Who Says Omegas Can’t be as Explosive as Alphas

Chapter 12


Of course, it was impossible to keep a low profile about this kind of thing, and soon it was spread widely, and it was completely spread in the small Omega circle.

Many people didn't dare to look for Lu Jingning, so they quietly approached Ren Jin who had read the test sheet at the time, and after receiving a confirmation reply, they only felt that this world was a bit too dreamy.

Omega who can come to the Imperial Navy University to study often have a heart to join the army, but as we all know, Omega is always inferior to Alpha under the influence of pheromones. When I heard that Alpha had an S-level concentration owner , I was already envious and jealous, looking at my poor C-level and B-level pheromone was even more sad from my heart.

But it's different now, in this year's Omega, there is also an S rank!

Omega's newborn was completely excited, as if the sky was cut open by a sudden ray of light, and the Hongqiao was just exposed, and a ray of universal light washed away all the haze.

This is probably the feeling of elation!

Look, the owner of the S-level concentration! An Omega just like them!

When Ren Jin returned to the dormitory surrounded by thousands of people, the Omegas of the whole school had already formed a "Brother Lu Support Club" in tacit understanding, and he became the president of the support club with great honor.

At this time, everyone was acting on a whim, and no one knew what a famous name this chairman would be in the future.

As for the client, Lu Jingning, he didn't know that he already had a fan club full of fans without knowing it. What he was thinking about at this time was the last project of the branch tonight, and it was also the most troublesome thing for him. Project - Theory Exam.

The evaluation level of pheromone concentration is just a threshold for entering each college, and as long as it is higher than the minimum requirements of each college, it will be converted into corresponding test scores.

The fourth hospital that Lu Jingning wants to go to has the highest requirements for pheromones, regardless of whether it is Alpha or Omega, all must be A-level or above.

It is enough to see that the threshold is high.

The S-level Lu Jingning undoubtedly passed the test smoothly, and directly converted 200 test points, plus the 280 points he obtained in the previous actual combat test, a total of 480 points. Such an absolute high score was actually enough for him to enter the comprehensive war academy he wanted stably.

According to Lu Jingning's original intention, he didn't even bother to take part in the theory test at night, but the Imperial Navy University required all the freshmen to be present, otherwise all the test scores obtained before would be invalidated.

In desperation, he saw that the time was almost up, so he stuck a laser pointer in his trouser pocket to write his name and student number, and swayed to the preparatory examination site of the Fourth Academy.

The moment they entered the door, everyone looked at him reflexively, and then went about their own business.

At this point in time before the exam, it is actually very suitable for temporary cramming, but because of the relationship between the pheromone test in the afternoon, nearly three-quarters of the people failed to reach the A level, and they were destined to miss the fourth hospital, so they simply did not Taking this theoretical test too seriously, they got together in twos and threes and chatted with each other.

At first Lu Jingning didn't pay much attention, seeing that Yu Qingcang hadn't come yet, he just found a seat and sat down, but before he could find a comfortable position, he took a nap first, and a few random words beside him It passed into the ear.

"Hey, have you heard that Omega is crazy about rumors that they have an S-rank holder this year."

"Ah? S-class Omega, are they dreaming collectively?"

"Hahahaha, they shouldn't have heard that we have S-level pheromone stimulation?"

"This cowhide is exaggerated. My wife, wife, and grandfather have never seen an S-level Omega."

"Actually, I can understand their dissatisfaction, but who made them born Omega?"

"Yes, if they are pampered in other fields, but I have to say that joining the army is really not suitable for them."

"But this time it's really a little bit too much. Everyone said that there is an S-rank, and it seems to be true."

Lu Jingning's eyes that had just been closed slowly opened again, glanced at the few people who were discussing enthusiastically over there with blurred eyes, rubbed his joints, walked over lazily, and suddenly raised his hand , and slapped heavily on the table.

"Boom!" There was a sound, although the power was controlled, but the huge movement still attracted everyone to look over here.

The Alphas were inevitably taken aback, and were about to attack. When they saw the iconic blonde hair clearly, they choked back the foul language that reached their throats.

