Who Says Omegas Can’t be as Explosive as Alphas

Chapter 46


When Lu Jingning came back, the mecha confrontation match was completely over.

Wen Xingchen just came back from the battle zone, and he didn't know if it was because he was in a good mood, but he stood there and accepted the warm hugs from his teammates instead of kicking these sloppy guys away.

As if he had sensed it, before Lu Jingning approached, he suddenly raised his head and looked over: "You're back?"

Just as Lu Jingning was about to respond, he heard the impassioned voice from the commentary stage, and the entire venue was completely erupting because of the end of today's competition.

Just as he thought, without any surprise, Wen Xingchen finished 1v3 after playing.

In general, compared with his performance yesterday, it is even worse, and one can almost imagine the eye-catching headlines that will appear on the headlines of major media in the near future.

Lu Jingning felt that he was only one step away from the coveted title of "Two Heroes of the Emperor and the Sea". He bent his eyes and smiled contentedly. He walked over and patted Wen Xingchen on the shoulder, and gave a thumbs up: "Yes Ah, Old Wen, as expected of you!"

Wen Xingchen slightly raised his eyebrows under his attitude, his eyes swept across his empty hands calmly, and asked in a flat tone: "Didn't you say that you are going to give rewards?"

Hearing this, Lu Jingning couldn't help turning his head to look at Cen Junfeng.

Swept by such a sharp gaze, Cen Junfeng shrunk his neck subconsciously, turned and ran away humming a ditty with an expression of "I don't know anything".

Lu Jingning remembered this big mouth, and he thought that he would have to educate him well in the future.

Wen Xingchen saw that he was patronizing to send out the death ray, and asked slowly: "So, what about the reward?"

Lu Jingning: "What's the hurry? It's too big, I put it at the door of your room, you can see it when you go back."

Wen Xingchen originally thought that he would grab a handful of candy and return it to him, but when he heard this, he didn't expect it to be a big thing, and a look of surprise flashed across his brows.

Lu Jingning did not forget to stimulate his curiosity mysteriously: "Don't worry, I guarantee you will like this thing!"

Wen Xingchen looked at him so determinedly, for some reason, he seemed to read a hint of malice from that harmless smile.

Oh, sure enough it wouldn't be a good thing.

Good results have been achieved in the two consecutive days of competition. Everyone is very happy today. Ji Han treated the whole team to a famous specialty restaurant near Chongyunfang University.

Based on Lu Jingning's lesson, in order to be in better condition for the last day of the team competition, before the meal, he directly ordered everyone not to drink any alcoholic drinks.

Everyone can clearly distinguish the priorities, so no one expressed any opinion. After drinking and eating, they went back to their rooms to rest.

Before Lu Jingning could enter the gate of the rest area, he had already disappeared in a flash.

Wen Xingchen returned to the room, stared at the huge cardboard box piled up by his door for a long time, drooping his eyelashes with an unclear expression.

Cen Junfeng was in the same room as him, and when he saw this, he moved over curiously: "Is this the legendary reward prepared by Brother Lu?"

Wen Xingchen was noncommittal.

Cen Junfeng asked with his eyes, and seeing that he had no objection, he started to open the box neatly.

It's no wonder that he was active, but he was really curious about what Lu Jingning's carefully prepared reward would be.

But after seeing the contents clearly, Cen Junfeng didn't recover from his overly raised expectations for a long time: "These are... washing powder?"

There is a whole box full of washing powder, all kinds of brands are available, the only thing in common is the green packaging of green plum sauce, and the sour smell that hits the face can be clearly heard as soon as it is opened.

Cen Junfeng looked at Wen Xingchen blankly: "Win the game and get washing powder? What does this mean?"

This smell seems to have evoked a certain memory buried in the depths.

Wen Xingchen stood silently on the spot for a while without answering.

There is still not much expression on his face, but there seems to be a strange feeling different from before.

I don't know how long I stood there before I said ambiguously: "There are so many, it's quite polite."

After finishing speaking, he picked up a bag from inside and turned away, and said to Cen Junfeng from a distance: "Please help me move into the house, thank you."

Cen Junfeng stared at the fading back for a long time, although there was still no expression on that face as usual, but for some reason it fell into his eyes, and there was always an indescribable feeling.

The smell of washing powder in the air seemed to be mixed with a trace of mint smoke left behind. Although it was only a slight touch, it was enough to make his back ooze layers of coolness.

The relationship between the Alphas belonged to the exclusive relationship of competition. Although they were not directed at him, the silent aggressiveness in them was enough to make Cen Junfeng feel strongly oppressed.

