Who Says Omegas Can’t be as Explosive as Alphas

Chapter 24


The Imperial Navy has always had a close relationship with the military department, and it is also one of the key points for sending talents.

Therefore, although the internal associations claim to be in-school organizations, they are actually backed by certain forces. In a way, they are also an important channel for the major core departments of the empire to win over talents in advance.

For example, the fighting club is sponsored by the individual combat department, the mecha club is backed by the mecha mobile unit, and the cultural and entertainment club is a fixed recruitment point for the interstellar art troupe... As for the well-known Imperial Sea Guard, there are many The members already have the military rank medal officially issued by the empire, and they can directly enter the core department to take up important positions as soon as they graduate.

Lu Jingning went back with the materials distributed by the counselor and did a lot of research. He simply picked out the names of a few associations that seemed to be a bit aggressive, and fell into hesitation.

Yan Hebin just came back from outside, Lu Jingning raised his head to say hello, and asked, "Yan Hebin, has the teacher told you about the club? What's your intention?"

Yan Hebin neatly placed the shoes at the door, without any hesitation about this question: "Mecha Club."

Lu Jingning found out that his roommate really liked mechas very much, so he chose the third house without hesitation when he was sorted, and even the clubs were closely connected with mechas.

In fact, the mech club is also within the scope of Lu Jingning's consideration, but the recruiting assessment of this club is divided into two parts, that is, the production of mechas and fighting.

Of course, he didn't have to think about mecha production at all.

Let him make a mecha? Compared with dismantling, he may be more proficient in business ability.

But virtual mech fighting is a piece of cake for him.

Normally, Lu Jingning would not feel worried at all, but recently he was still in a period of confusion.

Although after obtaining Wen Xingchen's temporary mark, it is true that his waist is no longer sore, his legs are no longer painful, and his meals are delicious, but he didn't try to activate the pheromone energy again. What the hell is going on

Lu Jingning felt that his purse was a bit fragile recently, and it's better to keep it safe. After thinking about it, he sighed: "Oh, let me have a look again."

Yan Hebin responded, sat in front of his seat and switched on his optical brain.

In fact, Lu Jingning had already discovered that Yan Hebin would enter the mecha construction system whenever he had time in the past few days. After understanding it, he leaned over with great interest: "Oh? Do you want to use this mecha to go to the mecha club for an interview?"

Yan Hebin: "Well, let's do some final debugging tonight, I don't know if it will work."

Lu Jingning scanned the appearance of the mecha, and gave an absolute affirmation: "I think it's OK!"

Yan Hebin's tone was calm: "Thank you."

Lu Jingning: "..."

What's the matter with such an indifferent reaction, he really thinks it's OK, brother!

He is indeed a scumbag when it comes to making mechas, but he has been exposed to it since he was a child. He has never made mechas before, and he has always seen mechas running!

Brother Lu has touched hundreds if not thousands of machines. Now just looking at the structure and configuration of Yan Hebin's mecha, and judging by his vicious eyes, he knows that it must be a ruthless character. Even though it still looks a little immature now, as long as a professional can give a little hint, it will definitely be a big killer on the battlefield after it is perfected.

Looking at Yan Hebin's appearance, Naihe didn't seem to care about his praise at all.

After thinking about it, Lu Jingning decided to forget it, and didn't say anything more, but just thought about it secretly in his heart.

This kind of interview seems to be really interesting. When the Jijia Club accepts new recruits, I should go and have a look when I have time.

It's a pity that this excitement has not been seen in the end.

That afternoon, when Lu Jingning was about to go out, he suddenly received a message from the school.

Yan Hebin had already prepared, and waited at the door with Ren Jin and Su Jianian in the dormitory next door. Seeing that he hadn't moved for a long time, he couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong?"

"You guys go, I guess I won't be able to go." Lu Jingning also looked a little confused, "Counselor, let me go to the Academic Affairs Office right now."

Obviously, he didn't quite understand why he was suddenly called to the Academic Affairs Office.

He has already paid for the damage in the mecha class, and it seems that he didn't cause anything else after that

After all, Ren Jin is Lu Jingning's number one fanboy, and he couldn't help but feel a little frustrated after hearing him say that: "Okay then, let's go first. Brother Lu, if you finish early, remember to come and have a look."

