Who Let Him Cultivate Immortality

Chapter 97: What did Ke Zhou ask for?


Originally, Lanting was used to meditating instead of sleeping at night, but since joining the barbecue restaurant, he has developed a good habit of sleeping at night.

When the four of them woke up, they felt relaxed and refreshed, which was due to the formation set up by Lanting.

"Come on, go on, let's go out and play. I haven't played enough!" Meng Jingzhou was the most energetic and called Lu Yang out of the bed like chasing a pig.

Lu Yang kicked Meng Jingzhou before getting up reluctantly.

Man Gu went to the vegetable market early to buy supplies; he was the first one to get up.

Man Gu made a pot of dumpling soup, beat four eggs, and added a few drops of sesame oil. The fragrance filled the entire lobby.

Lu Yang liked to be jealous, so he put a small spoonful of vinegar in his bowl of dumpling soup. The four of them ate it all up and went out to play feeling refreshed.

The four of them went out relatively early, but there were already a large number of tourists out on the street. Lu Yang heard that the hostels had been fully rented, and many people chose to stay in B&Bs.

People's faces were filled with joyful smiles. The little children were wearing the same tofu masks as Lu Yang's. They were holding big windmills in their hands and jumping up and down. Parents were holding their children's hands, fearing that they would get lost.

“It’s as lively here as a temple fair.”

"Have you heard? Someone brought a huge monster from the southern part of the continent. It's by the river. Let's go and take a look!" Someone said excitedly to his companions.

After hearing this, Meng Jingzhou couldn't hold back his curiosity and took the three of them to the river to see the giant creature.

The four of them came to the familiar stone bridge, but this time they stood on it. There were small flags on both sides of the bridge.

Seeing the huge creature, Meng Jingzhou was a little disappointed: "I thought it was something else, but it turned out to be an elephant."

The banks of the Yinlong River were originally a place where tourists gathered every year. Now, some people brought elephants from the southern part of the mainland to show off, and there were even more curious tourists watching.

Lu Yang needed no explanation, he must have seen elephants. Meng Jingzhou and Lan Ting were from aristocratic families and had seen more strange and bizarre objects since childhood than Lu Yang had heard of. Man Gu lived in the wilderness and had even hunted elephants.

Most people don't have the experience that Lu Yang and his three companions have, and they are very interested in huge animals like elephants.

Visitors were amazed: "Is this a monster? It's so big, with such a long nose and teeth?"

The elephant's owner was a cultivator in the Foundation Establishment Stage. He explained, "It is indeed a demon beast. Its level is hard to assess, but it is probably at the sixth level of Qi Training. However, its size has nothing to do with demon beasts. This kind of creature is called an elephant, and it grows this big when it reaches adulthood."

The tourist continued to ask: "How much does such a large creature weigh?"

The elephant's owner burst out laughing. Who would have known? There was no scale so big that could weigh it.

Another tourist suggested: "This place is right next to the river. We can put the elephant on a big boat, mark the place where it touches the water, and then load the boat with rocks or something. When the marked place touches the water again, we can weigh the rocks and we will know how heavy the elephant is."

The elephant's owner also wanted to know how heavy his spiritual pet was, so he readily agreed.

At the owner's order, the elephant was driven onto the boat. The elephant was too heavy and the boat could not carry it in the shallow water, so the owner rowed the boat to the middle of the river, took out a knife, and cut the boat where it touched the water.

Just as the owner was about to swim back, the elephant accidentally looked up and saw Man Gu, and was immediately frightened.

Monsters are most sensitive to breath. Ancient barbarians often hunted elephants in the wilderness. This fierce murderous aura flows in their blood. Although the elephant does not understand the meaning of it, it feels a chill in its heart when it sees the barbarian bones. This is due to the suppression of its blood.

The elephant was frightened and fell into the water with a splash, sinking directly to the bottom.

The people on the shore were shocked and asked the elephant owner to save the elephant quickly. Unexpectedly, the elephant owner calmly carved a mark at the place where the elephant fell into the water and said, "This is where the elephant fell into the water."

The people on the shore were puzzled, and the elephant owner did not explain. When they were almost at the shore, the elephant owner pointed to the mark and explained: "My elephant fell here, and it is still here now!"

Everyone laughed, thinking he was joking, but unexpectedly the river surface rolled and a whirlpool appeared, and the elephant really flew out from under the mark with its two big ears flapping.

A specialty of the southern continent, the Dumbo.

Man Gu witnessed this scene, frowned, then suddenly realized, hammered his palm and said: "I remember, I learned this idiom in class, it's called carving a boat to seek an image!"

He now has a deep understanding of this idiom.

Lu Yang: “…”

What did you learn in class

Meng Jingzhou smiled and said, "I still remember that we found the first anti-longevity talisman under the bridge. I was really shocked when I learned that there was such a thing as an anti-longevity talisman. Fortunately, the person has been reported by us."

Lu Yang was just about to follow Meng Jingzhou's words and make a joke, but suddenly he saw the small flag in front of him. His smile faded, and as if he remembered something, he pulled the small flag down, frowned, and studied it carefully in the sunlight.

When Lu Yang saw Xiaoqi's appearance in the sunlight, he felt a chill in his heart.

"What's wrong?" Meng Jingzhou noticed Lu Yang's expression. He had been waiting for Lu Yang to tease him, but then he realized that Lu Yang was acting abnormally.

Lu Yang looked solemn, pointing at the faintly visible pattern on the small flag and said, "Look at the pattern, what does it look like?"

"Anti-longevity talisman?!" Lan Ting was the first to react, as she was most familiar with this pattern.

Meng Jingzhou's eyes widened. The pattern on the small flag was very faint and could not be seen at all without sunlight. Even if it could be seen, tourists would just think it was a Spring Festival feature. How many people knew the pattern of the anti-longevity talisman

"Don't panic. Maybe the anti-longevity formation hasn't been formed yet!" Meng Jingzhou persuaded himself not to panic.

Lu Yang calmly analyzed: "It's impossible. Don't forget, this small flag is not just one or two, the entire Yanjiang County has this kind of flag!"

Who could have imagined that the small flag with the reverse longevity symbol was hidden among the ordinary small flags? !

Lu Yang continued, "In other words, the Anti-Life Array has been completed and is clearly displayed in front of everyone, but no one noticed it!"

"Then why hasn't the Anti-Life Array been activated?" Meng Jingzhou remembered the conditions for activating the Anti-Life Array. In addition to using the Anti-Life Talisman to form the Anti-Life Array, blood must also be sacrificed.

It would be easy for someone who dared to set up the anti-lifespan formation to kill a few people. What is he waiting for

Lu Yang said coldly: "He is waiting for someone. There are not enough people coming to pick the Spring Festival food now. There are still a steady stream of people rushing to Yanjiang County!"

The Anti-Life Array plunders the lifespan of mortals and converts it into cultivation for the person who sets up the array. The more mortals it plunders, the greater the improvement in cultivation!

Meng Jingzhou also remembered: "According to custom, on the second night of the Spring Festival, people would gather in the streets to sing, gather by the river to have a feast, and hold singing parties!"

Today is the second day of the Spring Festival.

(End of this chapter)