Who Let Him Cultivate Immortality

Chapter 49: Demonic Cult


"Who would write a letter to the tiger monster? Hasn't this tiger monster been hiding from the monks and not letting them know its whereabouts?"

The three of them couldn't understand why. With the tiger demon's cautious attitude, no one outside the mountain should know of its existence.

"Niannian, what's in the letter?"

Meng Jingzhou cleared his throat and read in an emotional voice: "Brother Hu, I haven't seen you for a long time. How have you been recently?"

"Brother Hu is cautious and unwilling to show up, so as to let the righteous cultivators know of his existence and only attack mortals. I admire his way of practicing step by step, but it is still slow. Now that the great era is approaching, heroes are rising up, and people from all sides are eyeing the Central Continent. Didn't Brother Hu seize this opportunity to leave his hometown, break away from the Qiongqi lineage, and sneak into Songshan from the Demon Realm?"

"Be careful... Don't squeeze me, can't I read it to you?" Lu Yang and Man Gu sandwiched Meng Jingzhou in the middle and read the content of the letter directly.

“You read too slowly.”

"I'll read faster, you two get out of the way."

Meng Jingzhou pushed the two away and continued reading, "It's not wrong to be cautious, but in this resurrecting world, you have to be bold to seize the opportunity, give it a try, purify your bloodline, and become a pure-blooded Qiongqi. Only then can you gain a foothold in this world."

"I dare to suggest that Brother Tiger and his wife join our Yanjiang rudder, use the monks as prey, and plan great things together!"

"There is my token in the letter. Brother Hu can bring my token to Yanjiang Du to find me. I can directly recommend you to be the deacon."

"Your brother Qin Yuanhao pays respects to you."

The letter is not long, but it reveals a lot of information.

Lu Yang analyzed: "The letter said that the tiger demon didn't let the righteous cultivators know, which doesn't conform to the language habits. Generally, the language habits don't directly call "righteous cultivators", unless the owner of the letter stands on the opposite side of the righteous cultivators. Is this Qin Yuanhao a demon cultivator?"

This also explains why some cultivators knew about the tiger monster but did not report it.

In the Central Continent, the righteous have an absolute advantage, and demons, monsters, and ghosts are natural allies. Take the tiger demon as an example, it will not attack people directly to harm them, but let its minions trick people into coming over.

The tiger demon has the blood of Qiongqi, and is definitely in the Jindan stage. It is reasonable for the demon monks to win it over.

"So, Yanjiangdu is a demon cult stronghold?"

Meng Jingzhou nodded: "The devil cult likes to use place names as their bases, but I don't know which devil cult's base this Yanjiangdu belongs to."

Just as there are five major sects for righteous cultivators, there are also five major sects for evil cultivators, called the Four Great Demon Sects.

The Demonic Cult is a religion, not a sect. The biggest difference lies in whether or not one believes in a powerful being.

The beliefs of the four major demon sects are not exactly the same. Some say that the beliefs of the four major demon sects represent four immortals, while others say that the four beliefs of the demon sects are just four incarnations of a certain immortal. There are many different opinions.

The Demon Cult has revealed very little information to the outside world, and their whereabouts are confusing. The Great Xia Dynasty and the five major immortal sects have searched together many times but have not been able to find the Demon Cult's base camp.

Whenever the righteous monks wiped out a large number of demon cult strongholds, the demon cult members would spring up like bamboo shoots after a spring rain, and they would be impossible to kill them all.

The Demon Cult is said to be mysterious, its methods are strange, it is cruel and ruthless, and it makes people feel terrified. In fact, it is because the righteous way is too strong, which makes the Demon Cult dare not show its head and can only act secretly.

As long as they can find the Demon Cult's lair, there is no need for the Five Great Immortal Sects to take action. The Great Xia Dynasty can send troops and generals, and the Demon Cult can be turned upside down in five days, and all the hideouts can be eliminated in a month.

This is the right kind of self-confidence.

After all, the magic way is something that cannot be put on the table.

Lu Yang shook the envelope and took out a domino with a special kind of true energy on it. It was a method left behind by a cultist named Qin Yuanhao, and it could not be imitated by outsiders.

Man Gu said: "Can we use this token to join the Demon Cult?"

Discovering the cult's hideout is a great achievement, far more valuable than eliminating the two tiger monsters.

Lu Yang shook his head: "No, if we take his token and join Yanjiang Du, Qin Yuanhao will definitely know about it."

"And we don't know the location of Yanjiangdu, how can we join?"

"What should we do then?" asked Man Gu.

"Since it's called Yanjiang Du, it should be in Yanjiang County. We can go to Yanjiang County to ask if there is anyone named Qin Yuanhao. Follow him and find Yanjiang Du. He can call himself a younger brother in front of the tiger monster. His cultivation level is not higher than the tiger monster. We can kill him. In this way, we can directly use the token and say that we are Qin Yuanhao's old friends who came to seek refuge with Qin Yuanhao, but we didn't expect that he was dead."

"Good idea." Meng Jingzhou and Man Gu's eyes lit up.

"Look through it again and see if you can find anything good." Lu Yang urged Meng Jingzhou to work with great interest.

Meng Jingzhou turned over a blood-red grass, the size of a palm, which had a somewhat evil feel.

"Why are the veins on the Green Blood Grass red?" Meng Jingzhou was a little confused. The main function of the Green Blood Grass is to detoxify, and its leaf veins are blue-green, like a river flowing on the ground. Why is this one red

Lu Yang squatted down to identify it, and then said: "You forgot that the main function of the Green Blood Grass for the human race is to be used as a main ingredient for detoxification pills, but this is not the case for the demon race."

"The Green Blood Grass has the effect of refining blood. It is possible that the tiger demon has been using blood to ripen the Green Blood Grass for a long time, making it adapt to the Qiongqi blood. It seems that in a few months, the Green Blood Grass will be fully mature. After the tiger demon consumes it, the Qiongqi blood will be refined, and it will be able to form a pill."

The word "blood" in the name of Bixuecao comes from this.

Lu Yang heard the knowledge about the Green Blood Grass from the Little Medicine King.

“Now this green blood grass can no longer be refined into detoxification pills. It can only be taken by the demon clan to purify their blood.” Lu Yang said.

"In that case, then you can keep them and sell them at the sect's market on the 15th of every month. You should be able to get a good price." Meng Jingzhou handed the herbs to Lu Yang and Man Gu.

There are many people in the sect who raise monsters, and herbs that can improve blood are quite popular in the Wendao Sect.

Lu Yang and Man Gu tried to refuse each other, but in the end Man Gu had no choice but to accept the Green Blood Grass.

Meng Jingzhou reminded Man Gu: "Don't eat the Green Blood Grass. The ancient barbarians are a branch of the human race. The Green Blood Grass is useless to your bloodline."

Man Gu let out a regretful sound.

Legend has it that the ancient barbarians originated from a romantic marriage proposal. In ancient times, humans lived in scattered tribes, and the strongest in the tribe were called warriors.

One day, the two tribes met, and a male warrior from one tribe fell in love with a female warrior from the other tribe and proposed to her: "Girl, smile at me, and I will marry you if I am happy."

The female warrior chuckled, picked up the stone and swung it back. The two of them wrestled with each other. In the end, the female warrior was the better and dragged the male warrior into the house. She stayed awake all night.

Ten months later, the first barbarian warrior was born.