Lu Jingning patted him on the head: "Okay, got it, I'll definitely go there if there's time."

Ren Jin's expression became visibly happy, and he waved happily at him: "Goodbye, Brother Lu! Waiting for you to come!"

Lu Jingning watched them leave, frowned at the communication log just now, turned around and opened the closet.

Just as he stretched out his hand, he accidentally caught a glimpse of the two coats hanging in the corner, and paused slightly.

He didn't realize it before, but Wen Xingchen had borrowed his coat twice before he knew it, and now he stayed here, and he didn't know if there were enough clothes for him.

Otherwise, find a chance to return it

Lu Jingning stood there for a while, and couldn't help thinking of the request made by the man - if you want to return it, remember to wash it in advance.

After a while, he casually took a coat from the side and closed the cabinet door without hesitation.

Forget it or not, but also to satisfy that guy's cleanliness, who knows if he will think that he is not clean enough, it will be troublesome.

Running to places like the Academic Affairs Office, Lu Jingning has been running a lot since he was a child. Although he didn't know what was going on and came here without any mental burden, when he entered the door and saw the office full of people, he couldn't help being stunned. .

These people are not teaching staff at first glance, there are men, women, old and young. Those who don't know may think that he has entered a blind date scene for all age groups by mistake.

After a long time, he managed to hold back three words: "Excuse me?"

Seeing that Lu Jingning turned around and was about to leave after finishing his speech, Zhu Zhai, the director of academic affairs, hurriedly called to stop him: "Wait a minute, don't leave, I'm here to look for you."

Lu Jingning glanced around suspiciously: "Everyone, who are they?"

Those people cast attention on him the moment he entered, and the expressions in their eyes were quite complicated.

Listening to him at this time, his expression became more subtle.

In the end, a middle-aged woman stood up and asked with a smile, "Are you Lu Jingning?"

Lu Jingning had an intuition that something was wrong, so he stood there without saying a word.

The middle-aged woman saw that he didn't talk to him, and after a moment of silence, she introduced herself: "Well, we are all relatives of Zhong Feng."

Having said that, all doubts are suddenly solved.

Lu Jingning couldn't help but wanted to laugh, raised his eyebrows faintly, and looked up at Zhu Zhai: "Teacher, don't you want me to come forward to plead for Zhong Feng?"

Zhu Zhai's expression was still not very good. He knew about this matter and it was very serious in itself. It was obvious that he couldn't say something like letting Lu Jingning calm down.

In fact, if it wasn't for the face of the Zhong family, he wouldn't even be willing to arrange this meeting.

The people who saw the school remained silent, and none of Zhong Feng's relatives could stand up.

One of the oldest old people present staggered out of the crowd, smiled and said kindly: "Student Xiaolu, you see, our family Fengfeng already knew that he was wrong about this matter. After all, you have not been affected." What kind of injury, why don't you show kindness and help out? If you want any compensation, just say it, and we will definitely try our best to satisfy you."

Faced with this face that seemed to be full of kindness, Lu Jingning couldn't smile at all, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly mockingly: "Zhong Feng knew he was wrong, and I'm not hurt? Grandpa, your mouth is also Great, once you say something so serious, why does it feel like you don't need to take it seriously at all?"

The expression on the old man's face couldn't help but froze: "You little friend, how do you talk to the elders?"

"What kind of words are you talking to someone, don't play with me and avoid the serious things." Lu Jingning didn't like the idea of relying on the old and selling the old, and his smile had been completely suppressed. "I really didn't have an accident this time, but this time Does Zhong Feng have anything to do with it? Nothing happened just because I happen to be the one locked in the warehouse by them, not someone else. I think you should be lucky. If you just replace it with another Omega, what will happen to the matter? At that point, it will not be as simple as sitting in prison for a few years when it comes out.”

The old man was left speechless, holding his cane tightly, shaking with anger.

The middle-aged woman obviously couldn't stand up anymore: "Everything can be discussed, why bother to talk so utterly? Don't you know..."

Lu Jingning interrupted her with a half-smile: "Indeed, everything can be discussed, but as far as this matter is concerned, there is no talk at all. According to me, it's just a few years in prison for scum like Zhong Feng." It’s a light thing to say, if you keep pestering me, maybe I’m going to go directly to the Emperor Star Supreme Court to appeal, guess, will the sentence be another ten years or so?”

