foundation-building stage. When we fight the tiger monster later, we should make as much noise as possible so that she can notice it and see if she is willing to help."

The other party is definitely not in the Jindan stage. The Jindan stage masters of the immortal sect can see through the old hunter as a lackey at a glance. It’s not like what’s happening now, where they can be cheated just by saying so.

After a while, the three of them watched Qi Wu and the others fall asleep soundly, which made them want to sleep too.

Man Gu recited the quotations of the saints and used his willpower to dispel his sleepiness: "The saint said that I examine myself three times a day: Are you sleepy? I am not sleepy. Are you sleepy? I am not sleepy. Are you sleepy? I am not sleepy..."

"Stop nagging. I'm not sleepy even though I'm sleepy because of your nagging." Meng Jingzhou asked Man Gu to recite silently. He couldn't help yawning when he heard it.

"But I'm just reciting it silently now." Man Gu replied using telepathy.

"Listen carefully!" Lu Yang ignored the conversation between the two fools and forced himself to concentrate, always aware of the movements outside.

"There was a sound of something stepping on the weeds... The tiger demon is coming!"

After hearing Lu Yang's reminder, Meng Jingzhou and Man Gu stopped arguing with each other and immediately perked up and prepared for battle.

"Finally I've waited for this evil beast!"

Lu Yang no longer concealed his aura. He shook his body, shattering the mountain god statue. He held the Qingfeng sword in his hand, and the sword light burst out, illuminating the entire temple.