Who Says Omegas Can’t be as Explosive as Alphas

Chapter 114


The so-called newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. After so long of hard training, they finally ushered in their first mission, and everyone was very excited.

Lu Jingning and the others who knew some inside information seemed much calmer. They studied the content of the task several times, and they were still ready for battle.

It is said that a new energy body was discovered near the G663 galaxy.

That area had always been in charge of the Empire's Second Army Corps, because the surveyed area was too wide and the troops were somewhat insufficient. This time, the newly established elite team of the Alliance Army was sent to assist. Although it is not a difficult task, the main purpose is to allow recruits like them to take this opportunity to have a good experience.

Many people know that the Empire and the Federation are actively looking for energy bodies recently, but the specific reasons behind this are not clear.

However, as a soldier, it is good to know the content of the mission, and everything is subject to the organization's arrangements, and the rest is not something they should be concerned about.

According to the arrangement of the Second Legion, the three elite teams of the Alliance Army were assigned to a living star on the edge of the galaxy.

Although it is said to be a life star, in fact, the active ones on it are all low-intelligence species, without any civilization system.

In a way, because of this, it is also full of some unknown dangers.

Before setting off, Lu Jingning did not forget to check the equipment of the whole team carefully to make sure everything was safe.

According to the itinerary, in the first stage, the three teams of the elite team will simultaneously go to the star Kaidos in the galaxy to search.

Although Jiang Quan did not mention the competition and assessment, the secret competition between the three teams has never been interrupted. whereabouts.

Although, this legendary energy body may not happen to exist on this planet.

The next day, Lu Jingning and his team landed on Kaidos.

When everyone disembarked from the ship, they could see the desolation around them, which was bleak as expected, but it was a little strange, at first glance, they didn't find half of the legendary low life.

Farther away is the endless mountain range. When the wind blows, the surrounding loess is flying all over the sky, covering the thin layer of vegetation with a thin layer of dust.

If it weren't for the dense jungle at the end of the field of vision, I'm afraid I couldn't see the edge at a glance.

Yan Hebin had sorted out all the information on the planet the night before, and quickly determined the exact location where they landed, and worked out the route forward.

Given that their main search target is the energy body, although they don't know its specific form of existence, one thing is certain—if it is really hidden in this planet, then its vicinity must be full of vitality.

Lu Jingning didn't know where the other two teams landed, but he didn't care too much, and led the team to start a survey along the way.

During this process, Wen Xingchen followed him every step of the way.

Although there is not much communication with each other, as long as they feel the familiar atmosphere around them, they all feel very at ease.

The first main search point they identified was the extremely eye-catching forest in the desert.

After a while, Ji Xingchao, who was exploring the way ahead, came back to report: "Report to the captain, there is no water source found around here, as if it was completely drained by something."

Lu Jingning nodded: "Explore again!"

After a while, Ji Xingchao responded again: "So far, there is still no sign of life. Should we consider changing the route?"

Lu Jingning thought for a while: "No, continue."

After a while, Ji Xingchao ran over again: "Captain is wise! There seems to be some creature in the woods ahead, do you need me to check it out?"

Lu Jingning shook his head: "No need, the situation is unknown, it's too dangerous for you to go now."

Ji Xing gave a military salute all the way up his back, and said loudly, "Thank you Captain for your concern!"

Feng Pei, who had been following behind the team to catch fish, couldn't take it anymore, and when Ji Xingchao finally stopped for a while, he pulled him over with black lines all over his head: "What's the matter with you? You've been in the army for so long, can you Collect your dog legs?"

Ji Xingchao clicked his tongue: "What does this have to do with the time of enlistment, I swore to be the man who licks dogs for Chen Jing CP for the rest of his life!"

Feng Pei: "..."

To be honest, although the contacts he had made during this period of time had changed his view of Lu Jingning a lot, judging from the situation of his classmate, he really felt that there was no cure.

Perhaps because the vast field of vision affected their judgment, it took more time to reach the forest than expected.

However, this has little effect on the search process.

Because of the planet's own magnetic field, all communication equipment has been completely disabled the moment it lands.

In order not to get separated, Lu Jingning asked all the team members to take care of each other in pairs, and specially told them not to be too far away from each other.

Not long after, Ji Xingchao and Feng Pei's group made the first discovery.

I have to admit that Ji Xingchao is indeed an excellent scout candidate, not to mention his amazing footwork, and his observation skills are also very meticulous.

Although the blown leaves above were buried extremely tightly, he still found the dried footprints hidden underneath.

A group of people gathered around the footprints and fell into silence.