Under his extremely arrogant attitude, the face of the middle-aged woman suddenly turned the color of foie gras.

The director of academic affairs, Zhu Zhai, was listening silently all the time. At this time, he couldn't help but secretly glanced at Lu Jingning, his eyes filled with amazement.

It was the first time he had seen such a fresh Omega.

It was the old man who came to his senses first, took a deep look at Lu Jingning, and suddenly lowered his voice: "Little friend, I advise you to discuss this kind of matter with your family. You are still young, and some things can be done regardless of the consequences." I understand, but sometimes, you still need to think about other people in the family, if your parents are involved because of your own affairs, that would be bad."

Of course, Lu Jingning could hear the threats in his words, and suddenly he seemed to understand where Zhong Feng's arrogant arrogance came from.

But if you think about it carefully, it is not surprising that such a scumbag can sneak into the top military academy of the Imperial Navy University, with a certain background support.

However, the old man's attitude made him want to laugh too much.

Sure enough, it wasn't that the whole family refused to enter the house, threatening someone was bad, and it was actually threatening him.

Although Lu Kongbin's position is not too high, he is a hero of the empire with first-class military exploits. No matter where he goes, he will receive the highest courtesy, not to mention his grandfather who has retired for many years and is still very influential at the top.

He deliberately concealed his family background just to avoid causing unnecessary trouble. Even among the senior leaders of the Imperial Navy University, except for the old headmaster, it is estimated that few of them know the real background.

What I didn't expect was that these people from the Zhong family couldn't find out his details, so they came to the door without fear, and even tried to play the trick of putting pressure on him. Did they really think that the higher level of power would suppress people to death

Lu Jingning really wanted to tell them that he didn't tell his father about this, but instead, it was a kind of revenge for revenge. If Lu Kongbin really wants to find out, once he gets angry, let alone Zhong Feng, he will never even think about getting out of prison in his life. I am afraid that even the Zhong family members will have to be taken from the military headquarters without leaving behind. Roll out.

He is obviously kind like him, why is he so incomprehensible

Here Lu Jingning only felt that he had a more intuitive understanding of the word "stupid". Seeing that he didn't speak, the people of the Zhong family thought that he was finally scared, and their arrogance involuntarily increased a little.

Just about to speak again, the person at the door spoke slowly: "Sorry, I'm late."

Hearing the familiar voice, Lu Jingning looked subconsciously, only to see Wen Xingchen standing at the door, dressed in black, and his tall figure was more and more perfectly proportioned.

The first freshman of this year, as the dean of academic affairs, of course it is impossible not to know him, but Zhu Zhai seemed a little dazed at the moment: "Wen Xingchen? I didn't call you here?"

Wen Xingchen smiled slightly: "I heard that it's about Zhong Feng's seduction of Omega, and I'm an eyewitness, so I'll come and take a look."

Previously, the Zhong family racked their brains trying to make a major incident into a minor one, but now Wen Xingchen said it was seduction, pushing the level of crime to the peak, and his complexion suddenly became ugly.

The middle-aged woman gritted her teeth: "This classmate, please pay attention to the words you use!"

The corner of Wen Xingchen's mouth curled into a smile: "Ah, I'm sorry, I described it incorrectly."

The woman's complexion improved a little, and he heard him speak slowly again: "It's not seduction, it's gang rape."


The surroundings fell into a strange silence, but there was a discordant voice laughing out.

Lu Jingning noticed the gazes from around him, and waved his hands apologetically, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I can't hold back, you guys go on, you go on!"

It is estimated that only at this time will he love Wen Xingchen's vicious mouth.

Really, why is she so likable? I like it so much that I can't wait to pounce on her and kiss her hard.

With such a smile, he completely ignited the people of the Zhong family, and the two men behind rolled up their sleeves ferociously: "How did you talk!"

Lu Jingning could feel the smell of Alpha pheromones in the air, and suddenly raised his eyebrows in fear of chaos.

Now it's really interesting.

The two men released the pheromone, on the one hand to put pressure on Chaowen Xingchen, and on the other hand to stimulate the Omega Lu Jingning.

