Who Moved My Mountain

Chapter 3: Gay in gay gas


"I don't know if it is convenient for the construction workers to accept interviews?" Most of the reporters who went to the mountains to go out on location were new reporters. The one who walked the slowest, when she finally came to the place where the rescue team was, she faced the camera before she had time to look behind her.

As soon as the words fell, the photographer who followed the female reporter pointed the camera directly in front of him, and the camera was immediately covered by white flowers. The photographer was stunned and looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

"Don't shoot!" The rescue team had no time to stop, the female reporter had already turned around, and said kindly: "Let's do an interview, what happened before... ah, hooligan!"

Before she could say anything, the female reporter appeared in front of her eyes. Before she could react, the flesh and body of more than two dozen white-haired and young men suddenly screamed, and almost lost the microphone in her hand.

Surprised by the female reporter's screams, everyone on the ground came back to their senses.

"Run, the shed is about to collapse..."

"Manager Qin, let's run..."

"Don't blame it, don't blame it, Great Dryad, I didn't mean to dig you..."

"Mom, I don't want to die, I haven't married a wife yet!"

Everyone in the construction team felt their bodies loosen, and stood up from the ground screaming in a hurry. Qin Wentao was even more exaggerated, kneeling on the ground with his head on the ground, muttering, "Ghost fairy grandma, I'm wrong, don't catch me!" Me, don't catch me..."

I didn’t wear any clothes at first, but when I stood up, the scene was like a white pig with its hair pushed in a pig slaughterhouse, which made people feel shocking and eye-catching. The teacher forgot to turn off the camera, and now it's a live broadcast! In an instant, such a beautiful picture appeared on the TV.

Rescue team, medical team, female reporter, photographer, Haishi citizens: "...???"

Seeing the construction team and Qin Wentao clearly in front of him: "... ahhhh!"

The time when the Haishi local station's news broadcast happened to be the time for the citizens to eat dinner. Looking at the hot-eyed pictures on the TV, countless families were dumbfounded holding their jobs, and Weibo exploded all of a sudden.

"Damn it, what's the matter with this group of buddies? Why aren't they all wearing clothes, the gays are so gay."

"Is the folklore in Haishi so open? I heard that some people like to play in the wild and find it exciting. I didn't expect to play like this?"

"Look at that man, what are you doing, pouting, farting, and ass? Mom, there are people racing here!"

"I'm still a child, this is not the bus to Chuntian Huahua Kindergarten!"

"The door of the car has been welded shut. Don't even think about getting out of the car today. Step on the gas and go up to 180 miles!"

In less than ten minutes, #丹秋山play# was posted as the third most searched on Weibo. Well, now not only Haishi is famous, but it is also famous all over the country.

On the other side, the female reporter already felt that she was blind, and the cameraman frantically turned off the camera. The medical team and the rescue team managed to spare some clothes for Qin Wentao and the others to cover the important parts.

After all, in the summer, no one would bring extra clothes. Originally, all the men present were men, and it was okay to close their arms, but today, these real men who are fighting on the front line seem to have opened the door to a new world. Unwilling to be shirtless in front of Qin Wentao and the others, strange thoughts flashed in everyone's minds.

Seeing that the construction team covered important parts in front of them, the leader of the rescue team asked seriously: "You guys, are you all right? Can you walk down the mountain by yourself? We'll take you to the hospital for an examination."

Qin Wentao was fully awake at this time, he had never felt so ashamed before, his face was green, it was already embarrassing enough to be seen by so many people naked, and if he went to the hospital, he wouldn't be laughed at.

He lowered his head and choked out two words: "No, I'm not hurt..."

"Let's go to the hospital for an examination." The doctor on the side glanced at Qin Wentao's butt and butt without showing any signs, "This kind of behavior is still very dangerous..."

"What behavior?" Before Qin Wentao could react, Qian Daming grabbed his hand and said, "Manager Qin, I can't do this project. I have seniors and juniors. I'm really scared!"

The melon-eaters who were listening on the side thought: "It turns out that I was forced to play, I really know how to play!"

Qin Wentao didn't pay attention to everyone's expressions at all. When Qian Daming said this, his mood that had stabilized just now suddenly lifted. He couldn't forget the black skirt he saw before he fainted. It was a female ghost!

Thinking of his narrow escape at the hands of a female ghost, Qin Wentao immediately trembled all over, and said with trembling lips: "Yes, there are ghosts in the mountains, female ghosts..."

The rescue team leader and the medical team exchanged a look, thinking, this is not only group play, but also drugs? Damn it in broad daylight, are you hallucinating? Thinking of this, everyone's teasing mood immediately became serious, and they surrounded Qin Wentao.

