Who Let Him Cultivate Immortality

Chapter 77: Where's the shop owner? Come out!


"I'm so tired. I don't want to work at all." The three of them yawned and said in unison, their eyelids twitching.

What a bad idea the captain came up with, coming here to eat.

They were on their way back to the barbecue restaurant. After a day of fighting wits and courage, they had finally penetrated into the enemy's interior. Now they just wanted to have a big meal and a good sleep.

The Immortal Cult focuses everyone's thoughts on the Mountain and River Cauldron, and this process will produce extreme fatigue.

"Fortunately, I asked my minions to string the food together properly before I came, so we can open for business directly after we return." Man Gu said with some relief.

When he arrived at the door of the barbecue restaurant, Lu Yang found a familiar person.

"Captain Wei? Why are you here like this? Is there something wrong?"

Captain Wei knocked on the door of the barbecue restaurant for a long time, but no one opened it. He thought there was no one in the restaurant.

There was indeed no one in the store except for two ghosts who were working hard to string the skewers together. The two ghosts were so scared when they heard Captain Wei knocking on the door that they dared not open the door.

Just when Captain Wei gave up, Lu Yang arrived.

Captain Wei was overjoyed: "Manager Xiao Lu, you are finally back."

Lu Yang nodded and started to talk nonsense: "I saw that the weather was good this morning, so the three of us discussed it and thought it was a good day for a trip, so we went out for a walk and just came back."

"Are you still open today?"

Lu Yang thought about it. The captain and his men were coming. There were a total of 20 people. It should be considered as opening. "Open."

Captain Wei said in a gentle tone: "Manager Xiao Lu, look, your barbecue restaurant is quite famous in the area. I often come here with a few of my brothers to eat."

"I know you just like opening a barbecue restaurant, you have no intention of expanding, and you don't like others to promote you."

Lu Yang nodded.

Captain Wei said regretfully, "My brothers were not good at talking. After eating, they went back to praise how delicious your food was. Now, others are also greedy and said they would come here to eat after their shift. The brother on night shift in the government office even said he would bring some back for them after the meal."

Lu Yang looked at Captain Wei's expression and thought to himself, maybe it wasn't just your brothers who said it, but Captain Wei you also spread it, right


"We have quite a lot of constables in Yanjiang County, almost enough to occupy all the tables. The chief constable is also coming, so I was wondering if we could book the place tonight and entertain only us."

Lu Yang suddenly realized, and then showed an embarrassment: "But I have a few good friends coming tonight, I'm afraid..."

Captain Wei said quickly, "It's okay, it's okay. We can eat together. It will be more lively with more people."

Before coming, Captain Wei assured his colleagues that they would definitely be able to eat it, and it would be a slap in the face if they couldn't.

Lu Yang agreed: "Okay, let's get ready and open in half an hour."

Captain Wei received a positive answer and went back satisfied.

When the time agreed by the helmsman came, people from all directions gathered at the entrance of the barbecue restaurant, including the helmsman, eleven deacons, and seven new members.

Chi Xulong and Shen Jinyi were very considerate and held a few jars of wine.

"I was worried that the wine in this small shop wasn't strong enough, so I specially bought a few jars of 30-year-old Nv'erhong." Chi Xulong and Shen Jinyi said.

This kind of spiritual wine is extremely strong and even those in the Foundation Establishment Stage cannot dissolve it.

The other five new members also wanted to offer wine as a tribute, but they were all in the Qi training stage and could not offer anything good.

In order to eat, the captain also changed his mask to one that exposed his lower half.

Lu Yang and his two companions walked out of the barbecue restaurant and invited everyone in: "Please come in quickly, everything is ready. Originally, the place was reserved for today, but after much persuasion, the person who reserved the place was willing to reserve a table for us."

The captain nodded. He was originally worried that Lu Yang and the other two were troublemakers and would not listen to discipline, so he wanted to give them a warning. Now it seems that these three are quite sensible and know how to reserve seats in advance.