Cen Junfeng scratched his head, and suddenly asked with some uncertainty: "I remember that there are only low-level creatures on this planet? Is that right?"

Yan Hebin replied: "There are very few mammals, most of them are amphibians and reptiles."

Cen Junfeng: "Then..."

He stretched out his little feet tentatively, and gestured with the footprints on the ground: "Don't you think, these footprints are very similar to ours?"

Feng Pei said: "Impossible, the general said clearly that no team has conducted surveys on the nearby planets, and no one will come one step ahead of us."

Another team member, Tong Yongwang, thought about it for a while, and came up with a conjecture: "Not necessarily? Maybe people from the other two teams arrived here first?"

Yan Hebin squatted down and took a closer look, and denied, "It can't be them. Judging from the time it took for the soil to dry, it has been at least three days."

Everyone couldn't help looking at each other.

Who would that be

Human beings will inevitably panic about unknown things, and the team members subconsciously cast their eyes on Lu Jingning.

I saw his brows were tightly knit, as if he was thinking about something.

Feeling Wen Xingchen's touch on his shoulder, Lu Jingning lightly patted the back of that hand with his palm, and like Yan Hebin, he half-knelt down next to the footprints.

Then he leaned over, brought the tip of his nose closer, and sniffed gently.

Combined with the recent situation, he has a guess.

And, I very much hope that his worries are just unfounded.

It's a pity that although it was only a very faint touch, after he got close, he still smelled a special smell from the soil.

This smell is slightly different from Bai Chen's, but there is no doubt that it belongs to the Zerg race.

Lu Jingning stood up expressionlessly, and made a decision with a slightly low tone: "Prepare to return."

The appearance of the Zerg on Kaidos must be reported to Jiang Quan as soon as possible. Due to the effect of the planet's magnetic field, he had to withdraw from the area of influence in advance to carry out such an effective operation.

The sudden decision stunned the others.

"Return?" Feng Pei obviously didn't understand the decision he made, "We just came here and returned, isn't the mission over?"

Lu Jingning looked at him and squinted his eyes: "Trust me, this task is beyond your ability, recruit."

According to Yan Hebin's words, the Zerg had already started appearing on this planet three days ago. If I didn't guess wrong, this was not a coincidence.

They should come here for the same goal - the energy body.

It's okay if Lu Jingning is alone now, Lang can run as soon as he can, but now he brings his own small team.

Although this may be an excellent opportunity for meritorious service, overconfidence is obviously not a good thing when the exact number of enemies cannot be determined at present.

As Bing Cang said, the more they know, the more obliged they are to bring others back safely.

Lu Jingning had already figured out all the links in a blink of an eye, but Feng Pei didn't know what was going on, and when he heard him call himself a recruit, his nose crooked in anger.

What the hell, don't think that being a captain is awesome, aren't you a recruit yourself? !

Lu Jingning could feel the confusion of the team members, but he had a headache and didn't know how to explain it.

Since the establishment of the team, although Jiang Quan has instilled a lot of Zerg-related information from time to time, he has not officially mentioned a deeper level.

Although, the officer obviously never thought that they would meet the Zerg so soon.

Lu Jingning is not sure if it is appropriate to tell the whole story at this time.

Wen Xingchen glanced at his frowning brows, and said calmly: "I think it is necessary to find an unknown target on the planet and report to the headquarters."

Avoiding the important and focusing on the light, getting straight to the point, these words are very beautiful.

Feng Pei thinks this kind of explanation is acceptable, but he still has a little doubt: "Since it is an unknown target, it may not be the enemy. Is it really okay to return directly without knowing the situation?"

Lu Jingning glanced at him with a half-smile: "After confirming the identity of the enemy, do you think there is still life to go back?"

As he finished speaking, Feng Pei felt a chill in his neck, subconsciously flinched and stopped talking.

He was originally a young master of a family with no ambitions. Compared with meritorious service, the most important thing is to return alive every mission.

Seeing that no one else had any objections, Lu Jingning stopped advancing resolutely and began to return the same way.

According to the plan, they only need to cross the desert again to return to the battleship.

However, just as he walked out of the woods, a huge explosion attracted everyone's attention.

The excessively violent power even faintly shook the entire ground twice.

In the sky where the explosion happened, a mushroom cloud rose into the sky, and at the same time, several strings of colored smoke rose into the sky, hovering in the air for a long time before dissipating in the cold wind.

Everyone couldn't help but stop, and they all saw a trace of panic in each other's eyes.

That was the rescue signal from the team led by Tang Jiaze.