"We think it's better to check it out!" As soon as the rescue team leader finished speaking, everyone rushed up, held Qin Wentao and Qian Daming firmly, and led them to the rescue vehicle down the mountain.

Huaguo has very strict bans on drugs and drugs. I didn't expect such an ordinary rescue to pull out twenty addicts and gentlemen.

Qin Wentao and his group were pressed down the mountain in a daze. When they got to the side of the rescue vehicle, a gray-haired, swarthy, thin old woman ran out from the road far away.

Although she looked old, she moved very fast, and she reached the foot of the mountain in a blink of an eye. When she got closer, everyone could see the old woman clearly. The corners of her eyes were full of gullies, and the pattern of peacock feathers was painted with oil paint, and her eyes were shining with excitement. of light.

"Grandma, you can't run on the road!" The rescue captain shouted quickly.

But the old woman didn't seem to hear, she walked straight across the road, ran to the foot of the mountain and knelt down with a plop, raised her hands high, folded her palms on top of her head, performed a big salute, and shouted loudly, "The Goddess of the mountain is awake, The Goddess of the Mountain God has woken up..."

Her tone was so weird that others felt it was strange, but when it fell into Qin Wentao's ears, it was different. His body trembled even more, and he wanted to kneel down again.

"Drug addict, fast tie him up and send him to the police station!" Seeing that something was wrong, the doctor gave an order, and everyone immediately tied up Qin Wentao with restraint belts, ignoring the strange old woman on the side of the road, and drove to the police station in a hurry. game rush.

Qin Wentao: "..." I don't know what happened at all.


After Yun Rongxiao punished Qin Wentao and his party, her spiritual consciousness sank into Danqiu Mountain, and when she was awakened again, it was already dark, and she heard the familiar voice of prayer again, her heart trembled, and she flew towards the source of the sound .

"Mom, can we go home? What about mountain gods and ghosts? Do you know that these are all superstitions!" At the foot of the south mountain, a middle-aged man who was tall and chubby pulled up an old woman who was kneeling on the ground.

With an angry face, he said: "If you are like this, I will send you to a mental hospital!"

However, the old woman struggled to break away from her son's hand, knelt on the ground again, kowtowed, and muttered something.

The son stood aside, looked helplessly at his mother who had been crazy for many years, and said in a compromise: "Okay, okay, please pray, after the prayer, let's go home for dinner."

As he said that, he squatted on the ground and sighed: "Mom, you can't do this? Xiuzhen is going to divorce me because of you. Tell me, forty years ago, Dad was killed because of your feudal superstition." Damn, are you really happy to tear our family apart?"

The man talked for a long time, and the old woman kneeling on the ground finally responded. She tilted her head, glanced at her son, and grinned stupidly, "Go home, eat, go home, eat..."

Looking at the backs of the two supporting each other to leave, Yun Rong couldn't help following. The old lady was saying a prayer just now, and she was a witch.

Although Yunrong will not take the initiative to help the human race, but it is rare to see a witch. She just woke up and doesn't understand the world. It is also good to ask this witch.

When he got home, his son locked Wu Songya into her own room, and even brought her food in.

Yunrong appeared in the small room, looked around, looked at the eyes without any focus, stared blankly at the old woman, and sighed: "You, a majestic witch, turned into this appearance..."

"Forget it, just think of it as helping the witch clan." To be honest, Yun Rong doesn't want to care about the affairs of these human races at all, but she finally met a witch and hoped to understand the current world through her, so she stretched out her hand to the old man. The forehead of the person nodded.

She only saw Wu Songya tremble all over her body, and her dazed expression suddenly became vivid. She couldn't see Yunrong, so she didn't know that there was someone standing beside her. She just looked at the bowl in her hand and touched herself s face.

Wu Songya felt that her mind had never been so clear, she stood up joyfully, and shouted loudly, "Jianguo, Jianguo..."

Before she could yell twice, a middle-aged woman yelled angrily at the door, "What's your name, old bastard, Jianguo is not at home! I'm telling you to calm down, stop yelling like gods and ghosts every day, I don't want to serve you!"

"Liu Xiuzhen, open the door for me. Do you ever talk to your mother-in-law like that?" Wu Songya was bullied by her daughter-in-law before, but she was not sober at that time. Now that she is sober, she pushed back immediately.

Liu Xiuzhen outside the door was startled when she heard it. The old woman had never said a word in such a serious manner since she married in. Could it be that this is all right? Wu Songya was regarded as a mother-in-law, and now she was scolded, and she immediately became angry.

"Who knows if you are pretending to be crazy? Let me let you out, do you want to go to the back mountain to engage in feudal superstition again? Let me tell you, old woman, if there is a mountain god in the back mountain, you have worshiped it for decades. Didn't even let it go!"