Who Says Omegas Can’t be as Explosive as Alphas

Chapter 39


The first half of the training was officially over, and everyone couldn't help but let out a long breath, forcibly suppressed their desperate desire to lie down with salted fish, and struggled to go back to eat and take a bath.

Taking advantage of no one's attention, Lu Kongbin strolled up to Lu Jingning's side, and asked in a low voice, "Ning Zai, can we have a meal together?"

Lu Jingning almost didn't need to think at all: "No need, the goal is too big."

Lu Kongbin was aggrieved and wanted to refute, but after thinking for a long time, he couldn't find a reason that could be used as a persuasive point, so he could only look at him angrily.

At this time, Wen Xingchen who went out to wash his face came back again.

When he came to the front, he greeted Lu Kongbin lightly, "Hello, trainer."

Lu Kongbin snorted with his nose.

I didn't see this kid respecting him as a trainer just now, what's the matter, finally convinced

After Wen Xingchen finished speaking, he turned to look at Lu Jingning, and asked, "Want to eat?"

Lu Jingning still didn't think about it this time: "Okay!"

Lu Kongbin watched from the side, his eyes almost burst into flames.

If you don't want to eat with him, this kid agreed so straightforwardly when he came, is he still his own

He was so angry that his nose was crooked, and he was about to walk away when Xingchen asked indifferently: "Trainer, do you want to go together?"

Lu Kongbin paused for a while, and immediately took it back. After thinking for a while, he nodded reluctantly and said: "Since you have invited me like this, actually, it's okay."

Wen Xingchen smiled slightly: "It's our honor."

Lu Jingning saw these two people showing off their acting skills online, but felt a little lost. He looked up at the sky and sighed, put his hands in his trouser pockets, turned around and left.

Out of sight is pure.

The place for lunch is a restaurant with a good reputation nearby.

After the three of them sat down, Wen Xingchen took the menu, and asked casually while ordering: "Trainer, are there any taboos?"

Lu Kongbin said: "No."

It is not an exaggeration to say that he often lives a life of ruthlessness and blood drinking after years of running around outside, so he is naturally not qualified to be picky.

Wen Xingchen nodded, and asked again: "What about the taste? Do you like spicy or light?"

"Anything is fine." Lu Kongbin responded, and couldn't help but glance at him, with a bad tone, "keep asking me about my taste, and don't ask your classmates?"

Wen Xingchen gave a light "Oh": "He doesn't need to ask, I know what he likes to eat."

Seeing that he had already filled out the menu and handed it over while he was speaking, Lu Kongbin was skeptical about such a perfunctory remark.

It wasn't until the dishes were served that I was sure that what I just said was true.

The table was full of dishes that Lu Jingning liked to eat, so it could be said that there was nothing wrong with them.

But the more this happened, the feeling that something was wrong in his mind became more and more clear. At this moment, he couldn't help but look back at Lu Jingning suspiciously.

Lu Jingning was swept across by this scrutinizing gaze suddenly, only looking bewildered.

What's the problem

At this time, Wen Xingchen poured a glass of wine and handed it to Lu Kongbin, just interrupting his thought of going deeper.

The three of them sat at the table and ate, chatted about the situation of the pirate attack, and talked about the upcoming military academy joint exchange game.

Wen Xingchen seemed a bit talkative today for some reason, and the meal time passed quickly.

After coming out of the restaurant, he originally wanted to see Lu Kongbin off, but after being flatly rejected, the three of them went back to their residences for a lunch break.

During the whole meal, Wen Xingchen's performance was remarkable, but even so, Lu Kongbin kept holding a question in his heart, and he felt uncomfortable all the time without asking it.

When all the training programs in the afternoon were over and before he was about to leave, he finally couldn't help but took Lu Jingning to a corner alone, and tentatively asked, "Ning Zai, tell Dad the truth, what the hell are you and that Alpha?" Condition?"

