Who Says Omegas Can’t be as Explosive as Alphas

Chapter 14


Lu Jingning felt the stares from his classmates, and secretly rolled his eyes in his heart.

Look at him again, look at him again! Know to see him all day long! What's the matter, haven't you seen an Omega with such a flamboyant air

Ji Han didn't seem to feel the hesitation of the students, or in other words, he didn't take it seriously even if he felt it. He glanced around and asked, "Are there any volunteers in a group of five?"

No one said anything, obviously no one wanted to be the first wave of experiments.

Ji Han directly took out the roster and reported a few names at random: "Miao Fen, Bu Yinghao, Ju Jing, Du Maning, Yao Kaiyu."

Those whose names were called could only reluctantly stand up and walk onto the stage.

The classrooms of the Imperial Navy University School are a bit special. In addition to the stairs for arranging students to sit, after a series of equipment on the podium are retracted by the robotic arm, a large open space is exposed.

The people whose names were called stood in a circle in the center of the open space. After all, they were all freshmen, standing there with wide-eyed eyes, some not knowing what to do next.

Ji Han reminded: "Don't deliberately control, imagine other people as your opponents, just concentrate on exploding your pheromone as much as possible, let's start."

Hearing this, several people on the stage clenched their hands tightly into fists, and the expressions on their faces gradually became serious.

Among the five people, there are two female Alphas and three male Alphas. Although they are all newbies, they have the foundation of A-level pheromones, and they burst out at the same time. Even if they are far apart, the classmates in the seats can feel it There was a strong sense of oppression, and all the attention could not help but completely fall on the field for a while.

In order to make a good impression in the first class, the people on the stage were obviously holding back their energy. While resisting the shock brought by other people's pheromones, on the other hand, they found their breath in a demonstrative way and swore own strength.

There is still a difference in physique between men and women. Ju Jing and Du Manning, the two female Alphas, were the first to be unable to hold on, panting heavily and giving way to the area in the center filled with pheromones.

The other three were still competing, after a while, Miao Fen and Bu Yinghao were defeated one after another, leaving only Yao Kaiyu standing proudly on the court, and then he restrained his pheromones, sweating profusely Showed a relieved smile.

Ji Han has been standing by the side and taking notes. After finishing, he looked up and glanced around, and commented one by one: "Ju Jing, your pheromone is explosive, but the persistence is not enough, which may affect the actual operation of the mecha in the future; Dumaning is just the opposite. Although it is more sustained and stable, the lack of burst strength can easily put you at a disadvantage in actual combat; Miao Fen, your peak and valley fluctuations are too large. This intermittent burst must be corrected. Big loss; for Bu Yinghao, the distribution of each indicator is relatively even, but too even is not necessarily a benefit, which means that the strength of all aspects is lacking and needs to be improved; as for Yao Kaiyu... "

Having said that, he paused for a while, and he showed a smile of approval: "Whether it is the ability to control or the strength of the body, it is very good, and it is the best one so far."

After getting the comments, everyone silently wrote down their pros and cons.

With the demonstration of the first group, the rest of the others have more or less a bottom line in their hearts.

But the feeling of collective explosion just now really made everyone feel very novel.

It's also a shame that all the holders present at the moment are holders of grade A and above. Otherwise, students of grade B and grade C from other colleges, even if they are far away, it may be difficult for them to be deterred by such powerful pheromones. bear.

As the only Omega in the arena, everyone thought that Lu Jingning would need to leave the stage midway, but unexpectedly, until the first group got off the stage, he still didn't seem to show any abnormalities.

Not only was he not affected by such a powerful alpha pheromone, but he stayed beside Wen Xingchen and commented without changing his face or heartbeat.

After all, Omega's acceptance of Alpha pheromone is different from theirs, so students who are a little closer can always hear such words falling into their ears from time to time—

"Du Manning's pheromone doesn't smell right. Why is it sour? Could it be the smell of sweat?"

"Jujing's is much more fragrant. It smells like bread. Well, it's quite appetizing."

"Wen Xingchen, you alphas can't smell it. It's a pity that Bu Yinghao smells like durian, right? Oh? Miao Fen's doesn't smell very good either, it smells like garlic."

"Yao Kaiyu's pheromone smells much better. This is... hmm? It's like udon noodles in clear soup, ah, I like this taste."

Everyone's eyelids twitched.

Bread, durian, garlic, clear udon noodles? Are you so sure it's the smell of pheromones and not your lunch menu

An Omega actually said in public that he likes an Alpha pheromone, can he be a little more reserved? !

They complained frantically in their hearts, but everyone subconsciously cast their eyes on Yao Kaiyu, feeling extremely disdainful.

Tsk, to make an Omega like Lu Jingning smell good

Just wait, theirs sure smells better!

With the thought of comparison, the attention was diverted away. For a while, no one noticed that Lu Jingning suddenly smiled and moved up to Wen Xingchen, sucked the tip of his nose, and licked the corner of his lips thoughtfully: "Wen Xingchen, when will you go on? I don't know what your pheromone smells like. Will it appeal to me?"

Wen Xingchen glanced at him, and smiled with great interest: "Will you find out later?"