It's a pity that because the secrecy measures of this incident were done so well, they didn't have time to understand Lu Jingning at all. At this time, they saw that this Omega student was still like an old god, and they felt surprised. Some of them are not quite right.

And just when they were trying to further release the pheromone to make another test, a terrifying aura suddenly spread out, completely suppressing them with an absolutely powerful aura, causing them to retreat subconsciously before they had time to take a step go back.

The Alphas of Zhong's family couldn't help feeling a little tingling in their scalps. Among them, Omega hurriedly supported the wall next to him with weak feet, and the thin sweat on his back was already wet in an instant.

No one expected that a student at school would have such a strong aura, and suddenly fell silent.

The middle-aged woman became more and more displeased and ridiculed. She just felt that Wen Xingchen released pheromones so unscrupulously, wouldn't he be afraid to implicate his Omega classmate

However, such thoughts completely disappeared the moment she turned her head to look.

Lu Jingning didn't seem to be affected at all, not only his face was normal, but he even moved the tip of his nose with some enjoyment, as if he was extremely comfortable in this tense atmosphere.

The people of Zhong's family finally couldn't stand up anymore, only a moment of panic remained.

What kind of place is this imperial navy? I'm afraid that all the ones that come out are monsters, right? !

To say that under the oppression of Wen Xingchen, Zhu Zhai, the director of academic affairs, is one of them.

Knowing that it was finally his turn to perform at this time, he immediately stepped forward amiably and became a peacemaker.

First, he lightly patted Wen Xingchen on the shoulder: "Student, put away the pheromone, they are here to mediate, even if you don't accept it, you don't need to make too much embarrassment."

After speaking, he looked back at Zhong's family again, and asked in a friendly manner: "Everyone, is this the truth?"

Of course the Zhong family was not reconciled, but Wen Xingchen was so shocked, and the strong oppression belonging to Alpha made them instinctively fearful, so they could only retreat along this step reluctantly: "Yes, yes, today We interrupted."

Wen Xingchen put away his aura calmly, didn't look at them again, turned to look at Lu Jingning, and asked, "Will you go?"

"Let's go, of course!" Lu Jingning said, not forgetting to say goodbye one by one, "Teacher, everyone, if there is nothing else, then goodbye!"

The Zhong family wanted to stop them, but they could only watch them leave resentfully because of the strong suffocation of Wen Xingchen's ice-like gloomy aura that enveloped him for thousands of years.

After walking downstairs, Lu Jingning asked, "Where are you going?"

Wen Xingchen: "Where are you going?"

Lu Jingning glanced at the time: "I'm going to visit the Mecha Club. Yan Hebin's side should not be over yet. As a good roommate of Interstellar, I have to go and cheer him on."

Wen Xingchen seemed to be particularly obedient: "I don't have anything to do, I can do anything."

Today is the first day of recruiting new clubs, and the first batch of clubs has officially entered the recruitment stage.

As one of the most popular clubs in the Imperial Navy, the Jijia Club is very crowded with people at the Naxin site. This battle is almost comparable to the recruitment site of the top 500 companies in the StarCraft. You can feel the strong competitive atmosphere from a long distance away. .

Lu Jingning was about to send a message to Ren Jin and the others, when he looked up, he happened to see a few familiar figures waving from afar.

Several people raised their heads when they heard the sound, and saw his striking blond hair at a glance, but they walked over dejectedly, the opposite of when they were leaving the door, looking depressed.

Seeing them like this, Lu Jingning noticed Yan Hebin's stern face, and was stunned for a moment: "What's going on? Didn't enter? Impossible?"

It's okay if he didn't say anything, but when he said this, Su Jianian's originally dejected expression suddenly changed into a touch of anger: "What are the officers of the Mecha Club? I think they are just a bunch of guys who look down on people! The machine made by Yan Hebin Jia is obviously much stronger than those Alphas, but because he is an Omega, he actually proposed to let him do a virtual practice, which is obviously deliberately making things difficult!"

When Ren Jin got angry, his bulging cheeks turned a little red: "That's right! And let an A-level Alpha fight with Yan Hebin, the pheromone strength is so much worse, if you can't beat it, it's a mecha problem! If you don’t want to recruit Omega, just say so, do you need to bully people like this?!”