Lu Jingning was a little dazed by his thoughtless question: "What's the situation?"

Lu Kongbin said earnestly: "Dad is not a rigid person. If you really like Alpha, you don't need to hide it from me. I promise I won't rush over and beat people."

Lu Jingning laughed, "Where are you thinking, Lao Wen and I are brothers!"

Lu Kongbin remained skeptical: "Ao and AO can have real brothers?"

Lu Jingning: "Why not? Didn't Yu Qingcang and I grow up wearing a pair of pants? According to you, do I have other thoughts about him?"

Speaking of Yu Qingcang, Lu Kongbin shook his head subconsciously: "It's too small, it's too weak."

But after hearing what Lu Jingning said, he didn't continue to ask any more questions, but before he left, he still worriedly told him: "Ning, if you really like an Alpha, you must remember to follow him." Dad said, Dad can also check for you. You don’t know, Alphas these days are very thoughtful, just like Wen Xingchen, you treat him as a brother, and he may not know if there is something wrong Think otherwise."

Hearing this, Lu Jingning couldn't help but interrupted with a smile: "I can assure you, even if I play his idea, Lao Wen will definitely not have the slightest interest in me."

If he was really interested, he wouldn't have to work so hard to get a temporary marker.

Lu Kongbin didn't know what happened between them, he should be relieved to hear Lu Jingning's swearing, but after thinking about it, he frowned in extreme displeasure.

Listening to these words, why does it seem that the boy surnamed Wen despises their baby Ning Zai

It's like a two-fifth to eighty-thousand, and the vision is really high, isn't it? !

After Lu Kongbin went back, the exchange team continued to practice every day according to the training mode he left behind.

During this period, Lu Jingning made a trip to the hospital, but unfortunately, Wen Xingchen was unwilling to listen to his advice and go for a full-body examination.

But there is good news.

After being stimulated by this pirate incident, after the ultimate venting, Lu Jingning's pheromone disorder has improved a lot like a fast-forward bar. As long as you pay attention to a few points, even if you go to the competition, you won't have any problems. The problem.

Finally, half a month later, it was the day when the military academy exchange competition officially started.

With Ji Han as the team leader, the student representative team from Imperial Navy University officially set off to Chongyun University of Defense, the organizer of this event.

When they first entered the campus, two receptionists in uniform greeted them and took them to the exclusive rest area to settle down.

Chongyun National Defense University has a special attribute among military academies. Compared with the output of military power in front-line battles, it is more inclined to train emergency personnel in the rear. Therefore, in terms of the distribution ratio of the three aptitudes of ABO, it is the closest to that of the Empire. of ordinary universities.

While walking, Lu Jingning couldn't help expressing emotion: "Chongyunfang University is different from our school, the ratio of Omega is not at the same level at all! You can meet so many Omega while walking casually on the road. It’s all Alpha pictures, it’s not too eye-catching!”

Wen Xingchen was walking beside him and didn't intend to start a conversation. At this moment, Lu Jingning continued to babble: "The students from Chongyun will come to watch the exchange match, right? I don't know. Will these Omegas fall under my jeans after seeing Brother Lu's handsome and heroic appearance?"

Wen Xingchen: "..."

What's the matter, Alpha can't satisfy you, you're so crazy that even Omega doesn't want to let you go, right

Before he could open his mouth, someone beside him couldn't stand it anymore: "Lu Jingning, can you do me a favor? Our Dihai's Omega has basically been ruined by you, and we finally came to another school, so you can't let us go." Do these Alphas have a way out?!"

Lu Jingning didn't take it seriously: "What age is this, and you're still pursuing AO love there? AA, OO multiple choices, if you don't like it, there are plenty of Betas, don't be obsessed with worldly concepts, open your mind, The world will become more colorful because of it.”

Everyone vomited blood: "Is this why you deprived us of the chance to find true love?!"

"You can't target me because I'm too good." Lu Jingning shook his head in disgust, then turned to ask Wen Xingchen for confirmation, "I always heard you to be fair, is it my fault that I was born beautiful?"

