Who Moved My Mountain

Chapter 2: Net worth over one billion


The wind outside the simple work shed became more violent. Qin Wentao and his party knelt on the ground, as if they were pressed down by something and couldn't move, they couldn't help feeling an indescribable awe.

"Clatter..." The iron sheet covering the simple work shed finally couldn't resist the erosion of the strong wind. It shook violently and made a frightening loud noise. It was swept up by the wind and flew into the sky, disappearing in an instant. Only the dark sky was revealed.

"Manager Qin, come on, let's go." Qian Daming squeezed out a few words between his teeth, and stretched out his hand to pull Qin Wentao. He is tall and burly, weighing almost two hundred catties, so he won't be blown away by the wind easily .

Qin Wentao didn't care about putting on airs as a manager anymore, he firmly held Qian Daming's hand, and the two slowly moved towards the door, when they were about to touch the doorknob, someone among the workers suddenly shouted in horror: " above, above…”

Before Qin Wentao had time to raise his head, the woman's voice came from his ear again, "The one who destroyed my Danqiu Mountain still wants to escape?"

Once again, everyone's knees softened, and they knelt on the ground with a plop. For the first time, they could lie to themselves that they had heard it wrong. This time, they heard it again. It was summer, and everyone turned pale with fright and broke out in cold sweat.

What Yunrong saw when he came over was this scene. Twenty or so young and strong men knelt on the ground, huddled in a corner of the room like quails with frightened faces, the scene was unbearable to look at.

Who was Yunrong before? With such a boldness, she thought that even if she was a human race, she must be at least a witch to have the courage to move her Danqiu Mountain. Unexpectedly, after a quick glance, they were all ordinary human races.

She frowned involuntarily, moved her fingertips, and the twenty or so people huddled in the corner froze all of a sudden, motionless.

Qin Wentao suddenly found that Qian Daming let go of his hand and let it hang down. Turning his head, he found that all the people around him kept terrified expressions and remained motionless.

Qin Wentao trembled all over. The materialism education of more than ten years was shaken violently. He almost instinctively crawled towards the door, but before he had climbed two meters, there was a cloud not far from him. Black, with golden rays of light on the hem.

He raised his head in disbelief, only to see a woman in a gorgeous black costume with long black hair reaching her waist standing in front of her. Finally, she couldn't help but limp all over her body and fell to the ground, shouting, "Ghost!" Then fainted.

Before Qin Wentao fainted, the only thought in his mind was, so beautiful, he must not be human!

Yun Rong: "..." She hasn't done anything yet, why did she faint? The human race is really not as good as one generation after another, how dare they be so timid.

Not only is she timid, but she also has bad eyesight, so she is really ignorant to recognize her majestic mountain ghost as a ghost of the nether world.

She still wanted to teach these people a lesson, but this person fainted, and she didn't ask what she wanted to ask later.

Yun Rong walked beside Qin Wentao, this human race was the last to faint, and when she was sleeping, she heard this person giving orders to destroy Danqiu Mountain, so it should be the leader of these people.

She tapped Qin Wentao's forehead with her fingertips, and Qin Wentao slowly opened his eyes, but there was no spirit in them, and he stared straight ahead in a daze.

"Who told you to touch my Danqiu Mountain?" Yunrong's delicate lips moved, without looking at Qin Wentao.

Qin Wentao's mind was foggy, as if he was dreaming a chaotic dream, when Yunrong's voice reached his ears, he froze and said, "It's our President Lu."

"Mr. Lu?" Yun Rong thought in his heart that this name is really strange, and said again: "Take me to see him."

Although Qin Wentao was not conscious, but as an excellent employee of the Lu Corporation, Lu Henian's right-hand man, he was always arrogant, even the boss of a small company would have to bow to him.

Hearing Yun Rong's words, he raised his chin subconsciously, and said proudly: "We always see Lu whenever we want?"

Yun Rong became interested when she heard this. She had no doubt that Qin Wentao was putting on airs. She had already put a restraint on this man. Now he can only tell the truth, not lies.

With such a proud expression, is this Lu always a powerful human race

Yun Rong's heart sank. Although the human race was weak, there were a few powerful ones. For example, Hou Yi shot and killed Jin Wu by himself, and that was the crown prince of the demon clan! She is not fully sure about facing such a human race.

Thinking of this, Yunrong asked again: "Then how can I see him?"

Qin Wentao frowned and thought about it seriously: "Then the net worth is at least over 100 million!"

"Worth over 100 million?" Yun Rong didn't understand what it meant, could it be that this is some kind of powerful technique

Yun Rong immediately became angry, destroying her shelter and killing the creatures on Danqiu Mountain, but the current human race is really arrogant, even threatening her

Even if this Mr. Lu is powerful in magic, so what, isn't she not here now, even if she can't deal with Mr. Lu, can't she deal with these hands-on human races

Before the human race appeared, Yun Rong was never afraid of anyone. Seeing Qin Wentao's flat face, she let out a cold snort, and immediately rose into the air. With a wave of her hand, the simple work shed was like a few building blocks. The toy hut was instantly torn apart, swept by the strong wind, and flew directly tens of meters away.