Lu Jingning listened to the two of you and I talked for a long time, and somehow understood the ins and outs, then turned to look at Yan Hebin and asked, "So it's not your mecha that has a problem, right?"

Yan Hebin, who had been silent for a long time, spoke now, his tone of voice could not detect anger or anger, but he was firm: "It's just that among the mechas that are recruited in the field, mine is definitely the strongest."

Lu Jingning was already irritated by the people of the Zhong family, and was worried that he had nowhere to vent his anger. Hearing this, he couldn't help rubbing his fists: "Okay! You can meet people who look down on Omega everywhere. !"

Wen Xingchen listened to the general idea, and couldn't help but twitched his lips: "I thought you've been in the Imperial Navy University for so long, you should have gotten used to this rhythm."

The words sound a little flat, but it is indeed the truth.

In this kind of military academy that has close ties with the military, it is estimated that only the entertainment clubs, cooking clubs and other back support clubs will welcome the soft and delicate Omega, and other clubs that are related to combat will more or less welcome it. Affected by inherent concepts, Alpha was chosen as the priority.

Wen Xingchen said, not forgetting to continue to make up the knife: "As far as I know, for some reason, the Mecha Club has not recruited any Omega members in the past two years, and it is normal to reject you. .”

The more he said this, the more Lu Jingning refused to accept this.

He has heard enough of the words that Omega is not suitable for this or that!

What's more, Yan Hebin has seen how long he has been preparing for this interview in the past few days, and now he is being eliminated because of such sexual factors. No matter what, he can't swallow this breath.

Although I was worried that the pheromone would be unstable before, it is different now. Isn't this guy Wen Xingchen on the scene? Whether there is a temporary marker for walking, there is no fear at all!

"Wen Xingchen, remember to keep up!"

So, after leaving this sentence, Lu Jingning glanced at the entrance where people come and go, pulled Yan Hebin up and walked away without hesitation: "Let's go, take a look again! Isn't it just a person?" The society, still not accepting Omega? I want to see how high the threshold is!"

Yan Hebin was stumbled and pulled a few steps, and when he came back to his senses, he was about to break free, but when he looked up and saw Lu Jingning's displeased side face, something faintly touched him in his heart, and suddenly he was like this He pulled and walked in again.


Wen Xingchen saw Lu Jingning rushing in like this, he couldn't help being silent for a moment, and finally followed suit.

A table was set up at the entrance of the Mecha Society.

A senior female Alpha was sitting at the desk and was in charge of interview registration. She had just finished entering the information of the previous person when she heard a ostentatious voice from above her head: "Sister, is the interview registration here? I want to sign up." .”

The female Alpha looked up when she heard the words, and was slightly taken aback after seeing Lu Jingning's appearance clearly: "Omega?"

Lu Jingning raised his eyebrows: "What's wrong with Omega, is it stipulated that Omega cannot sign up?"

"Ah, that's not true." The female Alpha had already seen Yan Hebin and the others standing behind him at this time, and seemed to understand why Lu Jingning had such a state of thorns all over her body, and restrained the arc of her lower lip. , took out the optical brain connector from the drawer.

She scanned the code on Lu Jingning's school badge, called up the basic information and asked while registering: "Student, what interview project do you choose? Mecha production?"

Lu Jingning: "No, I choose mech fighting."

"Okay, mecha grid..." The female Alpha finally came to her senses, her movements couldn't help but pause, "You choose, mecha fighting?"

The corner of Lu Jingning's mouth curled up: "Why, can't you choose Mecha Fighting?"

Female Alpha: "Of course not..."

Lu Jingning smiled lightly, pointed at Yan Hebin, and his tone dragged a little bit, appearing lazy and imposing: "Besides, I applied to use the mecha made by my friend in the virtual battle room. , As for the opponent, anyone is fine, you can do whatever you want."

With such a flamboyant and domineering attitude, after finishing speaking in a rage, the female Alpha was stunned for a long time without saying a word.

Wen Xingchen had been leaning against the door not far away, waiting boredly, at this moment he finally couldn't help but chuckled.

Heh, why did this person come to sign up for an interview? He's clearly here to mess things up, right