Wen Xingchen glanced back at him, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up: "It's not your fault."

Lu Jingning nodded in satisfaction, but before he could open his mouth, the person next to him continued: "So in order not to waste this innate advantage, I suggest that you take a few steps back and forth before the competition. Show it better. Otherwise, everyone will not be able to fully appreciate your unique charm."

Lu Jingning: "...I'm not a peacock with its tail open, what do you want to show in all directions?"

Wen Xingchen said slowly: "Of course not, you have more ideas than Peacock."

Lu Jingning: "..."

He had a reasonable suspicion that the man was mocking him, but there was no proof.

What's the matter, you just hate people when you open your mouth, is this today's endocrine disorder again

Others have already laughed to death.

Under the frolicking along the way, the receptionist has led the Dihai exchange team to the rest area.

When I just entered from the door, a group of people just happened to walk in front of me.

After all, this time they are the team representing the school, and everyone is wearing exclusive uniforms. It is not difficult to see from the uniform and neat azure blue attire of the other party that these should be members of the exchange team from Yinying Star University.

The leader stopped when he came to the front, and suddenly greeted with a half-smile: "Wen Ye, we meet again."

Wen Ye raised his eyelashes, and said calmly, "Long time no see."

There are still a few old players in the exchange team of the Imperial Navy University who have experienced the previous exchange game. At this time, facing the opponents and these people, their expressions are not very friendly.

In the last competition, Emperor Navy University lost to Yinyingxing University by a slight margin and ranked second. At that time, Tang Jiaze was one of the official team members. Unexpectedly, he will attend again as the captain now.

Yinying Interstellar University and Dihai Military University have been competing for the number one position in the Imperial Military Academy for a long time. It is not an exaggeration to say that they exist like old enemies. At this time, a simple meeting here is already dark. .

On the surface, Tang Jiaze did a good job, at least his tone of voice was very sincere: "I have already heard about the surprise attack on Dihai. I heard that the loss this time was very heavy. I am really very sorry."

Wen Ye's expression remained blank: "Thank you for your concern."

Tang Jiaze sighed softly: "It's really a pity to say it. I thought I could have a good match on the field this time, but I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen temporarily. It is also a pity to organize a team to play in such a difficult time. It’s really difficult for you. But no matter what, friendship comes first and competition comes second. Regardless of the final results of this exchange competition, this kind of participation spirit is a role model for our military academy students, and it’s worth learning from.”

Listening to the weird lines, Lu Jingning frowned in displeasure.

What do you mean by hearing this, do you think they are doomed to lose this year

The members of the Imperial Navy University all felt a little unhappy, and the surrounding atmosphere was a little tense for a while.

Bing Yunlin came out and broke the deadlock with a smile: "Isn't it too early to talk about things that haven't been fought yet?"

Tang Jiaze nodded and smiled: "That's right."

Wen Ye: "If there is nothing else, let's go back and rest."

Tang Jiaze stepped aside and made way, politely: "You guys go first."

The other people in the Imperial Navy obviously didn't want to pay more attention to them, so they walked over without squinting.

When a group of people passed by, someone in the queue of Yinying Xingda frowned suspiciously: "Did I read it wrong? There is actually an Omega in Dihai's team?"

Tang Jiaze had already noticed Lu Jingning standing in the crowd just now, and he smiled lightly when he heard this: "It can only be said that Dihai really suffered heavy casualties in this attack, and I'm afraid there are really no one left. For such an important occasion as an exchange match, an Omega was actually found to make up for it."

The others couldn't help but chuckled when they heard the words: "Why don't you say that your spirit is commendable?"

Tang Jiaze followed suit with a laugh, and waved his hand: "Let's go, let's eat."

Leaving aside the difficult existence of the Imperial Navy University, it seems that there is another stumbling block on the way for Yinying Star University to win the championship again.