Lu Jingning also smiled: "I'm really looking forward to it."

Anyway, Wen Xingchen is the most suitable Alpha candidate for his future team formation. At that time, having a fresh and comfortable cooperation environment will be much better than enduring the pain of being smoked every day!

When Yao Kaiyu returned to his seat, he felt other people's strange gazes. He thought it was because he was praised by the teacher, so he didn't think much about it. However, when he saw Lu Jingning's calm look, his brows tightened slightly.

Although the distance was relatively long, but when he exploded with all his strength, no Omega could act like this as if nothing had happened.

Lu Jingning's nonchalant attitude made him feel a little frustrated, and even the sense of accomplishment brought by Ji Han's approval was unknowingly washed away a little.

After the first group returned to their positions, Ji Han asked symbolically again: "The next group, is there anyone who volunteers to come up?"

This time was different from last time, five people rushed to the stage in the blink of an eye.

The number of students admitted by the Fourth Academy is not large every year. It is said that it is a college, but in fact it only has one major. After being divided into three classes, each class has only twenty students.

At this time, everyone had already figured it out. According to Ji Han's method of grouping, there were only four groups in the whole class. If they had been passively waiting for the roll call, they might be in a group with Lu Jingning if they were not careful.

Although these Alpha freshmen don't feel that Omega's pheromones can be too oppressive in combat mode, they have to consider the issue of self-control.

Even if he is not in estrus, sometimes the physiological and spontaneous reaction when facing an Omega is really beyond his control.

Lu Jingning didn't quite understand these people's overly active attitude to the stage, but he didn't take it too seriously, and turned to Wen Xingchen, "When are you going to stage?"

Wen Xingchen thought for a while: "The third batch?"

Lu Jingning nodded: "Okay, then I will be the fourth batch."

Jiang Luan, who was sitting in the back, listened to their conversation, because he failed to get in the second group, after a short battle between the gods and the humans, he finally reluctantly decided to stay at the end.

A seasoned veteran like him, who has had quite a lot of contact with Omega, thinks that he shouldn't (dare not) have the slightest thought for a crazy Omega like Lu Jingning.

However, it will be different if you encounter Wen Xingdust.

According to his previous understanding of this person, if he confronted him, it would be over before it even started.

The second batch of pheromone display was also very smooth. The students of Class A pheromones used their pheromones according to their self-cognition, and the actual strength of the pheromones showed basically the same.

When it was the third batch, Wen Xingchen stood up from his chair.

Lu Jingning waved to him with a smile: "Come on."

Wen Xingchen responded, "Okay."

The display starts, and after 3 seconds, it ends directly.

Ji Han: "..."

It ended so quickly that there wasn't even enough time for him to take notes.

However, it is enough to see that there is still a world of difference between S-level pheromones and A-level pheromones.

The few people who were defeated in seconds looked very depressed, but in fact it wasn't just them, even the faces of other people who were separated by a very long distance inevitably turned slightly pale.

Before this, they had never felt such a strong sense of oppression, as if an invisible hand firmly contained their throats, without giving them the slightest chance to breathe.

Terrifyingly strong!

The people in the first two batches couldn't help but be thankful that they went up to complete the demonstration ahead of time, otherwise, if they were shocked by such a powerful pheromone as Wen Xingchen, their subsequent performances might be deeply affected.

With lingering fear in their hearts, when they looked at the last group of students waiting to take the stage, they couldn't help but have some sympathy in their expressions.

It can be seen that these Alphas were really irritated, their faces looked paler, and their figures were a little shaky when they stood up.

Alpha is like this, let alone Lu Jingning, an Omega...

Almost everyone had the same thought in their minds. As a result, when they looked at Lu Jingning, they were surprised to find that his face was not affected at all, on the contrary, he looked more energetic than before.

Looking at those eyes, they even lit up, and the surprise was beyond words.

Everyone: "???"

In fact, it's no wonder that Lu Jingning felt so happy.

After a personal test, I found out that Wen Xingchen's pheromone smells unexpectedly good!

Not only does it not have the greasy feeling that other Alphas gave him, but it is soft and soft when it falls into the nose, which is a smell that you will never tire of.

Thinking of the warm and comfortable scene after future cooperation, his eyes couldn't help but bend into crescent buds with a smile.

This wave is done!

When Wen Xingchen came back, there was still a faint smell of pheromone around him. He first took a look at Lu Jingning's state from afar, then walked over with confidence, and asked, "How do you feel?"

Lu Jingning was not polite, and gave a strong affirmation: "I love it!"

Wen Xingchen was satisfied: "That's good."

The exchange of few words between the two brought the shock of the end of the world to the eavesdroppers.

What does this mean, how did you fall in love all of a sudden

Sure enough, the love between AO is separated by a pheromone distance? !

Ji Han's laser pointer lightly tapped twice on the notebook, coughed twice, and pulled back everyone's thoughts: "Next, the last batch."

Lu Jingning rubbed his joints, lazily stood up from the chair: "Ah, it's finally my time!"

The author has something to say: When you read this chapter, it means that Mr. Manuscript Box has completely burped, and Lao Jiang is already on his way back.