"What, are you so angry?"

He lowered his head and glanced at the whole box of just-needed necessities, and was silent for a long time, waiting for the pressure to dissipate before dragging the box into the room.

While dragging, I couldn't help but feel a little drumming in my heart.

After all, Lu Jingning is also not easy to provoke, Wen Xingchen sent to find him in this way, the night before the team competition, the two of them should not fight.

Having said that, I don't know if these two people fight, who is more powerful

However, no matter what kind of pheromone he can't resist, otherwise he will really follow the past to see.

At the same time, Lu Jingning, who had returned to the room a step earlier, was lying on the bed humming a ditty in a good mood.

He could almost imagine Wen Xingchen's expression after seeing the box of "surprises", and couldn't help but want to laugh out loud.

However, the smile on the corner of his mouth didn't last long before he heard someone knock on the door of the room.

The sound of a light knock on the door fell on such an atmosphere, like a hand scratching his heart indistinctly, the first reaction in Lu Jingning's mind was to outline a tall and slender figure.

He was silent, and changed into a sleepy tone: "Who is it? I'm all asleep, I have something to say tomorrow."

Wen Xingchen's voice came through the door: "Oh, asleep? Who is that chatting so happily with others on the school net?"

Lu Jingning silently looked at the interfaces on the terminal that were chattering with Yu Qingcang: "..."

Still careless!

But after thinking about it, Wen Xingchen himself said that he likes the laundry detergent with the smell of green plum sauce.

Thinking of this, he immediately walked over to open the door without any burden of thought, leaned lazily by the door, and raised his eyelashes: "Speak, what's the matter?"

Wen Xingchen didn't expect that Lu Jingning had actually climbed onto the bed, and the look in his eyes faintly flickered.

At this moment, the person in front of him had just finished taking a shower, and he was wearing a large pajamas, but the buttons on the neckline were loosely undone.

This made the skin on his chest leak a little bit, and the hair with a third of humidity hung down, which made the whole person a little less flamboyant than usual, but added a lot of softness that was usually invisible.

More alluring than ever.

Just like this, chaotic thoughts collided wantonly in Wen Xingchen's mind.

He glanced casually across the neck between Lu Jingning's collar, and saw that the other party had frowned slightly, and threw the things in his hand over: "It's not convenient outside, go in and talk."

After finishing speaking, before Lu Jingning could respond, he turned sideways and walked in.

Lu Jingning didn't expect that Wen Xingchen didn't treat himself like an outsider. He looked down at the bag of washing powder in his arms, slammed the door, and rolled up his sleeves as he walked in, as if ready to fight.

When Wen Xingchen looked up when he sat down on the chair, he saw him fighting like this, and the expression on his face almost tensed: "I didn't come to fight with you."

Lu Jingning looked suspicious.

Wen Xingchen: "I am very happy to receive the reward you gave me."

He looked up and showed a gentle smile: "So I came here specially to express my thanks, and let's discuss by the way, what kind of motives made you decide to give me such a whole box of such precious gifts?"

The more he laughed like this, the more frightening people felt, so he put Lu Jingning on it, and could not help laughing out loud under such gaze: "Isn't this a deduction based on your meticulous logic?" ?”

After laughing, he still teased in a stern tone: "How about it, do you really like this taste? Not only is it the taste of green plum sauce you like, but the most important thing is that the amount is very large, which is better than your mint candy." Are you more sincere?"

Yes, he felt particularly displeased with Wen Xingchen's perfunctory behavior of giving candy before.

So what if he took the opportunity to retaliate, if he had the ability to bite him

I don't know if he heard his voice, but Wen Xingchen actually bent over and approached him suddenly.

Lu Jingning pushed back subconsciously, and immediately leaned on the back of the chair, only to see Xingchen stop a short distance in front of him, his eyelashes drooping slightly, and his tone of voice couldn't tell whether it was serious or teasing: "I really like the taste of green plum sauce."

Lu Jingning's eyes flicked across this so-called perfect face, he couldn't help but grunted, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Then, I heard Xingchen asked with confusion: "Since you want to fall in love with me so much, why don't you just give me your pheromone?"

Due to Wen Xingchen's unrelenting character, Lu Jingning had already seriously prepared to fight him for 300 rounds, but when he heard such a sentence out of the blue, he still couldn't help being stunned. one time.

Rationally, he is actually very inclined to just joke, but at this time Wen Xingchen looks a little different from usual, his dark eyes are surprisingly bright, as if there is an emotion trying to break free, and like It is the beast watching its prey.