"Don't just stand there, come in." The helmsman called out to everyone.

The barbecue restaurant was empty, and the helmsman naturally sat at the table in the middle. This table was the largest and had the best position, which was in line with his status.

Lu Yang carefully reminded: "Captain, this table has been reserved."

Before the helmsman could say anything, Chi Xulong said, "Let them sit aside. Who dares to compete with us for a seat?"

Seeing that the helmsman had no objection, Lu Yang did not say anything else.

Everyone sat down, and Man Gu took out the menu: "What do you want to eat?"

Shen Jinyi handed the menu to the helmsman: "Headmaster, please."

The helmsman waved his hand: "You guys can order whatever you want."

"You're treating, so of course you order."

"No, you are welcome to do as you please."

The people at the table pushed the request around and finally it came back to Mangu. Mangu curled his lips, thinking that these people had too many things to do and were so hesitant even when ordering skewers.

Man Gu had no habit of shirking his responsibilities, so after ordering, he took the menu to the backyard and asked his two minions to start grilling.

After a while, Man Gu brought up plates of delicious grilled skewers. As soon as they smelled the aroma, they knew the taste would be good.

"Come on, the skewers are here, pour the wine!" The helmsman said with a smile, signaling everyone to pour the wine.

Meng Jingzhou smiled and said, "No need for wine, I'm used to drinking tea, not alcohol."

The helmsman said with a smile: "Xiao Meng, if you don't know how to drink, how can you survive in the martial world? You will have many opportunities to drink in the future. Let's drink three cups first to get used to it."

Meng Jingzhou still refused.

The captain couldn't lose face and frowned slightly. Chi Xulong took the opportunity to scold him: "What's wrong with you? The captain asked you to drink but you didn't drink. Are you not giving me face?"

Meng Jingzhou curled his lips: "It's just a drink, how can it be related to face? If the captain lets me drink, isn't that a disrespect to me?"

Chi Xulong was just about to say, "Who do you think you are? How can you have the face in front of the captain?" But before he could say anything, he was stopped by the captain.

The helmsman knew that Meng Jingzhou had a bright future and was unwilling to argue with him.

Only the helmsman knew the leader's evaluation of Lu Yang and the other two; even Lu Yang and the other two did not know it.

"The welcoming dinner doesn't have to be so formal. Let me introduce myself first. My last name is Chu, and you can call me Captain Chu."

After the helmsman finished introducing himself, it was the turn of the tall and thin man who had been to the brothel with Qin Yuanhao: "My name is Wang He, and people who are familiar with me like to call me Wang Da Zuiba."

"Bai Zifang."

"Peng Shuo."

The eleven deacons introduced themselves one by one. They were called introductions, but in fact they were just reporting their names. They did not mention their cultivation, hobbies, or specialties, and did not reveal any other information.

There is little trust among the demon cults, so they try to hide themselves as much as possible.

Everyone enjoyed the meal as if there had never been any dispute.

"These skewers taste really good." Chi Xulong ate a few skewers and was surprised. These were the best skewers he had ever eaten.

He was greedy and asked the helmsman quietly: "Should we force the owner to hand over the recipe? Even if this kind of skewers are sold in units of spirit stones, there is still a market and we can make a lot of money!"

The captain was also tempted. He had done many murders, robberies, and extortions before, so this was no exception.

Lu Yang asked, "What if the store owner doesn't hand over the recipe?"

Chi Xulong felt a chill in his heart and said with a fierce smile: "It depends on whether he wants his life or the formula!"

He slammed the table, looking for trouble, and shouted angrily: "Where's the owner! Come out! All the skewers are served but you don't show up. Do you know the rules?"

Then Captain Wei's voice rang out from outside the door: "Haha, where's the owner? I've brought my brothers here."

Groups of constables jumped in, including the chief constable in the Jindan stage, and surrounded the table of people led by the helmsman.

(End of this chapter)