If they were unfamiliar with Lu Jingning at the beginning, they might still look down on Lu Jingning a little bit, but during the actual combat test, this man's performance in dismantling the mecha with his bare hands was too strong. Now, although they know that he is an Omega, they don't No one dared to treat him as an ordinary Omega.

Knowing this person's overly irritable character, several Alphas exchanged glances with each other, wishing they could go back in time and space and strangle the talkative self just now.

Fuck, how can I forget that there is such a master O in the examination room!

Seeing that Lu Jingning didn't speak for a while, someone twitched the corners of his mouth dryly, trying to make up for it: "Well, classmate, let's do it just now. Actually, we didn't mean to look down on Omega."

The others also laughed dryly and echoed: "Yes, yes, that's really meaningless."

Lu Jingning raised the corners of his mouth lightly against the eyes of the audience, narrowed his eyes, and his voice was not loud, but it was enough for everyone in the examination room to hear clearly, and he spit out two words without slowing down: "it's me."

The Alpha freshman was a little dazed: "Huh?"

Lu Jingning's tone was calm: "The rumored S-level Omega is me."

The Alpha freshmen laughed dryly: "Student, stop joking."

Lu Jingning lowered his eyelashes lazily: "Do I look like I'm joking?"

The smile on Alpha's freshman's face suddenly froze under his gaze, and he was speechless.

Just judging from this calm attitude and arrogant look, it really doesn't look like it.

However, it's really difficult to make these Alphas who failed the pheromone concentration test accept that there is a real Omega that has reached the S-level level!

So, are the rumors true

For a split second, as if time had been pressed to a halt, the audience suddenly fell into an eerie silence.

Wait, there is too much information, let them take it easy.

When Wen Xingchen and the others entered the examination room, they saw such a scene.

Yu Qingcang made a companion with the two people in this dormitory after the actual combat exam. Because he was too nervous, he didn't feel the strange atmosphere in the room. When he saw Lu Jingning at a glance, he rushed over excitedly: "Lu Jingning Jing Ning, I heard that your Omega produced an S-level pheromone? No need to ask, it must be you, right?! Hurry up and tell me, tell me?"

Freshmen: "..."

Lu Jingning smiled slightly, and was about to speak when a man in military uniform strode in and interrupted their conversation with a serious tone: "Everyone go back to their places, check your certificates and information, the exam is coming soon Start, ban noise from this moment on."

As his icy gaze swept across the arena, the invisible sense of oppression immediately made everyone shudder.

There was no expression on that stern face, and when his gaze passed over Lu Jingning, he paused for a moment, revealing what could be called a smile: "Oh, it's you, that S-level pheromone Omega?"

After the words fell, all the new Alpha students subconsciously covered their chests, and the sound of gasping came from every corner clearly and distinctly.

Things have developed to the present, there is no need for Lu Jingning to prove himself, it can be said that he has directly obtained the official seal certification.

No matter how unwilling to believe it, Lu Jingning's S-level pheromone has become a solid hammer.

Many people were already on the verge of tears.

Why are these Alphas eliminated because they couldn't reach A-level, and there is actually an S-level Omega here

What the hell is going on in this world? !

Lu Jingning liked this kind of development very much. When he met the man's gaze, he smiled and said, "It's me, teacher!"

"I may not be your teacher." The man looked at him with a very businesslike tone, "However, welcome to the Comprehensive War College."

According to the score of Lu Jingning's actual combat test plus the addition of pheromone concentration level, even if he got 0 points in the theory test, judging from the score, he can already confirm a seat in the Fourth Academy in advance.

He is also the first Omega student since the establishment of the Comprehensive War College.

With such an absolute honor, if it were someone else, he would probably work hard to improve his total score, but Lu Jingning felt a headache when he saw those theoretical contents, and he planned to get one point for one point. existing.

When the theoretical test questions were displayed on the virtual screen in front of him, he signed his name on it with a laser pointer, and then finished entering the student number, and fell asleep directly on the table.

The other Alpha freshmen who were writing hard to get as many test points as possible inadvertently looked up, and just saw the man who was so out of place among a group of straight backs: "..."

Fuck, this is a fart! The mentality collapsed, completely collapsed! ! !

The author has something to say: Lu Jingning: Blame me? [shrug.jpg]