And the moment he approached, Lu Jingning could clearly smell a faint breath of mint smoke, lingering around him vaguely, once intensified.

Oh no, to be exact, from the moment Wen Xingchen walked into the room, such an aura had already vaguely existed.

It's just that it was very light at that time, so I didn't pay much attention to it. Until now, I can't ignore it anymore.

Lu Jingning frowned slightly, and the playful look on his face also subsided: "Wen Xingchen, what's wrong with you?"

Unlike Omega, Alpha has a strong ability to control pheromones, especially Alphas like Wen Xingchen, unless they want to, it is almost impossible for them to leak pheromones unconsciously.

But Lu Jingning's first reaction was not that Wen Xingchen was trying to use pheromones to subdue him, but rather whether he felt unwell.

Only then did he remember that at the dinner table just now, Wen Xingchen seemed to be more taciturn than usual, but because he was preoccupied with washing powder, he deliberately avoided going up to talk to him.

After thinking about it, he couldn't help feeling a little regretful, and asked again: "What's the matter, did you get injured during the game in the afternoon?"

Under his attitude, Wen Xingchen actually showed a slight smile: "I'm not injured, but the susceptibility period has come."

Lu Jingning never expected this to happen, so he couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

Alpha's susceptibility period is different from Omega's estrus period. If there is any trace of the latter's frequency, then the former is completely random. No one would have thought that Wen Xingchen's susceptibility period would happen so coincidentally, that it happened to erupt during the exchange match.

Lu Jingning could feel the pheromone atmosphere getting stronger and stronger around the person in front of him, looked at the faintly surging waves at the bottom of those dark eyes, and said silently: "It was picked up by my washing powder of?"

Wen Xingchen's whole mind was overwhelmed by the sense of chaos, but Wen Yan was amused by Shunli: "No."

He sat back, leaned heavily on the chair, and rubbed his temples vigorously: "In the past, there were usually some precursors at times like this, but this time it should have been approaching, and as a result, the intensive use of pheromones in the afternoon, just It broke out early."

Lu Jingning looked at Wen Xingchen's appearance, but couldn't tell what his current state was like, so he couldn't help but ask, "Then how do you feel now? Are you uncomfortable?"

After all, he is not an Alpha, so he doesn't know what kind of situation the susceptible period is, but when he thinks about the estrous period of an Omega, he always feels that it must not be much better.

"It's hard." Wen Xingchen replied bluntly, raising his head and giving him a deep look, "Although I'm trying very hard to suppress it now, there's a high probability that I won't be able to control my pheromone completely after a while. "

Speaking of this, he paused for a while, and stated in an unhurried tone: "To be exact, I may not even be able to control my next actions. So, before you have fully entered the susceptible period, do you want to consider putting me first?" Get kicked out?"

Hearing what he said, Lu Jingning pressed his lower lip tightly, and answered more bluntly: "Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

Wen Xingchen looked at him with deep eyes, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised: "Are you willing to help me?"

Lu Jingning sneered, with a look of seeing through everything: "Old Wen, you don't go anywhere at a time like this, but come to me instead, isn't it because I can help you?"

Wen Xingchen didn't speak.

When the susceptible period comes, Alpha will not only lose control of his pheromones, but also have a particularly strong desire for control, irritability, and sensitivity, and at the same time have a stronger dependence on Omega pheromones.

In fact, when he was at the dinner table, he had already vaguely felt that after returning to the rest area, he should find a place to temporarily lock himself up, but after smelling the green plum sauce on the washing powder, the feeling in his heart The restlessness that was just about to move was still drawn out uncontrollably.

Alphas that have been marked before will have a stronger desire to possess the marked Omega during the susceptible period, and the temporary marking is the same.

He couldn't ignore the strong desire that drove him deep in his heart. It seemed that only by being around this person would he have such a sense of belonging.

Terribly fragile.

Wen Xingchen glanced past Lu Jingning's smooth neck, his long eyes narrowed a bit: "Then, do you want to help me?"

Lu Jingning recalled his previous experience, and it was impossible to say no at this moment, so he nodded without hesitation: "Tell me, how can I make you feel more comfortable?"

The expression in Wen Xingchen's eyes flickered for a moment, completely lacking the usual calm and restraint, all he knew was that the pheromones in his body had become more and more uncontrollably agitated, and his voice became a little hoarse unconsciously: "Just now I have already said, give me your pheromone."

The thick breath of mint smoke seemed to explode with the falling voice, completely occupying every corner of the room.