It was not enough to destroy the simple work shed. Yunrong's eyes fell on a dozen excavators and large trucks not far away, counting them in mid-air with her fingertips, and these big guys weighing dozens of tons also rolled towards the foot of the mountain. Go, and disappear from sight in seconds.

After a while, there was another dull bang, which was obviously fragmented.

After finishing all this, a smile appeared on Yunrong's face full of anger. As soon as the smile appeared, the dark clouds covering Danqiu Mountain disappeared in an instant. is singing with joy.

This smile is actually a bit more beautiful than the sunset not far away.

Yunrong took a deep breath, stood directly above Danqiu Mountain, opened her arms, and countless green bright spots floated up from the whole mountain, converging into a green light belt, pouring into her body.

When the light disappears, the plants on Danqiu Mountain seem to be greener and denser after being watered, and the leaves are glowing with health, as if they are about to drip green juice.

Even the dozen or so big trees that had been dug up by the excavator were straightened again, their roots firmly stuck into the soil, and their branches and leaves stretched out.

Seeing that the plants and trees in Danqiu Mountain were full of vitality, the anger in Yunrong finally dissipated, and she turned her eyes to the twenty or so men who were crowded together and kneeling in the open air not far away, she paused .

She was really not reconciled to let it go so easily, but the human race is fragile, if she made a move, I am afraid that these people will die. After thinking for a while, Yunrong smiled lightly, and drew a circle in the void with her hand.


"According to reports from the villagers near Danqiu Mountain, at around 16:30 this afternoon, there was a loud noise from the south of Danqiu Mountain. We also learned from the Meteorological Bureau that at the same time, weather satellites showed that a huge There may be a small-scale rainstorm in the cloud system. Our station speculates that the loud noise may be related to the landslide caused by the humid air and loose soil on the eve of the rainstorm. At present, our reporter has followed the forest firefighters who went to investigate to the destination."

"Let's connect with the reporter in front."

At 6 o'clock in the evening, Haishi local station is reporting the local news in Haishi. The host speaks, and the camera suddenly turns to the foot of Danqiu Mountain. Beside the road, more than a dozen excavators are dumped in the mud, and the iron trucks are on the road. It's full of potholes, and it doesn't look much better than a scrapped car in a car scrapping factory.

Not far from the excavator, there are still hollow bricks and iron tiles scattered for building a simple shed. A whole piece of iron tile has been severely deformed, as if it has been pinched by a pair of invisible hands.

"Hi everyone, I am an expatriate reporter from Haishi TV Station. As you can see, there are large excavators and trucks scattered around me. These big guys weigh at least dozens of tons. It seems that Danqiu Mountain A serious landslide did occur. We learned that a construction team was recently developing Danqiu Mountain, but no construction workers have been seen so far. The rescue team is already preparing to enter the mountain to search... "

Before the female reporter finished her report, the rescue team who went up the mountain to search had already issued a call, "The missing person was found, the missing person was found..."

The medical team and reporters who hadn't caught up behind were shocked, and rushed to the place where the sound came from. Before they took two steps, they heard the rescue team shouting with a loudspeaker: "Who brought clothes and quilts?" , bring some up!"

Everyone who was trying to climb the mountain was stunned. They had heard that they needed to eat, drink, and inhale oxygen, but they had never heard that they needed clothes and quilts. What does it matter if the clothes are dirty or wet in summer? Clothes are still important in the end

Qin Wentao and his party were not far from the foot of the mountain. The medical team hadn't finished complaining when they saw the camouflage uniforms of the rescue team.

"What's the matter? Why don't you give first aid?" The doctor carrying the stretcher panted and looked at the rescue team members standing in a row, "Could it be someone's life?" I heard that there were more than 20 people in the construction team. Had an accident? The doctors thumped in their hearts, almost trotting towards them.

"No one was killed." One of the rescue team members had a strange expression, his eyes were looking around randomly, and he looked a little embarrassed when he looked carefully, "We have already checked, and the vital signs are normal, it's just..."

"It's good that the vital signs are normal. People are alive, nothing is a problem!" The doctors breathed a sigh of relief, slowed down and walked forward, and the rescue team stepped aside hesitantly.

The medical team who had just breathed a sigh of relief suddenly froze in place, because behind the rescue team, more than 20 big men were tightly crowded together like little chickens in a chicken coop, lying on the ground a little bit. Kneeling, with an exaggerated expression, as if bewitched or bewitched.

The point is that these big men don't even wear underwear, and the birds in the nest can see clearly.

Medical Team: "…"

The construction team members who were finally woken up opened their hazy eyes: "..."

The author has something to say: This novel has been successfully updated from 2018 to 2019 hahahaha (shameless!), Happy New Year, cuties~~