Who Says Omegas Can’t be as Explosive as Alphas

Chapter 122: The sound of Yunlin at night (1)


The establishment of a military alliance between the Empire and the Federation had spread throughout the interstellar world a year ago.

Since then, the armies of the two countries have seemingly entered an endlessly busy phase.

Thousands of warships float in space every day, frantically searching for the whereabouts of top-level energy sources under the eyes of ordinary people who don't know why.

With that little-known explosion in a remote galaxy, the time race against the Zerg has officially begun before you know it.

On a battleship above a galaxy, Wen Ye held a terminal and was doing the final data verification.

As one of the search teams under the Third Army Corps of the Imperial Army, they have just successfully completed the mission of this trip and are currently on their way back.

After graduating, he officially joined the army. In the past two years, his status has changed from the captain of the Imperial Sea Guard to the search captain of the Third Army, with the rank of lieutenant colonel.

The factions within the military have always been complicated. For a newcomer, his promotion speed is really enviable.

Outside the window, you can see mottled planets that are far or near, and there are a few bright and dazzling ones.

The cabin door knocked lightly outside and was pushed open.

Bing Yunlin turned sideways slightly, poked his head in from the outside, and said softly, "Report to the commander, the operation of all the equipment on the ship has been confirmed, and there is no abnormality."

Wen Ye glanced over the last line of records, looked up, and a faint smile flashed in his eyes: "Thanks for your hard work."

"It's not hard, it should be." Bing Yunlin walked in as he said, and handed over the report in his hand, "Here is all the energy information collected during our operations. I have sorted it out. Take a look. If there is no Report the problem directly."

Wen Ye took it: "Okay."

Bing Yunlin stood there for a while, staring at his eyes for a while, then leaned over a little bit, his eyelashes drooping slightly: "Why do I have dark circles? Did I overdo it last night and make you tired?" , so you didn't sleep well?"

Wen Ye was slightly taken aback, and when he looked up, he noticed the smile flashing in his eyes, and pushed him away helplessly, but explained seriously: "I received news this morning that there seems to be movement of Zerg in the nearby area." .Our fleet is not large this time, so we should be more careful."

Bing Yunlin thought of the empty bed beside him after waking up, and suddenly understood: "So, you woke up early in the morning?"

Jianwen Ye nodded, he was silent for a rare moment, and then said: "A Ye, I think we should probably formulate a rule."

Wen Ye reminded: "During office hours, you should call me sir."

If there is one thing that has not changed during his enlistment, it is the promotion all the way, and Bing Yunlin has always been by his side, and until now, he is still his deputy team.

"Yes, my sir." Bing Yunlin smiled lightly, but pulled Wen Ye over, and naturally pressed him down on the sofa, with one hand gently pinching his waist, "Then, Let's have a discussion. At our current speed, it will take at least half a month to return to the base. During this period, you will be in charge of patrolling on odd-numbered days, and I will take your place on even-numbered days, how about it?"

Wen Ye looked at his eyes that were close at hand, and frowned slightly: "But I'm the captain..."

"I'm also the vice-captain." Bing Yunlin interrupted him softly, and his attitude became more and more gentle, "Sir, the captain is also a human being, and he always needs to rest. Moreover, when you are too tired, it is especially easy to do important things Distracted."

At this point, his eyes fell on the lips in front of him, and the corners of his mouth meaningfully curled up: "Didn't you ever think that this would make me feel disrespected?"

Wen Ye: "..."

A few images flashed through his mind, and the roots of his ears became slightly warm.

Seeing that he was silent, Bing Yunlin squinted his eyes and moved closer: "Captain?"

Feeling the slightly hot breath sprayed on his face, Wen Ye's heart skipped a beat, and he subconsciously agreed, and then gently stretched out his hand to push: "Get up first, I haven't finished reading the materials yet."

"Report Captain, so far we have..."

Seeing that the door was open, the correspondent stepped in without thinking much, but when he saw the scene in front of him, he almost bit off his tongue.

The focus of Wen Ye's attention was still on the content of his report: "What has it been?"

The communicator forcibly recovered his voice: "Ah... I have officially entered the orbital route back to the voyage, please confirm the communication line of the space station on the way, if... you... have time?"

Following Bing Yunlin's gaze, the voice behind him became weaker and weaker, and finally he lowered his head and stared at his toes motionlessly, without saying a word.

Wen Ye: "I'm going now."

Bing Yunlin let go of his hand calmly and stood up.

Taking advantage of the trend, he naturally took over the information in Wen Ye's hand: "Let me help you with the final confirmation, you are busy first."

Wen Ye nodded, walked to the door and suddenly remembered something: "I forgot to tell you, I have already drawn up a sketch of the next sailing route, and it should be placed on the table in your room last night , Remember to take a look if you have time."

Bing Yunlin casually poured a cup of tea, put it on his lips, took a sip, and raised his eyebrows a little: "I'll be there in a while. Remember to come and find me tonight, and we'll have a good discussion."

Wen Ye responded, turned around and left, and the remaining correspondent, in the midst of this meaningful conversation, felt weak and almost knelt down on the spot.

Although the relationship between these two people has never been a secret, but giving him so much private information at once is really... a bit overwhelming!

Regardless of the harmless, gentle appearance of the vice-captain on weekdays, all of them will always remember the scene of tearing up the Zerg with their bare hands while talking and laughing when they were on the first mission.

Until now, the legend of this story is still widely circulated within the Third Legion. Once the title of the smiling Hades came out, it could even stop children from crying at night, which shows that the influence is far-reaching and terrifying.

His heart trembled, and the communications soldier didn't dare to raise his head, so he hurriedly raised his legs and followed Wen Ye.

Although the captain of their family is a little more serious and a little too cold, but compared to staying with the vice-captain, it feels so much safer!

As the footsteps faded away, the surrounding fell into a silence.

Bing Yunlin was not in a hurry to read the information, just sat by the window of the rest cabin for a while, looking at the passing planets outside one by one with a calm expression.

It has been more than a year since the military department issued the first search mission, but for most people, it is still really just an ordinary mission to find energy.

During the mission, although many teams have encountered Zerg warriors, few people realize that there is an ongoing battle for time between the two races.

Judging from the news from Bingcang, this apparent calm will not last long.

Even with all the efforts of humans, Poisonous Night Crystal has entered the final stage under the active restoration of the Zerg.

Five years, the longest false peace at the moment is no more than five years, or shorter.

It may even be two years later that the racial war that once appeared in the history books officially started like this.

The battle that was originally recorded in a few pens will be truly displayed in front of human beings.

That would be a complete catastrophe.

Bing Yunlin doesn't like fighting, and he doesn't even like war, but if that day comes, he feels that he should make the same choice as Wen Ye—put on a military uniform and step onto that extremely cruel battlefield.

This is the fate of every soldier.

Bing Yunlin's eyelashes drooped a little, he brought the teacup to his mouth and took a sip, and reached out to fetch the documents that were placed beside him.

But before the war officially came, the first thing to do was to assist his captain to complete the work well.

Wen Ye is good at everything, but he takes things too seriously. If he is not allowed to go to bed tonight because he failed to complete the task, then it will really be a headache.

Bing Yunlin couldn't help but think of the scene of last night, and the smile on his brow became more intense.

Since the wedding was held half a year ago, the tacit understanding between the couple seems to be getting higher and higher.

This is really something to be happy about.