Who Let Him Cultivate Immortality

Chapter 82: Report truthfully


"Long time no see. I'm here to deliver food." Lu Yang's friendly attitude was something he learned at the barbecue restaurant.

After more than a month of practice, Lu Yang's fake smile has reached the level of being indistinguishable from the real thing. Meng Jingzhou even praised Lu Yang's smile as being as genuine as his own.

Chi Xulong, who was pouting, turned his head abruptly when he heard Lu Yang's voice, with a murderous look in his eyes. "If you hadn't called the constable to come for dinner, would you have ended up like this?"

"Why are you here?" Chi Xulong asked in an unfriendly tone. This guy pretended to be the examiner to deceive him from the moment they met. He also set a trap for him when they had dinner two days ago. He was really full of bad intentions. Now he was pretending to deliver food to him. He definitely had no good intentions!

Compared to himself, an executioner who has killed countless people, Chi Xulong feels that Lu Yang is even more of a bastard!

Lu Yang had no intention of playing tricks on Chi Xulong in prison. Everyone would still help each other in the future, so there was no need to make the relationship so stiff. This was also the helmsman's intention.

It was just that Lu Yang had poor hearing, so he heard Chi Xulong asking him if he had become a deacon: "What, how do you know I became a deacon? But don't get too excited, as long as you perform well, you can become a deacon, too."

I didn’t expect Chi Xulong to be so well-informed in prison.

After that, Lu Yang took out his badge to show off. The word "deacon" was very eye-catching. Chi Xulong was furious: "God is blind!"

Lu Yang comforted her again: "Don't be angry, the leader also asked me to bring you a message."

Hearing that it was Captain Chu who sent the message, Chi Xulong calmed down a little, thinking that the captain still valued him very much and sent someone to pass on the message: "What did he say?"

"He said you'd better get in touch with me."

Chi Xulong was furious. The captain really valued this kid: "I will never have a good relationship with you even if I die!"

When Lu Yang saw that Chi Xulong did not listen to the leader, he sighed, left some food and left.

The prisoners smelled the aroma of the food and their mouths watered. They couldn't eat such delicious food in prison.

Lu Yang's attitude towards other people was very good. He encouraged them to reform themselves in prison, start a new life after being released, and benefit the Central Continent. His concern was revealed in his words.

Those who don’t know would think they would be imprisoned for ten or eight years.

After coming out of prison, Lu Yang reported his work situation to Captain Chu truthfully: "I brought food to visit Chi Xulong in the prison and said that there were some misunderstandings between us. We are all in the same business and will have to deal with each other in the future. It will be convenient for future work to have a good relationship. I emphasized that this was your intention and said that as long as he performs well, he can become a deacon like me."

"Unexpectedly, Chi Xulong became furious and started to curse, saying that it was blind for me to be the deacon, and that even if he died, he would never have a good relationship with me. I can't remember the exact words, but it was probably something like this."

Captain Chu's eyes suddenly turned cold: "Who is he saying is blind?!"

Lu Yang bowed quickly, raised his head and looked at Captain Chu cautiously, and replied in fear and trepidation: "That person's status is too high. This is disrespectful. I dare not say it."

Captain Chu already had the answer in his mind: "Okay, I got it, you can go back."

Lu Yang sighed, thinking that Chi Xulong really didn't have any control over his words, and dared to say anything. "Captain, please don't say that I said these words. Maybe I just mixed them up and I can't say for sure."

Captain Chu waved his hands impatiently. Of course he knew about this kind of thing.

After Lu Yang left, Captain Chu knocked on the jade chair and snorted coldly: "What a Chi Xulong, you dare to say that I am blind!"

During the day, as usual, Meng Jingzhou went shopping, Man Gu was exercising in the backyard, Tonggui was stringing skewers in the hall, and Lu Yang was washing clothes.

Lu Yang's clothes are ordinary items and cannot be spotless.

"Damn it, why can't I learn the Clothes Cleansing Spell?" Lu Yang grumbled, rubbing the clothes vigorously. He was the only one among the three who needed to wash his clothes. "When I have money, I will buy a piece of clothes that doesn't need to be washed."

A while ago, he went to Meng Jingzhou to learn the Purifying Clothes Spell. Meng Jingzhou himself did not know the Purifying Clothes Spell, but he had a book called “Small Spells for Daily Life”, which his sister secretly gave to him before he left.

The book records a spell called the Purifying Clothes Mantra.

The Clothes Purification Mantra, as the name suggests, is a mantra that can make clothes clean. It is simple and easy to learn.

The three of them gathered together to study. Meng Jingzhou and Man Gu were the first to learn. As a refreshing spiritual energy descended from the sky, their originally dirty clothes instantly turned snow-white, as if new.

Meng Jingzhou and Man Gu were both very happy. Working in a barbecue restaurant would easily get their clothes dirty, which was very troublesome.

With Meng Jingzhou's status, he naturally had refined clothes, which were a magical tool that did not need to be washed and would automatically stay clean. However, the quality of this piece of clothing was too high, and one could tell at a glance that he had a deep background, which was not conducive to his lurking in the Demon Sect.

Lu Yang's talent for magic was obvious to all, and he also learned it, but the effect was somewhat unexpected.

After he cast the clothes-purifying spell, space twisted and brand new clothes appeared out of thin air.

At that time, Lu Yang was silent for a long time. He wanted to curse but didn't know where to start.

In terms of sequence, this is the first space spell that Lu Yang has learned, which is of great significance.

In terms of innovation, this is an innovation of the Purification Spell, which is equivalent to creating a new space spell.

Logically, this makes no sense.

When Lu Yang saw the label "To So-and-so" on the collar, he knew that the clothes were most likely made by a tailor shop. The person who made the clothes had not arrived yet, but was summoned by him using space magic.

"Why does the clothes purification spell I cast directly summon a new piece of clothing! What will be the effect if I cast the body purification spell!" Lu Yang said angrily, thinking that God thinks he is very talented and is deliberately restricting his magical talent.

Of course, this kind of clothes cannot be worn. They are someone else's clothes. However, Lu Yang doesn't know who the owner of the clothes is, so he can't return them even if he wants to.

Meng Jingzhou also enthusiastically suggested that he use the real clothes-cleansing spell to help Lu Yang wash clothes, but after a while of trying, he ended up failing.

The clothes-cleansing spell can only wash the clothes on one's body. Lu Yang can't take off his clothes and give them to Meng Jingzhou in order to wash them, and then Meng Jingzhou takes them off and gives them to himself after washing them.

There is no other way, just wash your clothes yourself.

After washing the clothes, Lu Yang wanted to hang them outside the window, but accidentally, the clothesline slipped down and was about to hit a passerby on the head.


Unexpectedly, the passerby was very skilled and dodged the clothesline by just leaning sideways.

Lu Yang hurried downstairs and found that the passerby was a new acquaintance, Lan Ting, a disciple of the Laurel Palace who helped him fight the tiger in Songshan.

It's been more than a month, why is she still here? Lu Yang was puzzled.

Lan Ting lowered her head, looking at the clothesline on the ground in silence, her brows slightly furrowed, as if she was thinking about something.

Lu Yang asked curiously: "What are you thinking about?"

Lan Ting blurted out: "I was wondering why this clothesline didn't fall to the sky, but fell to the ground. Is it possible that there is an invisible force pulling everything in the world?"

Lu Yang: “…”

I'm recommending a black science article written by a friend. It has almost 10,000 subscriptions. If you're interested, you can go and have a look.

(End of this chapter)